The 1999 Journal

January 20th 1999

Presented by:
J S Chiappalone
P O Box 28 Malanda, QLD, Australia, 4885
Fax: 07 40 965 620
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Our Motto: Take it or Leave it!

Copyright 1999 (c) by J.S. Chiappalone

Today's Journal entry is by Amitakh


For those who do not believe in a world hereafter, the astral world is a myth. But myth is not necessarily false.

The astral world does exist. It is part of the evil creation to further trap beings of both creations - of the Divine and Evil creations. The astral boundary is really very close to this physical dimension. Aspects of it can occupy the same space as the material dimension but in different frequencies. Except for a minority of people who can travel there and return to this physical dimension by changing their rate of vibration at will, the majority of people can only visit the astral spheres closest to this material plane during sleep. Such sojourns are often recalled as ordinary dreams or nightmares.

Physical death is the "normal" means by which people and animals enter the astral realm for a longer period of time. Most "souls" who pass over have some memory of their most recent earth life when they go back into the astral world. Such ones often recall their earth life experiences as dreams!

Things you see in this physical world exist also in the astral. The mixture of the two creations in this world exists also in the astral. Those who are nasty, corrupt, evil, fearful, or egotistical remain much the same when they cross over. Such ones continue in their habitual ways in the astral as they did on earth, at least for a period of time. The beliefs, the prejudices, the likes and dislikes of various things in life continue to manifest in the astral. The ones who are pulled back, due to attachments to the people or affairs on earth are the ones who eagerly want to make contact with those on earth. However, not all contacts are genuine, for there are mischievous astral beings who play tricks on the earth people.

Beings who cross over from the earth plane to the astral do not automatically become wise or powerful. Hence, aunty Ann or Mr. W. are not any wiser when they pass over to the astral than when they were on the earth plane.

The inhabitants of the astral world have lighter bodies, composed of finer matter than those of the material world. They still look solid in the astral dimension even though they are not physical. Less energy is needed to propel an astral body, and astral beings can move from place to place faster than a physical body can.

People who cross over usually look and feel younger than they were when they left the earth plane. They can read the thoughts of others quite easily. This does not mean that no one can keep their thoughts to themselves. There are ways one can protect their thoughts on earth, as they do in the astral.

There are those places in the astral world which are regarded as "heaven", very much according to individual's belief and expectation. Hence, a Muslim's notion of heaven, which is different from that of a Christian, will reflect a different heaven. However, the Real "Heaven" of the True Creation does not exist in the astral world of this evil creation.

In the lower levels of the astral are places which one would call "Hell", and again, there are many forms of hell, depending on one's cultural, social, and\or religious background. There are also individual hells created by an individual's imagination.

Not all the forms in the astral are real. Some forms are just projections of thought-forms of beings. Thought-creations are purposely allowed to operate in the astral dimension by the "Evil Mind" in order to further complicate matters and to further trap beings. Indeed, the Big Lie of the Evil Mind extends to all its superimposed creation.

The astral inhabitants are also subjected to misinformation and disinformation, deception, manipulation, attacks and occasional kindness and warmth, as people are on earth.

As on earth, so too do the astral beings need energy to sustain their activities. The more they can store up energy in the astral world, the more life force they bring with them in their next incarnation. Vampirism in energy occurs in the astral just as it does on earth. Often the people on earth are sucked of their vital energy, not only by those in the physical, but also by those from the astral dimension who hang around them.

The chosen ones of the Evil establishment are given ample energy to carry out their agenda when they incarnate. More often than not, True Beings are given limited energy to work with, in order to restrict and frustrate their activities on earth. Thus, True Beings usually have to operate under very difficult situations, and perseverance is very much needed in order to succeed in their mission.

Some people who have heard aspects of repeated information from others would disagree with me that the astral world can be dangerous. Believe what you choose, but truly the wider picture reveals that the astral world is not as pretty or as safe or as spiritual as some would teach.

Experiences in the astral, as on earth, can be packaged and programmed to allow people to have the experience intended. The "rose garden" which many astral guides want us to believe is astral living, is not always a real "rose garden" of souls.

There are far more subtle and deeper illusions there than the ones on the earth plane. The adeptship, the ladder of mastership, eternal "bliss" and "enlightenment" often turn out to be another grand deception.

Fortunately, there are high beings of the Light working in the astral to help the True Beings and those who want to be helped. All the astral beings are eventually caught up in the Great Rhythm or Pulse which sweeps even the most unawakened ones from their "slumber". This is made to look like a natural order of existence. The truth is that it is a Grand Mass Programming.

Not everyone who claims to be a guide or teacher is genuine. Just to demonstrate how things here are similar to the astral in many ways, I would like to share this story with you. On a few occasions I have witnessed beings - who professed to be guides to those on earth - engage in heated arguments over the information we gave out. One guide urged the ones in the astral and the ones he influenced on earth to listen to our message. Yet another guide was upset that our message had awakened the minds of the astral beings. Both parties were supported by their respective supporters. But both parties lacked understanding.

The lower astral has as many Napoleons and Cleopatras as there are on earth! There are houses of ill-repute and other gambling venues, and also magnificent mansions, churches, mosques and temples created by collective thoughts and desires. Preachers continue to preach to their congregations.

Since most inventions and various ideas are first conceived in the astral before they are manifested in the material dimension, the law of karma is seen to be not so reasonable after all, when the ones here, who carry out the actions, are punished for allegedly committing crimes against humanity.

Some people believe that those who do not get on well while they are on earth will not meet again in the afterlife. Yet, so often longstanding feuds on earth continue to be waged on the other side, when the ones involved are in the astral. This can be disconnected when one or both parties decide to let go.

The unaware new arrivals are the most vulnerable in the astral world. However, there are usually those who have been there for a while who are willing to give them a helping hand, and greet them on arrival. Unfortunately, not all help is accepted due to various reasons.

Not all the levels of the astral are similar. Some levels are vastly different. Not all the astral inhabitants can go from level to level freely.

In one sense, the astral world is even a greater mess than the earth. The illusions are even greater and harder to break. Without the help of Higher Beings of Light, it is almost impossible for beings to see through the grand deception.

At this time, possession, particularly of young people on earth by astral beings, has significantly increased due to the desperate need for energy as the old energy is running low. Possession by evil alien beings has severe programming effects on people. Hence, daily protection of oneself is an absolute necessity.

Learn to let go of things that are of no value to your spiritual being. After all, it is the spiritual aspect that lives on. The more the cleansing of your spiritual vehicle, the stronger the spiritual vehicle. The stronger the vehicle, the better one can resist evil.

The love you feel that wells up from within, you receive from the Source of Love. Return that love by acknowledging it, and the link between you and the Source of Love will strengthen. This further strengthens your Will and your being.

May Love and Light touch those who "yearn" for that union.

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