The 1999 Journal

January 2nd 1999

Presented by:
J S Chiappalone
P O Box 28 Malanda, QLD, Australia, 4885
Fax: 07 40 965 620
Email address: [email protected]

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Our Motto: Take it or Leave it!

Copyright 1999 (c) by J.S. Chiappalone

I write this information in an attempt to explain to readers the moves made by various energies and "other consciousnesses" behind world events, as they can be seen to be unravelling in this Endtime.

As always, you are free to take this information or leave it, as you wish.


As you may have heard, Libya has issued subpoenas for US members of President R. Reagan's staff of the 1980s, including Poindexter and Oliver North, whom it holds responsible for unjustifiable, criminal and murderous bombing of its towns. It is sought by Libya that they be tried in Libya for the crime and murders.

While this move by Libya appears to be a counterpoint to US and British demands for the 2 Libyans accused of the Lockerbie bombing to stand trial, and has no chance of seeing justice ever occurring, the metaphysical implications of the move by Libya are not insignificant.

Of course the US will not comply. Even if it did and was forced to go, not to Libya, but to the World Court, it would thumb its nose at any decision it did not like, as it has done with decisions by the World Court which went against the USA in the past.

The real significance of this move by
Libya is that it signifies clearly that


The weak, oppressed nations will stand up as never before!

The world's sole Superpower - but not for long - seen by many as a criminal world bully, will be harassed more and more by such moves. Of course, like fleas bites, they will at first be an inconvenience. But when there are enough of them and they draw blood to weaken the beast, the situation will become perilous. The US will soon become embroiled in so many activities around the world, and on its soil, which will go against it, that it will not cope. Money and manpower will be limited.

In the midst of all this, natural disasters will take their toll and weaken the country appreciably in a very short space of time. As it weakens, the E.U., otherwise known as The United States of Europe will strengthen, and the Soviet Union will be back - in spirit, if not geographically, initially. No more will the USA be the sole world power, irresponsibly bombing whoever it likes!



Having suggested a European Union being really a United States of Europe, the significance of the issuance of the Euro, at about the same time as Libya made its move, is very great.

* Financially, there is a New Big Kid on the block who has altered the balance of power!

* Suddenly the $US casts a lot smaller shadow across the world!

* The USA's Sphere of Influence is now shrinking even further.

* Many nations will trade preferentially with the Europeans as a result of the Euro, abandoning US investment. This will weaken the US economy even further at a time when it appears to have illusionally weathered the financial storm which has affected many other nations.

* In metaphysical terms, a different "alien consciousness" controls Europe and it is in opposition to the US "alien consciousness". Nonetheless, you will have noted that Britain and Sweden, in rather unreasonable manner, are not part of the E.U. conglomerate. They are both controlled by the alien consciousness which controls the USA. Their allegiance is to Uncle Sam. If they eventually do join, it will be to cause more strife for the European Union.

* With weakening of the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation (NATO) and the United Nations (UN), inspite of the comradeship we think we see superficially between them, the USA and the USE (United States of Europe) will be foes in the big battle to come.


In 1999, as never before, there will be an obvious separation of those of the Light from those of Darkness. The wheat will separate from the chaff.

Separation of the 2 types will become obvious. Evil ones will be exposed as they inexorably seek their own kind. The few remaining beings of Light in the physical world, will see the ones of Darkness all too easily, and separate from them to seek those of like mind. Masks will drop and all who pretended to be what they were not will be seen in all their shameful mendaciousness.


Saudi Arabia and Kuwait, such close but mendacious, deceitful allies of the USA and Britain, are seen by the rest of the Arab World as traitors to Islam. And that is the truth of it. When the Great Jihad comes and World War Three begins, these 2 countries, seen as traitors, will be treated by other Arab Nations as part of the enemy.

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