The 1999 Journal

January 28th 1999

Presented by:
J S Chiappalone
P O Box 28 Malanda, QLD, Australia, 4885
Fax: 07 40 965 620
Email address: [email protected]

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Our Motto: Take it or Leave it!

Copyright 1999 (c) by J.S. Chiappalone


I would agree with the claim implied by the heading. India is dirty, corrupt, putrid and fraudulent. That is exactly how I envisage the soul of this dirty, corrupt, putrid and fraudulent world.

The claim to some spiritual dimension is a myth both Indians and Westerners like to maintain because it suits them, but believe me, India is as evil as any country on this doomed orb. The difference is that Western Countries do not make claims of being any more spiritual than others.

And what do I think of Tibet? Even worse, I must say. There, the useless sacerdotes lord it over the miserably poor people who are kept locked into the cycle of hopelessness and poverty by an iniquitous system. The invasion by China did not deteriorate conditions, as far as I could see when I was there. In fact, lessening the clergy's power would have liberated the minds of the plebs somewhat. Their temples are full of ghosts and discarnates and ghouls. Quite a few alien bases are located in the region, and these spawned the stories of the King of the World, Shambalah, etc. One of the reasons for our visit was to flush those evil aliens from their hiding places - a concept the outer mind certainly has trouble with.



While we are in India, let us have a look at the mini-holocaust which claimed the lives of an Australian proselytiser and his two sons. They were apparently burnt by an angry Hindu mob while asleep in their vehicle, and some 47 Indians have been arrested.

Murderous violence such as this, for which pseudo-Christians are famous throughout their history, is a demonic trait. But so too is the Arrogance of Ignorance of missionaries such as this pseudo-Christian, and all other missionaries, who think their brand of religious fraudulence (pseudo-Christianity) is better than that of others and that they need to invade other countries to prove it, as has been done for so long, much to the chagrin of the indigenes, and much to the pleasure of the ghoul, Jehovah, who gains from the resultant violence and misery!

Alas, inter-religious violence will escalate, as will intra-denominational friction, and these will cause faster and faster fragmentation of all ignoble Institutions of Untruth, of Entrapment, of Deceit and of unrelenting, surreptitious exploitation of bodies, minds and spirits.



Since World War 2 especially, the USA has thrived on falsehood to keep others divided and weak. It has also invaded and conquered many nations economically and industrially in an unprecedented fashion.

However, exposure of its own deceit and duplicity, as well as of Zionism, which controls it completely, is now inevitable.

Everything the US tries to do for its own selfish benefit, and for the detriment of other nations, will backfire upon it, and the others will become stronger than ever against it.



Iraq Superficially Disappointed

It appears as a sort of setback that Iraq's request for a unified Arab revolt against the USA and Britain and condemnation of the December bombing it received has failed. But, it is par for the course. Consider this: If the Arab states at this early juncture agitated against the murderous sanctions which were then lifted, there would be little to squabble about. Instead, the refusal has angered certain Arabs even more, especially those not blackmailed by the USA's power. The elite in control of governments are afraid. But they will lose control soon enough and the Arab mind will show its unity soon enough. The region has become more polarised, more fractious, more volatile. Thus, in fact, the rejection has made things worse for regional peace and increased the stakes. The rejection has made things worse for the US, Britain and israel, not better. It has increased the risk of World War 3, not lessened it!



As you may have noticed, Australia is being exposed in its dishonesty and fraudulence, as much as any other country in this evil scheme of things. That is what the 2000 Olympic fiasco is all about. The relevant thing is to note how the demons in charge have denied dishonesty as much as they could, and how they keep saying "We have done nothing wrong!" It appears fortuitous that an incriminating letter, which was supposed to be eliminated, was photocopied and made public instead. Sort of Clinton and that blue dress all over again, is it not?

What we are seeing is the fraudulent veneer of respectability of the deceitful, counterfeit world breaking everywhere, and the exposures are allowing the rottenness to be clearly seen. Do not underestimate these episodes as in the Olympics and Cricket. They are prodromal signs of a fatal malady. More, much more will follow, in many other fields.

As I said it would, this mess has spread, and now the World Swimming Championships are the new venues to be revealed as being corrupt.



With 75% and more of the world's population being demons, robots and zombies (unawakened True Beings) totally programmed, polluted and indoctrinated by evil, do you think their consensus opinions would support Truth?



Concerned USA citizens should be asking about FEMA (Federal Emergency Management Agency) and about Mount Weather.



The indoctrination which stresses the programming of Oneness, and specifically denies the two creations - a True Divine Creation and an evil counterfeit one in this dimension - disarms True Beings who feel obliged to dispense with their feelings and allows the evil beings to exploit them in an unimpeded fashion.

More than this occurs, for such indoctrination forces True Beings who are aware of evil essences in humans, etc., to deny what they know internally. This sets a conflict within them which may lead to their physical and mental and even spiritual destruction if it is not resolved with reintroduction of the Truth. That is where Gnosticism serves its greatest function. That is why True Gnostic Knowledge Liberates. It liberates from the chains of Untruth and deceit. It sets the spirit free from the false and very damaging indoctrination. Hence the Gnostic axioms:

"True Gnostic Knowledge saves"


"The Truth will set you free!"



Indeed, it's painful, and possibly embarrassing, to find that most of what we have been taught and what we accept as truth, is nothing more than a distortion of the Truth, dressed in lies and more lies. But, unless that realisation is made, no progress towards Truth can be made. The ability to let go of the old programming, pollution and indoctrination and embrace the new (Light) is an ability of viability.



So many have written that they thought various articles and poems I publish were written specifically about them that I am obliged to state that is not the case at all. I write with no specific individuals in mind, and how each individual perceives my work is a reflection of its own mind, not mine.

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