Take It Or Leave It!

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Copyright 1997 (c) by J.S. Chiappalone

Our Motto: Take it or leave it. 

As any who have written books on the subject of metaphysics well know, and as those who have lectured on the topic also soon realize, metaphysics is probably the most misunderstood subject one can contemplate. It is far more open to misunderstanding, and abuse, than say prosaic philosophy, religion or science. In philosophy, one approaches the subject knowing that what is going to be read are the opinions of others, and as such, one is under no illusion. One need not accept or reject, for once the book is closed on the subject, it matters little to one's existence, or well-being, in a direct sense. Philosophy thrives on argumentative speculation for ultimately it is shrouded in an irrelevance which tolerates all views equally, knowing that aberrations are contained by enforced legal, moral and ethical constraints imposed by other disciplines.

Religion, and here I mean mainstream institutionalized religion, is based on ossified dogma, dispensed by stratified hierarchies whose stance is also clear-cut. If you want to join the institution, you accept the package dictated to you. It is an all or none effect. For a decision to be reached about the religion, there is mental coercion and a compunction to comply!

When the compelling and restrictive, destruction officiousness becomes an imposed paradigm for earthly existence, then religion becomes the dictatorial tool to devastate. As history amply demonstrates, mindless religious compliance unleashes a deadly force of Darkness whose rejection is often even more catastrophic for those who want to be left alone. Harken back to the vanquished on Charlemagne's field of battle and feel the oppressive, sadistic compunction of the losers to accept Christianity or be beheaded. Alas, that is not where we want to be in metaphysics. But the blackmailing coercion has not really ceased. It has been modified and disguised. Religious help, when it is not being abused and used as a cover for spying, as some evangelists have done for the USA and the Vatican in Third World Countries, is invariably given with strings. Read and regurgitate the catechism and accept it, otherwise you will not be fed!

And so we come to Science, that bastion of free-thought and experimentation, or so it wants you to believe that it is. You are no more free from the theoretical and experimental constraints of science than you are of the dogmatic rigours of religion. If a scientific fellow you want to be, you will, per force, toe the line. In any subject deemed scientific, if you want to pass exams and make a living from the teachings of that faculty, you must, by order, submit to the dogmas of the day. And this goes for medicine, nuclear physics, quantum mechanics, hydroponics, whatever. Fail to regurgitate the dogmas and you fail. Stray from the dictated, restrictive path and the thought police in the form of Disciplinary Boards, Regulatory Boards (such as the draconian Medical Boards), Government Licensing Boards, Funding Boards, etc., will see to your professional death.

These disciplines want adherents, disciples, sycophants, robots, brainwashed automatons who will prosper on the prescribed prejudices of the epistemological branch concerned. Religions, of course, are even more sinister, and give themselves a deific right of dictatorship, the most dangerous role of all, and in their fraudulence assume the Keys to the Kingdom, leaving one in no doubt that it is their hierarchies, their very own Archons, not even God, who dictate exactly who enters the Pearly Gates and who does not.

It is with these thoughts about the mental and psychic destructiveness of science and religion that I formulated our motto of "Take it or Leave it".

Metaphysics is not about compunction, prejudices, conforming, producing sheep, passing exams, being like your peers at all. It seeks to liberate, not constrain. It recognizes the individuality of mind, thought, and spirit in each. It urges the recognition of a unique flame of the Eternal essence in each, if, in fact, there still is a flame in any particular individual. I say this because it may be absent.

Metaphysics is the method of bypassing all the temporal constraints, all the dogmatic punishment, all the mind-closing theories, and soaring into the beauty of one's individuality.

Thus it is that what we have written is to achieve the aims of the following:

1 Stimulating an awakening in each reader to her/his inner Truth,

2 Allowing the individuality of spirit to transcend the harsh restriction of this plane.

3 Awakening to the evil-imposed reality of this Plane of Darkness, Despair and Doom.

One cannot achieve these aims by subscribing individuals to a preset doctrinal membership, or making them mindless sheep, or seeking thoughtless sycophants. The whole idea of the writing is to make you think for yourself, to awaken to your truth within. How, when, and why you do this, is no one else's business. It is a matter entirely between you and that God particle within you. That awakening will provide you with all the answers you need to accomplish the spiritual goals you have set yourself. Those answers will undoubtably vary from the answers of others in minor or major ways. That is the whole point of the individual awakening. It can be no other way. What you need on this level may not necessarily be what another may need.

Knowing this and also knowing that many are already spiritually dead, for I have seen their state of existence, we have, by using the motto we are using, reminded you of your inalienable right to reject or accept anything which suits you. But no one else needs to know what it is you accept or reject. Hence it is that you are free to use any of the thoughts expressed here to awaken to your own truth within. Hence it is that if none of this is of value to you, you are free to go elsewhere. There is no compunction. No one is forcing you. There is no restriction on your thoughts or goals. You are free to pursue your likes, dislikes, prejudices or dogmas.

What we do ask is that you respect the rights of others, whether you are spiritually viable or not, and allow them to choose their own path for themselves. We do not wish for you to dictate to anyone else what truth should or should not be.

In all the public lectures we (mainly Amitakh and I) have given, we spent the first 10 minutes, at least, explaining this sort of preface. And this can be confirmed on the lecture tapes we sell. But in the past, those of an evil essence have ignored all this advice, and out of malice have wantonly attacked jealously, ignorantly and unreasonably with uninhibited demonism. These people are beyond help.

We are not presenting this information to argue for the sake of arguing. Hence, take the information or leave it. It is your business entirely what you do with it!

Read these pages by choice therefore, and realize you are in no way forced to read them. If they are not for you, move on. But have the courtesy of letting others share the freedom we extend to you.

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