The 1999 Journal

May 9th

Presented by:   J S Chiappalone

Internet Address:

Our Motto: Take it or Leave it!

Copyright 1999 (c) by J.S. Chiappalone

Well, well, here we are again. I know those of you who are "connected" are well, while the others are terrible, just terrible! So, I guess the big news is still Kosovo and the disaster NATO has purposely created there. Here are some points for your consideration:


On the very same day after the Littleton school shootings, both US Pres. Clinton and the UK's PM Tony Blair, spiritual rodents and leaders of the Rat Pack, announced ever so solemnly that VIOLENCE SHOULD NEVER BE USED TO SETTLE DIFFERENCES. In the same breath they mentioned the bombing of Yugoslavia would intensify!!!

You remember Yugoslavia don't you? - the place that was carved up - losing Slovenia, Croatia, Bosnia, and virtually Macedonia, Montenegro. With illegal arming of terrorists by the USA, Kosovars got into the act also, and caused a Civil War at the instigation of the CIA. The CIA has often played this role. The aim has been to destroy Yugoslavia so Russia could be more easily conquered in the not-so-distant future. The pretext was saving Kosovars.

The Zionist-controlled media has learned very well how to trigger responses in the sheople - remember the babies being thrown out of their cribs in the Gulf War? - a spurious story used as an emotional trigger, if ever there was one.

Well, here we had ethnic cleansing, genocide, gang rapes, murder of children, etc., etc. Hey, none of these things were out of control before the bombing. Why have such clever Western Leaders not remembered that violence begets violence?

Serbia's Pres. Slobodan Milosevic was given no chance to settle his problems in the Paris Accords. The demand was that he virtually sign Kosovo over to NATO (The Zionist militia for the Millennium) or else it would be forcefully taken off him after Serbia had been decimated. At least he had the guts to try and make a contest of it and not give in. However, the outcome was always going to be that Serbia would be decimated by the bully might of the murderous bloodthirsty criminals running NATO, the Essence of which is the Anti-Christ essence!


NATO, as it is controlled now, does not want peace, not at any price! Its leaders, as we have often seen, thrive on the suffering and misery they cause. They are Reptilian consciousnesses, and they have always thrived in these circumstances. That is why they appear to be single-minded about destroying that place entirely.

The concern about refugees is nonsense. They care as much about them as they did about the Kurds and the Swamp people after the Gulf War. They are an expendable side product of their terrorism.

Remember - there was no refugee problem before the bombing started. But the evil essence in the Serbians reacted as Evil always does - with more evil, and so those people were driven out.


The cost of the war thus far has been conservatively estimated to be $US 100 billion. A number of points need to be made in this regard:

a The USA makes money out of wars. It is a war machine which cannot tolerate peace. Notice that it needs to find enemies to justify its existence. It terrorises in order to milk energy from the suffering hordes. It demonises any it targets and then bombs. That is the nature of Evil and that is the nature which will eventually lead to its self-destruction.

b This is a list of the countries bombed by the Zionist-controlled USA since the end of 1945:
China 1945-46; Korea 1950-53; China 1950-53; Guatemala 1954; Indonesia 1958; Cuba 1959-60; Guatemala 1960; Congo 1964; Peru 1965; Laos 1964-73; Vietnam 1961-73; Cambodia 1969-70; Guatemala 1967-69; Grenada 1983; Libya 1986; El Salvador 1980s; Nicaragua 1980s; Panama 1989; Iraq 1991-99; Sudan 1998; Afghanistan 1998; Yugoslavia 1999. Who is next??

c You will note that these are, or have been, the poorest, most wretched nations on earth, with no power whatsoever to hit back. There was no just cause or real reason other than to cause misery, and allow collection of energy, as I have explained in detail in my metaphysical writings. These nations can be considered mortal enemies of the USA and they will line up enthusiastically to strike it when the time is right! Violence begets violence!


What a risible oxy-moron; what a joke, hey?

That is exactly the phrase NATO's demons used to excuse away wanton criminal murder in Yugoslavia! You know they are not interested in assisting any aspect of humanity except themselves, for even as peace talks are initiated, they are escalating their attempts to obliterate Serbia off the map. They want Kosovo lock, stock and barrel!

If they really wanted to help the Kosovars, would that $US 100 billion not have been better spent on them rather than bombs? That amount would have meant approx. $US 250,000 per household in Kosovo - more than such households would make in 25 years. That would really raise their standard of living and create more goodwill and harmony than bombs do! But the action of the evil essence controlling the US, NATO, and most of this Planet, including Yugoslavia and Kosovo, is not about peace and harmony. It is - as it always has been on this doomed orb overtaken by the Zionist Anti-Christ energy - all about exploitation, suffering and misery.


Do not underestimate the destructively evil influence of the Zionist-controlled Media used by NATO. As its propaganda was exposed by Serbian TV, it resolved to bomb the TV networks. It excuses its murders as justified for a greater cause which is helping the refugees - BUT ...

a NATO has created the refugee problems.

b The assistance it has given them since is a pittance!!

In order to divert attention away from its wholesale murder, you will have noted that the Media emphasises emotionally draining stories of refugees. Of course suffering occurs in wars. And evil ones atavistically reclaim their demon origins and act accordingly in times of stress and war. Just look at the ubiquitous violence, rape and looting when social order collapses anywhere. But the cause in Serbia and Kosovo is being obfuscated by the NATO Media to hide its own guilt.

The Essence of NATO and the Media is Zionism which I have often identified as the Anti-Christ essence - the most evil in the universe. The fact that most of the Zionists are also Jews is not coincidental, as I have explained in detail elsewhere.

One of the biggest laughs the hypocrites are providing via their lying Media is the ridiculous assertion that NATO is not targeting the Serbian people. In bombing the roads, bridges, schools, hospitals, buses, trains, railway lines and yards, homes, shelters, power stations, service utilities, factories, and cutting their working ability, cutting off their water and food, the assertion rings as hollow as any could.


This problem has implications which the bullies have not thought about in spiritual terms. These people are spreading dissatisfaction, depression and misery in the countries into which they are forced to flee. These effects will further destabilise the host nations. The minimal assistance given to the refugees, after so much was promised by the West, has angered the refugees who no longer trust the West. Hmmm, sound like the Kurds, the Palestinians, the Russians, and others, all over again, does it not?

The bulk of refugees have gone to Albania, Montenegro, Macedonia, etc., and these very small, poor nations cannot cope. But, does the West really care? Of course not. They prefer to spend their money on more bombs and to keep destroying property as they murder people! That has always been the nature of Evil. The difference now is that this is the Endtime and they are programmed to continue this activity until they self-destruct!


"Ah!" you will exclaim, "Is the World Bank not assisting Albania with a huge loan, and is this not a good ending, just like the proverbial Cavalry coming to rescue the embattled goodies?"

Indeed, it is making a loan, but it is not what it appears. The World Bank has promised $US 30 billion to Albania and repayments are to be deferred for 10 years. What does this really mean?

I have called the IMF and the World Bank rapacious beasts in the past. The are owned by a few Zionists, most of whom are Jews as a matter of fact. Zionists are the spiritual sons and daughters of Mammon (Satan, the demiurge, Jehovah). With this proposal, if Albania accepts, they will acquire the whole country within 10 years - if the Earth continues that long - for a few cents in the dollar.

The Zionist Plan of expansionism for World Domination will have been successful in acquiring this poor, and for now, virtually useless nation.

Superficially it appears the IMF and the World Bank are caring, rich cousins coming to the rescue of impoverished Albania. But here is the rub:

Albania will be charged 30% p.a. on this money. If you hear that it is interest free, or a lesser figure, do not believe it. The IMF and World Bank often do deals in secret to mask their avarice. I can tell you now, Albania has a snowflake's chance in Hell of repaying any of the loan. Hence, the Zionists will, soon enough, own the country. Why do I say that? Well, get your calculators out. After one year, Albania will owe $US 39 billion. After 2 years, $US 50.7; after 3 years, $US 65.9; etc., so that after 10 it will owe something like $US 413.575 billion. Not such a great favour is it? Albania's Gross Domestic Product is less than $US 10 billion, with a per capita income similar to Kosovo's - less than $US 2000 p.a. Where is it going to find such a huge amount to repay the debt? It cannot. So what we will have is another poor country drowned by the supposed IMF's largesse!


All of evil humanity will pay a price for this evil recklessness in one way or other. The physical pollution from the bombing, apart from the psychic and emotional pollution by refugees, will be considerable. Oil in the Danube, noxious gases over Europe, the Balkans and the Middle East are not to be dismissed lightly. Disease will spread quickly as water pollution increases. Sea creatures will suffer and the food chain will be diminished soon enough.


If you are familiar with my other writings you know the Bottom Line we are heading for. The road to it may be varied and circuitous, but the Bottom Line will be reached in due course.

The posturing by the G8 (industrialised) nations, much to the chagrin of the UK which wants to keep bombing till the Last Day is attempting some sort of settlement. But really, even if some respite is gained, it will not be long before the violence flairs again, either in Serbia-Kosovo or elsewhere. In the meantime, if some accord proceeds, Russia will have been able to establish some sort of military presence in Kosovo - just what NATO did not want!! That is why it bypassed the UN in the first place. The UN, as I explained months ago, is as good as dead. The fact that NATO (the US really, all the other member countries are useless puppets, inspite of their pretences) could bypass Russia and China so easily proves that. But, it will not get away with it. Kofi Annan might as well be a coffee merchant. He is less than useless.


Any accord worked out for Serbia-Kosovo will complicate matters.

Any way the Zionist Essence moves will only tighten the trap around it. The final conflict, whether via Serbia-Kosovo or anywhere else, is really the West verses the RIC: Russia-India-China.

Any road taken will lead to the inescapable Bottom Line!

a If an accord for a UN military presence in Kosovo is reached, it will have the effect of dragging Russia into the conflict - again that being something NATO did not want. When the violence flairs, a much better prepared and more ready Russia will be able to strike back with fatal blows.

b If NATO's effort fails to destroy Serbia in this encounter, Serbia will declare victory and will join a renewed USSR, seek revenge soon enough and eventually self-destruct with the NATO countries. Serbs are courageous people with a long memory, and they are not afraid to die for their country and for what they perceive to be a just cause.

c If NATO sees it is getting nowhere and sends in invasive ground troops, even accepting the massive casualties this entails, in order to save face, Russia will be forced to join in, along with Chinese support.


You will have noted recalcitrant programming is affecting differing sections of humanity. The blood-thirsty demons of the Zionist Essence controlling the USA and NATO are bent on destroying any who do not obey them, for their illicit goal is world domination - the permanent establishment of a One World Order. Many such as Serbia and Russia, China and India, are programmed by an opposing, non-Zionist, but still Evil essence which is to offer resistance at all costs. Hence, the outcome can only be self-destruction. That is the bottom line.

You will have no doubt noted Clinton in Belgium gloating about achieving the goal of a united, democratic, non-violent, settled Europe for the Millennium. What a dose of BS! It just reveals what a liar he is and what liars and deceivers his Zionist script writers are. Sad sack Bill is now their puppet, having been forced to sell his soul and his all, in order to be bailed out by them from the Lewinsky Affair via which, if there was any justice in this doomed, evil world he would have been sacked from his presidency.

The reality, in contrast to what Clinton, known by many as "Slick Willy", is saying, is that:

a We have an ever-increasingly violent Europe as a result of the bombing. Watch how "terrorists" will now come out of the woodwork to seek revenge!

b We have no unity. If the UN deal goes through we will have another war zone, worse than a divided Germany, on our hands.

c We have refugees and malcontents everywhere,

d We have weakened, guilt-ridden NATO members many of whom will be even more distraught as terrorists target them for their iniquitous support of the criminality.

e We have the ground work for an expanded conflict,

f We have far greater pollution problems than before the "humanitarian" bombing.

g We have far more fear and uncertainty than before the murderous move against Yugoslavia.

h We have most smaller countries of the world re-arming themselves as quickly as possible for they know any of them could be unjustifiably targeted next.

i We have far more people being frightened, and suffering depression, a sense of foreboding and doom than before the USA-NATO action against Yugoslavia which CNN sickeningly reports with all the lustful relish of demons as if they were just reporters at a protracted baseball game.

j We have the inexorable march to the Bottom Line with enhanced evil energy patterns heading for Evil's self-destruction. As I said in the latest radio show on Sightings (April 14, 1999) each bomb is weakening the infrastructure on which the Zionist essence rests, and is increasing the "karmic negativity" which will destroy it. Already changes in various countries, and the USA which is suffering climatic repercussions, aver to these changing energy patterns.


Whether you want to believe it or not, the Definitive Solution to the Problem of Evil is being applied.

I have stated many times this Bottom Line is being allowed to occur in order to apply a definitive solution to the Problem of Evil which has engulfed this world.

All consciousnesses, in all classes have been assessed with regard to viability and non-viability. By the end of November, perhaps a week or two earlier, all Viables will have been evacuated. And then, with no Light beings left on the planet Earth, except for the few thousand front-line workers whose NEW Energy the Evil Ones cannot use, the orb will proceed to total self-destruction.

The absolute outer limit of time for this to occur appears, as things stand today, to be approx. 50 years. More than likely the end will come in 10-15 years for the evil ones. For the Viables, the end will have occurred before the year 2000, for they will be out of here.

The longer it takes for the planet to self-destruct, the more will the trapped evil beings who remain in it suffer. But they have only themselves to blame.


As the End looms, and they are cursed by their own evilness, as well as condemned by their iniquitous, depraved actions, all the ones who are failures, be they demons, robots or former True Beings, will wish that they had never been born!!

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