Annwn Newsflash # 12 - 29th December 1998

Presented by:
J S Chiappalone
P O Box 28 Malanda, QLD, Australia, 4885
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Our Motto: Take it or Leave it!

Copyright 1998 (c) by J.S. Chiappalone


Again on the news of December 16, 1998, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu reasserted the fact that the area of Palestine is land inherited by the Jews. This promise of inheritance is supposedly contained in that compilation of nonsense called the old texts which form the pseudo-Christian Old Testament, called the Torah, Pentateuch, and what have you, by Jewish Scribes.

It is amazing how religious assertion and dogmatism is used self-servingly when it suits manipulators such as Netanyahu who, as indicated by his crass animosity, demonstrates he has the spiritual viability of your average decomposing terra cotta garden gnome. His remarks came in his speech about the Wye River Accord, which is not only dead, but fatally entombed in the dishonesty, ill-will, bellicosity and rancidness of demons. It has since been set aside by Israel.

Netanyahu's pronouncement to the world was that Israel was being magnanimous in giving back some land which Jews again stole from the Arabs but which Jews maintain was promised to them as an inheritance, by Jehovah.

This mendacious demigod, Jehovah, the Chief Archon of Israel, is the Evil Mind, identified abundantly by all Gnostics through the ages. It is the essence arising from the Celestial Error, which exists temporarily in Errancy, and is to be corrected by the Process of Transmutation. What we on Earth are undergoing at this time is part of that Correction Process.

Jehovah, the Evil Mind, Father of Lies, is the one referred to in the Gospel of John 8:44, which I have said is one of the few genuinely plagiarised passages left intact. And coincidentally, that is the one the Zionists have been attempting to erase, in their attempt to rewrite texts and obfuscate Truth. But, they will fail.

Jehovah is the demiurgal king of Spiritual Zionism - the evil, cancerous essence which has infected Creation and is requiring the massive changes we now see, for it is time for this planet to be totally destroyed and that segment of the evil essence, which has controlled it, and all its supporters and sycophants, counterfeit or otherwise, to be totally obliterated. This is what the Endtime means.

But now in this Newsflash, I want to address the question of the Jewish inheritance of the severely blood-stained, and cursed, Middle East, spuriously labelled the "Holy Land".

Even the quickest and most cursory readings of the Biblical texts reveal Jehovah as a belligerent, lusty, jealous, mendacious, destructive, murderous, cowardly, threatening, deceitful brat. And that opinion can be realised just from reading Genesis, even after the Zionist scribes butchered it to spuriously claim it is the "word of God", which it is not, of course.

Apart from the lying nature of Jehovah, who made this false promise of giving the land to his chosen people, the Jews, a promise which he cannot keep anyway, Zionists rely on these texts to validate their claim of inheritance of the "Unholy Land". It therefore behoves us to examine these texts closely to see if their claim, with their own distorted, manipulated words, holds up.

You will find it does NOT, and that they have been bluffing and fooling those who are gullible.

This claim for the land, even with the evidence the Zionists provide, would not stand in any court of any land, and I can assure you it is an invalid one in the spiritual realm where Jehovah is known to be the usurper, the fraud, the deceiver.

Abusive, aggressive, militant Zionists claim sovereignty over the land of Palestine, citing their belief that Jehovah, their god, gave it to the Children of Abraham. Even if that is believed, it is no reason for evicting the Palestinians and other Arabs, because they too are Children of Abraham!! They therefore have as much right to the land as Jews do. For the sake of brevity, I will ignore the many concubines Abraham had and their children - so much for marriage and morality!

But, if the Zionists want to argue that the inheritance was only for the Children of Israel, it is proven from their own story in their own book (Genesis) that Jacob (later known as Israel) stole it with deceitful trickery spun by his mother Rebekah. He stole the inheritance from his brother Esau, the rightful heir, who then married a daughter of Ishmael (son of Hagar the Egyptian, fathered by Abraham also, and was also thus the father of that Arab lineage. It is all clearly written in Genesis.

For this trickery, Rebekah called on the curse for the evil deed to be upon her and her lot - and it is. There, the Zionist Jews have called upon themselves the inherited curse of their own evilness, and surely this will destroy them.

Isaac, when told by Esau, who was very emotionally sore, that he had been tricked, refused to correct the Error. Instead he perpetuated it! "Your brother came with deceit and has taken away your blessing. (Genesis 27:35).

So, Jacob (Israel) is the cheat, the thief, the liar. What sort of god would reward him for this criminality, as claimed in Genesis 28:13? It would have to be none other than an evil demigod to reward such treachery. Esau was justifiably angry.

So, with this argument, the land rightfully belongs to the Arabs and not the Jews, who stole it deceitfully then and again this century! Read the sections of Genesis for yourselves.

But wait, we can examine this same bible - the Bible of the Jews themselves - to understand the jealousy and hatred of some Zionists towards their dispossessed brethren, the Arabs.

In this same passage of Genesis, Sarah, the mother of Isaac, supposedly blessed by her god Jehovah, in her barrenness to bear Abraham a son, demonstrates the jealousy and hate which allowed her to cheat Hagar and Ishmael. She asked Abraham to cast them out into the wilderness. And her god, Jehovah, according to these texts, supports her in her jealousy and deceit against Abraham who was not pleased in having to throw out his own son and the mother of his child. What sort of god would do that? Only an Evil Demigod would.

What sort of Nation could this jealousy, deceit and hatred conceive? Many say the very nation of Israel we see, where belligerence is the rule, has biblically-inherited hatredness, guaranteeing its self-destruction.


I must add that reading these Biblical texts is like reading nonsense. They do not follow logically and are not logical in what they reveal. It does not take a great deal of insight to see the metaphysical concepts, such as the battle of essences, the warring 2 creations - a True, theomorphic one and a false one -the demigod tricking lower minds and rewarding evil, with perpetration of the Error, etc., buried in words of men who self-servingly rewrote that which they did not understand.

Reading this garbled nonsense gives rise to far more questions about ontology and existence than it answers. For example, if Abraham and his tribe were of the god in Genesis, to whom did all the other people in the world, revealed in those very pages, belong?

The Bible texts are as untenable as they are confusing.


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