The 1999 Journal

February 6th

Presented by:
J S Chiappalone
P O Box 28 Malanda, QLD, Australia, 4885
Fax: 07 40 965 620
Email address: [email protected]

Internet Address:

Our Motto: Take it or Leave it!

Copyright 1999 (c) by J.S. Chiappalone


* How much progress did you ever make when persistently looking backward into the past?

* When did you ever solve a problem, any problem, via the process of rumination?

* What did anyone ever gain in aggrandising and pandering to the physical, apart from building a better, bigger trap for the Spirit?

* Why would the prevailing essence of this plane be one of confusion, doubt and ignorance if it is supposed to be an evolutionary cycle?

Even from the point of view of biological function, we see this existence is a struggle which many lose. If it was supposed to be, more significantly, for spiritual development, it would stand condemned even from what it demonstrates.

Being of such a nature of harshness, cruelty, misery and failure for most, is it not more likely to be a purposeful obstructive existence, in order to block some other existence out of our minds? If it was truly a godly plan, it would be a facilitating place for advancement. Instead, it is a degenerating process which culminates in the senility of confusion, doubt and disappointment for those who die unconnected to a True Source.

Just how many people suffering from senile dementia do you know who have spiritual enlightenment? How many talk of the goodness of their lives and the forgiveness of the god of this world as they decay from terminal cancer? How many, just how many, are imbued with so much love and joy in the world that they sacrifice everything they have to show the path to enlightenment? Most are greedy, selfish, unscrupulous sods who cannot wait for their chances to rape, pillage, exploit and defile, given any sort of chance.

This is a world where the majority show not love and sharing, but lust and greed, hypocrisy and deceit, and they reflect their creator. Thus it is that it is ungodly and condemned.

* If this truly was a godly realm, so many individuals would not be such miserable spiritual failures as they obviously are.

* If this truly was a godly realm, it would not fragment, decay, and self-destruct as it obviously is.

* If this truly was a godly realm, so many would not be so blind to the Process of Permanent Correction.

The ability of so many to deny Evil, to deny what is going on in the world, in terms of the self-destruction of evil and all its iniquities, and their ability to self-delude into thinking they can resurrect this spiritual abomination with their supposed "healing with Ignorance", come from fatal aspects of their Terminal Madness of the Endtime.



There comes a time when an awakened being sees the full ugliness and treachery of this hell and wants out, as soon as possible. That is the time such a being, seeing totally through the illusion of Darkness is ready for evacuation!

The remaining Viables of Earth are being evacuated before the physical end of the planet because the wretchedness of such an end, brought on by the self-destructiveness of Evil, is emotionally traumatising for those remaining here to a maximal degree.

When the last of the Viables are out, the time of the final end will be academic. The longer it is delayed, the greater will the physical suffering of the non-viables be.

In the meanwhile, protect, protect, protect, for the fragmenting minds are releasing emotional energy around the globe which results from, and can cause, further anger, despair, violence, anarchy and perditious feelings.

It is not pleasant to speak and write of such things, but it is essential if we are to know what is going on, and are wanting to prepare as best as possible. Those with greater awareness and the Hope it brings look forward to the end of this cesspool. Those with no understanding are traumatised and haunted by the fear of death and eternal hopelessness. But who can they blame? Each is responsible for its fate!

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