The 1999 Journal

January 19th 1999

Presented by:
J S Chiappalone
P O Box 28 Malanda, QLD, Australia, 4885
Fax: 07 40 965 620
Email address: [email protected]

Internet Address:

Our Motto: Take it or Leave it!

Copyright 1999 (c) by J.S. Chiappalone


If you are still spiritually viable - and you will know deep within your being if you truly are - take heart.

* Forget the pain and suffering you have or had;

* forget the emotional and social traps you fell into, and the drainage of energy you endured;

* forget the dire straits you were in, or may still be in,

* for you have, up to this point, survived an evil-sponsored, spiritually-assassinating process. You have survived an evil jungle whose only aim was, and is, the total spiritual destruction of true Sparks of Light.



Every person will have his/her illusion shattered one way or another in the next few months. Where their programming is strongest, there will the break occur. Thus, if they believe in the veracity of religion, their faith in religious nonsense will be shattered; if it is in the worth of family ties, the deceitfulness and corruption of energy-suckers, of relationship manipulators, and of emotional drainers, will see them shattered. If it is in the power of position, of social status, and of money where their delusional appeasement lies, these will fragment to allow them to see how illusional such things are.



Now, of the fate of these archons three,
with clearer patterns, aware you'll be:
Shortly after Bill Clinton is outed ignobly,
as a proven disgrace to the US Presidency,
buried shall be the head of the Roman Papacy;
and then a penultimate Pontiff chosen hastily,
will witness the exposure of the criminality
of Clinton's Hillary, and her part in conspiracy.

Sharing the fate of these I have revealed to you,
in ruination will also go Yeltsin, Blair and Netanyahu,
and many other minor archons on the world stage too,
who will crash as fragments their foul, foul zoo.



Terminal Madness of the Endtime, of the Zionist variety:

* Zionists object to the Cross of Christ being anywhere near their War Memorial in Auschwitz, Poland.

* Zionists object to the Pope's proclamation that a woman born a Jew, but who converted to Catholicism, actually made it to Heaven.

* Zionists sued German firms for looking after them, feeding them, housing them and not sending them to concentration camps during World War 2.

* Zionists plan to sue the French Railways for safely transporting them out of France during World War 2.

* Zionists object to the call for prayers to be offered for them so that they will be further helped by God to see the Light, and thus accept Jesus, Mohammed, etc., as Divine Beings.


Terminal Madness of the Endtime, of the quaint political variety:

In the Clever Country, Australia, the Young Liberals, made up of juvenile anencephalic (brainless) political wanna-bes, wanted to consider spot-fines for mothers who breastfeed in public, no matter how discretely.

Be warned, the excursion along this path is long and hazardous, and exhausting, especially for the funni-bone. Will they propose the following?

* Spot fines for saying "God" or "Divine" or even "Holy" or "holey" in public, for it might offend atheists!

* Spot fines for wearing open-toe sandals, for some people may see the toes and think of tinea, which will remind them of other body parts!

* Spot fines for baldness in public, for the bald spots could reflect sunlight and blind drivers thus possibly causing accidents!

* Spot fines for drivers of cars with long bonnets (hoods) since some will consider this a chauvinistic plot of phallic symbolism!

* Spot fines for people using walking canes, regardless of their gender, for the same reason as above!

* Spot fines for any with a facial tic, for strangers without medical training could think they were being winked at salaciously!

* Spot fines for breathing heavily in public, even if one is in some sort of cardiovascular and pulmonary compromise, because such breathing could remind some of lewd thoughts they once had when excited in other ways!

And so it could go on.


Terminal Madness of the Endtime, of the Sporting variety:

Australian style: Cricket hooliganism, which is bound to grow to the level of British football hooliganism, and beyond, has surfaced in Australia. It is all to do with the fragmentation of demonic and robotic minds.

Indian style: At least 50 Hindus have threatened to set themselves on fire if the proposed cricket match between India and Pakistan goes ahead.

Olympic Style: So many could be implicated by the corruption scandal around Salt Lake City, the shammy games would never recover. In their best deceit, the organisers will minimise the damage. But, too late. Those of us with true vision have seen enough.

Ah! What would we do without sport?

Assuredly we shall see corruption in every aspect of human endeavour, for the basis of the counterfeit creation is DDT: Deceit, Dishonesty and Terminal Corruption. At the very end, failures will readily admit they are not worthy to continue.



So, Turkey, who voiced its displeasure about US action against Iraq, has been bribed to cooperate with the USA by being promised Patriot missiles. The use of corruption and the pandering to greed have always been ploys of evil ones. The US is spreading itself dangerously thin! When the crunch comes, can one really rely on those who needed to be bribed in order to lend support?



If you are suffering mental attacks and turmoil all the more as this cesspool fragments, cut down on dairy products, if you still use them, for they facilitate evil's programming and pollution.

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