The 1999 Journal

January 18th 1999

Presented by:
J S Chiappalone
P O Box 28 Malanda, QLD, Australia, 4885
Fax: 07 40 965 620
Email address: [email protected]

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Our Motto: Take it or Leave it!

Copyright 1999 (c) by J.S. Chiappalone


How can Clinton still be so cocky and deluded about himself? "Easy" is the answer, when you are on a high dose of drugs to pep you up, have sycophants around you telling you that you are invincible, have training from Hollywood directors to teach you how to act in public, and when lying your way out of problems has been you trademark! People like Tony Robbins have been telling the likes of Clinton that: "If you believe in yourself, you'll be OK". But that evil system, in which greed, selfishness, and dishonesty, win the day, to the disadvantage of many others, is all but finished.

And the whisper that the Republic can survive with Al Gore is like a cannon shot in the corridors of the US Government! Liberation of those to be freed is all that much closer!

These other points should be made about what we are seeing in Washington.

1 The process has exposed the fraudulence and putridness of the majority of humanity, as seen in the utterings of the sheep who condone Clinton's behaviour and support him.

2 The Process has surprised many in that the Republicans have kept it narrowed to the issues they have, in the light of the knowledge of the many other scurrilous and criminal things Clinton and his cronies have done. They have had to consider the System itself and not expose it too much, in its corruptibility and inadequacy, lest people ask: "How could such a scumbag reach the top position so easily?" But you know they do, they do; all the time, in this most foul and evil system! The prosecutors have not wanted to expose the evilness of the system too much. But, again I say they have, even in trying to minimise the damage and the overt shortcomings.

2 Clinton is on-the-nose now, but he will be the most foul dead fish once he is ousted. "But", some will say, "what about the support of his staff and lawyers?" Well, his staff are fighting for their jobs, not for him. They know they are hacks and donkeys who could not get an equivalent job anywhere else. And the lawyers/ liars? They will fight - as long as there is money to be made!! They will string it out -- to the last cent, as most lawyers are wont to do. They have seen to date, and will continue to see that the defence (which does not really exist) is as voluminous, and time-wasting as any lawyer/liar can make it!


Remember how US President Bill Clinton was being touted by his deceitful supporters as a man of peace?

* The criminal, murderous bombings of Iraq must have been seen by them as peace messages.

* Is his Middle East Peace Plan set in concrete? Yes - and drowned, at the bottom of the Dead Sea. It is dead, dead, dead!

* Kosovo is now as stable as an activated hand grenade. Massacres have begun again.

* And Northern Ireland? A paragon of peace? - I don't think so! Criminal beatings alone are up 400% there.

What Clinton did was muddy the issues even more to prop himself up. These fraudulent moves will explode even more, as we will see soon enough.


With events unfolding as they are,
Circus Hillary-ous, is not that far away.
Please remain in your seats!


Emerging Energy Patterns

The Iraqi issue is becoming an even hotter potato for the US and Britain as the three other UN Security Council members openly support Iraq. The US is building up its forces in the Gulf again, and Al Gore, trigger happy and precipitous - he will not hesitate to drop nuclear bombs - looks set to take the reigns.

But, lo and behold, another pattern is emerging: Two million Muslims in Iran openly marching and crying out for the destruction of Israel cannot be ignored! It appears Iran is ready for the fray. And that can only mean one thing - it has, and is ready to use, nuclear weapons! Added to Sunday morning's report that once again Saddam has called for Arab unification, the scales have changed position yet again.



"Long live greed!" is what the money changers are shouting. The IMF and greed merchants are ecstatic. They have been able to buy Brazil for a song, or at least initiate the process of buying the little they did not own.

What you will see happening now is what we have seen everywhere else, inspite of the hyperbole from the money men that "all is well". They will strip the assets of Brazil like locusts strip a harvest, and leave nothing. Brazil will be no more. The rich get richer, the poor starve!

Brazilians became at least 20% poorer overnight. Although it is the eighth biggest economy, many of its people are very, very poor. Many were just managing to survive, being on the poverty line. Now, of course, they are 20% below it. But, if you drown, the depth of the water is irrelevant!



(Jerry's Younger Brother) writes a letter to Jehovah.

Hello Jehovah

Some call you "god", just like you told them to, but I have my doubts.

When I was seven, not being able to discriminate with the indoctrination I received, I prayed for a puppy, but you sent me a baby sister. Later, I prayed for a bike and got braces for my teeth instead. That set me thinking. Do you really listen?

When I went to Bible class, I learned you threw Adam and Eve out of the Garden because they wanted to learn more. Do you want all to live in Ignorance?

In Genesis 32:28, it says you wrestled with Jacob and lost. Is that the only reason why the Divine Mother called you a fool?

You spurned Cain's offering of grain to you and demanded the death of an animal to satisfy you. Is that not the sign of a ghoul, not a god?

It seems to me that you must get a thrill out of death, suffering and murder, because you tell your chosen ones to deal in death and murder all the time in the Bible. And you have imposed more than enough suffering everywhere in this world, as I can see readily.

And yet, you are far from consistent. You turned Lot's Wife into a pillar of salt for disobedience (Genesis 19:26), but now call those who sustain your iniquitous systems - good, and the salt of the Earth!

And you seem to prosper with iniquity. Some of your sycophants claim - and you have not corrected them as far as I know - that you sent an only Son, Jesus, to rescue Humanity from Satan's Evil. And yet your chosen ones murdered Jesus, and danced on His grave. For this, the claim is that you rewarded them and opened the Gates of Heaven. But I don't believe it. Is this not encouraging murder? Do you reward all murderers?

And if the Jews are your chosen race, why do they not recognise Jesus whom the pseudo-Christians claim is your only son? Their biggest interest is money. Does that not mean that you, their leader, are Mammon?

And also, the pseudo-Christians claim their religion is the one true religion, and it is yours. How can that be when you have already designated a chosen rabble? As well as on Ignorance, it seems to me you thrive on Confusion too.

Besides, if the Jews are really, really your chosen ones, why did Jesus claim their father is Satan, as He did in St. John's Gospel, Chapter 8? Is Jesus really your son?

If He is lying, you have a liar for a son. Therefore, you must be the Father of the LIES, and you have the LIE as a progeny.

If Jesus is telling the truth, He cannot be your son, for He identified your chosen race as of the Devil, which means you must be Satan.

So let me see ...., you are really a sort of spiritual MSG - Moloch-Mammon, Satan, and Ghoul - all in one! I don't think I would want you as my god.

PS I will write to you again 'cos I found much more to ask you about.

Peedee Attrick
(N.A.J.S. - Not a Jehovah Sycophant).

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