The 1999 Journal

January 5th 1999

Presented by:
J S Chiappalone
P O Box 28 Malanda, QLD, Australia, 4885
Fax: 07 40 965 620
Email address: [email protected]

Internet Address:

Our Motto: Take it or Leave it!

Copyright 1999 (c) by J.S. Chiappalone

On Friday, January 1, 1999, as arranged, like many occasions previously, Amitakh and I physically attended a Conference on a Mothership of the Elohim, the Rescuing Space Command. This craft is one of 22 situated in this physical dimension, and we were able to be in it, even though it, and all its contents, are of another matter entirely, being from a much more highly vibrating dimension. They are not constructed of the evil matter such as this physical dimension and all physical bodies are.

The subjects discussed included the stages of the Plan for Rescue of Viables from this doomed planet, the Plan of Correction as pertaining to this Earth, the exposure and capture of evil ones, including the various alien races in and around the globe, and the various mechanisms now activated by which this orb will self-destruct. Also discussed were conditions of the evacuees in the "Intermediatory Villages" before their entry into the New Dimension, and conditions in that New Dimension. This is not an appropriate time for me to divulge further details pertaining to these matters, and to the Endtime of this Earth, which I assure you is the True Reality of what is going on. However, I may do so in the near future.

The reason that I write about this Conference is that on this occasion, apart from various facts which I have brought down previously, I have brought down physical proof of my attendance there. In future, if and when appropriate, I may bring back photos of the craft, its contents and the Beings within it.

What is my proof? The constituent matter on the craft, and all its own contents are protected by an etheric perimeter (an electro-magnetic covering), which prevents disintegration of that matter on contact with our atmosphere and environment (as we see in the process by which angel hair is formed from visiting spacecrafts). The etheric protective layer is what gives the fuzziness to the photographic outline of genuine UFOs. Hence, I was unable to bring back anything made of matter from that protected dimension. Thus, I have brought back a portion of the Mothership Insignia, stamped on the dorsum of my left hand.

Some 6 hours after returning, in broad daylight, 4 puncture marks appeared spontaneously on my hand, joined by very thin red lines.

The marks are red, circular and approximately 1 mm in diameter - just like puncture marks. The most distal is exactly 20 mm from the knuckle of my index finger; the middle one and proximal one are on a straight line with the first, 8 mm apart. Towards the thumb is a similar fourth puncture mark 6 mm above the middle spot. Faint red lines can be seen under the skin joining the dots to form a triangle. The base is 16 mm long and the sides are exactly 10 mm long.

Unless our Far North Queensland insects and spiders have learned geometry and trigonometry, and carry around rulers and protractors with them, and have been able to puncture my skin without them being present, without pain, irritation or itching, and without drawing blood, the only explanation is the one I am giving. Besides, if one postulates that this is a spontaneous and traumatic injury, and the red lines represent some inflammation, it would be impossible for the lines resulting from an injury to be present just to join the dots together to form a triangle. There would be, as expected in traumatic wounds or bites, oedema (interstitial fluid - swelling), and surrounding redness. There is none of this.

Besides, if one were to say the lines were simply inflamed lymphatic vessels, one could also reject that, for such vessels are not perfectly straight, do not flow at precise angles to each other, and do not flow away from the heart towards the periphery as theses lines seem to indicate.

Amitakh, who attends all such Conferences with me, has a triangular mark of her own to signify the visit. Her mark is on the heel of her left foot.

I have taken photos of my hand with the markings, which I have shown to many witnesses. I plan to have some of these photos on our website as soon as possible, and they will also show the unique rings I wear on my left ring finger.

One ring has a white diamond and was given to me by Sai Baba. He plucked it out of thin air, in the fashion for which he is famous, about 2 am one night when he materialised in a locked motel room in San Francisco in which Amitakh and I were sleeping. He had come to visit us and to discuss various things on one of our trips to the North American Continent. I have written about that wondrous episode elsewhere.

The ruby ring was given to me a short time later, also on that trip, by Haidakhan Babaji. He too came to visit while we were in the USA. These are two of our companions in this work.

I offer this information for your interest and look forward to bringing back photos of the craft, some of its contents, and Beings, when the time is right, which I will post on our website as soon as I get them on a future trip to the Mothership. Until then, stay tuned.

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