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Copyright 1997 (c) by J.S. Chiappalone

An extract from our book "The Kingdom of Zion":

When we think of religion, and what is and has been done in the name of "god" in this world, it is revolting. We do not excuse away or trivialize the evils of the religionists, such as their torturous and murderous inquisitions, just because they are not today's news. There is value in understanding history – what really happened – it helps us to put things which occur in the world today in context. A correct interpretation of the acts of the Zionists, for thousands of years, helps us to understand what life on this planet is really all about, today.

Religion – traditional or New Age – is not anyone's salvation. It will bury you in the lie or the illusion that this world is "good", life is "good", your family is "good", your elders are "good", your community or your world is "good", all people are "good"; and you, of course, because you are a good little sheep, are going to go to sheep heaven when you die, to graze contentedly in the hereafter, forever.

Why shouldn't a person surrender to the religious authorities when seeking God? Simply put: they are wolves in sheep's clothing. The shepherds are herding up the sheep with lies, deception, and the bark of the dog, just as they always have; and they are bringing them to market, for a price. Before you run to the religionists for "spiritual help", remember the evil essence that inspires, controls, and propagandizes them – it is Yahweh, the false god. Understand, there is a reason why those who feel most inspired by this evil "god" run out and slaughter the innocents and steal all the wealth they can. They are responding in accordance with Yahweh's real spiritual essence and intent, which resonates with their own inner spiritual essence – evil.

Religion today is more subtle; it is content to steal the mind and the soul, and whatever money it can take in, well that's just icing on the cake. Historically, the demons have used Yahweh's religions – for millennia – as a righteous excuse to murder the innocent in the name of "saving us all from sin". And they have plundered the wealth of nations to fill their own pockets, to increase their power and control, in the name of "god". The Zionists of today are doing nothing new, in that sense. The money-grabbing Zionists were there when Jesus was crucified, and they are here, today. They are often the same beings, the same anti-God consciousness, coming back again and again to thwart the Divine Messengers whenever they appear, and to delude, entrap, and spiritually assassinate the innocent. It is their mission in life.

The truth about Good and Evil, and the battle between the Light and Darkness has been ruthlessly suppressed by the archons at all times. Augustine of Hippo ("St. Augustine", the undubitable plagiariser and distorter who is considered by many sheep as a great father of the so-called Christian church) was a particular opponent of Manichaeus, the source of the Manichaean Gnostic philosophy that was branded as "heresy" by the Church. (Perversion knows no bounds in this evil dimension. Manichaeus was the re-incarnated Jesus, whose religious philosophy Augustine claimed he followed. But, being evil, he did no such thing of course.)

Time after time, wherever the True Messengers and children of Light have come forth, the evil demons who control the religions have tortured and murdered them – simply for believing the Truth. Manichaeus, who brought the same Divine teaching as Jesus, and who stated that Jesus was his Celestial Paraclete, was executed; the Manichees, Bogomils, and Cathars who embraced Gnostic truths and led simple, pure lives were hunted down and slaughtered.

Why is it that RELIGION, which is supposed to bring one to God, is the very force that has mercilessly killed any who have sought that knowledge or connection for themselves? Why are the religionists so anti-God? The answer is that they, and their churches and synagogues, are anti-Christ, anti-God. The last thing they want is for anyone to know the real truth, or to escape or threaten their death grip on men's souls.

Augustine the church-father was a typical hypocrite, a demon who "wrestled" with the darkness in him, but was unable to overcome it. Rather than being heroic in any sense, his apparent "battle with evil" within him was merely the inevitable conflict that a demon has when forced by his chosen incarnation to outwardly play the role of a "good" being. It goes totally against their grain, against every fibre of their inner being. Hence, they are conflicted by their pretence of goodness, and their evilness seeps out whenever it can. This is why Augustine took it upon himself to root out "heretics" such as the Manichees, whose truth was opposite to everything the demons wished to allow in their church.

Far from being wise, Augustine like all other Zionists, was merely skilled at weaving the lie, pretending, deceiving. Such cunning – opposing and attacking the Truth and Light at every opportunity – is a hallmark of evil.

The church slaughtered millions over the centuries in crusades, inquisitions, and the "settlement" of new lands, in which the native populations were tortured and killed, raped and pillaged, or, the "worthy ones", converted to Christianity. This false Christianity, as everything Yahweh brings about, is based upon the spilling of blood. It is not based on Truth and Love, but lies and hate. Jews, Hindus, and Moslems, for example, are no less abounding in false dogma, lies about their specialness, hypocrisy, and hate of those who are "less" because they are not of the faith. I am not trying to elevate one religion over another, or one perverted philosophy over another – as the religions do. Rather, I am pointing out their common control, deception, and spurious authority.

Today, religions have become more subtle or apparently benevolent (or at least less torturous). They preach "deservingness" to their loyal followers, who are told that they are worthy of all of "god's" riches because they are just so deserving of everything. Materialism drives the "most faithful" and "deserving", for whom going to church or synagogue is an occasion to flaunt their wealth or social position. And, though the religious services may appear benign or "uplifting" they have the opposite effect, of separating one further from the truth; the lie and the illusion are made more acceptable and comfortable in the church, and the truth is never made known. It is ego that is elevated, not the true inner being.

Religion is more a means of entrapment of the spirit and soul than an obvious force of slaughter, only because that is what it can get away with, today. If people could still be burned at the stake, without bad publicity, they would be doing it. They are content, however, to simply murder your Divine spirit and the truth. As you go up the religious hierarchy, the more evil it gets.

Those who are able to tolerate the lies and deception, the cunning in-fighting and politics, the obsession with power and wealth – profiting by evil – keep moving higher. Those who are disgusted with what they see tend to fall off. At the top, the leaders are almost without exception the archons, the favoured sons of Darkness. It is well known in Italy that prostitutes would nocturnally visit the Vatican regularly (I have relatives who worked there as tradesmen, witnessed this first hand and told me so) – and those sex workers did not go there, secretly under cover of night, for scriptural teaching and moral edification. The demons who play the role of the "good" and "holy" cannot help but cater to the evilness within them, but they try to cover up their lust, greed, and immorality with fancy robes and rituals and the pretence of being holier than thou. They are, as are all of the Zionists, demons from hell. And their charade will soon be over.

It is ironic that the Christian scripture says that Christ admonished not to call any man "Father" – and yet that is exactly what the priests demand, except from their illegitimate children who are forced to call them "uncle". The evil pretend to be the good, the anti-Christ pretend to be the Christ, and the anti-God pretend to be the Father. This is the state of religion, today. The Zionists have, over time, perfected the lie and made evil their spiritual dogma.

When the shepherds are not delivering their sheep to market, the wolves in sheep's clothing lead the sheep to the wild animals, to devour them. Though the Talmud declares, "What is hurtful to yourself do not do to your fellow man", we must understand that this often-declared axiom traced to the Akkadians, long before biblical times, does not hold true for how the Zionists treat the goyim. The key to understanding how this scriptural guidance is applied, is to realize that the Talmud also says that only Jews are men with souls, non-Jews are cattle or sheep – designed and destined for the slaughter.    

  * "On the house of the goyim one looks as on the fold of cattle" (Tosefta Erubin VII:1).

  * "You are human beings, but the nations of the world are not human beings, but beasts" (Baba Mecla 114:6).

  * "An Israelite is allowed to do injury to a `goy', because where it is written `Thou shalt not do injury to thy neighbour,' it is not said, `Thou shall not do injury to a goy.'" (Mishna, Sanhedrin, 57)

  *"When one sees inhabited houses of the `goyim,' one says, `The Lord will destroy the house of the proud.' And when one sees them destroyed he says, `The Lord God of vengeance has revealed himself'" (Berachot 58:6).

When we come upon some high-minded religious ideal, we must realize that it is only the good, True Beings who follow spiritual admonishments to "be good"; the evil ones do not. The Zionist rulers of this world surely do not. They – holding themselves in god-like esteem – do not consider themselves men, either. They are far above men; and the rules of ordinary men, designed to keep them in their place, do not apply to them. They do what they will. They have their own inner nature of evil, their inner commandment to abuse, exploit, and destroy all that is good. And, that is what they obey.

True Beings already know the difference between Good and evil. Evil beings have no desire to know the difference; they prefer to habitually, and repeatedly commit evil. The robotic beings and demons are made to fit into this evil world, and to make it more evil. The way they naturally think – which is automatic to them – is how to exploit you, how to get the better of you, how to rip you off. They do this, without a second thought, monetarily, sexually, politically, and religiously, with their abusive and corrupt authority. Such exploitation is always related even more to the spiritual or energy level.

The evil ones are always, ultimately, after the energy of the good. All other theft, abuse, and rip-offs on the more superficial level only demonstrate what is actually occurring on the more subtle spiritual level. This incessant exploitation occurs on the individual, group, national, and global levels. Yahweh, the orchestrator of all suffering and all false "salvation" from suffering, is the one who collects the energy at the top of the pyramid, and who distributes payments in energy and financial terms to those demons who serve him well in their exploitation of the good.

This is why our institutions do not really solve mankind's problems but, in fact, perpetuate them. They are all a trap designed to ensnare, deceive, and render spiritually inert the true spiritual residents of this world. The religions trap the true spiritual seeker in false dogma; the most gullible and ignorant memorize every word of their special book, which makes them special, and which gives them "salvation". The media fills minds with the most useless and deceptive information, trivia, and lies. All of this is carefully planned to "entertain" the sheep, to keep their minds full of nonsense, to make discerning the truth an insurmountable obstacle.

It takes an enormous effort to reject and bypass the indoctrination and self-destructive programming of society – which is evil. The evil do not make the effort to be good; the good do not realize that the "rules" that tell them to love and accept all others, to treat everyone as a brother, are merely religious indoctrination – and often the means of their spiritual demise. Evil wishes us to be unaware of evil, as it exploits, abuses, and destroys us. This is why it pretends to be good, and destroys whoever is able to see through its charade. Indoctrination and propaganda are the primary weapons of the evil rulers of this occupied territory, in the war between Good and Evil. Whoever controls men's thinking and men's behaviour, from birth to death – by whatever unscrupulous means – controls this world. That is the agenda of Yahweh, his elect, and the elders of Zion, whose goal is to perpetuate mankind's suffering, ignorance, and exploitation.

We shall continue with an examination of the spurious philosophies and successes of the evil ones in this world, and come to a more complete understanding of how they operate, what means they advance by, and what control they exert. And, we shall see why it is all so unjust, exploitative, and evil. Rather than being a blessing to this world, the Zionists are a blight and a curse upon the good.

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