The 1999 Journal

January 23rd 1999

Presented by:
J S Chiappalone
P O Box 28 Malanda, QLD, Australia, 4885
Fax: 07 40 965 620
Email address: [email protected]

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Our Motto: Take it or Leave it!

Copyright 1999 (c) by J.S. Chiappalone



Within minutes into Clinton's "State of the Union" speech it was nauseatingly obvious that Gnostics are right. This is the realm of fraud and deceit. He used words which painted a totally false picture of the USA while revealing what a real hypocrite he is and the power of the programming in sycophants who kept giving him standing ovations. At the risk of boring you a little, let me address some of his false points.

* Crime: In claiming crime had fallen substantially, he failed to mention that statistics can and do lie. The USA is the most violent Western country. It has the highest percentage of its population in jails, and the harshest penalties, including the draconian death sentence - executed on many innocent ones!

* Social order: Just how safe are cities anywhere in the US? Just how common is police brutality? There is no social order there, with people terrified of mugging and break-ins. Doors are locked doubly, and then locked again, for good measure. The level of anxiety is unparalleled.

* Drugs: The level of use has exploded and is climbing exponentially. If people were really happy and contented, would they need to seek such escapism?

* Unemployment: People need to work harder just to keep afloat. Young families barely cope with both parents working. Most work in menial dead-end jobs.

* Prosperity: The US is unofficially bankrupt, buoyed by the transfusion of some one billion dollars daily from other countries. The level of savings is the lowest since records have started. The level of debt which people have is the greatest. 40% are living at or below the poverty line. Average workers are often one paypacket from misery! Of course there are many rich, very rich citizens, but they are a small, exploitative percentage. Could you, reader, survive without a job for long? Are you rich from the honest work you are doing? Are you so happy you would not change a thing in your life? The US has become rich by exploiting many countries around the world. Its financial conquest is a modern day wonder. But all victims of its rapaciousness are poorer in the long run. Governments are blackmailed or bribed into allowing the US multinationals to steal their countries, their incomes, their resources, for short term monetary and/or political gains.

* Home ownership: Although home ownership is claimed to be the highest in the US ever, it is still the lowest in first world countries!

* Wage rises: Inspite of wage rises, many on the basic pay still find they cannot feed themselves, let alone feed, clothe and house a family. Just who is fooling who?

* Social security: This is so good, grandmothers work to meet the bills. Just where is the security?

* Balancing the budget: I have explained how governments often slash services to the needy to balance their books. The US is no exception.

* Education: The level of illiteracy has never been higher.

* Social Services: The cost of hospitals, doctors, treatment, insurance, is horrendous. Americans pay through the nose for even minor medical treatment. Without insurance, a major illness financially destroys them. The 40% at or near the poverty line are medically neglected.

* Peace keepers: Clinton mentioned the peace he made in Ireland, Kosovo, the Middle East. I have written about this before. But you know these areas are not peaceful, and his efforts were to bolster his image before impeachment.

* Wallowing in perverse demagoguery, and inciting national hubris and pride of ego, Clinton was able to obfuscate the issues, and the willing demons and robots were enthusiastic in this super act of deceit!

* His assertion "The state of the Union is Strong!" will haunt him soon enough. It will be worth recalling at the end of each month as this year progresses.

(Just by the way, a reality check on Clinton's State of the Union rhetoric from last year finds almost none of the most important domestic proposals made it to law. Congressional Quarterly calculates that last year Clinton scored the lowest "success rate" with Congress of any president in his 6th year of office since the publication started. James Thurber, Director of the Center for Congressional and Presidential Studies at American University said, "I'd give him a D.")

Addendum by Jerry Attrick:

"With the IMF (International Monetary Fiends) and the US Feral Reserve, headed by Alan Greed-spin, controlling money, no wonder most people, even in the wealthiest countries, are in deep debt and sinking further daily! Every country which comes under their grip sees the people generally become poorer - a lot poorer, while the few get rich." (I asked Jerry about "feral" and he assures me that when he writes "feral" he means "feral"! Even the slight attempt by Clinton's empty words to suggest more equitable distribution of wealth was even objected to by Greed-spin. Make no mistake about it - the IMF, World Bank and US Federal Reserve are in it for the profit it can give them. They are not there to help the poor, the masses, or the downtrodden. In fact, the middle classes of whatever country they "invade" and "help" (themselves to) become the poor and downtrodden!


Our PM, John Howard, is no less skilled at deceit. In declaring Oz has so well weathered the Asian economic meltdown, he fails to mention the cost. Oz has lost some 20-30% of its wealth relative to the rest of the world. The level of poverty has risen alarmingly. Youth unemployment is officially at 30% but unofficially it is close to 60%, and this is reflected in the suicide rates of youths. Gambling and drug use have exploded, while social services are falling fast.


Hormone - Pheromone
Enough to make one moan

The hormone-disruption chemicals, some known, many unknown, produced by Science and Technology, and introduced into every aspect of our lives, act synergistically to the detriment of all biological entities. These by-products of man's cleverness alone are enough to ensure death of biological systems, as concerned investigators are realising more and more acutely, the more they look into the problem. Even the plastic coating of the cabinet of the PC from which you are reading this is emitting such chemicals which are poisoning you and me, all the atmosphere.

Drug abuse is rife in many areas of human endeavour. But, not satisfied with the rate of perversity, pheromones are now being incorporated into many things, including body sprays, to heighten the sex drive. The demons claim it's their way of having fun. What it really means is that the evil aliens who thrive on emotional and sexual energy are becoming desperate and have programmed such moves to occur. One of our prophecies was that near the end, pornography, sexual perversion and gross lust would become rampant. With such moves, not only is the prophecy being fulfilled, but also it is allowing the self-destructive programming to be spread faster, and the agents of physical demise, such as HIV-AIDS, hepatitis, STDs, etc, to be introduced into younger and younger sections of the dying communities.



The obvious media bias in the reports of Anwar Ibrahim's trial in Malaysia, supporting Anwar, and canning PM Mahatir, 100% of the time, must surely alert you to the ontology of essences behind each of these 2 individuals. The Media supports its own. You know the nature of the media's essence. Hence, you can add Anwar to the demonic list!



As if you needed me to tell you: If you mingle with the demons and robots unprotected, not only will they drain you of energy and program, pollute and indoctrinate you, but you will also, at this time, be poisoned quite noxiously, so much so, you may show signs of Terminal Madness of the Endtime, for they exude a toxin from the process of their spiritual decay. That is why aware True Beings and viables are becoming less and less tolerant of their company. They sense danger, even subconsciously, to their spiritual well-being. As well as that, many awakened ones are gaining special intuition, fast, and can perceive the ugliness of the demonic countenance, no matter how much the demons try to hide. Many ask: "Were these beings always that ugly?" Indeed they were. The scales are falling from our eyes.

It will be amusing to hear the spurious explanations given for this overt Separation Process by the academics, the scientists, the religious, the psychiatric and psychological experts who are unaware of, or have no admitted outer mind belief in, the existence of the two creations and their opposing, immiscible essences.

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