An updated version
Revised and edited



A Primer of Metaphysics

First published 1986

by Spectrum Publications Pty. Ltd

Richmond, Victoria


The Centre of Knowledge & Supremacy

P.O. Box 28

Malanda, Queensland, 4885

Revised Edition published 1992.

Third Edition published 1996 in the USA by Annwn Publications

Copyright: The Centre of Knowledge and Supremacy.

ISBN 0 86786 096 0


These editions are dedicated to the

Divine Father/Mother

and all the Spiritual Family.

I wish to thank all my helpers at all levels.

For the True Beings and true seekers,

may this book be the Eternal Beacon of Light

they have sought, which will lead them

to their own True Abode.

For the evil beings of Darkness,

may it be the Eternal Flame

which will reduce their bodies,

minds and souls to ashes.



1    Introducing the Message

2    Aims


Joseph Chiappalone was born in Italy and migrated with his family to Australia in 1952. He obtained a Medical Degree from the University of Melbourne and practised general medicine for almost 20 years. In 1985 he began writing on philosophy and metaphysics. He has written Gnostic explanations to various areas of knowledge. While many agree with his views, he has been quick to point out that each must find his/her own truths within and he hopes these writings help people on their journey of self-realization and philosophical fulfilment. There are no "sacred cows" as far as he is concerned.

His books include:

The Revenge of Camelot (written with Amitakh Chiappalone)

Journey into the World of Metaphysics Vol. 1

Journey into the World of Metaphysics Vol. 2

Essential Gnostic Truths

Towards Divine Warriorship

Making Sense of the Madness Volume One: What's Going On?

Making Sense of the Madness Volume Two: Keys to Reality

Making Sense of the Madness Volume Three: Death of an Evil God

Click here to see the Annwn Publications Catalog of Books


I have been asked to add these comments to the reprints of the various books. It was in 1985 that I had been asked to give this information, contained in the various books, to the world by a group of Extra-terrestrial consciousnesses. They form part of the Rescuers in the Space Command and more will be heard about them in the near future.

The books contain news about the "End of the World" and, in fact, I was asked to state that this would occur before the year 2000. Readers may have come across the prediction of the "End of the World" in many ancient books, including the sayings of Jesus Christ, Zoroaster and Manichaeus. Ontologically these Divine Messengers, and others such as Buddha, Mohammed, Rama, Krishna, and many, many others, have been the same Consciousness (Being) presenting onto this level at various times in differing manifestations. The "End of the World" as a message was a code for certain Beings of Light who were to prepare themselves for evacuation at those times, in their own generation. They were also given a general timing within their generation. The Messengers knew this and the Beings of Light subconsciously knew this also and prepared themselves accordingly. It appeared that these Divine Messengers were wrong in that the End of the World did not eventuate, but, in fact, they knew it was a special code and used it accordingly, much to the chagrin of the Evil Ones who were reminded by it of their own eventual outcome.

I have been asked to explain this apparent anomaly in the ancient texts for a very good reason. This is the last time that the code will be used as the physical destruction of the planet is, in fact, going to occur and the special code will no longer be needed.

When reviewing literature of cultures, modern and ancient, from around the globe, many of you may be amazed at the similarities of the historical concepts present in various cultures and these concepts are recognizably similar, inspite of the distortions and regional peculiarities. The reason for this is that the basic religio-philosophical history of this planet is that of Gnosticism. It has been distorted over time into the various myths, cults, religions and fables by inadequate minds and by those of evil who wanted such distortions for their own gain.

From another perspective, the End of the World will have occurred by the year 2000 for the remaining True Beings of Light for none of them will be present on Earth by that date. Their consciousness will have all been transported out into other dimensions. Some Rescuers may remain to supervise the physical destruction.

The globe may linger on without Beings of Light being present for perhaps 5, 10, 15, even 20 years beyond the year 2000. But for all intents and purposes, the End of the World will have occurred by the year 2000 when the last Being of Light will have been evacuated.

Remember, the evacuation need not be a physical one and the body may linger on under the control of its own lower consciousness or it may even be taken over by a trapped evil consciousness. Lack of understanding of the process may cause anguish, hence do everything possible to connect to the Higher Spiritual Self for greater realizations. Between now and total evacuation we shall witness the active intervention of Extra-terrestrial consciousness in the affairs of this world and all will become aware of the earth's total destruction in due course, and the existence of the spiritual component of all consciousness. It is this component which the evil ones have been trying to deny for a very long time. But they have failed. The Rescue Plan has succeeded. The War is all but over.

Inspite of the endless stream of data which bombards the world daily from TV, newspapers, magazines, the information Super-Highway, etc., people are becoming more confused and frightened just by living in ever-deteriorating conditions. The information in this book is to dispel such confusion and fears by providing a basis for the understanding of what's going on from a metaphysical perspective, and as you will see, ultimately that is the only perspective worth having. The bombarding data of this world is as useless as yesterday's news.

I am aware that a few people who think they know better call the material in this book Metaphysical Mumbo-jumbo. I am flattered. Let me explain. After practising General Medicine, I came to the conclusion that while modern medicine was good at the short term alleviation of pain and making some feel better, it had no answers to life's mysteries. I then started reading philosophy and after much confusion and a lot of headaches I came to the conclusion that philosophy as it is written has no answers either. In fact I came to the conclusion that most philosophy books are published so people will stop reading philosophy books. After writing all my books referred to here I studied and acquired a Doctorate in Metaphysical Science and continued avid reading of Science and its technological advances. My conclusion has been that it is Metaphysics which provides meaningful answers as far as I am concerned. All other aspects of epistemology are dead ends. My reading has allowed me to categorize Mumbo-jumbo as follows:

i  Philosophical Mumbo-jumbo is good for causing headaches and good heated debates, however it never killed anyone.

ii  Religious and theological Mumbo-jumbo is dangerous and has spawned the various religious Wars, Inquisitions, Crusades, etc., with much destruction and loss of life.

iii  Scientific Mumbo-jumbo is the most dangerous of all, for it has spawned a monster called Scientific Technology which will be the death of Humanity, the Earth and all living things. It is doing this via its ability to deplete the Ozone layer and poison all living things with excessive ultra-violet radiation, via its ability to cause the irreversible Greenhouse effect and global warming, via its ability to irreversibly pollute water and food so that life will soon be unsustainable on the planet, via its pollution of the environment with nuclear and chemical discharges so that everything is carcinogenic and incompatible with life, via its ability to cause nuclear holocausts, via its ability to infect everyone on the planet with death-dealing AIDS, and other totally resistant strains of microbes such as malaria, tuberculosis, staphylococci, pneumococci, the ebola virus, etc. Science has promised short term gain but delivered long term pain and destruction, even planetary annihilation. If you read any alien abduction reports, you will note that many of the aliens, in seeking other areas to invade, are lamenting to abductees that their advanced science and its technology have, or are in the process of, destroying their dimensions as well!

Is this so? In support I turn to one of America's famous and favoured sons. In 1959, J. F. Kennedy was quoted as saying: "I am sorry to say that there is too much point to the wisecrack that life is extinct on other planets because their scientists were more advanced than ours."

iv  Metaphysical Mumbo-jumbo is the only one with the answers. It is a personal Mumbo-jumbo and it involves no one else. It does not interfere with the thought processes of any other individual. In fact, it encourages diverse, individualistic thinking in all beings. In contrast to the others above, it fosters harmony, love, peace, truth and respect for all aspects of creation. It promotes awareness and rightful knowledge with which to dispel all fears. Even if none of its mumbo-jumbo is true and it is all a self-deluding exercise, the fact that it heals so many in body, mind and emotions is reward enough. Surely the study and practice of metaphysics which promote understanding and tolerance are much more preferred to the programming of religious bigotry whose aim is to prove one religion is better than others. And surely it is better than wasting one's life making Science and its Technology the Modern Age "god" by which one can develop more innovative, more exploitative and more painful methods of global destruction and more complex sceptical arguments for the denial of the existence of God whose heel is about to descend and crush such evil.

If one has to be fanatical in life, its better to be fanatical about loving "God" and "Truth", about studying metaphysics, rather than being a fanatical religious bigot or a fanatical sceptical scientific know-all who self-deludes in thinking he has all the answers when in fact he has none that matter!

By the way, by "Truth" I mean the personal Inner Guiding Light, which varies and should vary for every True Being, for each was created as a purposeful distinct individual with its own version of the Truth within its own creative Divine Blueprint. I do not consider that there is a "Truth" consisting of a set of Dogmas and facts which all must adhere to, which are absolute and which must be fought for, or cause others to kill for. That is why I refer to the personal Inner Truth in these texts. And it is why I urge each True Being to search for its own Inner Truth and warn each that the search is a personal endeavour the completion of which can favour no other individual in spiritual terms. What is right for one may not be Truth for another and this is another reason why we need to suspend judgement wherever possible in spiritual matters.

Inner mental and spiritual experiences and Inner realizations are unique and will have interpretive connotations which will be as diverse as the experience and as unique as the individuals having them. That is why I stress that no influence should come between a True Being and the Source of his Light, Knowledge, Wisdom and Truth within. I am aware that this is directly opposite to all the extant religious teachings except the Gnostic ones. It is opposite to all the impositions and restrictions of this sorrow-filled plane.

So, my advice to you is to read on and use whatever you find within these pages to assist you in awakening to your own Inner Truth. Feel free to choose and discard as you wish for only in that way can you destroy the fetters placed on your spirit by this moribund and deceptively ignorant evil system. And having acquired such freedom, and having found your Inner Truth, learn to soar to greater and greater heights with an unbridled spirit and joy, knowing that all evil shortcomings of this miserable system will shortly be no more. Rejoice in the spiritual and mental freedom of the newly found Divine Presence within and reject forever the soul-destroying iniquities and shackles of this soon-to-be-no-more physical dimension.

Enjoy yourselves, for only your Inner Spiritual Truth can give you the Freedom worth having. Your own personal Inner Truth will give those things you search for, those things which cannot rust, or be stolen, or be eaten by moths. It will give those things which are of inestimable value, those things which are eternal, as you are and shall be!

Ignore your Inner Truth and you will continue to be a programmed robot of this pernicious system which is self-destructing and which spiritually assassinates unaware True Beings.

I have been aware of Ockham's razor while writing and have tried to stick to the modern version of his axiom: K.I.S.S. (Keep it simple stupid). But, complexity is part of the problem.



This earth has entered a period in which the result of the Final Battle in a WAR OF ESSENCES is to be announced. We are to witness the result of a struggle between the Divine Essence and Evil which had jeopardised the spiritual survival of every being on this planet and in this physical dimension. This recent period of uncertainty, frustration, suffering, devastation and ungodliness, all within living memory, has been unique in the history of this planet.

We have now entered a phase from which there is no return. The outcome of this final battle is known and will be very obvious to all very, very soon. It has been a battle between the Essences of Good and Evil. Never before have people been less aware of the situation. It is not coincidental that tragedies, suffering, pollution, overcrowding, hunger, disease and untimely death are greatly increasing.

This WAR is not just between various nations on earth, or between ideologies. It is between two very powerful but unequal forces which manifest on earth as Good and Evil.

The real reason for the mess we see on this planet has been purposely disguised. Trapped in this physical dimension, we have been living in an evil-created bubble of ignorance and ILLUSION. Never again will this situation be allowed to exist. Never again will the Truth be hidden. Never again will we be allowed to forget we are one small part of creation and that we have been purposely isolated. Never again will we be allowed to forget there is an ultimate Superior Being!

It is time for all to be aware of the situation. All must know exactly what is going on, for the struggle is all but over. As in all wars, there are winners and losers. The victorious ones will rejoice. The evil ones have lost and will be punished!

As this book unfolds, many questions will be answered, but many more will arise. Obviously it is impossible to answer all queries, and it is impossible to put all the facts into the one book. Some points will become clearer as the book unfolds. This book will set the faithful True Beings free, for it is a revelation of truths which have been buried deep in the darkness of the evil illusion. And the pages contain an irrepressible message. People must realize at the very least why the world is so bad and getting worse; why so many are dying and more will die; why killer diseases such as AIDS and others will become uncontrollable and decimate the population. All will be told and all will realize for themselves that this planet is to be destroyed.

They will realize why all the systems of the world will collapse, including the political, monetary, health, legal, economic, industrial and religious systems. They are collapsing even now. They must be told who has fooled them for so long, why the planet is so evil and who it is that has ordered this destruction.

You may well ask. "How will all this come about? Who will direct it? When will it start? How long will it last? After the Clearing of the planet and total planetary destruction what will happen? Will there be a New Order? Who will introduce it? Where will it be? How will the changes eventuate? Who will be in control?"

This book will answer these questions and many more and it contains explanations and discussions about Reincarnation, Karma, Soul Structure, Programming of Mind and Body, Freewill, Counterfeit Beings (Robots), Walk-in Consciousness, Illusional life (Maya), Lifeforce, Diseases and Healing, Meditation, Sleep, Astral Travel, Dreams, UFO contact, and Time Travel, Self-Realization, God-Realization, The concept of Hell, Causes of increasing Social Disruption, Causes of increasing Divorce Rate, Causes of increasing Race Riots, The New Energy, Structure of the Universe and Sectors of Creation, Space, Time, Dimensions, etc., etc.

More detail of these and other topics are to be found in

"Making Sense of the Madness, Volume Two: Keys to Reality";

"Making Sense of the Madness, Volume Three: Death of an Evil God";

Journey into the World of Metaphysics, Volumes One and Two";

"Towards Divine Warriorship";

"Essential Gnostic Truths".


Let me begin by giving you these few metaphysical details. In Brief: This universe is only a small part of Creation. This dimension was taken over by an Aberrant Mind (Evil) which distorted the original Divine plan, changed things about to suit its own purpose and prevented the progress of the Divine Beings which it trapped inside the dimension.

Other Beings were sent into the trapped dimension to devise a Rescue Plan and set things right again. A long battle developed. The fight is over Energy. We are now at a time of the FINAL BATTLE when the Evil Aberrant Mind (also called the Usurper, the Evil Essence, the Demigod or Demiurge, Demiurgos) will be overthrown and the evil ones whom it created to carry out its orders will be dealt with in a manner which is appropriate. Order will be restored. The evil ones are the ones created by the Evil Essence and those trapped Divine Beings who sided with it.

The message I have been asked to give is quite simple:

The time for Liberation of this dimension has arrived.

All units of consciousness will be judged.

Only those found fit to continue will do so.

The Evil Essence will be destroyed by Transmutation.

After this planet is cleared and destroyed, those to continue will do so in a New Dimension. This one will simply cease to exist.

The subjects of revelation in this book include the place of this universe in creation, the reason for, and method of, displacement of the original plan, the identity of the Usurper, the changes imposed by its Evil Essence, the Rescuers, the method of rescue, the timing of the rescue, and the process of Transmutation of Evil.

If it is to be believed, the importance of this Message cannot be exaggerated. It affects every consciousness. It involves every single being in all levels, realms and dimensions. Obviously, a very simple version and outline is given for simplicity's sake. The words used such as positive and negative, energy, essence, gender, etc., are often inadequate and are not to be taken too literally; rather they are used to convey a meaning, power or influence.

To prejudge or retain preconceived ideas of what Truth is or should be will be a stumbling block. I urge readers to overcome the indoctrinations to which they have been subjected and simply allow the energy of the book to touch them. The following remarks may help you understand this subject more easily, for it is not an easy one to grasp. The subject matter can be foreign to some, hence they should give themselves every chance to comprehend it.

To some of you, this information may sound foreign at first reading but, of course, that is no reason why you should dismiss it. Rather you should think about it and see where it fits into your pool of knowledge and in the scheme of things. This information is given to promote preparation and understanding for certain inevitable changes which are upon us, and that is the only reason why this information is given at this time. In other words, it is given to dispel ignorance, fear of the unknown, and unawareness. It is also to prevent panic when the changes come, for those who are least prepared are the ones who are going to panic and suffer the most. Forewarned, forearmed!!

Be open-minded. I know this is difficult to achieve. It is difficult because we have all been programmed and prejudiced by all the secular and religious training that we have received and all the peer pressure to which we are subjected, by effects of the culture received throughout life and so on. Nonetheless, bypass the outer programmed mind and allow your frame of reference, that is, the mental picture in which you place knowledge, to expand.

Bypass the emotional reflexes triggered by past teachings and past indoctrinations and bypass preset ideas which are really prejudicial. I am not giving this information in order to convert anyone to my point of view. I am merely placing certain facts here as I have been asked and you will either recognize them as truths because they are WITHIN YOU, or you will not because they are not within you. It is as simple and as complicated as that!

What you do with this information is entirely your own business. But do not be pushed by others into their point of view. Learn to think for yourselves. That which is within you is for you and you only to know! One thing you probably may have already realized is that the reward for spiritual advancement is entirely for the individual. In other words, through your efforts no one else can advance. Nor can you advance through anyone else's efforts. Naturally, the more effort you put into AWAKENING, the more you will reap. And these two things, effort and the product of effort, of course, are proportional.

Each of you will be polarized to a certain extent by this information and will join one of two sides. And the vector of POLARIZATION will be determined by your ontology. Do not be in haste to reject this information nor to judge in ignorance. That is what fools do and none who are on the path of awareness want to be classified as fools.

Learn to think for yourselves for a change and do not follow others like sheep. Most are indoctrinated through their work, schooling, peers, etc., to be like sheep. Do not swallow any information glibly, no matter how authoritative it appears. Learn to think for yourselves. At the same time, do not let others sway you this way and that in making a decision just because they think they know better than you or because in the past they had more outer mind information than you. Letting them dictate to you (as the Religions do) gives them the opportunity to put you down. You should not allow that to happen. Do not accept any person or being, consciousness, entity, fact, doctrine, revelation, etc. at face value. Think about it.

This information is given to you to act as a stimulus to your awakening and it is to make you think. If at the end of this book you are aware of another point of view the book will have been a success, even though you may not accept it at all. At the same time do not reject the information just because it sounds too foreign or because you think it is too way out, or you think that it is impossible to be so just because it is different to what you have been taught at school or at church, or peers reject it.

Remember that most Truthful things are mockingly rejected by the inertial masses and even by individuals and especially by so-called experts. Think of these examples: Christopher Columbus was called mad because he believed that, as the ancients believed, the world was round. Galileo was persecuted for contradicting that worthless collection of nonsense called the Bible by supporting Copernicus' heliocentric view of the solar system. Likewise Pasteur, H.G. Wells, and many, many others were mocked for revealing some aspect of the Truth. When Einstein became increasingly spiritual in his later life, he was outwardly and publically tolerated, but privately scorned. Jesus of Nazareth was mocked, tortured and executed for espousing Gnostic Truths.

Others may tell you to reject this information. Well, what they are really trying to do is dictate to you. And the last time a certain group dictated to other groups about what they should or should not read on a grand scale, you will remember, ended up in the NAZI book burning episodes of the Second World War. That form of censorship is not wanted by anyone. Listen, become aware, and then make up your own mind. If you remain ignorant, you will certainly not know what is going on.

Without knowing what this information contains, you cannot become aware and you cannot reach a balanced conclusion. Some have said this is a very negative philosophy. Those who say this are ignorant and jealous. How can any form of knowledge be negative? How can any form of education be negative? How can awakening be negative? The more you know about things, the more you will awaken. How can the promise of a wonderful New Future be negative? How can preparation or Realization of the Truth be negative? It cannot be. The Truth may be painful to realize, and unpleasant, but it is never negative. The Truth may be painful and unpleasant because it threatens us and forces us to make difficult decisions but it is never negative.

It is negative instead to remain ignorant, to remain unaware, to actively choose ignorance by not listening to other points of view and to not seek an understanding with all the facts examined. It is negative to play the ostrich, that is, to bury one's head and not want to know the real situation because it threatens one's illusion. It is negative to pretend that all is well when it is not. It is negative to ignore the warning signs, be it in a physical or spiritual disease. It is negative to remain trapped, to remain in the position where exploitation of energy can occur and where one can be spiritually annihilated.

Many people, particularly in metaphysical groups, think they know a little. Well, they do know many things. But knowing a little can be a dangerous thing, for many then think they know it all. They cannot be told anything. One meets such people every day. They are ruled by their evil Ego. The more one learns the more one realizes how much more there is to learn. The less one knows, the more one thinks one knows, and wallows in ignorance.

We can all learn. We should all learn, every day, for the day one stops learning is the day one intellectually dies. Needless to say, when you do learn something new that embarrasses you, it is often difficult to accept, and it takes courage and strength of character to say: "I was wrong with my previous beliefs. I was fooled. I have been fooled. I was trapped", and so on. But one can find that courage and strength of character if one is honest enough with oneself. So, as you read, take your time and consider these facts regardless of how foreign they appear.

Be flexible in your outlook and thinking. And above all, because of the energy within these books, EXPECT THE UNEXPECTED. In many "New Age" people to whom I have lectured, inspite of their talk of love, of sharing, of world harmony, of peace and so on, I have uncovered hate, intolerance, prejudice, bigotry, jealousy, and recurrent attempts at humiliation and oppression of those who do not agree with them. Many of these so-called New Age people may simply be fooled and deluded by the false philosophies they have accepted. But many others are blatantly evil.

If you do feel uneasy as this information reaches you, it could be that preconceived ideas within you are causing "blocks" within you. Or else, it could be that the Inner Truth has been awakened by the information you receive and then the physical body and its emotions begin to react against it. Ask yourself when this happens: "Why do I feel uneasy? Is it because it is Truth that I am hearing, and it hurts? Or, is it because I do not want to let go of the sensually comfortable illusion I have created for myself? Have I been programmed to reject and attack these facts without thinking or understanding? Am I so severely programmed, polluted and indoctrinated that I cannot now accept this information?"

These are the questions you have to answer for yourself. No one else can answer them for you. No one can value this information for you. If we all knew everything, there would be no problems. What you do with this, or any, information is entirely your own business. I have never forced my view on anyone and certainly would not try to do so.


Earlier volumes were written in a more confrontational manner because there was a need to confront certain negative patterns. Now, I have written in a manner which suits me, for, being mindful of Aesop's Fables, I know it is impossible to please everyone. Many have said that this knowledge is too complex, as an excuse for not accepting it. Alas, they are mistaking their own physical limitations for the Truth. Knowledge is vast and cannot be contained in one sentence, or one act, or even one physical mind. To an illiterate, a book is complex; to a child an algebraic problem is complex; to a labourer, the practice of medicine is complex; to many, a computer is complex; to the grossly limited physical mind, the vast amount of Supramental knowledge which is available here on this plane and other levels of consciousness, is extremely complex.

Even physical life is complex. Just think of the workings of DNA, workings of the brain, the eye, simple viruses, etc. The Celestial Powers and their knowledge are immensely complex. This knowledge is all knowable at some level. But like the child who acquires knowledge slowly as it grows, we must realize that we do the same.

However, unless we expand beyond the confines of the physical mind, we cannot adequately comprehend those concepts which are beyond its limited capabilities.

The complexity of a subject decreases as one learns more about it. Only fools in their ignorance think they know everything and reduce things to such a simplistic form that the facts are missed and the subject becomes useless.

There are many spiritual morons who are too lazy to awaken. And they say this knowledge cannot be right because it is too complex. "I like the simplicity of sunlight, the breeze, the flowers in the fields and the love I feel for them. Your message and explanations are too complex", I have often heard them say, particularly the followers of many eastern gurus and of the New Age philosophical garbage.

Well I ask them: "How simple is the process that gives us sunlight, that allows it to reach earth, that allows us to see it, that warms us, that radiates us, that sparks off photosynthesis, that causes the rainbow, that fractures into many wavelengths? Not so simple really is it?"

In the case of a breeze, the mechanism of rotation of the earth around its axis, around the sun, and the solar system's rotation in the galaxy, the change of clouds, weather patterns, movement of differently heated air, sudden loss of atmospheric pressure, pull of the moon and other planets, combustion on earth, change of the seas, etc., all have to do with its creation. Not so simple, is it? And the flowers of the fields: how simple are they? Very complex indeed, as are the emotions one feels.

To say one refuses this information on the grounds of complexity is not tenable. One would only say this if one is a fool, or deluded, or wanting to escape one's spiritual responsibility. There is one other reason. If one is evil and trying to undermine it all, he would blindly attack this information for all he is worth, for its presentation signifies termination of his unacceptable existence, a fate he has avoided because of the protection by the Evil Essence which created him.

Before going further, let me repeat some points:

1. A little knowledge is a dangerous thing. Many think that once they know a little, they know it all. Do not be one of these. Such people close off their minds and become closed-minded bigots. They refuse to let go of the old regardless of what new information is released into this dimension. Many who have studied a little and have settled in some belief pattern are in danger of becoming closed-minded bigots if they are not on guard and do not realize that they do not have all the answers. Closed-minded bigots are just like sceptics in that they believe only what suits them and try to restrict the belief of others just as sceptics try to do. They refuse to see any logic or truth beyond their own little frame of reference and, while often condemning that which they do not understand, and also criticizing any other set pattern of belief, insist that their view of things is accurate. Is this not the same as religious intolerance and the same as sceptic disbelief?

2. Some claim this message engenders FEAR. This is both ridiculous and illogical. Here is why:

a. In those who believe, the message and its information dispel all fears.

b. For those who do not believe, no fear can possibly be produced from something they do not believe in, can it?

c. Some are fearful in case the message is true. But their fear comes from their CONFUSION and indecision, not from the message. As soon as they decide one way or the other, they join either Group a or Group b and then fear vanishes!

Evil beings are terrified for they know the evil charade is over, and they are to be dealt with accordingly!!

3. Very few people on this planet have True Perception and know the ontological nature of others at this time. Even those who appear skilled in demonstrating psychic phenomenology are only being fed from the astral levels and their information is usually spurious. Do not trust them!

4. Many will tell you that others in the past have pronounced the "End Of the World". Well, I have explained the code in the preface. Besides, many antecedent mimics were puppets set up by the evil demigod to allow ridicule so that the true message would also be ridiculed in due course.

5. Can you trust what others such as Edgar Cayce, the real Sai Baba and others have been reported as saying? Of course you cannot, for their teachings have been grossly distorted! (I will explain why I use the term the real Sai Baba near the end of the book.)

6. If all the information which is received on this level is polluted to some degree, hence, how can anyone make a balanced judgement using polluted information?

7. I am told that this information has never been given before in its entirety.

8. Do not fall into the trap of thinking something is false or impossible simply because it is foreign to you or because your outer mind cannot fully comprehend it. Do not say: "I do not know, therefore it is false."

I have been called many things for giving out this information, even dangerous. But of course this is quite ridiculous. It truly is a case of shooting the messenger if you do not like the message. Who is more dangerous, he who points out a danger, or he who conceals it from the one in danger; the doctor who tells you to stop smoking because smoking can kill you, or the doctor who covers up the danger, not making you aware and letting you lose your life when he could have stopped the premature death; the philosopher who tries to prepare you for what is coming, or the one who tries to keep you in DARKNESS and IGNORANCE by telling you not to even believe the possibility that this information may be accurate?

Do what you will with this information. But judge for yourselves. Do not let others dictate to you. Do not let them tell you this information is not to be believed. Make up your own mind. What makes them the authority anyway? Even the most subtle or apparently jocular jibe is really a form of censorship. And, if you are honest, you will agree with me, on this point at least, that we have had far too much censorship of all kinds constricting every aspect of our lives.

So much distortion has occurred because of evil influences that when aspects of the Truth are presented, they may appear foreign. A great percentage of the population on this planet today will not want the Truth revealed. Nonetheless, this information is given as a beacon to those who need a rallying light so that they can awaken quickly and prepare for that which is to come. To the correct ones, this book will act as a trigger. They will see where they stand and see what they have to do to realign themselves. In others it may engender a feeling of doom and despair.

This Era for the earth is unique. It has never occurred. The focus will be on matters spiritual whether people like it or not. It is a time of decision and a time of finality. The proverbial separation of the wheat from the chaff is to occur, and Deva consciousnesses are in the physical to help in this process. They will come forward to help and prepare for the clearing of all from Earth prior to its total, physical destruction.



It is hoped that by the time you have finished this book you will be able to have some idea of what is going on in this planet. People need to know that their awareness has been so restricted as time has elapsed that this information may now appear far stranger than science fiction. People must know why this has occurred and who it was that dared set up such an evil plan to fool them. People must be made aware, at this time, whether they like it or not because dramatic changes are about to occur to this planet and dimension and in other unseen levels and dimensions.

The original Divine Plan in this dimension for the evolution of consciousness was sabotaged and a false plan imposed. People must realize that this Earth is not the life centre of this universe. It appears to be for a very good reason. They have been fooled into thinking this because this planet has been artificially isolated in awareness from the rest of creation, just as every other planet has been isolated from all the others in the physical dimension.

This universe is not unique, and is not the only structure making up creation. There are many, many units and facets which make up the whole of creation. This universe is merely one very small unit in one very small SECTOR which is part of the evolution and Minds of much Superior Beings. These things may be beyond our comprehension. However, the point to be made is this: The universe is part of many universes which make up a part of a far greater creation than we have been led to believe.

People must know that the evolution in this universe has been tampered with by an Evil Essence and, in actual fact, the proper Divine evolution has not only been stopped but it has been forced to regress, to the disadvantage of all True Beings who were placed in this dimension to evolve and to the advantage of the Evil Essence which caused this, and for the advantage of those beings it created for its own nefarious needs and wants. An understanding of this situation will make it very clear why this planet is suffering so much, why there is so much injustice, why it is getting far worse and why drastic action has to be taken to rectify this situation.

People are to be made aware of the fact that they have been led to believe things which are inaccurate and contrary to the Divine nature. Specifically here I wish to point out the creation of EGO and the encouragement of its development. Through ego each person is made to feel separate, and is encouraged to develop characteristics which set that being apart from all others, to the apparent advantage of itself and the disadvantage usually of all others.

This has been one of the many evil plans that have been introduced into this creation to cause conflict, misunderstanding, hate, wars, and breakdown of the original Divine harmony. A steady but continuous breakdown of the Divine plan has occurred with more and more fragmentation of original structures. As will be seen, the introduction of changes to the physical and the introduction of systems into the lives of those trapped in this dimension have made slaves of the trapped beings.

The results of imposed evil systems have included ever-increasing fear, pain, suffering, disease, injustice and death. Evolution specified in the original Divine plan was stopped and a mock evolutionary system has been super-imposed so that the trapped True Beings would not see the fraud that had occurred in this sector of Creation.

Fragmentation of the consciousness occurred, with closure of the doors of communication between the various classes of consciousness on earth (as between humans and animals) and between the various planets, solar systems and galaxies of the universe.

Contrary to the Divine evolutionary plan, the independence of each being to follow his own True Plan was interfered with, and all beings have been made dependent for their apparent existence on the whims of the controlling and usurping Evil Essence that took control of this dimension.

Evil took control so that it could impose its own will, form its own classes of consciousness and become its own absolute ruler in its own dimension. It created more and more, which then became less and less organised and in many situations has resulted in tragedy and total collapse of systems. This planet was heading that way!

The Evil Essence in the form of a Mind which I have also called the Evil Demigod (and corresponds to Jehovah, Yahweh, Rex Mundi, Yaldabaoth, etc., in ancient texts) created beings who are just as evil as it is, and at times it has lost control of the very evil it has created.

Various teachers (Rescuers, Avatars such as Rama, Krishna, Zoroaster, Buddha, Jesus, Manichaeus, Mohammed, Aurobindo, and many others) have descended at various times into this dimension and this planet and tried to reawaken the beings to what had happened. Their messages were distorted however.

Now we have reached a time when all need to leave this planet in this generation before the planet is totally destroyed. I have been asked to tell why this is the case and people are being prepared, for they must know what happens after physical death, and they also will need to know their fate in due course. The recent publicity about Near Death Syndromes, Alien contact and Angels is part of this preparation.

This book has been basically written to give such information, to dispel fear, to lift the veil which for so long has blinded people to such things as life beyond physical death, the evolution of consciousness beyond the astral kingdoms and the destructive effects of Evil.

It is hoped fears which are part of the imposed evil ignorance on the True Beings of this planet will be dispelled. These include fears of hunger, poverty, pain, suffering and death. The wish is also to encourage people to bypass, as much as possible, the use of the emotions because emotions bind a being with fear. Many may at first be frightened by the facts revealed in this book. Particular of note is the fact revealing the number of counterfeit beings or non-Permanent Atom Beings (terms I will define soon) on the planet. These beings are the ones created by the evil demigod. Forget the number and instead remember that regardless of the ontological nature of the beings and the nature of their creator, the chance for inclusion in the permanent evolutionary Divine Plan is given to all.

Those who turn to the Light and seek the assistance that the Light can give will not be disappointed. This point is certainly worth remembering. Various facts and the message of Finality are repeated throughout the book so as not to be missed. After the first reading you may feel like one reader who told me he felt he had gone 15 rounds in a boxing ring with Mike Tyson. Relax! Reread the book and allow the mind to expand. If the facts appear beyond comprehension at this time it is not important. The important thing is for your Inner Awareness to be stimulated.

What is about to happen in the world is so dramatic, so devastating and so inevitable that without adequate preparation, the suffering, torment, terror and anguish that could result are beyond description.

I have been asked to state that not the smallest incident is accidental. The slightest change has been planned meticulously. No undeserved punishment will be dispensed anymore. For the first time in a long, long time on the planet TRUE JUSTICE WILL PREVAIL, and be seen to prevail. The culmination of the changes is also an inevitable ACT that has been predicted for a long time and this is A FINAL SORTING OUT AND JUDGEMENT of all consciousnesses. Eradication of all the evil elements will occur and this will coincide with judgement throughout all the kingdoms, realms, and dimensions affected by evil.

There will be an end to evil. The original Divine Plan for evolution of consciousness will be re-established and this is the era all should look forward to. What is about to happen is the culmination of an extensively planned and meticulously organised project involving a large army of workers called the Sons of the Light. It is beyond our comprehension perhaps to realize that this is so, that there are many working for the welfare of True Beings trapped in many levels, realms and dimensions, the existence of which most of us have long forgotten. It is to this awareness we must reawaken, and every effort must be made to prepare for the unique change that is imminent.

Before the end, all True Beings will hear this message. For most readers and for those who have not contemplated these philosophical thoughts before, the problem will be to be able to put aside the physical mind for long enough to grasp the significance of what is occurring. They must switch off useless input provided by their everyday mundane life that has buried them in useless exercises, in time-wasting triviality, and in mind-destroying worries. They will need to reflect on exactly what is happening to the environment, to them, to their thinking, to their friends and to the whole world, for the changes will escape no one, especially as the planet heats up due to the Greenhouse effect and Ozone depletion and runs out of food and water for various reasons.

One would need to be very, very blind not to see that there are dramatic things afoot this very day. However, the reasons for these things are often very obscure. These reasons will be examined in the following pages. There is a subtle reason behind what is happening, but the Evil Maya (the false illusion) has been placed as a facade in people's lives to prevent them seeing the real meaning of things clearly. It is only when people bypass prejudices, indoctrinations and external mind thought processes, and look within long enough to get answers that they may confirm that what they hear in this message is right for them.

It will be no easy task to look within, for many have not tried to do something like this, even though they have had the ability given to them at creation. It will not be easy for people to first of all convince themselves that they need this opportunity to stop the artificial external stimuli and listen within themselves to obtain the information they need at this time. Everything outside the being is a distraction on this level, a distraction for the outer mind away from the true nature, true knowledge, true aims.

If one examines even the very modern, well-cultured life of our society in the western world, it can be seen that it is virtually pointless. For example, a child is educated to obtain good employment or to enter university to obtain better employment, to earn lots of money, to develop many so-called friendships, to gain possessions, to be called successful, to be acknowledged by his peers, to be honoured by society, and then to die and be remembered for a short while. If this was the sum total of life, it would not take much thought to realize how pointless and ridiculous that all is. People must stop and realize these exercises have no meaning in themselves. They are a means to an end but if the end is a dead end, as we are led to believe by most, they are a waste of time.

People must realize that physical death is not the end, that this cycle of life is an artificially created one, that it was never intended to be this way. They need to ask of themselves: "What is the real cycle? What is the real meaning of my existence? Why am I here?" Only with these questions in mind will people stop long enough to think about what is happening and think about what is in this book.

Many will immediately recognize this information as that for which they have been searching. They have been prepared in the inner levels, and in other dimensions. In many cases their physical beings are merely manifestations of consciousnesses which have come down from other realms, other levels for this time and message. Many are Devas and they will assist the Clearing of the Planet in various ways. They will have a clear understanding of what is written here. It is knowledge which all True Beings have. It is simply a case of recalling it again in the physical. Many may be surprised at how easily they accept what is written and the explanation offered here. In fact many around the world have contacted me and stated that they had been awaiting this information and recognized it as such immediately they sighted it!

There will be others who are programmed directly by their Evil Essence to attack this information, attack me and anyone who embraces these facts. Do not be alarmed. They are the robotic counterfeit beings programmed to attack anything! They will attack anything and everything because of their programming. They have given up their Freewill to evil and they attack any glimpse of truthful information. They are pseudo-intellectual agitators.

In this world, in this system, all societies are evil. Naturally, no statement like this is going to go unchallenged. It is the ones who run the institutions and the superstructures of society who have most to lose and therefore they are the ones who will attack this information the most, and be the most abusive and critical of this revelation. Society is evil. The will of society is evil. The superstructure is evil. The evil systems are not working. There is more hatred, violence, war, hunger, illness, disease, pollution and ungodliness than ever before. Yet we are supposed to have the means to be rid of all these things. Many spuriously claim we are advancing as a civilisation, but that is nonsense! People must stop and think of what is happening. Enlightenment must come to all. Those who still refuse to see the Light will suffer the consequences. Evil has lost the battle for control.

One of evil's ploys has always been to anticipate. One of its plans has been to mimic the real plan and place it before society to confuse. It has often sent people to stand on soap boxes and proclaim the end of the world. It has programmed its robots to do this so often and with so much fervour that it has become a mockery. This was so that when the true message comes along it will be taken as just another of the ones that were mocked. Let no one be fooled, however. There is no way that this message and information is going to be misinterpreted, dismissed or ignored. There is no way anyone on this planet will miss receiving this message. There is no consciousness in this universe that is not being given this message one way or another. All beings throughout the seven classes of consciousness in this universe (and I will describe them shortly) have been given or are being given this message of Finality.

There is no need for fear because this information is given to dispel fear. There is no need for frustration because every doubt will be dispelled, every question will be answered. There is no need to panic. As the end approaches, all will know what is going on!

The message is simple and clear. It will reach every being on this planet. Those who attack it are making a stand and a judgement on their own being. This is not said to frighten them. This is a fact of what will happen. They have decided where they wish to stand.

Those who accept it quickly and willingly will do so for it is in harmony with the Truth within them. They have prepared themselves in other levels and other dimensions for the manifestation of the Truth on this level.

People will fall into 3 groups. The first will attack from the onset.

The second are those who accept from the onset. The third group are the majority of people. They will hesitate and doubt. It is for the third group that this book is mainly written. They need to stop and re-examine their beliefs and their lives. They will need to ask themselves whether they are happy and free of fear. Do they understand what life is all about? Do they have explanations for all the misery, hunger, suffering and death? Have their pain, disappointments and frustration been of any use to them?

People have to turn the Light on for themselves. No one else will do it for them. If they refuse to turn on the Light and see the Truth, it is their decision. No one is being forced to accept this information. The decision to accept or reject is entirely up to the individual. The reward for acceptance or otherwise does not go to anyone but the individual. Individual outcomes are irrelevant to me. Individuals will either turn towards the Light or away from the Light. To my thinking, dismissing this information outright is the act of sentencing oneself to live totally in darkness and ignorance; and only fools judge in ignorance.


Everyone in this world at some time or other thinks of his future and what the possibilities after physical death may be. At the moment on the planet there are many groups of people with diverging opinions. Some do not believe in anything outside the physical and others believe in some sort of life after death. Because awareness has been reduced greatly, most are not sure that what they believe is correct. Most hope with a religious fervour that what they have been told is correct.

All methods used from this plane for finding what is beyond physical death have been fairly fruitless. A very general picture that possibly embraces what the majority do believe of the continuation of life may be painted as follows: There is a Superior Being who creates all. It creates a soul and places it in a physical body and that soul then earns its right to an eternal and happy resting place by showing its worth in a time of trial and tribulation on this earth. Most think that all the other parts of creation we see, such as the plants, animals, seas, stars, etc., are to make up the scenery for enactment of that life on earth. Some believe that those who fail are punished in some way.

Most people do not believe that there are other universes outside of this one and most do not even believe there is life outside of this planet, although the incidence of alien contact and abductions is changing this belief rapidly. Many variations of this basic picture have developed over the years.

Some believe that in order for the soul to become perfect, it reports back after its life on Earth, is then told its inadequacies and is sent back (that is, it reincarnates) onto the physical plane. Some think that if it has been particularly bad it will be punished by reincarnating in a lower form such as an animal. Others believe in a Law called Karma (Law of Cause and Effect) and insist that this law is fair and just. It is not, as we shall see.

Others, such as present-day Roman Catholics, believe in only one chance at the entry into Paradise. This was not always their policy of belief. They believe in only one lifetime and inspite of all the trappings to prevent success, they believe in a Final Judgement when a decision on an everlasting heavenly reward or everlasting punishment in Hell is made.

Some mentioned that to cleanse the soul further, it may spend some time in a place called Purgatory which is similar to Hell, but is not an eternal abode. Some even claim there is a place called Limbo. Augustine of Hippo claimed that certain ones were earmarked for Heaven and the rest marked for perdition. New Agers tell us there is no evil, that we are all God and it does not matter what we do or think; we will all go to heaven. Most Near Death Experiencers come back with reports that we all go to the Light, but a few have reported more accurately after having perceived the evil deception which occurs in the astral levels. The ever-increasing versions of conflicting stories make one wonder how much is Truth and how much is fiction.

Some are awaiting a return of Superior Beings to end the evil which no doubt affects our lives. Others claim the Superior Beings have already come but the evil has not been conquered. There is utter confusion about what is true and what is not true. Each particular sect claims that its version is true, and this only adds to the general confusion. No wonder most people give up!

The most earnest of scholars in philosophy often cannot decide what should be believed. Hence, the average layman who has little time, because of other pursuits, does not even try to study these theories and decide. In fact, apart from using the religious institutions as social settings, it appears that little thought is given to the philosophical and theological ideas contained within them. And besides, the ideas of Tenets, Dogmas, Tradition, etc., appear antiquated, foreign, mysterious and pretty well untenable for they are incomplete in their explanations of situations which form the everyday experiences of people on the face of this planet. As an example, consider the Dogma of the Infallibility of the Pope. When the history of such a Dogma is examined, it becomes a rather sick joke and makes the Papacy appear the Court of Fools. In previous eras, many paid with their lives for daring to question such lunacy.

The ecclesiastics, in their insatiable avarice for wealth and power, have made sure people have remained as ignorant as possible, as I have explained in detail in the book "Making Sense of the Madness, Volume Three: Death of an Evil God". True knowledge has been buried by the weight of untruth, very much on purpose.

A view of the conditions on this planet generally does not lead one to the conclusion that this planet is under the control of a loving, just God. This planet appears to be out of control. The evil is ever-increasing and the presence of pain, suffering, disease, injustice and death can in no way be the Divine Plan of a loving and just God. As many have said, the God in control of human affairs must be cruel and sadistic to allow so much evil, or he is uncaring, or else he is dead!

There must be a reason for all things. Ultimately, there must be a reason for this great confusion of thoughts, for this ever-increasing number of diverse opinions about philosophy, about the nature of the earth, about life and its meaning, about life after physical death, about God, and Heaven and Hell and angels and demons, etc. There must be explanations for UFOs, extra-terrestrial life and the massive structures in the universe that are said to make up scenery alone. There must be answers! And there are many answers which we can understand and accept.

Nonetheless, there appear to be a number of conspirational plots against our becoming aware of how things in existence are interrelated. There are conspiracies galore. They are part of a grand plot, for Evil has controlled the planet and the dimension and its modus operandi has been to foster ignorance.

The aim of the book is not to discuss the many variations of existing philosophical themes however, but to present an outline of certain things I have been asked to reveal. Some questions will be answered. What follows is a very simplified version of the mechanisms of Creation and a simplified description of what went wrong in the terms that I understand.


Creation is massive and has many universes. It is only this physical dimension which has been tainted by Evil. We will come to why shortly. The following comments relate to the untainted sectors of Creation:

A universe such as this one is one of 7 under the control of a Superior Being called an Absolute Creator. The universe manifests via the WILL of the Absolute. The Absolute projects the universe, and via his will creates a space and time. That is, a dimension manifests as He wills it.

The energy for the manifestation is supplied by the Absolute. This energy comes from a Primordial Pool. This particular universe contains seven separate levels of consciousness. They are the Mineral, Vegetable, Animal, Human, Spiritual, Galactic and Universal levels. The function of any universe is to provide a space and time for the consciousnesses within it to experience, experiment, express, enjoy and evolve. They convert the potential energy they are given for this into actual experiences. In other words, they learn as they experiment and experience in a practical way.

All this knowledge of the experiences can then be absorbed back into the Absolute when the dimension containing the universe is retracted into the Consciousness of its Creator. In this way the Absolute is enriched. In other words, the Absolute evolves to a higher level of consciousness by the mere fact that His manifestation and all the beings within it have experimented and have had innumerable experiences.

Each universe is unique. Each is an experiment in the creative evolutionary cycle. Each unit of consciousness in the universe starts at the lowest level and graduates to a higher level to be included in higher and higher levels of consciousness. The seven separate levels of consciousness are seven collective classes of "Beings" made up of units of consciousness which have experienced the lower classes in other universes and have graduated to be included in these levels in this universe.

The units of consciousness make up the classes of the levels. After the life of the universe, they graduate to the class above and are sent out in other dimensions and universes to experience in the new class.

Each unit is a separate packet of consciousness. However, it helps make up the total consciousness of the level it is in. The seven levels make up one universe. The 7 universes under the control of an Absolute are part of Him. Ultimately all is one in the sectors which have not been affected by Evil.

In an experiment of the Divine hierarchy in this sector of creation, something went wrong which was not corrected immediately due to its unusual nature. A "Celestial Error" occurred. Polarization of the energy within the experiment into an opposite and antagonistic nature occurred.

The shadow of the experimental energy engulfed the substance. The experiment slipped out of control and the negative, destructive aspect became dominant. It then manifested an essence which contrasted with, contradicted and opposed the Divine Essence which was conducting the experiments. This new polarization was EVIL in its manifestation for it tried to destroy the existing order in the system.

The evil aspect developed and was uncontrollable at that level of the experiment. It tainted all energy and consciousness which came in close proximity to it with its essence of evil. Its Evil Aspect took control. As it eventually gained control, it closed off the dimension in which it found itself from the direct energy connection with the Absolute Creator, and set about replacing the Divine evolutionary plan within the trapped area.

This Evil Essence made itself the absolute controller within the confined dimension and temporarily escaped the control of, and supervision by, the Absolute. It compartmentalised all regions of the dimension, separated all classes by cutting their lines of communication, and went about changing all the characteristics in the original plan to suit itself, so that the memory of the original plan would fade in the consciousnesses of each trapped level.

By various means, the Evil Essence was able to exploit the energy of the trapped experimenting Beings and this caused a fall of their awareness. It used the exploited energy to create its own evil beings and its own creations to serve it and further trap the True Beings.

The physical matter present in this universe precipitated as the energy it had trapped was slowed more and more. As the frequency fell, the energy condensed into the particles we recognize as solid matter.

This universe began with an explosion of such solidifying energy from a smaller dimension, and as it solidified, the various celestial systems we see formed. As the planets, suns, moons, galaxies precipitated, each acquired characteristics to house the varying consciousnesses which were to inhabit them. Changes were continuous.

On earth, changes were made to the face of the planet, the atmosphere, to all the levels of consciousness and to their manifestations. Mock structures were set up. Evil creations were tried. More and more evil became propagated. The True Beings who remained trapped (some escaped) were more and more removed from the memory of the Original Plan and they fell more and more in awareness.

The changes were slowly and stealthily introduced. True evolution was stopped. The trapped beings were cut off from their Source. This cut off was reported to the Absolute who in turn reported it to the Supreme Consciousness above Him.

Special Consciousnesses were sent in to investigate, report back and devise a plan to re-establish the original plan. After extensive examinations, the true situation of what had occurred was revealed. Plans were then made to restore the Original Plan by transmuting the Evil Essence, and any of its evil beings who refused to turn to the Light. All the superimposed evil structures had to go.

The plan of Liberation and Restoration was not so easy to implement however, for the Evil Essence did not give in voluntarily or easily. Since that time there has been a long, long battle between those of a Divine Essence (the Sons of Light) and those of Evil (Sons of Darkness). The Evil Essence is all but vanquished in all other levels, realms and dimensions. Even now it can be said that it has been beaten in the Final Battle. The physical plane however, being one of the lowest vibrational states, has only now begun to manifest the destruction of the Evil Essence.

What is seen now occurring on the earth is the final, futile struggle of evil and the process of Clearing of the Planet prior to its destruction. The gross mess in society, in all the levels of consciousness, which includes diseases, injuries, suffering, confusion, injustices, exploitations, crimes and false beliefs, false philosophies, false hopes and ultimate desperation are all results of the Evil Essence controlling this dimension and this planet since the time of the Celestial Error, for that is what the unfortunate experiment which produced evil has been called in ancient texts such as the Nag Hammadi Library.

What I have described is a very simplified version of the Gnostic notion of Darkness invading the Light as revealed by manuscripts in the above Library and in the Gnostic writings of Manichaeus, and others. These accounts predate the history of Mankind as spuriously recorded in the unreliable and unbelievable texts of the Old Testament by a great time margin.

And so it was that many times the Sons of Light and the special creators sent representatives to arouse awareness in the True Beings. They reminded them of what had happened to this dimension and that a Rescue Mission was on the way. But because of the evil conditions that existed, their messages were pounced upon by those of evil and distorted so that their true meaning was eventually forgotten or buried. The Gnostic Ancient Wisdom contains the True Message. The representatives in our era of recorded history include such beings as Rama, Krishna, Moses, Buddha, Jesus, Mohammed, Manichaeus, Haidakhan Babaji, the real Sai Baba, etc.

It is only now with total destruction of evil everywhere on other levels, that finally the eradication of evil on this level can be performed. This will be achieved by the descent of a New Clearing Energy onto the planet. Clearing of all consciousnesses out of the planet is not an option. It is obligatory. "Where does that leave those who claim they can make their bodies last forever?", you may well ask. They are just deluded fools!

Consciousnesses judged as no longer being capable of continuing the Divine Evolutionary Plan will be transmuted. That is, they will lose their consciousness forever. They will simply cease to exist! Beings who are to continue will have restoration of their memory and awareness of the True Divine Plan even while they are living in the physical.

All evil will be eradicated. With the restoration of the memory, the Truth (the essence of which is contained in each and every one of the True Beings) will be recognized.

The reason why this restoration has appeared to take a long time has been explained, in my other books, in the time relationship between dimensions. What appears to us on this level to be a very long time is, in fact, a very short period in the higher dimensions.

There exists within each True Being a blueprint of the Original Divine Plan and the individual's function in it, but many of the True Beings actually became agents for evil in this period. They chose to recognize the Evil Essence as their master and chose to forget the True Source and Absolute. Today, only a minority of the True Beings have remained faithful to the True Plan and the Absolute.

Consciousness was compartmentalised and beings were forced to use physical manifestations (bodies) created by evil which suited evil and not the consciousnesses occupying them. Minds were fragmented and filtered so that memory of what they had done in the bodies during each life could be eradicated. Via the physiological, biochemical and emotional bodily functions, the Evil Essence could program the minds of the trapped consciousnesses.

Even now, any consciousness entering these bodies is subject to evil programming, pollution and indoctrination, and is in danger of falling under the influence of evil. Everyone in this dimension, with no exception, has been exposed to this Evil Essence which will now be totally eradicated.

The changes caused by the Evil Essence were surreptitious and no matter how much a being thought his awareness improved in the system, the chance of connecting to the true Source was non-existent.

The Divine Essence has always been present in this dimension to some extent, in various forms, since the evil takeover, balancing the evil energy, while a definitive plan was being evolved for total resolution of the Error. Sometimes this Divine Essence presented as the consciousness of great public figures like Moses, Jesus, Manichaeus, Zoroaster, Hermes, Isis, etc. And because the Evil Essence monitored all the energy supply in the dimension, contaminated it, packaged it and controlled its distribution, these particles of the Divine distributed pure energy to sustain the trapped True Beings within the dimension.

Whenever there was a danger of full exposure of the Evil Essence on this level, it caused massive movement of consciousnesses out of the physical. In this way, memory of individuals was filtered, progress was halted and True Beings in the physical were once again in Darkness.

These episodes have been recorded as the great world floods, change in the polar planetary axis, destruction of Atlantis, etc. If the Light had not intervened, the Evil Essence was preparing once again to destroy all life on earth and then allow reincarnation at its own pace as it had done previously.

It is difficult to comprehend energy, consciousness, polarization and expressive manifestation in absolute terms. We only think we understand by rational extrapolation of our physical minds. For example, we claim we are conscious and aware because others can perceive us and interact with us. Our awareness is limited however by the ability of others to reflect our awareness. We are conscious because we think we are conscious, and can say "I am conscious because I am here, aware of my surroundings and reactive to external stimuli." (Rene Descartes expressed it in his famous "Cogito, ergo sum".)

But once consciousness leaves the body, and the body becomes inert we are at a loss to explain consciousness and awareness. What was the consciousness? How did the awareness arise? We still have a body, brain, oxygen, glucose in the bloodstream, etc. What is missing? What has left? What is the energy which is the consciousness and gives awareness? What constitutes life? It is only these questions which can cause a complete change of perspective.

The body is but a machine, a shell. The polarized energy within it is the consciousness which gives awareness. The energy is not biochemical or physiological for it is independent of these systems. That which says "I am conscious, I am aware" is not the body. It is something apart from the body but uses it to express itself at this time in this dimension.

As a matter of fact, that consciousness is restricted by the limitations of the body and can only express through the limited reflexes of the body. Worse still, while fully conscious in the body it often only receives information through the grossly limiting senses of the physical expression. It is only when the consciousness is outside the body that it can say: I am more conscious, I am more aware, I am less limited and inhibited, I am more alive, I am more interactive, informed, etc. Hence, we see that the energy came first. It polarized and became conscious of itself. It then entered a dimension (space-time) and became aware of things outside itself.

There has been a conspiracy for a long, long time to cause a fall in awareness. Awareness can be defined as a conscious recognition of the Truth. True awareness in the undistorted system means knowing the purpose of life. True awareness reveals that there is a Divine Plan, that each being has a role in it, that the Plan is for the good of all people and for the good of the Absolute Creator. Loss of awareness breeds ignorance and fosters fears, and these need to be discussed.

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