The 1999 Journal

January 14th 1999

Presented by:
J S Chiappalone
P O Box 28 Malanda, QLD, Australia, 4885
Fax: 07 40 965 620
Email address: [email protected]

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Our Motto: Take it or Leave it!

Copyright 1999 (c) by J.S. Chiappalone

Once awakening and fully cognisant of what is going on, which of us does not want to be out of this mess as quickly as possible? Alas, we need to be patient, for the Process of Liberation cannot be hurried.

Time is of the essence, and timing is crucial in order to separate the two creations with the least spiritual trauma to viables.



If you examine your life retrospectively, you will note that you fell into traps which cost you dearly in many ways, especially emotionally, because you ignored the inner prompting which told you danger was ahead. You either gave the rotters the benefit of the doubt, or your ego told you that, with time, you could change things or people, or that you were strong enough to cope with any adversity. You may have listened to the indoctrination of falsehood when dealing with Evil and turned the other cheek. You may have fallen into the New Age trap of not believing in Evil, etc.

Well, having collected all those emotional scars, and being a lot poorer in many ways for the experiences, you are a lot wiser, and more cautious, are you not?

The entrapment, which many of you have had to fight so vigorously to escape, was all due to Evil and evil beings. There is no other explanation. They are real enough. You know they are. This is the reality of this plane. It is not paranoia. You know there are sharks to rip you off everywhere. You know there are thieves and rapists, seducers and molesters. There are gurus and panderers to the gullible. There are suave politicians who will help themselves to your dollars, and there are many apparently sincere lovers who will break your heart and run off with your loot.

All this is becoming far more obvious as evil beings and their mechanisms are exposed. For example, you can set your watch on the divorce timing of gold-digging, silicone-and-plastic-surgery-created bimbos marrying rich fools, when they will run off with lots of loot. Many "socialites" have become very wealthy repeating the performance. And they do so unashamedly. Male carpet-baggers abound too.

The whole point of this short article is to say we all knew these mechanisms and were warned all the time by our Inner Nous about them when danger presented. But, like programmed, polluted and indoctrinated fools, many of us allowed ourselves to forget the evilness, and the damage evil can cause, and fell headlong into the traps. No more, I say, no more!


"The Butler did it."

That is what Scott Ritter yelled as he supplied irrefutable proof that Richard Butler and UNSCOM spied on Iraq for the US. "And he knew he did it and is now lying", he added.

Good riddance Butler! More of your ilk to go.

This is a classical example of evil (Ritter) versus evil (Butler), and of a silly robot (Kofi Annan) who was supposed to be a puppet for the USA under all circumstances, after it kicked Boutros Boutros Ghali out, under pressure. Annan now finds he has been made quite the fool, but being the perfect lackey, he will cover his tracks!

The US and Britain have lost all credibility in the matter and, of course, are fighting hard to cover up and keep Butler in the post, for he is their spy. But, as the saying goes, they have a snow flake's chance in Hades.



Why do Clinton and the White House NOT want witnesses? They are frightened one or some of them will crack and tell more of the truth that would torpedo Clinton's case even faster!

How can one really have a fair trial without the key witnesses presenting their evidence? Body language and the tone of words are more important than the written word in revealing the veracity of what is said. One cannot judge such things from a transcript.



Britain and Australia, after much pressure from dying veterans, are to hold investigations on the abnormal occurrence of a very nasty cancer (Multiple Myeloma) and other cancers, in veterans who witnessed atomic tests in the 1950s and 1960s and were exposed to excessive radiation.

The odds are that these governments will follow the procedure of precedence which exonerates governments from all wrong doing. Extensive investigations costing lots of money to taxpayers, allowing lawyer/liars to make much dirty loot, will conclude that there is either insufficient evidence to reach any valid conclusions, or else there is no evidence whatsoever. Perhaps so many other possible causes will be cited to obfuscate the issue that those affected will be left in limbo till they all die off. Then, later, when no one is able to claim valid compensation, secret government papers will surface revealing the government knew of the dangers all along. What else is new?


Boring Boris Banter

As you may have heard there, is a Yeltsin impeachment process in Russia also, which is a sort of joke. But from many an apparently slight or innocuous idea have seeds of destruction been sown.


Descartes's Duality

Ah, what would we do without science?! Why, it helps us, by putting our minds into tight little straight-jackets to prevent them from ever needing to worry about any such thing as a Greater Reality. But, in reality, it's a fraud, as you may know, and still incites MAGIC and slight of thought (if not of hand) in order to stay together and present a false front.

On our National TV channel a series called "The Human Body" is being shown at present. You know the type - boring to the Nth degree as it ooh-aahs its way around osteophytes and red blood cells and intra-uterine shots of foetuses changing position, etc. This week's program was on brian power, so I tuned in to see if any new presentation occurred.

Well, as you have done many times also, I wasted a good 50 minutes. But it did reinforce in my mind that Science is as crass as ever in answering real questions. I hope these 2 examples from the show illustrate my point.

The first was of various shots of brain scans revealing where blood flows to during various activities. Added was the discovery of the biochemical concoctions which exist at synapses, etc. The conclusion was that by seeing where the blood went, we were looking into the mind and seeing how it works! Phooey - that's like saying that watching the wheels turn on a vehicle, feeling the gear changes, and hearing the pistons go up and down, as well as seeing the exhaust smoke emitted, we know all about the driver.

The second example was even more banal and demonstrates how Science really relies on wishful thinking, black magic and voodooism to prop it up.

After going through the routine hip-hip hoorah about the number of dendrites, specific glial cells, connections, etc., a human brain has, the scientist presenting the show said the brain was greater than the sum of its parts. Well, that's OK. But here comes the slight of hand. He gave the analogy of the multiple brain cells, working as one, as being like a termite city. There, the individual termites are moronic, with individual brains the size of a pinhead. All they seem to be able to do individually is eat enough to stay alive and take a mouthful of dirt from one area to another.

But then our brilliant scientist incites magic that would make a witch doctor in darkest Africa proud. He stated that when enough of these termites get together, lo and behold, they become something greater than their parts. They miraculously know how to organise; each has the blueprint to build a city, knowing exactly where to go with its mouthful of dirt, not interfering with any other termite, etc. And each knows exactly the specifications, completion perimeters, completion date, sites for ventilation shafts, buttresses, etc., etc.

All this explanation is given by Science really in order to exclude the concept of a class 3 consciousness (animal consciousness) which metaphysicians know exists, to supervise such a group. It is all a false explanation so Science will not have to admit the existence of consciousness, which it cannot manipulate, beyond physical confines.

You have seen a school of fish, even on film, move instantly as one, within microseconds, indicating there would not be time for even thought to travel from one fish to another. And you have seen birds fly in large formations doing the same thing. The individuals act as cells of an entity and respond as one to the overriding consciousness. What is so difficult about that concept? There is no magic there. But there is unbelievable magic in the explanation given by Science for, in wanting to exclude a consciousness beyond the body, the analogy goes something like this: The brain, when it connects all its neurones, becomes a creative, thinking entity, greater than the sum of its parts. All of a sudden, the billions of cells know exactly what they are, what roles they have to play, what thoughts to create in order to satisfy other cells which produce hormones and stimuli for this and that. That is nonsense, of course.

Without some consciousness , the body, brain and organs are inert. Note that the amount of consciousness varies at any given time for we - all living things, even vegetation and animals - exist as multi-dimensional beings. If that was not so, all cells and physical organisms would live forever.

Still not convinced? Think of illiterate, uneducated, unskilled peasants with no tools, with no communication skills, and being unable to contact more than one percent of the crowd of which they form a part. Let them come together and ask them to build, launch, and maintain, an orbiting satellite. What chance have they got?

And if one insists that various cells being together is all that is needed to create a mind and "life", go to the morgue and ask the cells clumped together there to start the body living again. Put as many volts through the body as you like. Nothing will happen. Why? `Because the consciousness is missing' is the answer.

Those who are resuscitated after cardiac arrest are cases where the consciousness has not left. If it does leave, and another does not take its place, it does not matter what resuscitationists do, the body stays dead! If this was not so, every resuscitation would be successful, once whatever damage existed was repaired. For example, if blood was lost, it would be fully replaced. If the heart ruptured, it could be sown up, etc. But, it does not work that way. Once the consciousness leaves, that body is dead!

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