Annwn Newsflash # 11 - 29th December 1998

Presented by:
J S Chiappalone
P O Box 28 Malanda, QLD, Australia, 4885
Fax: 07 40 965 620
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Our Motto: Take it or Leave it!

Copyright 1998 (c) by J.S. Chiappalone


1 Bill Clinton

Defending the murder of 4 more Iraqis by US warplanes, Bill Clinton, on Dec 29, 1998, called the murder "self-defence". It is defence of criminally and illegally imposed No-Fly Zones on a weakened Iraq, massacred by the 1991 Gulf War. The spurious excuse given for the Zones is that Saddam is a threat to his own people. Admittedly, he was forced to act against CIA-inspired insurrections within his borders. Would any ruler do less?

What if a subversive group in California tried to break the country up, would the US administration act?

- Remember Waco? The US Government fried 80-odd men, women and children because of spiritual intolerance.

- Remember Jim Jones? The CIA murdered thousands because Jones was acquiring political credibility which the incumbent archons found threatening and intolerable.

- Remember Pan Am Flight 101 which was blown up over Lockerbie? That was executed by the CIA directives because one of their drug-running operations was going to be publicised.

But let's examine the excuse given by the USA for its genocidal actions against this tiny nation - namely, that Saddam is cruel to his people. The facts are otherwise.

* Until the Gulf Massacre, his country had a very high standard of living, judged by any measure.

* It was the envy of most European Nations.

* The people were happy, wealthy and well-educated.

* The Medical Services and other social benefits were second to none (compare that with the disastrous scenario in the USA, where to be treated for a major illness necessitates going bankrupt if one does not have some form of Medical Insurance).

* Israelis admitted that Jews from Iraq who migrated to Israel were the wealthiest and best-educated as a foreign, collective group.

These facts could hardly be so if Saddam was a repressive, abusive, butchering dictator that the Zionist-controlled Western Media tries to portray. These facts are supported by the fact that so many Iraqis are prepared to defend Saddam and their country with their lives.

Do the American Administrators really care about the Kurds in the North and the Shi'ites in the South of Iraq? Of course they do not! If they did, they would not have abandoned the former to the merciless, murderous Turks who have cruelly decimated them further, and would not have genocidally poisoned the latter, the Southern swamp people and the Shi'ites, with fatally radioactive, spent-uranium shells, as they did in the 1991 Gulf Massacre!

The USA claims of protecting the Iraqis from Saddam are bunkum. Admittedly, ratbags can be found anywhere to support their falsehoods. After all, the basis of Humanity is quite evil. A few dollars will always find disgruntled dissenters and criminals to bad mouth anyone, Why should power-hungry, CIA-bribed Saddam opponents be any different? In defending the indefensible, Clinton, exposed as a liar to the whole world, is seen as a Child of the Lie.

2 John Howard

The incumbent Australian Prime Minister is also a prime example of the mendacious species of archons. Did he not promise a safer, happier society with the eradication of firearms which he legislated? Did not many accuse him of stupidity and, in fact, state the crime rate would be increased by such an asinine move, as has proved to be the case? Look at the figures I gave in Newsletter #30 and what I said about gun control in newsletter #4. He knowingly lied, did he not? And he will be seen to have lied about many things in due course, one being the beneficial effects of the GST - Goods and Services Tax he is hell-bound to introduce. He, too, is a Child of the Lie.

3 Henry Kissinger

I saw this arch villain being interviewed on TV shortly after the latest Iraqi massacre. He, in his well-controlled, modulated monotone, insisted the bombing had achieved very little. In not so many words, his thrust was that the whole of Iraq should be decimated, the twenty million or so people should all be slaughtered and the fields and cities of Iraq left fallow and barren. He ever so clearly demonstrated the mentality of archons, the would-be Masters of the Universe, with hatred and murder in their hearts. This is the man who did so much damage to the world while he was in charge of US affairs for so long. This is the man who, in great measure, has initiated the trouble about to hit America. The respect afforded him by other Zionist sycophants and the programmed, drugged robots, is a measure of their blindness and stupidity. This vicious, malicious Zionist, a sycophant of the evil demigod Jehovah, and who also happens to be a Jew, represents undiluted Evil! Indeed, he is a prominent Child of the Lie.

4 Benny Begin.

This Zionist Jew who has resigned from Netanyahu's party to stand for elections is also a Child of the Lie. He has called the Palestinian's hoodlums. These "hoodlums", as he describes them, are the victims of massive land theft and of the genocide imposed on them by hateful Zionists. They have suffered a real HOLOCAUST. Their crime? Wanting to live in their own land as they have done since time immemorial. All prosaic excuses for the illegal occupation of Palestine by Zionists have been dismissed. Even the Jews existing there before 1917 did not want the Zionist Invasion. However, the excuse now is that their god Jehovah gave the Zionists this land, and it says so in the Bible. That claim is certainly worth examining, so read on what follows in Newsflash #12.


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