The 1999 Journal

February 22nd

Presented by:   J S Chiappalone

Internet Address:

Our Motto: Take it or Leave it!

Copyright 1999 (c) by J.S. Chiappalone

A question for you. "What is the nature of the `Milk of Human Kindness'?"

* I was driving through Southern Italy, mid-summer, visiting the regions traversed by Virgil, the Roman poet, and oh, yes, visiting the region of my original abode too. It was the early 1970s. Peaches were in season, and in Calabria, they were feet thick - on the ground. One could buy a bootfull (trunkful for our US cousins) for a dollar or so. Later that week I was in London. I almost fell over when I saw the price was 80 pence per peach (more than $AUS 2)! What would we do without market manipulators?

* Recently, medical researchers have stated red-brown onions have far more anti-oxidant ability than white onions. So what do we have? The market is flooded with comparatively useless white onions. Purposely, red-brown onions are scarce, and their price - all so unreasonably - is 500% more in some areas! There are no factors other than greed of marketeers/profiteers to account for this.

So, to answer our question - the nature of the Milk of Human Kindness, deducted even from these very mild examples, is `acetic rancidness', mixed with greed and exploitation with just a touch of sugar to sweeten the disappointment for most of the time. The rich thrive and grow wealthier on it while it goes through the poor like epsom salts.

Ah yes, it is the Milk of Human Kindness which has given us HIV-AIDS, the genocide in Iraq, in Palestine, and in many other places; the starvation in North Korea; the 80% of the world's population living on poverty's door. No wonder so many are allergic to it.

The intolerance of the "lactose', the "sugar" in this Milk of Human Kindness, is what is giving many "The Terminal Madness of the Endtime".

The "Milk of Human Kindness", so-called, is the very poisonous, corrosive acid which is self-destructive to the very organism (humanity) producing it!

Do you really, really think a Being such as Jesus, or any Light Being would ransom Himself/Herself to rescue such a depraved, perditious, counterfeit Humanity?



Those who believe that Evil is the Void
left by the privation of Good
belong in the eternal abyss of Darkness
which forms that Void!
Augustine of Hippo/Thomas Aquinas
the same demonic consciousness),
are you listening?


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