The 1999 Journal

May 12th

Presented by:   J S Chiappalone

Internet Address:

Our Motto: Take it or Leave it!

Copyright 1999 (c) by J.S. Chiappalone

What we are witnessing now is the accelerating process of fragmentation and decay of the planet in preparation for its total destruction. Evacuation of viable consciousnesses has been an ongoing process and almost completed.

Once an individual sees through the illusion of this Virtual Reality, there can be no going back to the state of Ignorance which is the essential part of being an active participant in the illusion.

One can gauge the degree of fragmentation and decay accurately by observing what is going on around the planet on all levels of consciousness, in all situations upon which, and in which, the biological systems function.

Every parameter of "health" which can be measured demonstrates a fracturing and deterioration of homeostatic conditions required for sustaining "normality".

Until recently, the media has been used rather successfully to prop up the lie that all is well and has been used to program the public into looking ahead to peace, prosperity, longevity and virtually a "Heaven-on-Earth".

But measurements of parameters, apart from those such as stock market indices, which are artificially created and mendaciously maintained by manipulators and are illusional, point to massive deterioration in every aspect of human existence as well as existence in all the other levels of consciousness with which we share this orb - the mineral, vegetable, animal, and the unseen class 5.

Henceforth you will note that, try as they might,the archons will be unable to camouflage the moribund state of the planet any longer. They will be blatantly contradicted by overt activities even as they vociferously declare that all is well. More than that, every action they undertake to obfuscate the Truth, to present the falsehood, or to program the masses with more illusional concepts, will backfire. The evil archons will be seen as the liars they have always been.


* when they speak of order, the reality will be more anarchy, chaos, violence and war;

* when they speak of contentment, the reality will be more dissension, disappointment, civil unrest, revolt and revolution;

* when they speak of prosperity, the reality will be increased poverty for the masses which is an obvious fact of life even now around the globe, even though a small percentage are prospering.

* when they speak of health, healing and longevity, the reality will be more misery due to polluted air, water, food, and soil, more diseases, and more deaths.

In the Endtime,

* When sacerdotes now speak of their truth, they will reveal their distortion of the real Truth they have buried.

* When scientists speak of their knowledge and know-how, they will be revealing their Ignorance, arrogance, incompetence and narrow-mindedness. Remember, most of them do not even believe that consciousness survives physical death. How can they have a valid understanding of existence when the basis of their knowledge has such a fundamental flaw?

* When those with military might speak of destroying their enemy, they will be rushing headlong into the abyss of self-destruction.

* When the One World Order archons speak of being near to achieving their aims, they will be lying, for nations will fracture rapidly with dissension and violence while others will form bellicose, confronting blocs.

In relatively rich Western countries, even if it is conceded that longevity has increased due to improved nutrition and sanitation, the reality is that the degree of mental illness is unprecedented. No one can enjoy life when mentally sick! And affected with overt mental decay most people in the world now seem to be. This aspect of decay will become pronounced as the Terminal Madness of the Endtime manifests ubiquitously, violently and abundantly.

It is in the understanding of what is going on and what the ultimate outcome shall be that viables gain inner peace, joy and harmony in the midst of this madness engulfing the world. Hence, the Gnostic axiom that "Knowledge Liberates!". It is, however, not simply accepting the emerging reality which makes one viable. One accepts it because one is a viable at this stage.

As the End is approached even more closely, and the inevitability of planetary demise becomes irrefutably obvious, of course, all will be forced to concede, and even the most hardened sceptics will accept, this reality of Finality simply from the weight of evidence. That does not make them viable. They will simply be fulfilling the prophecy I made that near the end all will reluctantly, or otherwise, accept that which I declared would occur, and I made that declaration more than 15 years ago!

I readily admit that what we are witnessing all over the globe is emotionally challenging. One can be drained severely by the misery, the suffering, and the iniquities occurring in increasing numbers daily. One would have to be callously evil not to be affected to some degree by the consequences of war, of disasters, by the death of humans, animals and vegetation in floods, bushfires, bombings, etc.

The only source of strength to withstand the emotional challenge, which will intensify and become even harder to cope with as time proceeds, is the knowledge of the Process which is the application of the Definitive Solution to the Problem of Evil. The source of strength is the knowledge of the Evacuation, the destruction of evil beings and the relocation of Viables elsewhere!

My message has been consistent all along, and now that even my enemies are forced to admit that I have been accurate in forecasts at a rate over 90% of the time, there is really little ground upon which to argue about this aspect of my message. By the way, the few apparent prophetic "misses" can be explained when one understands the mechanism of prophecy. And if you have read our books, you will know all about that.

Deniers of this emerging reality about which I write cannot refute these facts forever. In due course, they will be swamped by occurrences on the globe. Already the many changes are noted by astute ones. Hence, deniers and sceptics will be exposed as the evil fools they are.

The True Viables will have their joy increased daily as incidents occur, not because they gain from the destruction and the misery as evil ones have done, but because they will know that each incident, large or small, brings them ever closer to their glorious new beginning.

In the past I have revealed how evil beings gain from the energy released by suffering. But now in the Endtime, they will not gain, for their minds will be swamped by the reality, which they are forced to accept by earthly changes, of their physical and spiritual deaths.

That which they thought could never happen is happening. And inspite of external pretence, they are, or very soon will be, extremely terrified, and their panic will increase their madness. The most harrowing thought for them will be the thought that they had countless chances to "make it", and they failed, and can blame none but themselves.

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