The 1999 Journal

January 17th 1999

Presented by:
J S Chiappalone
P O Box 28 Malanda, QLD, Australia, 4885
Fax: 07 40 965 620
Email address: [email protected]

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Our Motto: Take it or Leave it!

Copyright 1999 (c) by J.S. Chiappalone

Warning: Today's Journal entry has dispensed with gravity somewhat, for it seems to have all gone to the US Senate, leaving us a little room for levity.



So, I see a US Defence Department-sponsored, US-funded and US-manipulated investigation of British Gulf War veterans does show evidence of symptoms which can be due to abnormal brain function but does not show specifics of Gulf War Syndrome. Now, let me see, why am I not surprised at the results? Oh yes, they are the same people (consciousness) who found no evidence of Global Warming when asked to investigate the possibility by US heavy industry and heavy fossil fuel users, using money provided by them.

We must give these concerned investigators due credit for incredible abilities to find angles no one has ever thought of before. Their concern for getting the (un)truth they want is surpassed only by their ability to look and not see. For example, they had set up a panel of foxes to investigate the reports of foxes breaking into chicken compounds and killing the birds. The conclusions reached by the expert panel of foxes was that there was no evidence that foxes raided chicken coups.

When asked about the half-eaten chickens and the great number of dead ones, obviously from trauma, and about the fox paw tracks found in the coups, they explained that the evidence referred to was a temporary visual aberration which could be ignored by statistical purposes as it fell within the range of permissible scientific error, and besides, it was outside the terms of reference of their investigation.

Finally, it was pointed out by the investigators that all witnesses who reported such evidence had not applied for a permit from the proper authorities to see such evidence. Hence, it was inadmissible according to the legal statutes they can just make up anytime as they go along, and can be applied retrospectively to anyone, anywhere, anytime, saying anything that they, the authorities, disagree with. And besides, having made it a matter of National Security, they, the authorities, are not obliged to speak to anyone about such matters, and can lie before God, as the President can, and does, because everyone does it.

I know you get the point, as the truth gets shafted!



"Hi, Dr. Sckippalong! After hearing what NASA intends doing this week to keep the sheep happy, I have devised an experiment of my own to seek, like NASA, the origin of life.

I propose to get really close to the tail of a camel and take loutsa photos and even have recording and tracking devises. I hope to catch wind of the pretty-awful sound which emanates from near the introitus, where camel life originates. Naturally it will have to be a female camel, although I don't think the sound is anything like `Aum' that I have heard is supposed to be the primary sound."

"Jerry, NASA meant it is sending a rocket to the tail of a comet, not a camel. And besides, it's the Primordial sound which emanated and gave life, not a pretty-awful one. And do you really expect the non-medical readers to know what an introitus is?"

"Well, doc, have you been near a camel, or horse, when its wind and sound emanate? It's pretty awful to me. Smells bad too! Besides, I reckon my results will be a lot closer to the origins of life than NASA will ever get. And regarding your `in-your-end-o' that readers won't know what that word means, they've got dignitaries and tyrannosauruses haven't they?"

"I think you mean dictionaries and thesauruses, don't you? And the word you cannot spell is `innuendo'. But, let's get back to NASA. They are spending vast sums of money on the suspicion that water and organic material, in the form of molecular-particles - probably similar to the polychromatic, polycyclic and amorphous, aromatic hydrocarbons found on Martian rocks - fell to Earth from the tail of comets, Jerry."

"Well, they don't have to go to all that trouble and expense. For a much smaller cost I will tell them, with certainty, that lots of water and organic matter, in the form of messy patties and smelly, smaller particles - they're aromatic for sure, especially when they're fresh! - fall to Earth from the region of a Camel's tail! And I am confident of that, not just suspicious.

Knowing Jerry, I don't think we have heard the last of this!


Beware acquaintances with "selective hearing". They will misquote you, and hence, abuse you, frame you and defame you, ever so conveniently - for them, that is.

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