The 1999 Journal

June 6th

Presented by:   J S Chiappalone

Internet Address:

Our Motto: Take it or Leave it!

Copyright 1999 (c) by J.S. Chiappalone

Well, well, well, it appears Milosevic has capitulated, or at least has been forced to concede to the pressure from Russia, and NATO is moving in to establish `peace'!

But wait a moment, things are not what we are told they are. The words of Peace, reconstruction and the process of creating something better are rhetorical, and all they really do is highlight the hypocrisy of the Archons.

Those in charge are Evil Archons programmed by their own Evilness for self-destruction, and this fact I have stated many times. They are war-mongers, not peace-makers. They are intent on World Domination, an Evil World Order run their way. They do not envisage an harmonious co-existence and tolerance of all views. They are not negotiating a `peace accord' but a forced harshness which will see the total oppression of the expression of any view contrary to theirs.

They are already dictating to the Serb forces how, when and where to leave their own province. Of course only fools trust evil fools. Remember what happened in the Gulf War when the Iraqis agreed to leave Kuwait - they were slaughtered like pigs in the desert after assurances of safety. And the demons were so proud of the massacre and their deceit!

So, the Archons are hypocritical liars are they not? They have always been, and are not about to change their nature. Their evil is immutable, that is why they, and all their nefariousness, are being eliminated from the face of Creation.

When Clinton talks of Peace and the destruction of Evil in Serbia, he is talking of Peace in terms that will suit him and his other Archons, and that peace to them means perverse power to destroy at will those who resist. When he speaks of Serbian Evil he means an evil which opposes his evil and that of his Archons. There are many forms of evil alien consciousness, and that one controlling Serbia, as I have mentioned before, is intolerant of, and not tolerated by, the Evil essence controlling the US and most, but not all, NATO countries.

Evil aspects are hateful of other evil aspects. That is why they can never have peace or live in peace.

When Clinton talks of building something good out of the ashes of what they incinerated with their bombs, he means something good for him and his Archons, not good from a Goodness point of view. That good he speaks of, in mundane terms, is the good, for them, of:

* a step closer to total world domination,

* a fortified base in Kosovo for attacking Russia,

* getting their hands on the mineral wealth in the region,

* the crushing of a few more dissenters.

Esoterically, for the Reptilian consciousness controlling NATO, the good for them is free access to the inter-dimensional portal that I said exists in the Kosovo region which they think is good for an escape from this planet if things really go against them. They still hold out hope that they can avoid their end, but just in case, they are preparing an exit plan. However, as I said on the last Sightings interview, that portal has been blocked off completely. They have nowhere to go. They are finished.

What is the reality of the apparent settlement they think they are implementing in Kosovo? The reality is a peace deal worse than in Iraq, Northern Ireland, Palestine, etc. Those were pretty good, were they not? Indeed, they were shams, and are set to explode any day.

I said, when the Kosovo bombing began, that even if the fighting settled down a little, soon enough a bigger and more dastardly conflagration would occur.

Look closely at the situation. Apart from the Archons, who in their joy of victory are very suspicious of consequences, no one is happy.

Many NATO countries are less than happy with what they have done. They have Macbethian guilt which will destroy them internally soon enough.

Kosovars are unhappy, wondering why their homes had to be completely destroyed for them to be resettled elsewhere. So much was promised and so little delivered that they are not just suspicious of the US and NATO., but openly inimical.

Serbs, inspite of what the Western propaganda wants to portray, have been turned into bitter, vengeful people who will not rest until they extract some form of satisfaction for their pain which they see as most unjust. Eleven million freedom fighters, which their targets will see as terrorists, have been created thanks to NATO bombs. That is the reality of what has sprung from the ashes resulting from the NATO madness.

Millions upon millions of Russians see their country as having been emasculated by brain-dead, Western-bribed Boris Yeltsin, and they are not happy. They wait the day for military leadership and for righting this wrong soon enough, even as they prepare, knowing that they are next on the NATO cleansing agenda.

And the Chinese, all 1.2 billion of them, are of the same sentiments as the Russians, the only difference being that they are in harmony with the will of their government and do not have to wait for a change of leader like the Russians to be motivated into action.

What has happened to cause all this? Did I not say the Terminal Madness of the Endtime affecting the Archons, who saw the need to crush Serbia, was infectious? The evidence for that assertion is now clear. Madness has spread to these countries, and many others. Thus, the apparent peace is but a lull which will lead to greater anarchy and conflagration in due course. And remember, war is only one of the mechanisms for the total disintegration of this evil system.

Terminal Madness of the Endtime affects other levels of consciousness and other phases of earthly existence. Hence it has spread to:

* the climate to give us the madness that we see,

* to the geological level to cause instability which will result in massive earthquakes,

* to financial houses to cause instability and collapse,

* to microbes to cause spread of diseases,

* to animals to cause abnormal behaviour,

* to vegetation to cause loss of control by weeds, etc.,

* to evil alien consciousnesses whose manifestations will be more erratic around the globe, and

* to human consciousnesses, in every country, where the madness is increasing daily, as well we see in rage, friction, dissension, anarchy, violence, dissatisfaction, personal abuse, substance abuse, oppression, explosive abnormal sexual behaviour, etc., etc.

Although many consequences of what is happening in Kosovo, which is but a window to clearly demonstrate the Terminal Decay, can be extrapolated simply from the physical actions and reactions, if you have any metaphysical and spiritual insight whatsoever you will know that there is interconnectedness of all consciousnesses sharing this closed-off dimension, and all are subjected to the same processes of decay. Hence, what affects one affects all.

No matter who you are, or think you are, no matter where you live, how you think, what religious programming you robotically observe and follow, no matter what you eat, whom you associate with, how much money you earn or have, no matter how you pray or don't pray, no matter what the colour of your skin is, or where you reside, and who your friends are, you, like all others, will be subjected to, and affected by, the collapse of all systems in this doomed virtual reality, physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually to some extent. The deterioration is ubiquitous. Neither Popes nor Presidents, Princes, priests, paupers, potentates, prostitutes, powerful politicians, rabbis, rascals nor religious robots will be able to escape the decay and fragmentation.

All that will be spared will be the viable consciousnesses extracted from this place, and that includes consciousnesses in the Mineral Kingdom, the Vegetable Kingdom and the Animal Kingdom as well as the Human Kingdom.

I have stated previously that the viable consciousnesses are being evacuated swiftly so that all "civilian" viable consciousnesses will have left by November this year. That is the reason for the presence of Mother ships which have encircled the earth. Many people have now been made aware of their presence. Remember that the evacuation is mainly of the consciousness. Some will be evacuated physically, others will die off, and still others will see their physical bodies remaining as robotic structures, and yet again some of those bodies will be taken over by non viable consciousnesses.

The physical and whatever remains will be subjected to inexorable terminal decay. The process can wax and wane in time, but that is of little consequence. The end result is inevitable. The longer it takes the more will those in the physical suffer.

Thus, from this you can see that the Archons and those not viable are damned if they continue all their bombing and destructive perversion, and damned if they don't continue, for soon enough they will restart somewhere else, or back in Serbia even more forcefully, more destructively. Are India and Pakistan, Palestine, Northern Ireland, and many other places, not set to explode again?

The programming the evil ones have accepted from their own evilness is one of self-destruction, and the Light Essence is now allowing them to pursue their natural terminating course.

This system is dying of spiritual cancer - for that is what Evil is. Like a human or an animal dying of cancer, any system failure can cause the eventual death. It does not matter whether the liver gives out, or the bone marrow, whether massive bleeding ends the life or terminal pneumonia claims the victim, whether a heart attack or brain haemorrhage or renal failure are the final phase. The end result is death. Similarly on this earth, its death and the death of all the physical existence - for all the physical dimension must go in due course - is the endpoint. The mechanism does not matter. It can be massive earthquakes, wars, diseases, food shortage and starvation, a massive meteor strike, or a combination of these. And like in a terminally cachectic patient, the time of the end is variable somewhat, and difficult to pinpoint with certainty, even though the death is inevitable within a general time frame. The outer limit for the end I have given previously for this earthly system is 50 years.

As the suffering in this hell hole increases massively, those who remain will wish the end to come swiftly, and in fulfilment of an ancient Gnostic prophecy, in the Endtime, `the living, doomed to perdition, will envy the dead'.

This is the knowledge evil ones do not wish to hear. This is the knowledge they do not want any to hear. This is the information the sons and daughters of Darkness are trying to block on the Internet.



One of the few things which demons possess
greater than their evilness, their overt
spiritual malignancy, their ugliness,
mendacity, bellicosity and hypocrisy,
is their blindness to perceive
the imminent Day of Reckoning!

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