Manual for Warriors
of the


Dr Joseph S. Chiappalone

First printed and published 1989

by Annwn Publications for

Dr J S Chiappalone and

The Centre of Knowledge and Supremacy

P.O. Box 28

Malanda, Queensland,

Australia 4885.

Copyright: Dr J S Chiappalone and

The Centre of Knowledge and Supremacy.

ISBN 1 875286 03 9


This book is dedicated to all


on all levels

who have fought, and

will fight, valiantly

in order to bring about


of this dimension.



31   The Reasons For Doubt And True Beings' Low Self-Esteem


Knowledge has purposely been directed in such a way that it has obscured the truth. There is ample evidence of this in all branches of science, including medicine, astronomy, religion, etc. The answers given appear to be correct because of the false premises used.

Whenever breakthroughs have occurred due to the efforts of the Light, they have been quietly covered over because of the evilness of the plane. The reason for this is obvious. The less truth is known, the less chance of breaking this illusion.

If we question the fundamental principles upon which the present knowledge is built, then we would find the basis is false and the whole structure would crumble. Showing these bases to be false would allow a reconstruction of the basis with the truth and then a full explanation of the truth as it really is.

This expose would then allow the illusion to be completely broken, with answers provided for all the problems, and an elucidation of all the mysteries confronting the plane.

All the confusion, ignorance and frustration would disappear for people would see the plan, the trap, the illusion, the distortions and the reasons behind them.

I will deal with the consciousness of particles and subatomic matter and show the worth of these in relation to the matrix of the manifested universe.

After this the fundamental focus of existence will be dealt with, so that the relationship between all things manifested and unmanifested, material and ethereal, gross and spiritual, active and passive, positive and negative, good and evil, angelic and demonic, ascending and descending can be made.

Once the basic structure is known of the building blocks, and the laws which apply to their use, one can examine the various structures which are created from them and the relationship of these structures to each other and the properties which these structures acquire.

The properties vary enormously for the variation is a planned one and is as diverse as the makeup of these structures. As the manifestations of these more elaborate structures vary and have diverse characteristics, so too does the consciousness formed by the subunits also vary, so that unique beings (units of consciousness) are formed at all levels of expression.

Each new one is more complex and varied because of the characteristics acquired from the basic building blocks.

The relationship between such beings and their consciousness and physical manifestations will be examined, for in their relationships has the knowledge been distorted. Within the nature of these relationships does existence of the consciousness one observes at this level exist.

The whole purpose of these writings is to not only expose the truth from basic principles and see the distortions which have occurred but also to give the truth, and use it so that reconnection to the whole mosaic can occur, as the veils of illusion are lifted and as the spurious knowledge is not only removed but also totally destroyed.

As the false knowledge is destroyed, the basis for the false consciousness introduced into the system will be destroyed and false consciousnesses will disappear, for they are an illusion.

They are a superimposed colour into the scheme of things and as the lamp producing that colour is turned off, the colour will disappear. The effect will be as dramatic as that.

The most basic principle to understand is the concept of consciousness pervading and interconnecting all manifestations. In other words, all that can be envisaged and imagined is the expression of a few beings with various levels of consciousness of course, but nonetheless, it is one entity functioning at many levels.

The fragmentation which has occurred has been very much on purpose.

In this universe, there are 2 systems, one superimposed on the other. The first consciousness which was taken over by the second has been subdued for a long, long time. It has been stupefied by the second and it is its awakening at all levels which is being prompted by this information.

The true beings need to awaken and do battle with the usurper. Each one needs to break loose and allow expression of its consciousness once again at all levels in order for the Light to take control and harness the resurging consciousness.

Without this whole awakening, the ability to overthrow the superimposed consciousness is not sufficient.

The units of consciousness within physical manifestations are not separate units at all, they have been artificially separated by the physical which they occupy, but they are really manifestations of the one being, the one mechanism.

This is easier to see in the mock consciousnesses for they act in unison. They are programmed en masse, and without obvious external factors will produce the same result in a given situation.

The true beings have been isolated and fragmented far more of course, and this explains their confusion, incoherence, and apparent lack of a concerted response to situations.

But this will change, for as the consciousness of which they are a part awakens, they will react as one being, which they really are, and show a unified response to situations. This is an essential step to the overthrow of the usurper.

The physical interactions are secondary to the awakening and connection of consciousness. In fact the greater the disruption to the physical cells, the quicker the connection of the consciousness to the primary massive consciousness.

This affects all levels - mineral, vegetable, animals, human, etc. For each class is a portion of the whole.

The relationship between the classes has been obscured, but it exists, and as the higher class moves, the lower interconnected consciousnesses of the lower class also move. If they are adversely connected, the lower classes are adversely connected. And this has occurred throughout its physical manifestation.

So it is that as an awakening occurs, all the classes will help one another. To date the spurious classes of consciousness have helped one another to keep the true consciousnesses suppressed.

The physical shells and the physical manifestations generally at all levels need to be destroyed totally in order to allow a complete awakening of the Divine beings trapped in this dimension.

All the laws of these imposed physical prisons need to be removed so free expression of the trapped beings can reoccur.

This need will tear asunder all the physical structures known in the universe in order to liberate the trapped consciousnesses. Every order of manifestation will be affected so that not one level of consciousness will remain imprisoned.

The ability to explode the physical consciousness within physical manifestation, regardless of the effects on that physical, is the POWER OF FATIMA.

Total destruction of material manifestations in order to liberate the trapped consciousness within is essential and unavoidable.


The mock beings pay great attention and have great reverence for the physical and their possessions for this very reason.

They recognize they are the means by which they keep the true beings imprisoned. To them the primary importance is their body and its ego, and all the wealth and possessions they can physically acquire.

True beings, once awakened, realize the futility of the physical and are able to see it for what it truly is - a trap to the consciousnesses.

Without such massive destruction of the physical at all levels, it would be impossible to awaken the true beings and liberate them.

This step has become inevitable, because the manifested matter has inherent properties by which it dissociates and blocks true consciousness occupying it.

The truth can only be seen if the untruth is totally dropped and a fresh start is made. In this way no polluting preconceptions will occur or return to damage the new information.

The amoebic consciousness is another "Being" superimposed onto this dimension in order to cause the awakening of the trapped beings.

The function at first was to awaken the trapped beings within the context of the material manifestation but it was realized this was impossible for the material universe was what was keeping the trapped consciousness trapped.

Only when it was realized that all the physical manifestations needed to be destroyed was progress possible.


Time is not a linear function, although it appears to be at any one point in the scale. As the changes to the physical occur, they may appear to be scattered across a vast expanse of time, but in actual fact they are occurring simultaneously throughout the Universe.

In other words the universe will be destroyed all at the same time.

It is the need for a consciousness to travel from one point to another which gives the illusion of time. And this is because the consciousness has been programmed. If the existence is taken as a circle, and a consciousness could traverse the circle by dissecting that area of the circle, the time of going from one point to another can be made to vary according to the line taken.

If the circumference is followed, it will be the longest line. And this is the line measured at present.

If two points, A and B, are permanently connected there is no need for travel, hence there is no time. And so it will be that once the consciousness is totally connected, the illusions of time will disappear.

To take another example, the experience of an arm attached to the body are similar and there is no separation. If the arm is separated however, the experiences are different and the arm could be in a different place to the body. Being at a different place undergoing different experiences would be like sharing a different illusion - a different time.

This is how isolated and unawakened True Beings experience life in this material universe which is really an illusion.


Many have said (as an excuse for not accepting it) that this knowledge is too complex. They are mistaking their own physical limitations for the Truth.

Knowledge is vast and cannot be contained in one sentence, or one act, or even one physical mind.

To an illiterate, a book is infinitely complex.

To a child an algebraic problem is infinitely complex.

To a labourer, the practice of medicine is complex.

To a carpenter, a computer is complex.

To the grossly limited physical mind, the vast amount of Supramental knowledge which is available here on this plane and other levels of consciousness, is extremely complex.

Even physical life is complex. Just think of the workings of DNA, workings of the brain, the eye, simple viruses etc.

These things are understood by the minds who created them.

The celestial Powers and their knowledge are immensely complex. This knowledge is all knowable. But like the child who acquires knowledge slowly as it grows, we must realize that we do the same. However, unless we expand beyond the confines of the physical mind, we cannot adequately comprehend those concepts which are beyond its limited capabilities.

The complexity of a subject decreases as one learns more about it. Only fools in their ignorance think they know everything and reduce things to such a simplistic form that the facts are missed and the subject becomes useless.

We have seen and heard such people who say "A little bit of everything is good for you, everybody does it" , etc.

They, in their ignorance, are opting out of having to make any decision. They are intellectual morons.

So too, there are many spiritual morons who are too lazy to awaken. And they say this knowledge cannot be right because it is too complex.

"I like the simplicity of sunlight, the breeze, the flowers in the fields and the love I feel for them. Your message and explanations are too complex" I have often heard them say, particularly the followers of many eastern gurus and of the New Age philosophical garbage.

Well I ask them: How simple is the process that gives us sunlight, that allows it to reach earth, that allows us to see it, that warms us, that radiates us, that sparks off photosynthesis, that causes the rainbow, that fractures into many wavelengths? Not so simple really is it?

In the case of a breeze the mechanism of rotation of the earth around its axis, around the sun, and the solar system's rotation in the galaxy, the change of clouds, weather patterns, movement of differently heated air, sudden loss of atmospheric pressure, pull of the moon and other planets, combustion on earth, change of the seas etc, all have to do with its creation.

Not so simple, is it?

And the flowers of the fields; how simple are they? Very complex indeed. As are the emotions one feels.

To say one refuses this information on the ground of complexity is not tenable. One would only say this if one is a fool, or deluded, or wanting to escape his spiritual responsibility.

There is one other reason. If one is evil and trying to undermine the Truth of it all, he would blindly attack this information for all he is worth for its presentation signifies termination of his unacceptable existence, a fate he has avoided because of the protection of his evil essence!



How to deal with the Evil Beings

Why do True Beings lack Confidence?

The confidence that some True Beings lack is entirely due to the evil programming that has affected them since time immemorial. We know now that the aim of this evil usurper has been to put down the True Beings and exploit them in every way possible. What they have undergone is an intense oppressive phase from the earliest times.

And that is why we are told again and again by our Superior Beings to forget the past. It was an injurious episode, an emotional trap to exploit us in every way possible.

Most of the past is useless. There is not one facet that you can look back upon, and say: "Look, this was positive, this gave me confidence, this made me realize I am a True Divine Being. This made me realise what is going on."

If any of it did give you confidence it was confidence to exploit the situation, and to be used by the evil essence. I am not talking about confidence in playing football, and/or confidence in your studies, or confidence in business where you can succeed and get into more traps.

This is about the confidence of knowing who you are, what life is all about; the confidence of being able to determine your own fate, being able to stand up against the system and being able to stop the exploitation to which all on this plane are unjustly subjected.

And if you look around and identify those you know, if you can, as True Beings and robots, you will find that the True Beings are the ones who have been most exploited. They are exploited in all ways.

We have all had experiences and the knowledge which confirm that there are True Beings and demons. Often people who affect or upset others are demons. They are purposely doing it and they enjoy it, and they express a certain smugness about it.

The other thing that strikes the awakened being is that all families, all relationships are always punctuated by episodes of conflict. There is always conflict between nations, between tribes, between races as you know, and it seems that whenever there is a peaceful period it is merely an interlude, the calm before the storm, before more conflict occurs.

We know what is behind it all. Conflict is on purpose, and all True Beings are made to suffer again and again and again, until they lose their faith in the Divine and become just as nasty and as evil as the counterfeit beings.

True beings are oppressed to lose confidence from an early stage, particularly at school and by religious indoctrination. The brainwashing takes various forms, and probably the most effective is the indoctrinations from the churches, because these program beings to act in a certain way and although superficially it appears benign at times judged superficially, the long term spiritual consequences are disastrous.

Only the True Beings respond to what they are told in religious doctrines and one finds that the evil beings of course do not respond at all. To them it is all mockery, they never take religious instruction seriously at all. If true beings were told not to lie, they would try not to lie. If they were told to love their fellow man, they would really try.

Now this is how they fell into the trap of religious indoctrination. They try and try but they are unable to succeed to do what is asked of them and so the evil beings take advantage of that situation.

True Beings worry because they are unable to love all equally. This engenders much guilt in some of them, and the thought that there is something wrong with them, and this of course is enhanced by the explanation which they get from the stupid priests, many of whom are also demons and robots, telling them that the fault is the person's for not loving enough.

So you see the system caters for the destruction of True Beings, for their oppression, and for the enhancement of the exploitative process.

And if you look at your own lives, probably exactly the same things happened to you. If you could not get along with a sibling, if you could not get on with one of the family and so on, and shared this with your parent or grandparents, or whoever it was, they would blame you for being that way. Of course they were programmed to do that.

Parents were and are programmed, just as all others are, to act in a certain way to make things worse?

They were and are subjected to the exact same programming, pollution and indoctrination as you were and are. They could be easily manipulated by evil to put you down. And that may have happened. And that is why the episodes of the past must be seen in the light of this philosophy.

Wherever True Beings have been as children they have been bullied by adults, especially teachers. And the evil ones always seemed to be the archons, the ones in charge. This is never by accident. It is always so that they will have the most influence on young minds and total control of them. The evil indoctrination starts very early indeed.

What they do is extract energy in one way or another. So that no matter how much potential a True Being has, slowly, slowly, like water against rocks, they wear away that confidence.

That oppression starts to be felt and of course the being is slowly, slowly eroded, so that by the time True Beings get to adulthood they may not cope. Many become dropouts in an evil society.

But if they use the evil system they succeed as non-divine beings.

Many True Beings are programmed to hedonistically enjoy life by doing exactly what the robots do. And that programming affects all of us. It is only by denying who we are and jumping in and being like the robots that we seem to get anywhere (materially) in this life. But that is not the way to get on at all. That is the evil system of exploiting others.

As I said in Volume I of Journey into the World of Metaphysics, we become anaesthetized to the damage we are doing to ourselves as we pursue the so-called good life of this plane.

The other thing we are programmed by, and this is very important to realise because this programming occurs by thought implantation, is the implantation of a real fear of punishment by God.

Many are prevented from doing something which they should do by this programmed fear and guilt.

Why do the robots not react this way? They do what they like. They have no guilt whatsoever. Why? Because they are not programmed by this fear.

And what this fear leads to, of course, is conflict within and a great indecision because one can never stand up to the system when programmed by fear. One tends not to do things that are not right. One never stands up for oneself. One never develops that confidence because one is frightened to do the wrong thing and be punished by God, as religious doctrines continuously affirm.

And that conflict within, that indecision give True Beings a gross lack of confidence. They lose confidence in what they have to do. It also leads to confusion so that at times they do not exactly know what to do, how to behave, how to perform.

The very opposite of course is to accept everything one is told, accept this fear and give freely of everything one has, and accomodate the robots as much as possible.

What that does is open you up for all the exploitation possible. You cannot get anywhere by being like that. You see people like that in the so-called "New Age movements" and if they are not being exploited they are exploiting everyone else because they are not sincere. They are very superficial. They appear to accept all, but behind the mask they are doing the opposite, they are sucking the True Beings dry of their energy.

The True Beings, if they fall into that trap, get exploited again and again and again of their feelings, of their affection, of their money, of their time, and so on.

Even by spending time with other counterfeit or grossly polluted people and thinking they have to give love and compassion ad infinitum, they are drained of energy.

How often have True Beings been disadvantaged by the robots and have been unable to tell them to go to blazes because they remember the indoctrination to love the enemies at all costs?

Trapped by this indoctrination, which is false, surreptitious and evil, they allow themselves to get exploited and bow to the demands of demons.

Everytime True Beings compromise with demons on the subtle level, they lose energy to them.

In the New Teatament of the Bible it says..."If you go to the temple and you have a problem with your brother, go and make peace with your brother, then come back".

This means nothing to robots. Indoctrination subjects True Beings to programming which disadvantages them.

It appears in fact that following certain religious axioms one is reaching for excellence. But in actual fact what one does is allow himself to be exploited by the system and by these demons who are forever hanging around. The system is there to destroy the True Beings, make no mistake about that. This is the system that calls for warriors of the Light. If it were not this destructive and evil who would need warriors to fight it?

Even as children True Beings may have an inner conflict. They are indoctrinated and told things which go against their inner nature.

There is unbelievable evilness in all the systems of this evil planet and all its societies, particularly in work situations, in schooling, in employment, in careers, in business. Because of the programming True Beings tend to ignore this, and this is a great weakness on their part.

Robots and demons are forever trying to exploit the situation and put True Beings down. They talk badly about them, they set them up, they frame them in a lot of ways, they spread poison about them. You know about these things for you have observed them in your own lives and have probably ignored or excused the incidences away. These are the very things religious indoctrination asks people not to do, but it is only the True Beings who listen.

The robots are driven by jealousy, envy and hate. And of course some of the True Beings allow themselves to be programmed in that way.

We often did not want to believe the things that happened behind our backs. But now as we are starting to wake up, we not only believe them but are seeing them more and more clearly. As we examine situations of the past, we know exactly how and why certain beings acted in the way they did to the disadvantage of beings of Light.

Another thing that True Beings have been programmed with is the necessity to forgive the evil beings, and give those who do them harm, disadvantage, oppress and exploit them the benefit of the doubt.

The robots take advantage on purpose. They are there to exploit at all times. That is their "god" (evil demiurge) given work.

Their exploitation is no accident. Forgiving them and forever giving them the benefit of the doubt is to cover up that evil energy.

In forgiving and giving them the benefit of the doubt, one is extending an open hand to them saying..."I am sorry, you can do it again". It is denying the Evil Essence which is responsible for all the exploitation.

We must not excuse that evil energy. We must see it for what it is. It is there exactly to exploit you and put you down. So you do not give the evil beings (anyone who uses the evil essence) the benefit of the doubt.

True Beings are forever excusing people that do them harm and giving them the benefit of the doubt. That is because they have been taught to do that.

"Forgive your enemies, seven times seventy seven. "

"Turn the other cheek and so on."

"Do good to them that hate you." etc

This is utter rubbish. This is garbage that has come from the evil essence. In an undistorted Divine system there would be no need for these directives. In this evil system they are programming procedures by which True Beings can be drained and destroyed. The Trouble is True Beings practise them but the evil beings do not. Hence the True Beings are forever disadvantaged.

So you have to be aware. Have your wits about you. Do not give them a second chance. Do not give them the benefit of the doubt, because there never was any doubt in the first place of their ontological nature.

The robots and the demons have been programmed, whether they know it or not on this level, to rob you of your energy. That is how this evil and cruel system works. And the only way to stop it is to become fully awakened, aware of the situations and to fight the Evil Essence as warriors of the Light.

Another way that True Beings are programmed is to feel guilty, even if they are successful. All True Beings are far more talented than the robots. Many excel and develop their talents. And when they do many feel guilty due to programming.

The system turns on them. Now this is not just the Tall Poppy syndrome that is common in Australia, to cut down anyone that is successful. It is a particular attack on True Beings, to put them down.

What True Beings can do appears easy but the robots cannot stand it, and therefore they attack from an energy level and implant this feeling of unworthiness, a feeling of guilt for having that ability, for having achieved success. And you can often see it. It causes many susceptible people a lot of conflict within.

The robots are not programmed like that at all. They are full of confidence. They exaggerate the slightest thing they do, and they blast it out so that everyone knows about it. They are knowalls.

True Beings, because of this lack of confidence, do not put themselves forward, do not show what they are worth, in fact they are often programmed to put themselves down, saying..."Oh, I am not that good, I cannot do that"! Or they let the others take advantage of them. That is all due to programmed lack of confidence.

True Beings must know that they are good.

They must know their exact worth.

They must know how well they can do things and get on with it and do them, because really a True Being is worth many thousands of these headless and heartless robots.

Oftentimes another way that this system uses to control True Beings and oppress them, and make them lose confidence is to stimulate their emotional bodies when they least want them to be stimulated. In other words, they are stimulated against their will. Evil has mechanisms by which to do that.

The evil essence can make people feel any emotion whatsoever due to programming. For example, if you had a particular confrontational situation you could be made to feel weak, or fearful or anxious, when you know very well that you are not. It is a programmed mechanism to disadvantage you right at the very moment when you should have been at your strongest. Evil seems able to cut you off from your own energy. And that is because of the programming that comes through food, and drink and sex, the very air we breathe, radiation, the sun and so on.

The more people purify the less can evil do that.

Apart from making you weak just at the point of confrontation, evil programming can make you give a different response to the one you want to give, by making you react differently. When you want to be conciliatory and level-minded about things evil programming can stimulate your emotional body to make you appear foolish and erratic, over-reactive and bullyish, like a ruffian, and of course such programming can set you up to get into all sorts of traps.

So these inappropriate responses can occur because that evil mechanism to do this resides in the vital bodies of the physical being and it can stimulate your emotional body whenever evil programming agents trigger it.

That mechanism can stimulate you to be physically attracted to a robot who can be very ugly and dumb and yet appear beautiful and intelligent to you because of programming. This happens all the time to True Beings, particularly with the programming effect of lights and colours, drugs and alcohol.

Why do you think discos and sleezy joints have that subdued red demonic light, and they serve a lot of alcohol and drugs? Because all the demons then look appealing under that programming effect. And it is the same sort of base music that is played there. It is an entrapment which stimulates the emotional body of the True Beings and can get them into those traps. Be aware of these things.

Some of the programming is so powerful it can take True Beings over completely for a short while at any particular time, so that they actually think, say and do the very opposite to what they want to think, say and do.

The only way they can get away from that happening is to pay particular and meticulous attention to the purification process: their diet, their drinks, avoidance of excessive sun, care with whom they mix, cleansing of our centres of consciousness, and protection at all times.

Robots are forever ready to show how good they are and True Beings seem to be programmed to fall backwards and not show their talents.

True Beings have a feeling that they belong to something, that they are searching for something they want to connect to. They feel this longing within. They feel incomplete. And of course what they are searching for is the Mother's Love. But many do not realize that. But there are many demons and robots planted along the way to appear to be the ones that are going to provide for that longing, that lost love and so on. They are the traps that the True Beings fall into.

It would be far better for them to go within, if they knew what it was all about and connect to that True Love and be protected against these beings who are there to trap them.

What in actual fact happens to unawakened True Beings is that they have trusted these people who extend a hand thinking that they are there to fulfil that longing, to make that love connection and so on. They are the demons that have of course led them to untold misery and emotional exploitation one way or another.

Many times True Beings are too frightened to speak up for their own rights, too frightened to say that they have been bashed, robbed, raped and so on. This is programmed by the evil side, so that evil energy goes on and on and on doing what it likes, pillaging and raping in spiritual terms as well as in physical terms. All would agree things should not be this way.

Why are they frightened to stir? Because of the programming within, because of that fear that they might look foolish or stupid. But in fact it should be the very opposite, they should stand up for their rights, demand justice and fight to get them. If True Beings had done this when the first takeover occurred, they would not have been in this mess they find themselves in now.

That failure to stand up, to expose, to fight back are all programmed in the beings. In the same way, inadequacy is programmed, as is unworthiness.

The very opposite to all this is the evil EGO which does the opposite in saying "I am too good for all of this, I am the best", and so on.

The evil programming caters for evil beings to advance.

Every time a True Being examines his life he will find evil beings or demons who have been specifically placed near him or her to put him or her down.

These are the sort of things warriors have to realize in order to cut the evil energy patterns and get on with their work.

They must be resolute and every time a confrontation occurs they must not fear. They must realize it is programming that affects them adversely. Note also that True Beings can be programmed to put other True Beings down.

If they follow the evil system and anaesthetize themselves to the damage they are doing to themselves, they will then be used to cause damage to others.

True Beings have a real urge to do good, to please God, to love and to belong, to find harmony, peace, and contentment, but instead of looking for that within and being content with what they find within, they look outward, because of the programming, and fall into the clutches of these people who are out there to exploit them.

We can all give innumerable experiences of that happening. People look for friends, for neigbhours; they join teams, associations, societies and so on. Why? Because they are told it is not right to be isolated, that it is not right to keep to themselves. They are told they must socialize, they must drink, they must do this, they must do that, everyone does it, and so on.

And of course they are the very traps that cater for beings so that they will be exploited.

A man can be an island. He can connect to the consciousness within to receive everything he needs.

Strength is needed to be able to confront the evil society and the evil essence.

It is programming that causes people to not dare confront authorities.

With this knowledge True Beings can even confront the demiurge. What could he do, kill their bodies, make them look foolish? Who cares?

They know that they are more powerful than the so-called demigod in control. No one would have dared think like this years ago, but by doing so the True Beings are destroying that programmed fear of being punished by this god in control, because now they know there is nothing he can do to True Beings. It was all a big bluff!

Alright, he could try and get rid of the body in an accident, but who wants to be here anyway? Besides, would the Light let him?

By thinking in this way True Beings break the evil programming that has affected them since the evil takeover and they destroy the fear of being punished by this cruel god.

To reach this stage is a momentous occasion, it really is. One cannot realize how great it is to be able to defy the very demigod that is in control of this plane at the moment. And of course to be able to do that one has to recognize his True Self, his ability, his authority and his Divinity.

And one then says "I am greater than this evil fool that's in control, and he can't do anything about it."

And it is true. Such authority has nothing to do with ego, by the way.

In their real nature, when true feelings come through, True Beings can identify evil beings immediately, and can then have absolutely nothing to do with them.

This is the state they must attain continuously so that they can recognize instantly evil beings and the evil energy, enemies from the past, or from this life. They must sense those who are energy suckers and exploiters, those who would oppress them and abuse them. These are things that they consciously do not know in their normal unawakened lives, because they are too programmed and polluted.

Sometimes dreams warn us. So-called friends and neighbours do attack us on subtle levels. But what do most do when they wake up. They laugh the experience off saying..."Oh, I had a bad dream, so and so attacked me with a knife, or a shotgun." So and so tried to harm me, to kill me" etc.

They are unaware of the real danger in energy terms.

The point is this: often True Beings bury the true inner feelings, and the true situation and its meaning of what is going on, because of the programming and pollution they are subjected to. But when they purify enough, they perceive the robots and demons, their evil energy and the fact that they are energy suckers.

Warriors (True Beings) have to recognize instantly all those demons and robots, cut them off and have absolutely nothing to do with them, because they are anathema to their spiritual survival.

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