The 1999 Journal

January 15th 1999

Presented by:
J S Chiappalone
P O Box 28 Malanda, QLD, Australia, 4885
Fax: 07 40 965 620
Email address: [email protected]

Internet Address:

Our Motto: Take it or Leave it!

Copyright 1999 (c) by J.S. Chiappalone

So many of you have contacted me about so many exposures of corruption in many diverse fields that it is obvious to more and more people the fragmentation is more conspicuous than ever. The recent exposure of the Olympic sham, and the Cricket sham, are just 2 in a long list. Fraud in religious texts is being exposed as never before.



What we are witnessing is loss of control by the deceitful archons. Any further control they do impose in areas which are slipping out of the illusion will be shortlived.

* The Financial Being

Figuratively speaking, this consciousness, suffering terminal, financial AIDS, is slipping fast. It appeared stable because, after Asia, Russia, and Japan, it had been given, again figuratively speaking, a quadruple bypass, 2 new kidneys, a extra pair of lungs, and transfusions via all four limbs, and massive doses of drugs (funds) to keep it viable. Now with Brazil blinking and coughing (at the rate of a 9% devaluation) the archons want to assure the fretting sheep its only clearing its throat. The fact that it is coughing blood, and is very infectious, escapes no one in the know. Watch and see.

* Timing

You will now note everything will come with a rush almost simultaneously so that the archons simply will not cope - worse weather, earthquakes, financial collapse, war in the Middle East, war in Iraq, Kosovo, Northern Ireland, many locations in Africa, massive spread of diseases, violence, dissension, anarchy, gross instability, government collapses, loss of direction in the US with Clinton's removal, food shortage, drought, floods, etc., etc.

* "Suicidal miscalculation"

That is how one Western archon described Saddam Hussein's attempts to take his own country back by confronting the US and Britain over the no-fly zone issue. Indeed it is, but not as he intended it. It is homicidal calculation with repercussions I have described many times.



* Being in the know of what is going on, it would be wise of you not to unnecessarily expose yourselves to the attacks of the unawakened jackals around you - the demons and robots - who thrive on exploited energy.

* Control your outer mind, at all times more and more, as it is bombarded by all sorts of nonsense from the fracturing thought-pool around the globe!



Continuing on from yesterday's discussion on consciousness, here is a letter from Jerry Attrick whom regular readers of our newsletters and poetry books know well.

"Dear Dr Juicy-pie Chilipepperone, (I'm using your Italian name as you can see) I enjoyed your words on consciousness and want to tell you that I read about the analogy many use, namely that the brain is like a computer which spontaneously creates thoughts, hormones, electrical impulses, reflexes, and also creates a mind with awareness, a subconscious component, and even an unconscious one, etc., etc. without external input (not even 12 year old whisk ...err cups of very strong tea ...)

Well, I have often tried to prove the analogy is accurate with my PC. I have booted it up repeatedly, and asked it ad nauseam to be creative, to write a best-seller, draw up plans for a supersonic jet, draw a picture better than Giotto could. But, guess what? The little cursor just sits there and blinks, ignoring all my supplications. Nothing else happens. I tried cleaning the screen special-like, and even put a green pot plant near the PC to absorb any excessive radiation which could disturb its function as polluting feedback; but, no go!"

"Hi, Jerry. The name is Giuseppe, not juice-pie!! You've made me sound like a pizza."

"Oh, I love pizza, doc, but I only eat it without dead animal bits on it, 'cos I'm vegimitetarian."

"I actually thought we might be free of your antics for a little while in this segment, Jerry. We were trying to keep it as serious as possible for as long as possible, but I see that is not to be. Anyway, getting back to the subject of your letter, Jerry, I agree with you about the brain example. It's a fallacy that is being bandied about with this analogy.

A PC needs input to give output. The brain is no different. Without stimuli, and without implanted thoughts, nothing happens. For example, leaving a mammalian neonate without sensory stimuli means the various sensory organs and brain do not even develop. Children are the same.

We can only reproduce what is given in the first place. This applies to "ab initio" thoughts (similar to "a priori" ones) which come to us from other realms and are then reproduced (manifested) by the brain as words and ideas via in the software learned in a particular lifetime. Even the evil archon Carl Jung revealed that he was told that by his Philemon!

That is why we can experience things in the Higher Mind, and have no way of reproducing them adequately via the brain - the software is simply deficient. And that is why the brain cannot produce or manifest anything beyond its learned capacity.

Of course, exceptions to baffle science occur on rare occasions. For example, if a consciousness enters a body and has retained memory of other languages, history, realms, etc., for a while it can speak in a manner which the brain was never taught. Thus there are cases in which many speak a foreign language perfectly even though they have never learned it in this lifetime.

Often it is the ability of a "stand-in" consciousness. This often occurs after trauma or accidents. It can also be past life memory which is triggered. In either case, the reality is beyond the scientific explanation and is metaphysical.

Even when pseudo-intellectual scientists use such phrases as morphic fields and morphic resonance to describe consciousness which gives collective directions to sub-units, as in a school of fish or a flock of birds, they are really using scientific mumbo-jumbo that is meaningless.

We now need to ask why many scientists, and the archons in general, do not want to believe in the survival of consciousness beyond the physical. The answer is extremely simple.

With their denial, they do not feel the need to be accountable. They can manipulate, exploit and kill as they do, without guilt or scruples. They can then deny deific control, and claim to be Masters of the Universe.

Right now we are seeing the depopulation of Black Africa, by HIV-AIDS, by Western-incited civil wars and anarchy, by neglect, etc., so that the resources of that continent, next century, can be grasped by the remaining white elite. The genocide of Iraq and the fragmentation of Lebanon, and other areas of the oil-rich Middle East, was part of the plan to create a Greater Israel and eventually steal the lands and their oil.

Would the archons really do that if they allowed themselves the thought that they are accountable at some stage to a Superior and Just Higher Consciousness? Of course not. They would change their ways. But Evil has developed this programming which denies accountability and gets on with its murderous exploitation, for it can exist no other way. That is why we hear the New Agers shout that there is no Evil, no accountability, no judgement. And that is why we hear Science tell us in general that there is no life beyond the physical, no accountability to a Higher Order.

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