Physical Immortality

from "Thoughts of a Gnostic" - Volume 4

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Copyright 1999 (c) by J.S. Chiappalone

Physical Immortality

This concept of living physically almost forever - some want to think it will be forever - has gained favour with the demons and robots of the counterfeit creation who, under the circumstances, should really be called fools, for they have been fooled, in such an obvious and ridiculous way, by unscrupulous, more evil hucksters. The whole scenario is risible.

Forgetting for one moment the immorality of physicality and the grossly imperfect, dangerous and, needless to say, inappropriate concept of incompetent genetic engineering, let us examine longevity in its present form and decipher for ourselves the desirability of the path to physical immortality.

By the way, before going on, have you one example in which human experimentation in genetic engineering has given one problem-free result, and/or one of benefit to humanity without disastrous side-effects? If you say you have, you are lying, for there are none. But let's keep that argument for another day. Let us go back to our concept of physical immortality.

Needless to say, this will have to encompass the subject of geriatrics. Have you ever been in a geriatric home? Before you contemplate further this ludicrous notion of physical immortality, I suggest you do visit one of these geriatric homes and find what senility is all about, for you will be unable to separate geriatric senility from the concept of physical immortality, no matter how hard you try.

The concept demons and robots have now about this subject is a distortion of the original concept of physical immortality arising from the stories, myths and practices of yogis and holy men, such as Babaji, who were said to roam the tall mountains of India and Tibet in the same bodies, for centuries at a time, fluctuating between dimensions, such as this one and Annwn, Agartha, Shamballah, etc., and rematerialising a new body, form, appearance, whenever it suited them.

This concept, of course, is a mixture of fact, fiction, myth, tradition, volition and bunkum. However, as in all fables and myths, there is a basis of Truth, and beings of both sides, Good and Evil, above the level of consciousness of humans, communicating with this physical and very concrete dimensions, did give information about other levels, realms and dimensions, both above, and below, this one.

Such information is not exclusive to Eastern Religions, their practices, history and myths, by any means, for one has to simply open up a book, any book on Mythology, and there, a welter of information concerning the interaction of so-called gods, nymphs, super-natural powers, etc., and humanity, will be found, be it in the Nordic lands, Ancient Greece or Rome, Troy or Phregia, Persia, Africa, or Aboriginal Australia.

The universality of such concepts and their acceptance in popular, modern-day culture, in part due to the work of such people as Carl Jung and Joseph Campbell, leave no doubt, in my mind at least, that physicists, particularly quantum physicists, are on the right track when they extrapolated theories that multiple dimensions need to exist in order to explain many of the phenomena which are otherwise inexplicable with Newtonian and Relativity theories.

Confusion has come, in the minds of those who cannot adequately, truly discriminate, as to what it is that actually survives the death of the body and goes on into immortally. They fail to differentiate between the consciousness and the physical body which must rot eventually, but which acts as a prison, while it survives, for the very consciousness which drives it. This point could not be clearer if one reads the myths. Immortality is a property of the "gods" and their realms, not of the physical, and its beings, at all! While awed by the majesty and possibility of the infinite, we are grounded by the sordidness and inevitability of our own body's finitude, which is revealed to us daily, accompanied, as it is, by the fear of mortality in those who cannot conceive beyond the molecules of which they are physically constructed.

The human body, as any other biologically-timed organism, has an in-built redundancy clause, and expiry date. No matter what we have done in the past, and are doing now, the redundancy and expiry date seem to be non-negotiable. The fact that scientifically we have been able to extrapolate the lifespan of atoms, solar systems and even stars, should be enough incentive for us to accept that we are living in a dimension of temporary time, space and matter.

That which has a beginning cannot, by definition, be infinite. If we accept that our universe, this dimension, began with a Big Bang from a point of zero time and space, then it is finite. Hence, on scientific grounds all is finite.

Just by the way, Fred Hoyle had proposed this theory of the "Big Bang", for the commencement of the universe, as a joke, but lo and behold!, the joke took off with a life all of its own. Now we have madmen like Stephen Hawking, and others, working out to the minutest detail the very essence of the creation of the universe from this Hoyle joke. I have explained my theory of the commencement of this universe from another in the series "Making Sense of the Madness".

Why do I call Hawking a madman? What would you call any being who claims he is god and then says god is a redundancy, like Hawking has done? His first wife left him because he insisted, in his madness, that he was this redundant God! He is the author of the book "A Brief History of time" which is reputed to have sold millions of copies, and has been read by a few thousand of those millions of buyers. The others bought it as a coffee table piece to impress their equally obnoxious, hypocritical friends, or so it seems.

In accepting the Big Bang theory for the commencement of the Universe, science reveals its own fraudulence. The Big Bang theory implies, in essence, that all the physical universe began from nothing. And yet, one of the most fundamental and indisputable theories of science is the Conservation Theory of Energy. We know energy and matter are interchangeable (E=mc2) but conservation applies in a gross form, until we get into Quantum Physics where subatomic particles disappear (into other dimensions) without a trace of energy or matter being left in the unbalanced equations, destroying the Theory of Conservation altogether.

But I will leave that scenario for another day so as not to confuse you further.

So there, science, as it is today, is fraudulent and contradictory. It cannot have it both ways. Either the universe began with a Big Bang from nothingness, in which case no gross physical Law of Conservation applies (as is also implied by Quantum physics) or else the Law does stand and the Big Bang is still a big joke, like Hoyle intended, and I accept, and the universe began from something.

The only solution to this conundrum is the metaphysical view: The Big Bang Theory is still a big joke; the Law of Energy Conservation exists but for its application to apply, other dimensions, which science cannot bring itself to believe in, let alone measure the energy content therein, must be invoked.

Hence, in this view, other times, realms and dimensions do exist; energy in the form of consciousness does exist outside of the finite physical, and even the sub-atomic particles which we observe disappearing, go, as consciousness and energy, into those other dimensions (and sometimes reappear in physical form) before our very eyes.

If science wants to argue that the Law of Conservation only needs to apply after the time of the Big Bang began, then metaphysicians, like myself, can argue that there will come a time when it will again not be needed, and all things will revert to consciousness outside of the physical. It will no longer be needed, not because of nothingness, but because of no abrupt changes of state which demand such a Law.

It is therefore easy, for me anyway, to see that on these grounds alone, the concept of physical immortality is ridiculous.

It is only the metaphysician, the spiritually aware one, who conceives immortality, but not in any physical sense at all. It is the consciousness which survives. There is no doubt Superior Beings could, in the past, and even now, not only extend the life of a particular body for some time, but also manifest a physical entity when it suits them. (Superior alien consciousnesses do this all the time, but that also is another story for another day.)

I mention these sporadic facts and theories because ultimately I want to demonstrate that physical immortality is an idiotic concept from all angles and beliefs which can be considered.

If we examine someone who has reached one hundred years, or more, of "living", what do we find? We find qualities which we find repulsive and certainly not what I would want at all. People of that age are usually defective in a multitude of ways. Often they are deaf, incontinent of both bladder and bowel, and usually have the memory of a 2 year old, which means almost nihil.

If they are not incontinent, their bowels function very poorly, or not at all, and they need suppositories to prevent them clogging up, or repeated enemas, or sometimes regular physical removal of faecoliths because of faecal impaction. They may have some memory of what libido was, but no function in that regard to exercise it.

Most are emphysematous, whether they smoked earlier in life or not, for the elasticity in their lungs also has a use-by date. Virtually every male over 100 years has an active, and usually malignant, prostatic tumour that may or may not kill him. The muscles of the heart are weakened enough to require supplementary concoctions to keep them going. Original teeth have long been lost and false dentures present a comical scene of ill-fitting horse teeth as the gums recede faster than the dentures can be remoulded. The hair, if any, is straggly and lifeless. Cataracts, lack of accommodation, and loss of memory for the simplest words, make vision, drawing, reading, the most difficult of tasks.

The lack of prana (lifeforce) to run the vital aspects of the body make sleep the preferred and essential occupation. The digestive tract has all but digested itself and that, combined with the lack of teeth, and power of mastication, leave the simplest, most easily digestible flour, light milk, or crushed, pureed bananas as the meal of choice.

Weak musculature means that often the person cannot even turn in bed, let alone get out of a chair unassisted, and the osteoporotic bones succumb to the weight of the feeble tendons and skin which hang off them as inappropriate appendages. A fall resulting in vertebral fractures and their concomitant pain is the usual course of such existence, and a fall on a hip with fracture of the head of the femur is usually a death sentence, for approximately 50% of such sufferers die within eighteen months, reasons often unknown.

Of course, there are exceptions to this picture I have painted, but they are very few, very few indeed. Some do well with replaced hips; others respond to osteoporotic treatment; many exercise and keep agile; some can afford to have good dentures fitted regularly; some read and stir their minds, staving off dementia with each effort. Others remain what they call sexually active and gain some energy that way.

Barbara Cartland (the demon who writes the soft pornography which sells as romantic novels) is said to pay immense amounts of money to gigolos to have intercourse with them daily. She is stealing energy off them by doing this, of course, and hoping to stay alive a little longer. Can you imagine anything more repulsive (unless you suffer from necrophilia) than having to have sex for money - it is certainly not "making love" - with a painted, hardly breathing, moribund cadaver with a body temperature that must be no more than 250 C?

The bottom line of all this is that there is one course for physicality, and one course only: It is the inexorable course down hill, with slow death of all systems, whether we want to accept it or not. After all, if stars die, why should we not also?

No amount of perfume masks the stench of senility and impending mortality; insufficient layers of rouge cover the pallor of impending death. Alas, there is no such thing as physical immortality.

Against this you will want to tell me we can replace hearts and lungs, kidneys and pancreases, limbs and vessels, repair incontinence and heart valves, remove tumours and cataracts, inject hormones and vitamins.

Ha! Stop fooling yourself. How long do any of the recipients last? Was this really your concept of your physical immortality?

The promise of cryogenics is the second biggest joke of the twentieth century, only pipped by this concept of physical immortality. I have covered cryogenics to some extent in my book series "Making Sense of the Madness", and readers are referred to those sections if they are interested.

Genetic engineering, the promise of the future, of all that is ridiculous, has been tried before, as those who are familiar with the readings of Edgar Cayce, the Sleeping Prophet, and as those who have regressed to the times of Atlantis and before, are aware. Vulgar, inhuman monsters resulted which were sterile, and were eventually all eradicated, as was the experimentation. This explains the directive in ancient texts to "Keep the Race pure!" We are heading that way with cloning, but wanting to keep this essay as free from metaphysics as possible, that is all I wish to say on the subject, other than to conclude that genetic engineering is a pathway to disaster, as transgenic foods are even now proving to be.

In this field of Physical Immortality, I wish to mention three characters, for they have been involved in this scam, one way or another.

First, a chap by the name of Leonard Orr, (who claimed, and still probably does, that he was a disciple of an Indian Holy Man by the name of Babaji), is an idiot and a thief. He has been well and truly exposed and sacked by the said Babaji. You will find what an idiot he is if you read his nonsense published, under the title "Physical Immortality", some 15 years ago, after a trip to India and to see this Holy Man. I call him a thief because he, on a provable occasion, seized one of the books Babaji authorised in the USA, tore off the cover, and sold it as his. He was found out and threatened legally.

But really, the whole point of the exercise was to show he was an unscrupulous trickster and demon, with no essence of Goodness or spirituality within him at all. The last I heard of him, he was cavorting around the eastern part of the USA.

Such people are hypocrites who lie, cheat, and steal from others. Alas, exposed one, hell awaits.

The second one I wish to mention is a chap called John Stone, a would-be guru in the suburbs of Melbourne, a city in the state of Victoria, Australia. Unfortunately, John was not too bright - he passed away a short while ago - but he was clever enough to plagiarise a lot of material, including ours, and use it as his own.

Needless to say, there are countless zombies whom he could fool, and he did just that. One of his last attainments, it seems, was a concept and belief in Physical Immortality. Shortly after that, he died. No doubt, paradoxically, there will be enough lunatics he touched, emotionally and monetarily, who will continue their belief in the concept, even after his demise.

When I last met John in Melbourne, he was plethoric, obese, hypertensive, and with the aura of one who would die at the next commercial break. But he confessed to having an inordinate number of sexual partners, and this must have kept him going for a while.

Although he could pick the latest fad and make a buck out of it, faster than most people could draw breath, I must admit I was surprised he picked on physical immortality, when one look at him revealed he could well and truly keel over at any time from a coronary occlusion. I believe that ultimately was the cause of death. His lust for power, money and sex forms an indelible triad and hallmark of demons everywhere and I have written at length about this elsewhere.

The third man I wish to mention is, in my opinion, the most successful snake oil salesman of this century. You ought to know that the body of anyone who lives long enough, no matter how pure in spirit the person is, will degenerate with atherosclerosis, heart disease, arthritis and cancer.

These things are unavoidable, inspite of the "physical immortality" hoax the "snake-oil peddlers" of the New Age movement try to sell the unaware. And, the most successful of these peddlers has been Deepak Chopra. He has traits and characteristics which the intensely gullible demons and robots of the New Age, mainly Americans, cannot resist. He is an Indian; he has degrees; and he can speak with a foreign accent, and make words end in "nanda".

For such gullible fools, the man is a font of false bliss. For those who know what he is doing, he is a gushing tap of B.S. If you listen carefully to his voice, he has the same tone, vibration and energy content of another demon, called Marlow Morgan, who is, like Chopra, controlled by reptilian robots, as I mentioned in Newsletter # 10.

Of course it is entirely up to you whether you believe any of this. But if you read any of Chopra's garbage, you will get exactly the same concepts about which all New Age robots write, with a little medical terminology and a little sanskrit vagueness to boot. He speaks of there being no Evil, of living forever, of the Brotherhood of Man, Oneness, no disease, no War of Essences, no spiritual animosity, no demonic ill-intent, etc., even as he steals the money out of your pocket with his nonsense. Open your eyes and look at him carefully. He looks twenty years older than he did 10 years ago.

How can one then believe him when he says that he has mastered the concept of physical immortality, especially as it is obvious he is aging and dying before our very eyes?

He must really think all those he has swindled are Homer Simpsons, and he must call them all suckers, as he counts his ill-gotten loot. To paraphrase Shakespeare, this demonic fool has picked his "primrose way to the everlasting bonfire".

If you cannot see the demon within this being, you are not looking hard enough, or else you are still spiritually immature. I do not know, and really do not care, how many clones this clown has spawned who clamour and teach the dishonesty of physical immortality, but I am sure there must be quite a few. Avoid them like the plague. They are mendacious little devils from the hottest recesses of hell, sent to make you eventually very, very disappointed and extremely miserable. They live on the exploitation of energy gained from false promises and false hopes they cannot possibly keep.

Well, having written all that, let us get back into a metaphysical frame of mind to understand fully what these mendacious, and surreptitiously nefarious weasels were all about.

You are by now aware of my message of total physical destruction of this physical dimension, and all the others, such as the etheric and astral, associated with it. If you do not believe this message you might as well either go and contemplate it until you do, or else go elsewhere, and whittle away your time. It is pointless being involved in something you do not believe in. But, if you do believe, not because I have told you so, but because you know deep within that this message is true, read on.

If the many co-workers of the Light under Ishtar and General Seven of this Sector are all about executing the plans for destruction of the physical dimension, which includes this planet, solar system, galaxy and all galaxies in this universe, as well as the universe itself, and all physical biological entities, including yours and mine, it is unlikely that a concept of physical immortality will be entertained for very long by these agents, will it? In fact, it is not being entertained at all. All the physical will go!

So, next time someone starts spouting in your ear that they have an elixir for physical immortality, just tell them they are inept spiritual donkeys (no offence to real donkeys) who should go away and try and convince dead horse flies that they are still alive.

Whether you like it or not, there is no such thing as Physical Immortality, and there never will be. If you have understood the writings I and my co-workers have published, on many other topics, you know that this would be so, and you would be gladdened by this news, for the physical is an abomination created by an aberrant demigod, Jehovah, who has since been transmuted. The only reason he created this farce was to entrap beings of Light and exploit them of the energy he needed to run his counterfeit Evil Empire. Now, with total destruction of the Counterfeit Evil Empire which contains the physical dimensions, the particles of Light who have remained viable, who have not sold out, can go home - Home to an EFZ - an Evil-Free-Zone!

"But, but, I am a New Ager, and believe in myself, and I know that if I think positive thoughts, I will physically live forever", some shout!

OK, OK, I accept that some still believe in physical immortality, so let me end this essay by using the finesse of a sledgehammer to bring them to the Reality which exists now, at this very point in time, but which they may want to continue to deny:

1 The Earth is dying.

2 The atmosphere is dying.

3 The seas and all its creatures are dying.

4 The land is dying.

5 Vegetation is dying.

6 The animal kingdom is dying.

7 The genetic code is collapsing due to excessive radiation and all biological systems are dying.

8 Humanity, as well as other living things, are being sterilised and is therefore dying.

But many egotistical New Agers, and some so-called religious pseudo-moralists, and some sceptical physicists with answers that mean nothing in real terms, and which no one wants, and some genetic engineers, think that, in the midst of all this decay, they are going to physically live forever. How, in the light of what I have exposed, can they do that? Where do they think they will live? On Mars? Even it will be gone!

Indeed I have ridiculed this belief of Physical Immortality because it is a phoney belief which is easily exposed. It is not a philosophical belief which people can hold to assist their spiritual development at all. Physical Immortality is part of the scheme of Untruth, of the Illusion, of Unreality which can never be.

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