The 1999 Journal

May 15th

Presented by:   J S Chiappalone

Internet Address:

Our Motto: Take it or Leave it!

Copyright 1999 (c) by J.S. Chiappalone


It is important to maintain perspective in this period of turmoil when everything is decaying, especially the Mental Plane. The implications of this decay of the Mental Plane include the fact that all minds, including human minds, are fracturing; pespectives are being distorted; programming is intensifying and paradoxically dissipating while inappropriate decisions are being made around the world.

There are various mechanisms activated to bring about the Bottom line I have often referred to. Once the Viables are evacuated, it does not really matter which mechanism concludes the fate of this planet.

The Mechanism of War is obvious, and while it is likely wars will increase numerically and escalate in ferocity, culminating in a Nuclear Holocaust which humanity cannot survive, realise that this is only one of many mechanisms in operation in this Endtime. Thus, even if every war were to stop and no new ones begin - a very, very unlikely event - mechanisms such as HIV-AIDS, Global Warming, fatal pollution (of air, soil, water and food), excessive radiation from Ozone depletion, diseases of plague proportions, etc., etc., would,in time, exterminate life on earth. A catastrophic and fatal comet impact is not dismissed, for as the celestial logi suffer Terminal Madness of the Endtime, comets and other celestial bodies can, and will, go out of orbit and strike planets including earth.



Many, many of you have contacted me stating that mental attacks on you have greatly increased in recent times. Indeed, the Mental Plane is extremely active as the counterfeits are driven to a frenzy by the thought of their end. They lash out viciously and erratically. This should confirm to you the veracity of this information in toto. Protect, minimise contact with demons and robots, if at all possible, and look forward to evacuation and the end of having to deal with the counterfeit creation, its deceit, dishonesty, depravity and malice.



The "accidental" bombing of the Chinese embassy in Belgrade, which most who heard the spurious NATO excuses realise it occurred very much on purpose, has polarised the 1.2 billion Chinese against the USA, NATO and the West. This incident has been a god-sent gift to the Chinese Government for it could have never achieved such a result on its own. It will now find it much easier to mobilise the population as one if and when it is time to strike. Did I not say that each bomb being dropped is bringing closer to NATO (and all of humanity) the time of its self-destruction?

I saw the Chinse Ambassador to the USA being interviewed shortly after the bombing. The degree of controlled anger he demonstrated was only surpassed by the arrogance with which such anger and its importance and significance were dismissed by Jim Lehrer, the interviewer, and many US politicians and commentators. How can the US get things so wrong? They are programmed with the false ego of invulnerability. Thus they called the reaction of the Chinese people, Chinese students and members of the Chinese Army, actors in demonstrating their grief, anger and calls for revenge. How wrong they are! How fatalistically wrong they will be shown to be!

Adding insult to injury, in claiming the Chinese are actors, that the Chinese officials are using the tragedy with the deaths and injuries to window dress their own agenda, and in wanting to call them Chi-Coms, members of the US congress and other US nationals are simply ensuring a substantial "payback" in due course!



There is no doubt about it, good ol' alcohol-damaged Boris is good for a belly laugh just when you thought things were getting serious!

The question is "Will Boris Yeltsin run out of options for Russia's Prime Ministership before Russia runs out of vodka?" Only kidding.

Actually his erratic but not unprecedented move of removing his PM, who was doing a reasonable job, not only complicates matters but signals dire consequences for the West. Yeltsin, like many other leaders, is owned lock, stock and barrel by the Zionists. He was seduced with bribes by the West even before his Presidency, a long time ago. His attempts to keep hold of power and serve the West have been erratic and at times - like when he attacked the Duma with tanks - catastrophic.

This latest move, to remove Primakov, who could have politically frustrated the West in its assassination of Serbia, will most likely backfire. The times they are a'changin', and this time the instability he has created may lead to a coup, with or without Yeltsin's assassination, and the rise of a New Communism, and the likes of Vladimir Zhirinovsky, which will actively and militarily defend Yugoslavia with maximum force!

And the Russian people have been polarised to support such a move by the mockery and marginalisation of their country by the West, apart from the double-cross they perceive from the unfulfillment of promises made to them mainly by the US, when it agreed to pursue a Capitalist path.

Hence, this move of Yeltsin's is really no laughing matter, for it has increased, not decreased, the likelihood of military confrontation of Russia and the West. And the openly expressed union in spirit and aims of Russia and China, as I predicted would occur, means the bloc is getting bigger and a lot, a lot, angrier.

Stay tuned. As Jamie Shea, the arrogant, dastardly, demonic representative for NATO said: "The game isn't over yet!" Little does he, or the rest of his cohort suspect what this "game" is all about and how it will end. It is certainly not a game. If they had the slightest notion, their arrogance would vanish and be replaced by the Gloom of Doom, for that is what is in store for all failures!

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