Newsletter # 30 - January 1999,

Presented by:
J S Chiappalone
P O Box 28 Malanda, QLD, Australia, 4885
Fax: 07 40 965 620
Email address: [email protected]

New WebSite Address:

Our Motto: Take it or Leave it!

Copyright J.S. Chiappalone


Hello again to one and all.

It is four days before Christmas as I sit down to write this newsletter, and the world is falling more and more into shambles daily. Alas, there is very little Goodwill in the World and there is certainly no chance of peace for evil men and women. 1999 has no promise of peace. It will be a year of extremism, of emotionalism, of terrorism and of escapism. Illness will affect most humans, and the climate will show dramatic changes for the worse everywhere.

The USA-British-Zionist Nexus has bombed the daylights out of Iraq once again a la "Wag-the-dog", and US President Bill Clinton has been impeached to stand trial in the US Senate. These activities are related and reflect the breakdown of the infrastructure of this world. Just this morning Israel revealed it would throw out the Wye River Agreement which they, the Israelis, were initially coerced and bribed to accept at great monetary cost to American taxpayers. More thoughts about these matters are given below.


NEW BOOKS: I am pleasantly surprised at the instant popularity of my latest books - Volumes 1-4 of "Thoughts of A Gnostic". They are proving to be as popular as the Poetry books, and readers are writing to state they are of wonderful comfort to them in these troubled times, and also, they give insights which help them through the Darkness of this Endtime.

* Volume 8 of my Poetry books is ready and orders are being taken. $30 each.

* Tapes of the Sightings on Radio show done on December 13 are also available - $ 15 each.


Included now are the latest newsflashes for the benefit of readers who have no web access:



It appears that in the jargon of today's jingoism, any who increase one's national hubristic ego and wealth by violence against others are freedom fighters, whereas those who do so for targeted foreign nations are terrorists.

Those who fight Evil in this evil system are often called terrorists by the evil systems also, but let that metaphysical concept be seen in the Light of Truth, and such so-called terrorists are the REAL Freedom Fighters against Darkness, and they strive to liberate the dimension.

This leads me to the recent news that more Israeli soldiers have been killed by attacks from Lebanon while stationed in the area which Israel self-proclaimed as a safe zone. But, we need to ask - a safe zone for whom? What right did they have in the first place to invade Lebanon? "None whatsoever" is the answer. If they do not want the "terrorist" attacks on themselves, they should address the cause of the so-called terrorism, not inflame it. Why do they not leave Lebanon as they had been ordered to do by the United Nation's Security Resolution more than 20 years ago?

* Was Israel's invasion of Lebanon not an act of War? Indeed it was.

* Was Israel's attack on Palestinians not an act of war? Indeed it was, as were its confiscation of lands, bulldozing of houses, rape of women, murder of adults and children, wholesale imprisonment of justifiably angry youths.

* Was Israel's unprovoked attack on Iraq's power station long before the Gulf War not an act of War? Indeed it was.

* Was the dispossession of Palestine's population, be it Muslim, Christian, or whatever, by Israelis, not a contravention of the Balfour Agreement which allowed an influx of Jews into Palestine? Indeed it was.

Two topics are relevant in this context.

The first is that Israel, under the American Zionist umbrella, has been able to act this way, quite criminally, and in terrorist fashion, with arrogance and impunity. That behaviour can be understood when one realises the huge strength of the USA's Military Machine and the power of Zionism which controls it.

If you do not think Zionism controls the USA and its Might, Wealth, Military, Congress, President, Media, Commerce, and just about every other aspect, you are naive.

Under the present circumstances, anyone who even contemplates going against such Zionist-USA Might is contemplating suicide. To act, as Iraq did, IS suicide. And from the genocide imposed on Iraq and its people by criminal Zionism, this we know is the case.

Having mentioned Iraq, allow me to divert for a little, as it is all relevant to this discussion.

US President George Bush stated repeatedly in late 1990 and 1991, and the American administration continues to state repeatedly, that the USA's violence is not directed against the Iraqi people, only Saddam Hussein.

In this, we see what bad liars they are. If the US-Zionist Nexus had no fight with the people, answer these questions:

* Why have they imposed murderous sanctions which fail to weaken, and often increase, the strength and control of the ruler against whom they are imposed?

* Why did they impose sanctions on medicines for geriatrics and children, thus killing these defenceless, non-threatening members of the population? How many weapons of mass destruction can be made from heart medicine, from antibiotics, and from baby colic medicine? "None" is the answer!

* In the Gulf War (massacre) why did the USA-Zionists use spent-uranium shells, knowing the radiation would kill everything in the area including animals, vegetation and the innocent swamp people whom they claimed they wanted to help in overthrowing Saddam?

* Why did they abandon Saddam's Iraqi opposition in the north and allow these to be slaughtered, with impunity, by the so-called friendly Turkish murderers?

The Nexus had no intention of helping these people at all, had they? Their plan has always been genocide, has it not?

They have wanted to depopulate the area, to at least have a weak, useless Iraq which could be taken over by a puppet sooner or later. This fits in exactly with the not-so-secret Henry Kissinger plan of the 1970s for a Greater Israel and conquest of the Middle East oil fields! That also explains their actions against Lebanon, Iran, and the plots to keep the Arabs separated by disputes, marginalised, weakened and certainly not presenting a unified front.

So, as in the case of Iraq, Iran, Libya, Cuba, Haiti, and other countries which have refused to bow to the evil might of Zionism, as administered almost exclusively by the USA and its sycophantic, striding minion, Britain, we see that any who even attempt a move against the US-Zionist Nexus and its huge power, pay a great price. This Nexus controls most of the rest of the "free world" through its financial rapaciousness, imposed by the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank. If the line is not toed by dissenting nations, money is withheld or not lent. I will enlarge on this in a separate essay.

The other topic I want to address for now is this:

Will this scenario in which the USA-Zionist Nexus plays bully, with impunity, last forever? My contention is that it will not last very long at all!

Two factors, looming on the horizon and due to inexorably precipitate into the affairs of this world, are set to destroy this Nexus as nothing else could. And then it will be war for young and old. What are those two factors?

1 World Financial Collapse

This inevitability must be as obvious as it can be to those with "metaphysical" knowledge. The US-Zionist Nexus, as I said, controls most nations through finance. When this advantage is lost, their control will dissipate, and those nations, who no longer can be ruled by financial blackmail, will slip out of the bully's control and seek their own agenda.

Not all will be inimical to the US and other Zionist minions, such as Israel and Britain, of course, but many will be. And they will remember the exploitation and humiliation, the double standards and abuse they have had to bear at the times they were in no position to complain. It will be at such times that new friends will be sought even more than we see now. Examples are easy to spot: The Russian-Sino connection is unmistakable. Both see the USA-Zionist Nexus as the enemy.

Germany, France, Austria, Switzerland, most of the Arab nations, most of the African ones, India, Pakistan, North and South Korea, Afghanistan, Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia, Burma, Malaysia, Japan, China, Russia, many of the former USSR States, Nigeria, Mexico, the Central American Nations, South American ones, Zimbabwe, Libya, Iran, Cuba, etc., etc., are sick of the Zionist bullying and/or control of their countries, or even its undue influence, and will move against Zionism and the methods by which it expresses soon enough.

2 Natural Disasters

These will reduce the Might of the USA so dramatically that this once great, but now very, very arrogant and decidedly murderous, nation will be left as a weak, defenceless target suffering the effects of all the ill will it spawned around the world.

Could such things really destroy the USA so quickly and effectively? The answer: "Indeed they can and shall!" Whether you want to believe what I write now is your business entirely.

Soon, very soon, even beginning within a few short months, a series of climatic and geographical calamities will reduce the North American continent into a fragmented, diseased and poverty-ridden desert which will resemble the worst battleground of any war-torn Third World country. The effects of the recent cyclone "Mitch" will indeed look minor in comparison to what is to come.

Massive earthquakes will devastate the USA. California will be no more. Can you imagine the US economy without the 12-15% of Gross Domestic Product which California generates? Financial Collapse will be inevitable. But worse is the result, for the Eastern seaboard will also suffer compensatory quakes, and the fires, lack of water, lack of food, diseases, looting, mayhem, will take their toll.

As land fractures, seas will roll in and inundate to an extent which cities cannot survive. Thus will population centres be destroyed. Chicago will be in ruins as the Great Lakes are filled with inundation from the sea.

Los Angeles and San Francisco will be no more. New York and environs, the Washington-Baltimore area, and most of Florida will be gone. Hence, most of the important centres and their populations and control will simply disappear.

With no central government and no control, with most military bases destroyed, with vital computer networks down, with panic, etc., where will the Might of the USA-Zionist Nexus be? There will be none. Information and communication from satellites will be useless, as no processing of data will be possible.

Add to this increasing acute diseases and the effects of the chronic diseases such as HIV-AIDS, the Gulf War Syndrome, Mad Cow disease, Cholera, Tuberculosis, Malaria, Hepatitis, etc., and also lack of sanitation, inevitable starvation, rodent and insect infestation, etc., and indeed, a Doomsday scenario develops.

It is then that countries who have awaited their time will strike. Evil will destroy Evil. If you have understood my other writings and the inevitability of such a Clearing Process, you will be fully informed of what is going on and will not panic. This stage is just one of many scheduled in the Fragmenting Process of the planet. But most will panic, and many, being extremely distressed, will take their own lives. Others will become deranged, and they will murder at will as they loot and pillage.

Chaos will be fuelled by confusion and paranoia. Destructive anarchy is inevitable. World War 3 is a certainty in these conditions. A nuclear holocaust is scheduled. Zionist nations have no nuclear weapon advantage. Where do you think all the missing former USSR nuclear warheads and missing (numbered 84 plus) suitcase-size nuclear bombs went?

The planned imminent, and completely unjustifiable, bombing of Iraq will steel the resolve of most non-Zionists to retaliate when the time is right. Most have now seen through the evil propaganda which has entrapped Iraq and Saddam, and which describes the Zionist targets, all of them, continually in the most demeaning and terrifyingly evil terms.

Such propaganda is to program the masses in hatred, of course, and to justify their murderous reign. They have always done this - in Vietnam, Chile, Guatemala, Grenada, Cuba, and many, many other places, both overtly and occultly. When it was not done militarily by their own efforts, Civil Wars, as in Biafra and other places, were started with the funds available to them.

Australia has experienced this, as even its democratically elected head - PM Gough Whitlam - was removed in the 1970s by Zionist efforts, and CIA manipulation and money.

The Biafran civil war of a generation ago resulted from British Zionist influence in which British Petroleum exerted its efforts to keep the local oil under its control. That influence cost 10 million African lives. Vietnam is now acknowledged by most as a CIA diversion to allow its establishment of the Golden Triangle for its drug production and distribution. It cost 2 million Vietnamese lives and 50, 000 American ones.

Of course, spurious rationalisations are always given by evil ones to hide the real intent of its mayhem. Evil knows nothing but fraud and deception. But no more will this ploy of Evil work! Hence, now in this Phase of Clearing, it cannot survive exposure, for that is what the phase is all about.

The worldwide economic devastation caused, in part, by natural disasters, set a record in 1998, with the cost being some $US 150 billion. Thousands of lives were lost. But, as I explained in the last Sightings interview, natural disasters have not begun in earnest yet. What is to come is unprecedented, and millions will perish. All eventually have to leave the physical.

Why then is it that in this essay I have mentioned Freedom Fighters for liberation, the criminality of the Zionist controllers of Israel and the USA, their disobedience to United Nations directives and resolutions, the genocidal actions as seen in Iraq, and elsewhere, the evil intent and actions of the IMF and the World Bank, and the coming Destruction of the USA?

It is because they are all aspects of the exposure, and the coming destruction of, Zionism, which is the Evil Essence of Jehovah, the evil controlling demiurge, who has been in control of this planet and physical dimension for a long, long time.

If you are not familiar with my writings, I suggest you read some of them, and do not confuse Zionism with Jews. Not all Jews are Zionists, and certainly not all Zionists are Jews. Zionists and those still programmed by them will no doubt object to these words, but that will not alter one aspect of the Clearing that is scheduled to take place. Minor details may vary, as can the timing. But have no doubt whatsoever. All this will come to pass. The Process is unstoppable.

Copyright Joseph Chiappalone

November 29, 1998




A poem about the pusillanimous puppet Pinochet

this is, and the imbroglio evolving around him

now which threatens to expose

Zionist-sponsored US iniquities

around the world more and more each day.

As always, with my views it is your right to

concur or in a discursive manner, disagree,

but remember, it is Truth which sets us free.

A generation or so ago in Chile, in September 1973,

this now hunted man, whom I have called the

Disgusting General Pinochet,

being formerly apolitical, suddenly,

with foreign urging and lots of money,

overthrew, in a coup, the democratically-

elected President Salvador Allende.

And on seizing power in a manner so illegally,

he demonstrated the wantonness of a demon,

murdering any who opposed him,

slaughtering freely all and sundry.

What despicable, evil foreign power would support

such a destructive dictator, and why?

Read on, nasty surprises for some stuporous

American readers herein may lie.

First of all, we have to address the question of the

crime Allende had committed to cause forcefully his

overthrow by a man, Pinochet, who practiced

against his own compatriots genocide.

Allende's crime was no such thing, and as usual,

with propaganda has the World Media to us lied.

He had declared his hand for Social Justice and

Equanimity in Chile, and expressed the wish that

land reform would give the peasants of that country

security, happiness, and food enough to eat.

But evil, rapacious investors responded quickly as

they have done in Iraq, Iran, Libya, Cuba,

Guatemala and other places around the world, for

this plan did not suit their ideas of investment neat.

So, it was the moneyed Zionists in Nixon's

administration, headed by the chief Archon

Kissinger, who devised the murderous plan to oust

Allende and install the vile demonic puppet

Pinochet for their best commercial interests.

And they knew, these Zionist manipulators, did, that

the murder and mayhem he caused thereafter was

sponsored by them; and having control of the

Western Media so well, they hid this abomination

from the world and the drugged citizenry of

their once great North American nation.

But it's time for the exposure of all evil everywhere,

and as we see, Chile, Britain, Spain and many other

places are being torn asunder by the cries for

Justice and for courts to be more fair.

It is not a question of incarcerating a senile shell,

the degenerating puppet that Pinochet is today, and

making him in his last few years for his crimes pay.

Indeed, it is a far more serious situation demanding

a significant exposeďż˝ than that which we've got.

Whatever punishment disgusting Augusto now

receives, if he survives his ordeal, will be but

infinitesimally small compared with his punishment

in Hell for eternity where he'll rot.

Just in case you are sceptical of this concept of Hell,

created by such demons and archons, whom we are

beginning on this plane to expose so well,

let me tell you that all evil beings, during sleep and

times out of their bodies, there do dwell.

It is a dastardly place that exists all right, by demons

created hoping others to unjustly punish, and tease.

But, in true justice, the evil ones will end there for

all of eternity soon, with no chance of escape, and

their spirits that fact certainly does not please.

However, its existence is true, and because the very

thought of it into their minds is seeping through,

they are beginning everywhere to suffer the

Terminal Madness of the Endtime, as I've told you.

Hence, this matter is not just a personal one about

one tin-pot General who killed half his country.

It is about exposure of evil Zionism, Jewish and

otherwise, which prompted it savagely.

Nixon alone is not to blame, even though it

occurred during his Presidency, for just as much a

puppet of the Zionists as Pinochet, was he.

Up until recent times, Chile has been touted by the

invading investors as a miracle of economic

rationality, an example for others to follow clearly,

but the truth of it is that it has been ravaged by

the IMF and World Bank rapaciously, continuously,

so much so that the majority of its people are

dispossessed of their own wealth, just as we see in

other countries treated this way, almost completely.

The swell of outrage around the world is now

demanding the implicating papers showing these

atrocities which expose the American

Administrations in their depravity, inexorably.

The existence of these implicating papers has been

affirmed by the staff of the Hall of Records

and National Archives and associated repositories

in the last few days, and so no longer can be hidden

Truth, nor can it be obfuscated with the many lies.

Indeed, this will shock many of the gentle American

gentry who believed the spiel that Uncle Sam was a

benevolent synonym for best nation in the world,

when in fact, it has been, under the guidance of very

evil controllers, a scourge which, into the poorer

parts of this doomed orb, Genocide and Terrorism,

in order to gain profits, it hurled.

Who do you think sells most arms overtly, and

nefariously, so there is never any national stability?

Why, it's the good ol' USA, can you not see?

And to increase demand for its wares so deadly,

often does it start conflicts recklessly.

But I digress; let me return to the affair of Pinochet.

Those responsible, such as Kissinger and his many

Zionist cronies, many in Clinton's staff, are resisting

exposure of the papers which will find them guilty,

as are those, such as the arrogant, evil demonness,

former British PM Margaret Thatcher, who are also

shrieking, like banshees, to let the puppet free.

But this cannot, will not, the case be.

It is time for all exposures to occur really.

Around the world every single item of nefarious

circumstance, manipulated or sponsored by such

Zionist tyranny, will now be seen by all who want to

see and those who, from shame, blind wanted to be.

No stone left unturned shall we see,

anywhere, socially or politically.

Finger pointing at others such as Uncle Joe Stalin,

Hitler, the Nazis, Castro, Saddam, Quaddafi, the

Ayatollahs, and many others, has been used to

exaggerate and distract from home-grown Iniquity,

regardless of how innocent or guilty these named

above may have been, or still now are truly.

But no longer hidden can such evil be really.

The genocide in Vietnam, poisoned totally now by

American dioxin, was and is, a crime against

humanity, as have been many other examples of

genocide the evil ones can no longer hide.

Shame, shame will come from all quarters

for these violence-lusting demons of destruction,

and the end will be fierce, fiery for their kind.

No escape possible, they will suffer a fate

they have brought upon themselves,

a fate they devised, a fate most unkind.

And some of the American populace who were held

ignorant and stupefied by the supposedly sanitising

evil programming of their controlling archons will

cry as they see the blood-stained hands of those

whom they were ordered to trust so innocently.

Well-manufactured in them was such stupidity.

But nothing is lost.

No matter how bad they feel,

if of true innocence they are, even if

from these ubiquitous, hellish horrors they reel,

there will be hope enough for them,

as my other writings clearly reveal.

Copyright J. S. Chiappalone

December 6, 1998



* ZIONISTS, most of them Jews I must admit, are responding to our radio shows and material like crazed, self-serving hypocrites and hate-mongers. The venom they spit in gross irrationality reveals their fragmenting state of mind, and immutable evilness, as nothing else could. They cannot help exposing themselves to the world now, in all their Darkness and Iniquity, and this, as I have revealed many times before, is a preliminary step to their finite self-destruction. This information must be of Truth, for those of the Untruth are attacking it with all the hatred and unreasonableness they can muster. If it was nonsense, they would not even react!

* Malaysia: The fiasco with Anwar Ibrahim is just another fragmenting step in doomed Asia.

* Indonesia: It is obvious Habibie is a Suharto stooge, and nothing there has really changed politically.

But economically, things are much, much worse, with up to 80 millions facing starvation.

* Australia: For all its bluff and finger-pointing, recent revelations of corruption in Oz's international cricket players, who are modern-day "saints" to the sport-worshipping mass of this nation, and in the Australian Cricket Board, which covered up their corruption and hypocritically remained silent while these Oz hypocrites gave testimony against Pakistani cricketers charged with corruption, Australia is seen as being as immoral and tainted as any nation on Earth. I have personal experience of the depth of depravity of its police forces, its courts and judiciary, and laugh at its self-proclaimed fairness and support for the "underdog".

It is as fair as British Justice was to falsely and knowingly imprison Irish citizens, and as fair as the US has been in its genocidal actions around the world. Although a small and insignificant nation on the world's stage, Australia is one of the first to cry foul and seek blood in supporting the USA and Britain in their acts of terrorism around the world, regardless of the facts.

And for all its cries for disarmament in Nuclear matters, Australia is greedily ready, and seen in all its hypocrisy, to mine and sell uranium, for eventual bomb-making, to whoever, wherever, whenever! While openly and hypocritically crying "Justice for All!" it agreed to Indonesia's murderous annexation of East Timor so it could eventually share in the spoils - East Timor oil deposits.



This is really getting far worse as the World Bank and IMF throw more good money after bad, thus ensuring even a grander scale of collapse. Latest reports suggest Americans have been lulled into such a false sense of security that they are actually spending far more than they earn. What this means is that when the crunch comes, they will be even less well prepared, with absolutely NO reserve. You have been warned. Westerners are not Pakistanis or Iraqis who can eat grass and live on crushed rocks. Panic will be a deadly feature soon enough. People can fool themselves as much as they like, but be warned, the financial collapse is coming and it will be devastating.



People everywhere live closer to the edge with even shorter fuses to ignite their rage. Agitation, civil unrest, protest and dissension are everywhere, everywhere, as we see on our TV screens. This is a reflection of the dissatisfaction that the unaware feel. Sensing their doom on spiritual levels, they can only relate their internal uneasiness to activities on this plane.

Hence, more causes are blamed, more scapegoats are sought, more escapisms are entertained. The inexorable rise in the abuse of drugs and associated fatal overdoses, in gambling, in Road Rage, and rage in just about every other field of endeavour, in the crime increase, in family fragmentations, in the increase of prostitution, other abnormal sexual behaviour, in organisational and governmental instability, all reflect the internal sense of doom felt by the failures - the non-viables!

Xenophobic aggression, racial divisions, religious wars and dissension, murderous clashes of ideologies, financial battles between the few rich and the grieving poor masses, etc., etc., are reflections of the perditious state of counterfeits. Such stages will go to far more extremes in 1999. And yet, the aware ones - the viables, in the midst of all this decay, are quietly calm and seek to distance themselves from the chaos, even mentally, as they prepare joyfully for what they know is not only inevitable, but also something they have prayed for. Are you now not happy you received the stimulus to awaken to all this and prepare, thus avoiding the madness? Be thankful, for that is an invaluable blessing given to you.

The ability to perceive the changes accurately and also categorise them with regard to their significance, as to what is happening on a grand scale, is a gift. Deniers are doomed, not because they deny, but because their denial is a reflection of their spiritual blindness and state of non-viability.

The gift of true sight instead, allows increasing awareness and an ongoing preparation for the physical endpoint. You will find that as the changes occur, knowing what they truly mean, you, as a viable, will grow more joyous and feel part of a fulfilling function.

Non-viables will feel worse as each day comes. Is that not so? Look at how the demons and robots and the grossly unaware become even more fragmented in their thinking, in their behaviour, in their denial, and in their inability to cope with emerging Greater Reality. They, of course, are growing crazy with the Terminal Madness of the Endtime. They simply cannot cope, and the thought of a final resolution of the problems of this sick world - the way I propose - is so far beyond their wish of what they want, or what they in their mendaciousness can comprehend, that they cannot even for one moment contemplate it. And why is that? Because they know that if that final solution I give is correct, they are accountable - which means they are condemnable!

What we see occurring around the globe is the fulfilment of another one of our prophesies which stated that a time would come when the weight of evidence, elicited from physical world changes, would force counterfeit minds to believe the contents of our message, first given in 1985, concerning Clearing of the Planet in preparation for its total physical destruction. So much for their ludicrous rejection of my material since then. Who is deluded and foolish now?

I do not even have to open my mouth to rebut them. All I have to do is hold up any newspaper from anywhere around the world for them, and the situation of Finality is self-evident.

Externally, non-viables may still deny what is going on, but internally, they know I am right. And the longer they deny the change, the longer can they be rightfully called denying, deluded, crazy fools. It is 1492 all over again. The spiritual donkeys (that is what the demons and robots, and all the unaware non-viables are) want to insist the earth is flat, even as we show them clear, conclusive satellite pictures. Let us move on. We have no time for them any more. Shortly, there will be no more time for them, period!



Demons and robots are as predictable as they are stupid and evil. They use the exact same mechanisms to protect their lair of Untruth, and this is being used to identify them. Any truth-bearer in this plane is attacked in exactly the same way, and you can verify this for yourselves by reading what little honest history remains. Evil ones pejoratively attack individuals they wish to silence with the labels they think will always work: they call them crazy, deluded, dangerous, social menaces, terrorists, etc. And they use the weight of numbers, the robots - their rent-a-crowd brigade - or fraudulent polls, to back up their claims. Recurrently, Buddha, Zoroaster, Jesus, Manichaeus, Mohammed, Joan D'Arc, Christopher Columbus, Galileo, Giordano Bruno, Mesmer, Jules Verne, H.G. Wells, the Wright Brothers, Marconi, etc., etc., were called crazy, deluded, anathema, etc. Some escaped with ridicule, but others, as you well know, were crucified or roasted alive.

Every pioneer who expanded the frontiers of knowledge, even in seemingly prosaic fields, has had to confront this evil process which attacks. Why is that? It is because this plane of Darkness has an inherent inertia to the Truth. Hence, anything which increases knowledge of Truth is attacked reflexly. Conversely, anything which increases violence, destruction, misery, exploitation, etc., is expedited. The ability to wage war and kill is greater than the ability to have peace, feed ourselves, cure diseases, etc.

The ability to research weapons and bombs is far greater than our ability to penetrate the veils of psychic secrecy.

The ability to do harm is far greater on this plane than the ability to do good. That is because the basically predominant essence of this plane is evil and accommodates evil, which is its nature, far more readily than Good which it contrasts and battles. This tendency for decay, fragmentation, inertia, etc., is an obvious point in the proof of the existence of Evil. That we have to exert ourselves so much just to stay healthy, fit, out of harm's way, uninjured, to avoid the exploiters, the hucksters, the entrappers, the rapists, the con-men, etc., even if we refuse to admit the existence of this battle of essences, does little to advance the case of those who want to argue that Evil does not exist. And so, this is a good point at which to reflect on the murder of Iraq.



Are you not sick of the mendacious mantras muttered by the would-be evil masters of the universe? They repeat ad nauseam that Saddam has massive weapons of mass destruction, that he is a threat to humanity and is ready, within hours, days, weeks, depending on who you listen to, to obliterate all life from Earth, so he can rule supreme. Apart from the falsity and the obvious scare-mongering contradictions, let us see who the real enemies of peace are.


Who are the enemies of peace? You will know as you answer these questions:

Who has criminally invaded Nicaragua, Grenada, Panama, Vietnam?

Who has interfered with the internal affairs of almost all countries around the globe?

Who has dropped atomic bombs on people?

Who has used radioactive shells on people?

Who has dropped napalm and dioxin on people?

Who has started drug cultivation and distribution and poisoned its own populations?

Who has assassinated foreign heads of state?

Who really destroyed Pan AM 101 over Lockerbie with bombs?

Who has trained Terrorists for murderous sorties in other nations while spuriously stating it fights terrorism around the world?

Who bombs with self-serving lies and self-justification every time its President has personal problems at home?

It was not Saddam Hussein or Quaddafi, was it?

No! It was the USA.



Before believing the lies, repeated often enough, that Saddam is a war criminal who is threatening humanity, let us consider who really, actually, provably, has damaged humanity. When considering Crimes against Humanity consider these facts:

i Mad Cows Disease which has infected animal herds around the world and has certainly passed on to humans is the responsibility of Britain and the mad demonness Thatcher. She did it solely out of greed! This malady will kill millions upon millions. That is a crime against humanity. Did Saddam do any such thing?
Of course not. But Zionist propaganda has been able to deflect such a massively fatal incident and made the people of the world almost oblivious to it. They need someone like Saddam to demonise unjustly and deflect the Truth!

ii HIV-AIDS was, at the very least, partially developed by Dr Gallo and USA laboratories, as a purposeful contaminant in vaccines to depopulate Africa and eliminate blacks and undesirables from the world, especially the American scene. This fits into the not-so-secret Kissinger Plan for the development of a Greater Israel and for the takeover of the Middle East, and Africa. He was prompted by the evil alien agenda of eliminating much of the world's population and the enslavement of the remainder. Hence, American Zionism and its scientists are to blame for this scourge which will kill BILLIONS. This development and distribution of HIV-AIDS is also a crime against humanity. Did Saddam do any such thing? Of course not. But Zionist propaganda has been able to deflect this truth too.

iii The Gulf War Syndrome, arising from prion-infected vaccines which the USA developed and with which it infected its own military personnel, is much like HIV-AIDS, but even faster acting and more infectious. It is certainly fatal. Over 3 million USA military people, their wives, relatives, children and pets already have it. It will kill millions and millions of people around the world, not just in the USA. Again, this is a crime against Humanity, and the blame rests on the archons of the USA. What is truly remarkable about this disease is the ease with which the archons responsible denied its existence, much to the disadvantage of its infected people, and then, when its existence was no longer possible to be hidden, their ability to blame non-existent poisonous exposure in the Gulf War. Their lies will do them in!


So, let's have a look at the Iraqi situation as it is developing, from a few pertinent perspectives:

* Night time bombing: If one did not know better, one could almost be convinced one was watching the fireworks display at the start or end of a sporting fixture, as the CNN commentators drone on about the flares caused by the bombing and the murder of people in Iraq. "Oh, that was spectacular, look at the flaring and smoke. Look, look, there is a bigger one!" And you ask why humanity deserves condemnation? This is maximal evil. Gloating like this is spiritual insanity and will be stopped soon enough. What other evidence do you need that these witnesses who carry on this way are sycophants of the Ghoul, feasting on a REAL HOLOCAUST telecast into our homes?

* Genesis of World War Three: Make no mistake about it. This is the beginning of World War 3 in which some 2 billion people will die in a short space of time. Those who survive will wish they were dead, so bad will conditions be. It is the beginning of the End for Earth!

* The Ghoul's Feast: See how Albright, Bill and Hilary Clinton, Butler, Berger, those in the USA Administration, and other spiritual Zionists around the world, and their sycophants, have brightened up since bombing began? They are sustained by the energy feast arising from the ubiquitous suffering they are imposing.

* Saddam is not a criminal. He may appear to be a bit of a fool who made 2 near-fatal mistakes:
a He befriended the USA, which used him to fight a dirty war against Iran for 10 years.
b He believed the USA, as it entrapped him to invade Kuwait.

* If Richard Butler is as innocent as he claims, why does he have the gloom of doom around him? Why does he need police protection?

* One very obvious feature of this attack on Iraq is the self-delusional ability of the USA and Britain in thinking they can act this way with impunity.

* This is a special time - this is the Endtime - those who murder will know they're evil for they will feel the repercussions. This goes for the individual, the community and the nation. No one can murder wantonly as the USA and Britain are doing and not suffer physical consequences in this special time!

* Most Americans are behind the murder ordered by Clinton. What does that say of their true ontological nature?

* Clinton is a chronic liar. What makes anyone think he is telling the truth about Iraq?

* The UNSCOM Mission under Richard Butler has been a well-orchestrated spy mission to find the spots to bomb and to find an excuse to bomb when it suited the archons of the US and Britain.

* If only the Americans knew the bad karma awaiting them, they would not be so cocky!

* As I watch members of the American Administration and its military hawks crow about their murderous sorties, I see demons suffering in a manner far worse than I can describe. And they scream inhumanly in Hell - but no one is there to listen. They are cursed by their own evilness!

* Bravery? Clinton's mob fraudulently claim the robots and demons they use as soldiers are bravely carrying out the archons' orders. Where is the bravery in sending unmanned missiles to kill defenceless men, women and children? Shame, shame, shame. May the suffering that demons suffer in Hell, be 1000 times that which they have inflicted upon others.

* These murderous demons have already been judged in a Higher Court and found guilty of the most atrocious War Crimes. The punishment will follow shortly, on this physical level for sure.

* The United Nations is DEAD!!

* For Russia and China to be so ignobly marginalised does not augur well! Plans are brewing, weapons are being polished; agreements to disarm are history.

* Can Clinton or Blair guarantee their actions do not precipitate nuclear attacks on their people in the US and Britain respectively? Of course not. Those attacks will happen!

* Junkie Bill! Clinton appears to be coping well because of the high doses of cocaine and other drugs he takes. Do you think that is slanderous? Well, why not settle the issue. Why does someone not take a blood sample and have it independently analysed?

* The Usual Excuse: To excuse its wanton murders, the American Administration always reverts to the mantra "We are doing it for the National Interest". The demons are now being destroyed for reasons of Spiritual Interest!

* Unification: Well, the US bombing has achieved one thing which many thought impossible - it has united all the Russian politicians like nothing else could. The drawback is that, for those more Evil, Russians have, with one voice, condemned the USA. The masked threats by Russia against the US will precipitate into nuclear conflict very soon!

* Disgrace will come! Make no mistake about it - Clinton will end his days in great Disgrace!

* NATO is fatally weakened.

* Beware the fleas! Sure, the very irate Arabs, Muslims, and others around the world who are opposed to the USA and British bombing of Iraq, and who are burning the flags of those countries, and are agitating for retaliation, chanting "Death to the USA and Britain, to President Bill Clinton and Britain's PM Tony Blair", are like fleas when compared to the might of the USA and its Zionist connection. But fleas can bring down the biggest, meanest, most destructive junk-yard dog, if there are enough of them. They can bite and exsanguinate the beast until it succumbs to the tiny foes against which it is powerless really. The brute can destroy aspects of itself in its attempts to eradicate the irritation from its being, and it can suffer terminal heart failure from the blood loss; it can suffer fatal infection from self-inflicted tearing of its flesh.

* Criminal Perspective: Saddam has been accused of crimes against Humanity. What exactly has he done? Some 256 resisting Kuwaitis were killed in Iraq's invasion of Kuwait, which he was entrappingly invited to commit by the USA as a reward for services for the USA against Iran. 650-odd went missing. Admittedly, he was very foolish to fall into the well-laid USA-Zionist trap. Compare the damage he did with the hundreds of thousands the "good allies" killed by bombing Iraq in retaliation (which had been planned some 10 years before hand) and the millions subsequently killed by the genocidal actions of the USA-Zionist Nexus. Where is the fairness? Where is the balance? Where is the Christian Compassion? Just to which god were the Gulf War victors praying?

* Where is the evidence of Iraq's weapons of mass destruction? In fact, the USA and Britain have the weapons of mass destruction, have they not? And they have used them repeatedly, unjustly.

* The results of the VX-tainted metal warhead pieces, supposedly from Iraq, are false. They are cited by the USA, by Richard Butler, and other Zionists, as evidence of the mass destruction capability of Saddam. Evil beings are experts at propaganda and the implantation of false evidence such as this.

* Threats: When was the last time Iraq threatened its neighbours? It hasn't has it? They are not concerned, except for Israel and Kuwait, who do have much to worry about for many reasons.

* Australia's Richard Butler is a vicious, malicious Zionist. He IS a spy for the USA-Zionist Nexus. His claim of just doing his job for the UN does not stand scrutiny. He is a liar. Without orders from his UN bosses, he took it upon himself to remove his team from Iraq. His report was mendacious and grossly biased, in order to set Iraq up. He was condemned by members of the Security Council for doing what he did. He would not be condemned by his bosses if he was just doing his proper job, would he?

* Lying about Spying: The function of the UNSCOM team under Butler had nothing to do with finding weapons in Iraq. It was all about pinpointing various sites for future bombing. That is spying! The intent to bomb was never relinquished.

* Liars Exposed: Those like Madeleine Albright and Australia's Foreign Minister Alexander Downer, who defend Butler by saying he was just doing his work, are revealing their own evilness and mendaciousness.

* In a perverse sense, Clinton and Blair are unifiers. They have united the Russians and Arab world (against the West) as no one else could hope to do.

* Bill Clinton and Tony Blair are alchemists. They have turned a tiny, defenceless nation like the geographical Iraq, into an unbeatable spiritual foe - a giant in essence, with the spirit of Iraq, stretching from Moscow to Mandala, Vienna to Vladivostok, Beirut to Beijing, Cairo to Cuba, Delhi to Durham, Karachi to Kingston to Kenya, Jakarta to Johannesburg. That entity which they have so maliciously created will destroy them.

* Significant Absence: The paucity of retaliatory threats from the enemies of the USA-British-Zionist Nexus this time is of extreme importance.

* Evolution: As I have asked before: Will things remain the same forever? They cannot.

* Significance in Essence: The punishment meted out to Saddam and Iraq is grossly disproportional to what Saddam has done, or is at present capable of doing. Hence, as metaphysicians, we have to ask: "Is this part of the Battle of Essences?" Indeed it is. What Saddam has done is expose the Zionism behind the One World Order and the US-British Connection. If Saddam is exposing Evil, he can hardly be Satan, for did not Christ say a house divided cannot stand? So, what is he? Of what energy are the US and Britain? Who, in essence, are Clinton and Blair? Have I not said repeatedly that exposure of Evil is the first step to its neutralisation and destruction? Who then is going to win this Battle? There, you have the answers within you, and realise this when you ask yourselves the right questions!

* Che Será, Será: Judging from reports in the Zionist-controlled media we have in Australia (which includes reports from the USA News like CNN, etc., Reuters, from German News delivered in English, etc.) it appears the West is winning the propaganda war - in the West. Does the outcome to all this then depend on writers like myself to give a more accurate picture? Of course not.

It does not matter how the situation is falsified on this level. The Endtime reactions will evolve without the need for any to write or tell about them.



This is a letter I wrote to Dr William Pierce on Dec 1, 1998:

Dear Dr. William Pierce,

I was sent your essay, "Why War?" recently. I agree almost entirely with your socio-political thoughts in various essays with regard to Clinton, Iraq, Starr and Dash, and I am sure I would agree with many of your other philosophical ideas of such a nature. What I cannot agree with is your basis of Racial Vilification, with which you sprout from a Racial Superiority stance. Not only do these qualify your work with untenable Bigotry, but they also actively and unceremoniously destroy any credibility you try to portray seriously in your socio-political arguments. It is utter ignorance on your part which allows you to attack homosexuality as you do, and use it as a basis for condemning people thus afflicted. Are you aware of the consciousness - body duality, the mix-ups that can occur, the gender of stand-ins and walk-ins? The problem is not of Jews, as racial people, but of Zionists, as ontologically evil consciousnesses, and these can be black, white, brindle, American, German or Congolese!

Joseph Chiappalone


From J. M., Cairns:

Hello. I read Poetry volume # 7 straight through for the first time as soon as it arrived. It so happened that it was just what I needed to pull me out of a slump at that particular moment. I was 'copping some flack' from certain family members. However, from the very first poem, I knew I was on the right path - further reading of that poetry book reinforced that decision. Detachment is becoming much easier and, once again, I am coping with all thanks to you. Now that we are fairly settled in the house, it will be with great peace of mind that I can begin another read of all of your wonderful books and newsletters. Each time provides a plethora of new understanding-enlightenment. Love to all, J.M.


From S.B., USA:

My brother just returned from a visit to Canada. The economy is so bad in BC that the Canadian news is now airing segments of disgruntled citizens who are demanding something be done about the terrible shape of the economy. The Canadian $ is valued at about 55% of $US. This has eroded a huge amount of Canadian wealth. A similar trick has been pulled with the Australian currency of recent. The only way a country can protect itself from overt currency manipulation is to wed its currency to the American dollar, which the USA is very reluctant to allow to be done as learned by Russia in its effort to even float such a balloon.

After long reflection upon Amitakh's book "Liberation from Darkness", I must truly commend her for ingeniously demonstrating the work of Avatars through the model of Manichaeus. I have studied the supposed sayings of Krishna, Mohammed and Jesus, and have been very programmed in my outer mind as to the lives those three led. Try as I might to free myself from this programming, some of it still remains. However, since there is precious little available on Manichaeus available to Westerners, I was benefited by my ignorance. As Jefferson said, the man who reads newspapers is more ill informed than a non-reader, because the reader must sort through the lies and is constantly confronted with confusion. Consequently, I was as lucky as the non-reader Jefferson referred to because I had very little prejudicial programming about Manichaeus that I had to drive through to receive the message of the book. I got to see an Avatar without all the evil nonsense attached to it. Wonderful book.



Or, as some suggest, "Criminally Insane Asses".

I was fortunate to view a recording of the series on the CIA televised on US television some time ago. In it are frank admissions by former CIA operatives of their bombings of churches, of mass murders, plots against foreign leaders, sabotages, etc., etc., which they carried out or bribed others to carry out around the world. Many, many questions arise.

How could the USA, the country which claims the championship for Democracy and Human Rights, spawn such a vile monster? How can those in charge, including Presidents, sleep at night, knowing they have murdered so many innocent people? Why are they not brought to justice? Why are they not charged with genocide and crimes against humanity?

Among many of the disgusting things revealed was the fact that Nazi spies were avariciously embraced after WW 2 to be CIA operatives against the Soviets. Do not fret. These demons of the CIA and the US Administrations involved (they all were since 1947 when the CIA was founded) which supported, aided and abetted the Nazi mind-set, have earned all the bad karma which is about to rebound on them and the USA. After viewing the atrocities it committed, I have no doubt the ones who call the CIA the Criminally Insane Asses are quite justified!



California's Alameda County declared a public health emergency over AIDS rates in its black community. The impact (of AIDS) on the African-American community has been absolutely devastating. While nationally both AIDS mortality and infection rates are said to be declining, minority neighbourhoods such as those in Alameda County have shown a reverse trend - fuelled, in part, by a prevalence of risk behaviors such as intravenous drug use and, in part, by a lack of concerted anti-AIDS education efforts. In Alameda County, blacks account for 18 percent of the population of 1.3 million but represent 41 percent of the county's AIDS cases. The AIDS case rate for blacks is five times that of whites and Hispanics. Overall Alameda County has shown a 61 percent decline in the number of AIDS cases over the past five years. But the number of black residents diagnosed with AIDS rose by 20%. (Remember the decline rate is spurious, for many do not bother getting tested any more - ed.)

Elsewhere in the USA:

* The scarcity of potable water is of major concern.

* Social disorder in the USA is a major problem.

* In the third quarter of 1998 Americans' rate of savings was the lowest ever since the government began recording this in 1926.

* The Headline read: "Pope grants indulgences for teetotallers and tobacco quitters."

You know why, don't you? He is giving them an illusional reward they will never collect for staying as long as possible in this exploitative hell by looking after their physical health. He does not want people (True Beings) to escape into relatively safer realms. That is the objection to Euthanasia - and Abortion - also!



A case of "I told you so!" in an earlier newsletter? Read on: As the old saying goes... when guns are outlawed, only outlaws will have guns... The following data was reported in the Sydney Morning Herald on Oct 28, 1998. The source was listed as the Australian Institute of Criminology. One year after gun-owners were forced to surrender 640,381 personal firearms to be destroyed, including semi-automatic .22 rifles and shotguns, a program costing the government over 500 million dollars, the results are in...

A dramatic increase in criminal activity has been experienced. Gun control advocates respond: "Just wait... we'll be safer... you'll see...".

Observable fact, after 12 months of data:

* Australia-wide, homicides are up 3.2%

* Australia-wide, assaults are up 8.6%

* Oz-wide, armed-robberies are up 44%

* Victoria: homicides-with-firearms up 300%.

* Figures over the previous 25 years show a steady decrease in homicides-with-firearms (changed dramatically in past 12 months).

* Figures over the previous 25 years show a steady decrease in armed-robbery-with-firearms (changed dramatically in the past 12 months)

* There has been a dramatic increase in break-ins-and-assaults-of-the-elderly

* At the time of the ban, the Prime Minister said "self-defence is not a reason for owning a firearm".

* From 1910 to present, homicides in Australia had averaged about 1.8-per-100,000 or lower, a safe society by any standard.

* The ban has destroyed Australia's standings in some international sport shooting competitions.

* The membership of the Australian Sports Shooting Association has risen to 112,000, a 200% increase, in response to the ban and as an attempt to organise against further controls, which are expected.

* Australian politicians are on the spot and at a loss to explain how no improvement in "safety" has been observed after such monumental effort and expense was successfully expended in "ridding society of guns". Their response has been to "wait longer".

The preceding is a synopsis of an interview conducted by Ginny Simone with Keith Tidswell of Australia's Sporting Shooters Association. The entire interview is available as "Surprise, Surprise" in the "Archive News" section of:


Do not believe the poll results issued
about the public support for Clinton.
They are as fraudulent as the jackass
they claim to support!



Again I present the following which is the American Dissident Voices Broadcast of December 12, 1998. You will clearly see in it that which its author, Dr. Pierce, cannot - namely, that there is a spiritual essence behind Zionism, even as he traces racial lines which do not necessarily follow. Without intending to, for he cannot see it, he highlights non-Jewish Zionism in controlling groups around the world. Inspite of protestations by Zionist Jews, there is much to learn from such data, so read on:

"How It Fits Together" by Dr. William Pierce

We've talked about many subjects on these American Dissident Voices programs, but one theme which has appeared in nearly every program has been the role of the Jews, either in our history or in our lives today. To a certain extent that's been unavoidable, because of the influence they have over current events through their control of the mass media and because of their historical role in communism. But it's more than that. What I've said, in one way or another on several programs, is that the Jewish role in our lives goes far beyond the fact that their control of the news and entertainment media gives them a big influence on popular culture and on the political process. Today I want to talk again about this Jewish role. I want to try to give you an overview of it first.

There are about 14 million Jews in the world today, according to the Encyclopaedia Britannica Yearbook for 1997. Nearly half of those -- about six million -- are now in North America, where they make up just over two per cent of the population but wield far more influence than any other group. The world's 14 million Jews think and act like one big family -- even though, like most families, they do a lot of arguing and squabbling among themselves. They go to different synagogues -- Orthodox and Conservative and Reform -- or to no synagogue at all. There are atheist Jews, and there are Jews who have converted to Christianity. There are capitalist Jews and communist Jews, homosexual Jews and heterosexual Jews. There are rich Jews and middle-class Jews and even a few poor Jews, but despite this apparent diversity they do a better job of cooperating with each other and looking out for their common interests than any other ethnic group in the world.

Why is this? Why are Jews more racially conscious than anyone else? Why are they so much more ready to collaborate with each other than members of other groups? Part of the reason is in their religion. It is an ethnocentric religion, a racist religion. Whereas Christianity and Islam, for example, are universalist religions, religions for anyone who chooses to believe in them, Judaism is not. Judaism is a religion only for the Chosen People, only for the circumcised sons of Abraham.

Jews are defined in terms of their bloodline, not in terms of their faith, which is why non-religious Jews like Freud or Trotsky or even Marx, the father of atheistic communism, are considered just as much Jews as the most pious synagogue-goer, with sidelocks and yarmulke. The non-religious Jews don't believe the hocus-pocus in their Torah, or Old Testament, but they nevertheless are steeped in the folklore and traditions of Judaism. They are as familiar as their religious cousins are with the claims that Jews are a Chosen People, destined to own all of the world's wealth and be waited on hand and foot by non-Jews.

And they are familiar with the tales of persecution, from the time of the pharaohs until the time of Hitler: with the tradition of being universally hated by all the other peoples of the world -- which is why they believe they are justified in avenging themselves on non-Jews whenever they have the opportunity.

I'll not spend any time quoting Bible verses to you today, but if you doubt what I've just told you about the religious basis for Jewish ethnocentrism, just read the Old Testament: especially the five books of Moses and the book of Isaiah. Study them carefully. Even the bowdlerised King James translation is pretty clear. If you really want to rub your nose in this subject, do some browsing in the Talmud -- or for a solid scientific treatment, read the books recently written by a real expert on the subject, California State University psychology professor Dr. Kevin MacDonald. All three of his books are available from National Vanguard Books, the sponsor of this program. Those books are subtitled Judaism as a Group Evolutionary Strategy, Toward an Evolutionary Theory of Anti-Semitism, and An Evolutionary Analysis of Jewish Involvement in Twentieth-Century Intellectual and Political Movements. Pretty heavy reading, but very convincing, very thorough.

This tendency of the Jews to stick together, always to favor their fellow Jews over non-Jews, and to work for the interests of their tribe instead of just for their individual interests is a fact: a very enviable fact. It is the primary reason for their extraordinary level of wealth and power through the ages. You know, there are clubby little groups of White men who cooperate with each other to advance their interests. But those interests are personal and individual, not racial or even tribal. And virtually all of the really influential groups of this sort -- the Council on Foreign Relations, for example, or groups of very rich and powerful men, corporate bosses or bankers, are in fact heavily larded with Jews. They're not racial groups at all, even if they don't have any Blacks or Chinamen in them. They're simply special interest groups, whereas the 14 million Jews of the world form a huge, self-conscious racial-interest group. They really are unique in this regard. I wish that our people had the same degree of racial consciousness the Jews do. The Jews understand the power of togetherness. Most of our people don't. And this is largely the reason why we're in the mess we're in today. I'll come back to this point in a few minutes.

The second thing for us to understand about the Jews is their very unusual mode of existence, living nearly everywhere as a small minority among other peoples. If one looks at their history in the Biblical period, they were at most times a people on the move, living as strangers and aliens among other peoples, getting kicked out of one place after another, always on terms of enmity with the Gentile host population. Only for a little over 400 years, from approximately the time of King David until the Babylonian conquest, did they really have a national existence in the ordinary sense of the word, with geographical borders.

When the Babylonians dispersed the Jews throughout the Middle Eastern and the Mediterranean world in the middle of the sixth century BC, the Jews adapted amazingly well to being a minority everywhere and a majority nowhere. Five hundred years later, in the first century BC, the Greek writer Strabo commented: "The Jews have penetrated every country, so that it is difficult to find any place in the world where their tribe has not entered and become dominant." Note those words: "There is no place where they have not become dominant." The great geographer and historian Strabo was not the only scholar of the ancient world to make that observation about the Jews. The Jews became dominant by accumulating a substantial portion of the wealth of every country that they infiltrated. And they accumulated their wealth by collaborating with each other and preying on the host population. Their collaboration was based on their racial consciousness, on their conviction that they were a distinct and unique people, superior to the people among whom they lived and deserving of whatever they could take away from their hosts. The Jews in Rome did not think of themselves as Romans who happened to believe in Judaism, but as Jews who happened to live in Rome. And the same for every other country where they lived.

With the sort of attitude and behavior the Jews had they were bound to be hated by everyone -- and they reciprocated. The Jews regarded the hatred they had for their hosts as justified, just as they considered deceiving and exploiting their hosts to be justified; but their hosts' hatred of the Jews they regarded as "bigotry" and "persecution." Their history is a chronicle of one "persecution" after another, right down to modern times. During the Middle Ages they were kicked en masse out of every country in Europe, repeatedly. They pretend today that this supposed "persecution" was the result of religious bigotry on the part of their hosts, but in fact it was simply self-defence on the part of their hosts, the same sort of reaction to their presence that the Egyptians and the Greeks and the Romans and everyone else in pre-Christian times had had. And it was this barrier of hatred between the Jews and the rest of the world which made it possible for them to maintain their identity and their sense of racial self-consciousness. If you want to study some of these details of Jewish history for yourself, there are many good books available. One I have read and found valuable is A History of the Jews by Abram Sachar. Sachar was the president of Brandeis University, and of course, he looks at history very subjectively and from a very Jewish point of view. But his history is revealing, and you can find it in most large libraries.

Now, this peculiar mode of existence of the Jews I have described changed to a certain extent shortly after the Second World war, with the theft of Palestine and the establishment of the new state of Israel on Palestinian territory. Today one-third of the world's Jews live in Israel, but this is only made possible because the other two-thirds are continuing their existence as parasitic minorities among Gentile hosts. Without a constant supply of money extorted from Germany, the United States, and other countries, Israel could not continue to exist.

Israel would have gone under half-a-dozen times in its warfare with its neighbors during the past 50 years if the United States had not provided massive military and diplomatic support. If all of the Jews in America and Europe sold their television networks and newspapers and film studios and moved to Israel, that flow of blood from their hosts would be cut off, and Israel soon would cease to exist.

The third thing we must understand about the Jews is the way in which they maintain their status as the dominant minority among us today. In Strabo's day it was through their accumulated wealth.

They were able to buy influence and special privileges for themselves. It remained that way pretty much for the next 1900 years. Throughout the Middle Ages they made themselves useful as sources of money to kings and popes and emperors. They would suck the wealth from the host population, and then give or lend some of it to the rulers in return for being allowed to keep their privileges.

Although they usually were tolerated for their usefulness by the rulers, they were hated intensely by the general population. The Jews bought the tolerance of the rulers, but of course, they couldn't afford to buy the tolerance of the people. And so until quite recently the Jews maintained a separate existence among the host population, often living in ghettos, not mixing socially with their hosts, generally not engaging in the same occupations, and regarded with disdain if not revulsion by everyone.

The great advantage for our people of this mode of existence was that the damage done by the Jews was mostly economic, although they also caused political mischief when it suited their needs. But they had almost no cultural influence on our people. They didn't write books or plays, they didn't paint or compose music, they didn't clog up our universities, they didn't run for public office, and of course, they didn't have television studios or newspapers or advertising agencies. And so to a large extent they lived their lives, and we lived ours.

That began changing drastically approximately 200 years ago, with the advent of the mass media and mass democracy, and the change accelerated greatly during this century. Jews understood immediately the potential that newspapers and other media gave them for extending their influence from the rulers to the whole population, and democracy made this extension of their influence relevant; democracy provided the tool for transforming influence into power. I've described on other programs the way in which the Jews acquired control of our mass media and, through the media, control of the political process, and I won't repeat that story today. There's an up-to-date summary of Jewish media control in the National Vanguard Books catalog, which is available from the sponsor of this program.

But I do want to emphasize this very important point: the way in which the Jews maintain their position as the dominant minority in our society has changed. It used to be moneylending and bribes, and the pressure was exerted only at the top, on the political leaders of our society; today it's control of the mass media of news and entertainment, and the pressure is exerted at every level of society. Some people still talk darkly about international Jewish bankers -- and of course, there are such animals today, just as there also are international bankers who are not Jews -- but the control of the media is the key to Jewish power today, not control of banking.

The most important Jews today no longer are the Rothschilds and Warburgs and Hambros and Sassoons, but instead are the Eisners and Levins and Newhouses and Redstones and Bronfmans and Sulzbergers: the Jewish media bosses. So now let's look at the details of the Jewish application of influence through media control.

Most people have a very limited range of real life experiences. Television and films and glossy magazine advertisements provide an enormous expansion of experience for the average person, by substituting artificial experiences for real experiences. On the television screen viewers experience artificial social relationships, artificial romances, artificial conflicts, artificial life. In advertisements they are given artificial ideals of beauty and fashion, artificial life-styles to which they can aspire. And in their newspapers and newsmagazines they are given a carefully filtered, a carefully slanted, view of what is happening in the world. And unfortunately most people do not have sufficient powers of discrimination to distinguish the artificial world of the media from the real world of everyday experience. The two worlds merge in their minds, and they can't tell them apart.

What people see on the television screen is not just entertainment; it is a collection of artificial experiences which merges with their collection of real experiences and gives them a new and largely artificial basis for evaluating things and making decisions. Cleverly designed advertisements don't just show potential customers what is available and give them the information they need to choose what they want; clever advertising actually creates new wants, new desires, that didn't exist before. The advertisements manipulate people's desires and motivations.

In a similar way television entertainment manipulates viewers psychologically. It changes their values and attitudes. It strongly affects the way they see things -- including political issues and political candidates. Well, I hardly have to tell you that the modern mass media give enormous power, unprecedented power, to whoever controls them -- especially in a democracy. And really, no knowledgeable person who is honest will dispute my conclusion here.

There are many people, who are not knowledgeable, who believe that they can watch television without being affected by it, who believe that they make up their minds independently without relying on the artificial reality supplied by television, but most of these people are mistaken, and the experts will agree with me on this. The mass media do shape public opinion, and in a democracy they do control the political process.

So now the only question which remains is this: To what end do the Jews who control the media use their control? What is their aim? What do they want? Now, the Politically Correct answer is that all the Jewish media bosses want is what any other businessman wants. The media bosses are simply businessmen, and their aim is simply to run their businesses at a profit. Well, I'm sorry, but that simply isn't true.

It simply is not a coincidence that everywhere you look in the mass media you see Jews in control. It's not a coincidence that a group making up only a little over two per cent of the population has virtually complete control over the mass media. The unanimity of the mass media on virtually every major issue of our time simply is not a coincidence. It is simply not a coincidence that the media bosses all just happen to have adopted the policy of hushing up Black-on-White crime and publicizing as widely as possible any White-on-Black crime. All of these things are planned and deliberate. They are the consequence of conscious collaboration. Only a fool can believe that it's all just coincidence. The Jewish media bosses know what they want. It is control -- not just of the media, but of us: of everything. They want to own us and, to the extent that they cannot own us, to destroy us.

Unfortunately, I cannot play for you a secret recording of one of their summit meetings, where they discuss their goals and their strategy, a la the Protocols of the Elders of Zion. I can only offer you the historical record and common sense. The record, for those who have eyes to see and an open mind, is pretty clear, beginning with the account in the book of Genesis of the takeover of Egypt by Joseph and his brothers so that they could all "eat the fat of the land," on through the ages to the Marxist takeover of Russia early in this century and the attempted takeover in many other countries. You know the Germans didn't begin throwing the Jews out of Germany in the 1930s because of Christian bigotry.

It was because they wanted their country back. The Germans wanted to run their own universities and schools, their own newspapers and films, their own legal and medical professions. If you want to understand the historical record, you must study it. I can't go through all of that for you in a half-hour program. I can only point the way. And as for the commonsense aspect of understanding what the Jewish media bosses are up to, we just need to clear the cobwebs out of our heads and realise that every racially conscious group strives for mastery, for domination, not just the Jews. That's Nature's way. That's the way it is in every barnyard and every schoolyard. And that is why the media propaganda takes the deliberate slant it does: trying to make us feel guilty, trying to kill our sense of racial consciousness while the Jews keep theirs, trying to persuade us to give up our arms, trying to silence all our dissident voices.

Their aim is for us to be racially unconscious, for us to be ashamed of our nature and our traditions, for us to be afraid to organise for our common good, afraid of being thought racists. The deliberate aim of the Jewish media propaganda is to disarm us morally, to make us rootless and defenseless, and then to destroy us. That is what is happening now. Think about it, and you'll see how it all fits together.

The text above is based on a broadcast of the American Dissident Voices radio program sponsored by National Vanguard Books. It is distributed by e-mail each Saturday to subscribes of ADVlist. To subscribe to ADVlist, send an e-mail message with the word "subscribe" as the subject of the message to: [email protected] For more information about National Vanguard Books or the National Alliance see our web site at or


GORE - RY News and it's all Bad!!

Because of the real possibility that after being impeached, as I predicted months ago he would be, Clinton may soon be forced to resign, or may be removed from office, I have included this short piece which appeared about Al Gore who could be President of the USA very soon.

The Real Al Gore, Sr. - Like Father Like Son

By Joseph Farah Editor - WorldNet Daily 12-12-98

Some people will no doubt object to this column. After all, you're not supposed to speak ill of the dead -- especially the recent dead. But with all the flowery tributes to Al Gore Sr. in the last few days, I figure somebody has to speak the truth about this man who, in his lifetime, collaborated with and profited handsomely from evil. Vice President Al Gore eulogized his father Tuesday as a politician driven by "conscience" who never forgot his humble upbringing and always tried to help others. "Dad, your whole life has been an inspiration," Gore said, his voice cracking slightly.

I believe Al Jr. when he says that. And it scares the hell out of me. To appreciate what I'm about to tell you with regard to Al Gore Sr., you first must familiarize yourself with a man by the name of Armand Hammer -- worth more than a few columns himself. Hammer was a personal friend of V.I. Lenin. He was known as Lenin's "path" to America's financial resources -- in other words, the guy who would sell us the rope with which we would be hanged.

Hammer was the first Western businessman to participate in KGB-controlled joint ventures in the Soviet Union. The son of Julius Hammer, a founder of the Socialist Labor Party and later the Communist Party USA who served time in Sing Sing for performing illegal abortions, Armand was called the "Capitalist Prince" by the KGB. Hammer dutifully served the Soviets for seven decades and became the first -- and only -- American capitalist to be awarded the Order of Lenin. Edward J. Epstein's "Dossier: The Secret History of Armand Hammer" is must reading for anyone who wants to understand how so-called "capitalists" like Hammer can serve as willing and able tools of revolutionary Marxists and global socialists.

Lenin told Stalin about Hammer: "This is a small path leading to the American 'business' world, and this path should be made use of in every way." To the Soviet Union in his day, Hammer was a figure with much in common with the contemporary spy-cum-billionaire Mochtar Riady -- doing the bidding of socialist tyrants -- and making a bundle in the process. Hammer was part-time spy, part-time money-launderer, part-time industrialist -- but a full-time traitor to the United States of America.

But I digress. The story for today is how Hammer's corrupt, evil career was aided in numerous ways by Vice President Al Gore's Daddy, who was a partner in various Hammer enterprises for more than four decades. As Epstein documents in "Dossier," the elder Gore helped Hammer make connections with a series of U.S. presidents and used his influence to help Hammer's Occidental Petroleum company gain access to foreign political leaders.

But, most importantly, it was Gore who helped stop the FBI from pursuing an investigation of the industrialist as a Soviet agent of influence. It seems Al Gore Sr. knew something about "controlling legal authorities" and obstruction of justice himself. Like father, like son. Conscience? Humble beginnings? When the elder Gore retired from the Senate, he received a $500,000-a-year job as head of Occidental's coal division. So, it would seem, the cleanest money in Al Gore's family tree came from tobacco.

The really dirty, blood money came direct from Moscow for services rendered to Communist totalitarians and their pseudo-capitalist puppet, errand boys. Tell me about conscience, Al. After the younger Gore was elected to the Senate in 1980, he continued a tradition begun by his father by inviting Hammer into the "senators only" section during President Reagan's inauguration. Al Jr. has emulated his Dad in other ways, too.

Today he serves as co-chairman of an Russian-U.S. commission intended to help the next generation of Armand Hammer-style "Capitalist Princes" develop contacts with KGB-dominated businesses. In 1994, the vice president established U.S.-Russian Joint Commission on Economic and Technical Cooperation, better known as the Gore-Chernomyrdin Commission. The purpose of the commission is to help establish joint ventures in space exploration, science and technology, defence conversion, environmental initiatives, public health issues, agribusiness and economic development.

The Russian side of this equation is littered with shadowy figures with one foot in the intelligence community and the other in mob-related activities. Sound familiar? Like father, like son.


Pursue parsimonious perspectives pardoning perverts privately please, pondering power-promoting personal principles particularly, paralysing pervasive, poisonous, prejudicial, partisan propaganda persistently, pejoratively.


For those of you who heard the babbling time-wasting caller who called himself Earl on our latest radio Interview on Sightings: The types like Earl are energy suckers who try to interfere with people's minds as they speak.


Poem 264 from my Poetry Volume #5


What is Madness? What is Sanity?

Who has the valid right to judge

another's state of useful mentality?

Is it a doctor, is it you, or is it me?

We have entered dangerous grounds

for sure and this you must now see.

Who is insane?

Is it the one whom the psychiatrist

decrees of mind sick to be?

Or is it the very psychiatrist against

whom the patient objects hysterically?

Is a man sane wanting to escape that

which is of depravity and insanity?

Or is he insane for wanting a better world,

less suffering, and less misery?

Is he sane or insane for diagnosing a

world gone mad, wallowing as it does

in the inescapable viciousness and

the malevolence of its gross insanity?

Is it madness for him improvement to want,

and all people kinder, saner, be?

If one claims he is sane and a doctor

says he's not, what here have we got?

Can a sane man truly claim insanity to

escape, as in court cases we often see?

And is one of sound mind, in whom

testing affirms sanity,

really quite validly insane if he declares

he believes himself insane to now be?

When a person thinks s/he is sick, can

s/he be declared fit, healthy, really?

Or is the belief itself sufficient to

reproduce illness physically, mentally?

Let us consider the example of the

person who sees an unmistakable Ufo

and is then excited at the thought of

expansive, numinous glory

that must be a reality,

for he has witnessed an aspect

of higher dimensionality

beyond the ignorance imposed by Absurdity.

Such a person is often diagnosed by a doctor,

using profound programmed stupidity,

to be insane, and certified thus with certainty,

even poisoned by drugs

then prescribed legally, regularly.

Who then in this scenario is insane?

Is not ignorance of Greater Realities

in those who profess to know, and have

legal powers over others, a true bane,

for even as they think they know, they

know not that it is they in Ignorance

who are remiss, and thus really insane?

Are not all health professionals and

others, who almost blasphemously and

very vehemently protest the existence

of other realities, really just insane?

Of course they are! And from their

ignorance what is there for us to gain?

Would it not be better for them to

listen to their "patients" and expand

mental paradigms, and from the scorn,

from destructive diagnoses, refrain?

Christopher Columbus was called insane

by the throng which was inane.

Even the Nazarene, Jesus the Christ,

whom many of us cherish and love so well,

in declaring the eventual destruction

of this world, this base hell,

was, by evil sycophants, called insane,

as have so many other True Beings,

Avatars, clairvoyants and seers, and

mystics, throughout Mankind's history.

Pioneers on the burgeoning

frontiers of epistemology, visionaries who

advance true knowledge so fruitfully,

always seem to have to suffer the

burden of being declared quite mad

and suffering from delusional insanity.

What could one expect?

With Evil controlling the plane and

wanting Ignorance, no other way could it be.

What right have closed-minded bigots

to attack enlightened ones pejoratively,

and in loudest voice vituperatively,

as they, the attackers, wrestle privately

with their own ignorance and the vast

incomprehensibility of the True Knowledge

they cannot adequately accept in their minds

which are stifled by the very bigotry

of their Darkest Ignorance

of this illusion's depravity?

And what of the many brainwashed,

programmed professionals who defend,

at all costs, the false knowledge of the

demiurge, coated in stuffy ignominy?

Let me give these examples for clarity.

Many now see evil walk-ins taking over

bodies in this Endtime as the power

of their clairvoyance is restored exactly.

Yet they are diagnosed with insanity,

as dysfunctionals of society suffering

a malady called inappropriately

"The Delusional Misidentification Syndrome."

Is it not a tragedy really?

And what about the diagnosis made of

multi-possession, called by the

professionals, "Multiple Personality"?

Have you ever heard such ignorance,

such spuriousness and such banality?

Valid viewings of other realms and

dimensions are called hallucinations

which are supposed to be false perceptions,

or so say those of the Counterfeit

Creation, those of bigotry.

You know what such realisations, and

visions of other realities are really.

They are supra-physical experiences,

of psychic phenomenology which defy

attempts at rationalisation on

the limited framework of the lower human

mind which cannot cope adequately.

It is then in their inability to cope with

such Greater Reality that the limited minds

of these professionals, in whose ranks I admit

there are exceptions, diagnose insanity

of those with the experiences, thus revealing

their own limitations and gross inadequacy.

Thus, who is sane? Who is mentally healthy

with no hint at all of insanity?

Is it not the ones who know of,

and acknowledge, savour, Greater Reality?

And are ones steeped in the hubristic,

egotistical Arrogance of Ignorance not

really the ones who are thus insane?

My contention is that this, in fact, is

the case and from them, the doomed

depraved demons of Ignorance, ones

of Light have really but nought to gain.

Hence, again I ask you, "What is

Madness? What is Morbid Insanity?"

It is the Mad ones, as you can see

around the world who, with anger

and abuse, call enlightened ones insane.

The perversity is so obvious and

the mockers are, for True Ones, a pain.

They are a scourge in creation,

a bane which must be totally removed from

the scene, so Truth and Total Peace,

those of Light and Its Love will gain.

Beware fragmented minds which peddle

nonsense and utter sophistry,

for facts of knowledge repeated incoherently

are not enough for sanity.

From judgement all ones of Darkness,

should, as a must, now truly refrain,

no matter what medical, psychiatric

or psychological degrees they do claim,

for they, if they do not rightfully

recognise the truth of things, are the

mad ones really, not the enlightened

ones in Light's Love, who are the sane!



Vanguard of the Revolution National Edition

By Syndicated Columnist and Commentator Rod D. Martin <>

With a courage none would have believed just after last month's elections, the House Judiciary Committee voted this weekend four articles of impeachment against President Bill Clinton. Their consultants told them this would be suicide. The polls told them they were risking everything. The Democrats offered them censure, an unconstitutional, horrible precedent-setting, but nevertheless politically-popular way out. They assessed their lives, decided who they were, and cast their votes. They are heroes.

By contrast, with his political efforts failing, his personal threats against individual "swing" members such as Arkansas's Jay Dickey backfiring, and an almost certain impeachment vote by the whole House looming on the morrow, Bill Clinton showed tonight a craven cowardice unlike any in the history of the Republic. He again "wags the dog." He again bombs Iraq. He again takes the lives of thousands of innocent civilians, carefully calculating that the political price will be small since, by using cruise missiles, no American lives will be lost. And he does it while straight-facedly telling us the reason is Saddam's "lies," his years of "intentional obstruction."

It is an irony worthy of the devils in Hell. Does this seem too harsh a judgement? Then let us look at the year that has been 1998, and see how regularly trod has been this ground.

1. January: The Monica Lewinsky story breaks. Within two weeks, Clinton has America on full alert for war in Iraq. The Lewinsky crisis, initially said by even the liberal media (including Cokie and Sam) to require his resignation "before the State of the Union", recedes.

2. June: Linda Tripp is slated to testify before the grand jury. On the morning of her testimony, Clinton fires cruise missiles at two Iraqi radar stations, resulting in almost no coverage of Tripp.

3. August: Clinton makes his "apology" speech, which backfires. Three days later, US forces bomb Afghanistan and Sudan, again averting an almost certain swift impeachment. Cokie Roberts calls this "wagging the dog" on national television, but it accomplishes Clinton's purpose nevertheless. The chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff admits on live national television, thirty minutes after the bombing, that the attack was neither in response to any imminent threat, nor targeted any particular person, much less a "conference of terrorists" as Clinton later (implausibly) claimed. Two of the four camps bombed in Afghanistan are later shown to have no connection to bogeyman-of-the-week Osama Bin Laden, while the Sudanese target proves to have been a civilian facility with no production of any substance remotely useful for chemical weapons.

4. Today: Some may suggest we should give Clinton the benefit of the doubt, and perhaps in January they might have had a point; but the reality is clear. Every time Clinton gets in a fix, he uses our armed forces to commit mass murder to cover his crimes. This is nothing less, and a great deal more, than David's dealings with Uriah the Hittite. It is time we say so. Some may also suggest that, regardless of the motivation, Clinton's actions against Iraq, whatever they are, are justified, and that we need to slow down the impeachment process to allow him to act "in the interests of the American people." Yet whatever truth there is to the evils of Saddam - and there is much truth indeed - this precisely misses the point.

The fact that Clinton, shown plainly on national television to be a serial-felon, is in office while so much danger exists in the world is the most compelling reason why he must be removed with all haste. His willingness to misuse our armed forces in this way is itself impeachable, and the fact that we cannot trust him with power, or with anything else, requires that we replace him immediately. We simply cannot entrust our war-making power to a criminal. For some crazy reason, modern Americans have a hard time grasping this last point. They should look to the history of one of their closest allies for the reason why.

Today, Bill Clinton uses the military to create a crisis, stopping the House from impeaching him, at least for a time. It has only been a scant six decades since another wildly-popular elected leader, of equal willingness to take lives for political ends and of equal willingness to tell lies both in speeches and under oath, found his political needs so great that he had the Reichstag burned. It took a world war to restore liberty to Germany. What will it take to restore "equal justice under law" to America if the felon is allowed to remain? America must decide what it's made of.

The Republican members of the Judiciary Committee decided this weekend, and took their political lives in their hands. It will take wisdom to see through Clinton's scheme, and honor to both see and actually care. Do we have either? In the next few days we shall see. Copyright: Rod D. Martin, 16 December 1998.

Rod D. Martin is an attorney and serves as Executive Director of Eagle Forum of Arkansas. To receive Vanguard, or the Vanguard Arkansas Edition, email [email protected] either: Subscribe Vanguard Your Name or Subscribe Vanguard-Arkansas Your Name Subscribing to one list will NOT subscribe you to both.

WWW: For Syndication Information please contact: [email protected] FAX: (501) 223-0314 Smail: Rod D. Martin Vanguard of the Revolution P. O. Box 55947 Little Rock, AR 72215-5947



Jerry Attrick, whom you all know very well, sent me this sample of the Bill of Rights (he actually wants to name it the Bill of Wrongs) that he is working on at present which he claims is the one based on how this evil system works. He will publish it in its entirety soon. Hence, for your complete entertainment, here is an excerpt of Jerry's Bill of Rights/Wrongs:

You have the Right to:

* accept the fact that the biggest crooks make the best Captains of Industry because they know how the system works in all its nefariousness, how best to exploit it, and how to corrupt it all the more;

* work harder and be even more unscrupulous if the competition is ahead of you, regardless of your field of endeavour;

* stab anyone in the back in order to remove them from competing with you, especially if you are in one of the more so-called respected professions;


In this evil system, you have the Right to:

* Realise Calumny is not just a Right, but an essential ingredient if you wish to cheat and prosper in the shortest possible time;

* Camouflage your true nature and intention anyway you want, but always be the nasty and selfish exploiter that has made our economy great;

* Send the fruit of your loins to the most expensive and most thoroughly indoctrinating schools in the country so that they will grow up to be bigger bigots than even you thought possible. Note that Private Schools (called Public Schools in some countries) and Denominational Schools - Catholic, Presbyterian, Jewish and the like - are peerless in formulating young minds with unbridled bigotry;

* Make a best-seller of any book which has nothing but sex and violence or tells you that you are worthy and have no responsibility, that you can do no wrong, that Evil does not exist, that you are "god", etc., etc.;

* Corrupt any teaching, doctrine, thesis, research so that its Truth value is reduced to zero.

* Do not question the version of History the Archons give you.

And for these rights, we wave your Right
to have any other Rights.
Exercise these Rights and you have the right
to sleep, for now, the undisturbed sleep of the damned.

In jest, many truths are exposed and highlighted.
In this very evil, and soon-to-be-destroyed system,
what chance has an honest person got?


See you next time - somewhere ... !.

J S Chiappalone. Copyright, December 1998.

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