The 1999 Journal

February 18th

Presented by:   J S Chiappalone

Internet Address:

Our Motto: Take it or Leave it!

Copyright 1999 (c) by J.S. Chiappalone

A big `Thank You' to all the communicators
we have had. We greatly appreciate your
understanding of why we cannot answer
all of you on an individual basis every time.



Well, well, Iraq appears to be squeaking out rhetoric which is mainly hot air against the unprecedented military might of the world's only super power - the USA. It is increasingly strident in its threats to make a fight of it and retaliate on its neighbours who are allowing murderous US and British flights to originate from their bases.

Of course, at this stage we all know it is far too late for any really valid confrontation between just Iraq and the USA, for it is like an invalid spitting on a passing armed and fully capable super tank which happens to be threateningly rolling by and hoping it will stop it when the moisture from the spit corrodes the tank badly enough so that it becomes useless.

The basis of the bravado appears to be the openly declared pact between Russia and Iraq for military weapons, including updates of air defence systems and aircraft to the value of $160 million. Of course we all know this amount is grossly inadequate to do anything at all to bolster the Iraqi capability, but let us read between the lines and see what this situation signifies:

From my perspective, this situation means the following:

* Iraq still has the will to fight. Saddam is far from finished, and more importantly, his generals and people are behind him. Their will is strong. When a will is strong, defeat is impossible. Just look at the Viet Cong!

* Russia, financially crippled and starving, is desperate for money and will sell anyone anything if they have cash.

* Insulted in the worst manner, Russia is ready to make an open stand of defiance against the USA and the West whom it sees as duplicitous deceivers. It seeks to stand up for itself and become a force to be reckoned with.

* Monkey see, monkey do. Knowing how covertly dishonest the USA has been, Russia has learned the same methods, and only a fool would believe the extent of military exchange is limited to what is admitted.

* Russia's Prime Minister, Yegveny Primakov, in not only approving the deal but also being enthusiastic about it, demonstrates clearly that although he is Jewish, he is not a Zionist. This is of great, great significance. He is open to the energetic might of Vladimir Zhirinovsky who is certainly not finished, and certainly not forgotten. Perhaps I shall write about the latter in the future.

In making counter threats against the Iraqis with whom the USA and Britain have waged a totally immoral genocidal war for almost 9 years, these hypocrites are showing their true essence. While deceitfully attempting to show the world they are peace-makers, they are murdering the innocent people of Iraq for no just cause.

The hypocrisy stinks - look at the Kosovo problem. There they are threatening to bomb Serbia and kill many more people if the warring minor factions cannot settle their differences. Where is the logic in that?

Where is there logic in murdering the people in the Iraqi no-fly zones while claiming they are surveying the zones to protect the people they are bombing and murdering?

Turkey said it would allow the US bombing raids into Iraq from its bases because the US only bombs when threatened. Now, let me see ... , that sounds like a lot of hogwash. Maybe this analogy will help: A powerful bully invades a home, rapes the wife and 14 year old daughter, then shoots and kills the father who threatened justice. How many would say the rapist-murderer was justified in his actions? That is what the supporters of the US-British death squads are doing!

The Palestinians in Israel are under the same conditions. Peace for them is allowed by the Zionists as long as they lie down and die, not complaining about being raped, murdered and having their land stolen from them. If they do complain they will be cited as terrorists and unreasonable animals! Now you see why this mess has to end!

And by the way, as you have noted on your idiot boxes recently, Israel is ready to explode from its dissatisfied internal Zionist factionalism.

As you can deduce from all this, we are in the lull before a major conflict of Endtime proportions.



When it is all said and done,
for practical purposes,
from a spiritual perspective,
this Earth is dead, dead, dead.

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