The 1999 Journal

January 9th 1999

Presented by:
J S Chiappalone
P O Box 28 Malanda, QLD, Australia, 4885
Fax: 07 40 965 620
Email address: [email protected]

Internet Address:

Our Motto: Take it or Leave it!

Copyright 1999 (c) by J.S. Chiappalone

To the top of the class all of you who realised the inverted triangle that appeared on my hand and which I photographed for the site is part of the Ishtar signature. Who is Ishtar? Obviously S/he (no gender exists at that level of consciousness) is a Commander in the Elohim ranks and the Spacecraft I went to is Her's/His.

Full marks to those of you who psychically picked up that there is a code embedded in the lines which facilitate entry into and exit out of the spaceship's dimension!

I will reveal more details as the need arises, including any markings various viables will acquire as we proceed towards the final wave of evacuation.



Let all the stock markets in all the world,
of the demons and robots, based on
self-deluding false confidence, soar,
for soon enough, as I have many times
before predicted, you'll see,
they will plummet swiftly,
irretrievably, through the floor.
And then, no more hubristically lauded
will be the smug Dow Jones Index,
for its sycophants, honouring Mammon,
will be reduced for sure to financial wrecks!



All the talk around Washington on the night before the Senate began deliberations, as reported on OZ TV, was that "Clinton was never a Washington boy and Al Gore is!"

These are very ominous utterings. Clinton is finished. Hillary will go too, as will all the appendages such as Blair in the UK, and all the sycophants around Clinton - Berger, Ruben, Cohen, Mad. Albright - in the White House.

This Clinton saga is providing entertainment galore - Joe Lockhart, who from utterings and appearance has an IQ waxing between that of a cretin and a moron, and has facial features resembling an incomplete Trisomy 21 said "no good money is being wasted to psychoanalyse Saddam". Of course not, it is all being used to treat the likes of him and his boss!



On a more personal, pragmatic basis you will have noted, if you are sufficiently aware and receptive to certain energies, that you are becoming less tolerant of the spiritual failures, those of an opposing essence around you. Be patient!

You are finding you can more easily identify them and cut them off, regardless of how they relate to you. That is intended in 1999, for it is a crucial year for culling the sheep from the goats.

You will note you can identify the time wasters and the energy suckers a lot more easily and can say so to them and separate from them more easily. You are becoming stronger within, and that is good. That is the way it should now be.

You are also finding you are living in DUAL TIME. While you can operate even more efficiently on this level, even as you see the nefarious and deceitful activities more and more clearly, you note that more and more simultaneously your thoughts drift to a future time and place OUT OF THIS REALM.

This is especially so for those to be imminently evacuated. This means that most of your consciousness is actually located in the new realm,. or else you are flipping to it and back here again very quickly, repeatedly, throughout the day. Fear not! It is a good sign. Try and explain that to the ignorant "know-all head-shrinkers" of a counterfeit consciousness!

And for those of you who understand, these daily Journal entries are a link to the Future. I know some of you know, for you have written to tell me that, clearly.

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