June 1997, Newsletter # 10

Presented by:
Annwn Publications
P O Box 28 Malanda, QLD, Australia, 4885
Fax 070 965 620
Email address: [email protected]

Copyright 1997 (c) by J.S. Chiappalone


About the Correspondence files

And so it is that I want to welcome you all once again to the Annwn Energy Connection. It is obvious, from your correspondence, that the last 2 Newsletters, dealing mainly with the largely hidden alien/ufology reality of this plane, have awakened many of you not only to that reality but to memories of the roles you play there-in. This was expected, for the Ultimate Final Battle will be on that front, in that reality. Reawakening is a preliminary step to positioning oneself and fulfilling roles for the final thrust. The previous religio-philosophical basis, presented as so essential by the ecclesiastics, was simply, (need I say it?) a fraudulent front which the Evil Essence, the evil consciousnesses, used to disguise their presence and activities.

Some New Agers shout in amazement "Jesus was a Spaceman!" "So What?" I ask, "So was every other Avatar who entered this corrupt dimension to assist in its eventual destruction.

The last 2 Newsletters have had a remarkable effect on many of you, for a new dimension has been tapped in your being, in preparation for what is to come, regardless of how much you thought you knew about this alien/ufology question. I realize this is meaningless to those who were untouched by this aspect, but so many have been affected, I can only conclude the energy of the Newsletters has been highly successful in accomplishing that which it set out to do.

In general terms, the information and energy which we have been distributing via the many modes, including our books, workshops, interviews, tapes, newsletters, excursions, private correspondence, etc., are definitely assisting certain ones to awaken, break the illusions in which they are trapped, and prepare for eventual take-off from this vile Hell-hole, and reactivation in other evil-free zones as we have detailed in our publications.

Judging from the correspondence we are receiving, this aim of awakening and preparation is being fulfilled quickly, with a great deal of satisfaction for us, for you, as you awaken and are filled with the joy of hope, and no doubt, for the Higher Consciousnesses who have sponsored all these mechanisms, even though as I understand it, they are not subjected to the traumatizing and tormenting fluctuations of emotional bodies. Milestones are being reached.

Many of you have written to state you have reached a hitherto unattainable understanding of the degree of decay and depravity of this system, and you are seeing the illusions broken before your very eyes. This does not sadden one, but rather it fills one with elation as one also realizes the only solution possible is being implemented. When that point is reached, one is able to detach to the point of wanting to leave all this behind and of allowing the Correction of this horrible evil mess to proceed posthaste. That is the point when your consciousness is really expressing the desire to leave for good, for it is ready for evacuation and placement in the next, better, evil-free stage of evolution.  

With this realization comes the joy of continuation in another plane of consciousness which does not have the absurdity of this evil system. This point, if you have reached it, and many of you have, judging from your correspondence, is a great milestone. You are to be congratulated. You have seen through the last camouflaging veils of the illusion and can truly see it has nothing of value for you.

Only those who are to continue can reach this realization, this understanding of the valuelessness of this vile, corrupt, very evil system, and the need to correct it by eradicating every strand of evil, no matter where it resides. Only those who are viable consciousnesses can function to fulfil mundane jobs, social responsibilities, and assist others to awaken while knowing the futility of this plane. They know that happiness, love, peace, fulfilment are possible, are a reality, do exist, but not here. They exist outside the confines of this miserable, unceasingly hostile and exploitative existence.

Energy Path: Some of your correspondence is further confirmation of the correctness of this path which the Annwn Energy is creating for all who are to continue. Your letters confirm the effectiveness of this energy in your lives, and your awakening to the finality of this era. If this energy path had not been created and assisted by Space Command, the Elohim and the Ancients, I very much doubt if so many of us would have reached such profound philosophical and spiritual realizations which appear to have escaped the greatest of thinkers throughout the ages. In all modesty, we are this aware, not because of our great abilities, but because we have been given the KEY to Truth. We in this generation have been blessed, for we have been given the Keys to Make Sense of all the Madness around us. We are indeed the Generation which will not know death!

We can expect that more and more will make this realization of fulfilment, of future joy, of Rescue, and those who make this realization will be filled with the happiness of certitude and the happiness of Inner peace, no matter what torments their physical bodies have to undergo as the physical fractures. And yet, be warned, for the energy that is awakening the viable ones and assisting them is separating them from the doomed ones who are thrust into the turmoil of Terminal Madness. They are embroiled in the savagery of this fracturing illusion and are immersed in the mental plane of confusion and the Gloom of Doom from which there is no escape. They have only themselves to blame. They chose evil over Light once too often! Your greatest satisfaction in this torrid plane is now going to come from your awakening, from your preparation for evacuation, and from your detachment from all those things which harass and drain. You will note, if you have not already done so, that great satisfaction comes from communication with like-minded consciousnesses on this and other levels, as long as you, and they, if they are other humans, are sufficiently free of pollution to make the communication worthwhile. Hence, you should invest more into your meditation and inner connection. Your satisfaction is no longer going to come from trying to earn as much money as possible, from trying to receive social recognition, from acquiring more and more useless knowledge. These were never paths for satisfaction and happiness to start with. The illusion, and those of the illusion, pretended they were and True Beings fell into their traps. Indeed these pursuits are useless.



The "World" does not want True Beings to awaken. It has no place for awakened beings. Alternatively, the "World" has nothing for True Beings, except pain, exploitation and sorrow. Awakened True Beings know this even more acutely. Hence, if you have awakened and are truly seeking the New Dimension, you would be better off now investing your time, energy and consciousness preparing for that New DImension. After all, this place has nothing for you. The Future New Dimension is your Future. That is where you will exist. For all intents and purposes, this evil "World" is finished, forever!! While still here, your satisfaction is going to come from assisting other viable beings in various phases of awakening and preparation. It will also come from being of service to the Higher Consciousness and from fulfilling whatever role It has for you. It may be lending a hand to other like-minded beings in whatever they need. When you are connected you will know what it is you are to do, and you will feel well doing it. If what you embark upon is not the proper thing for you, you will feel a friction within, a vacillation, an anxiety even, for you are doing what you are not supposed to be doing. When you experience such feelings, you will know that activity is not right for you and no further explanation should be necessary.


Correct Associations

Now as you awaken you will begin to feel more clearly with whom you wish to associate and communicate. To mingle with those not of the same energy will be more clearly burdensome and fractious. Why? Because the energy difference between the basic beings of the Two Creations is now going to become more obvious, more acute, sharper, with more immediate consequences for episodes of forced mixtures. Simply stated, the energies of Theomorphic True Beings and Evil-created Counterfeit beings can no longer mix, no matter what superficial disguises are used to mask ontological natures. They simply cause friction to each other! Like oil and water, they are immiscible. Be warned therefore, to not waste your energy arguing with the fools and energy suckers. Do not be trapped by Demons and Robots. Avoid those situations, activities and beings who drain you, molest you, harass you, even threaten you. I know many of you are having a hard time at work. Perhaps now may be the time to really review your situation and to take steps to increase your holistic wellbeing.

Taking steps to improve your health and chances of spiritual survival is not being selfish. It is being very commonsensical. Only a fool needlessly remains in the midst of that which tries to destroy him. It is the wise person who seeks that which nurtures him in body, mind and "soul".

By the way, many of you who have read widely on the topics I have recently written about have written to me to say you are amazed at the accuracy of the information we have been given to release. Just like the prophecies which have amazed many of you who have known us from earliest days, the information is of an accuracy which no mere mortal could claim as his/her own or think up. This tends to suggest that the information we have been given to disseminate is authentic, is from a validly Superior Source, and is given to assist those truly seeking Truth, truly wanting to break the illusion, quite unlike some other data given out at this time to increase confusion and untruth, and to increase the evil illusion. Just a brief surfing expedition on the Internet will illustrate the fact that the world is being purposely swamped by misinformation, disinformation, propaganda, im-propaganda, untruths, half-truths and plain lies, in order to stop people awakening to the Greater Reality.



Progress in spiritual awareness does not imply regression in other spheres of activity which form parts of your existence here. In other words, you do not neglect your physical wellbeing, otherwise this neglect could cause you problems and make your further preparation even more difficult. Hence, pay attention to your diet, exercise regularly, take care of any problems you may have as soon as possible before they get out of hand, etc. You do not court illness or disaster. That would be foolish.

At the same time, do not become overtly antisocial for then you could be caught and punished and drained of energy even more by the evil systems which are there for this very purpose. Comply with all conditions of social contracts you may have, and all responsibilities, but in a detached manner. Your aim is to become wiser with awakening, not more foolish, more vulnerable, or more trapped.

You are not going to solve all your problems overnight if problems do arise. Realize that you may have been slowly developing the scene for these problems for 10, 20, 40 years. Detach and they will work themselves out as you take the required steps.

Another word of warning: Never think you have "made it" (whatever you think that means) and that you do not have to keep trying to cleanse yourself of evil, to keep swimming against the evil tide, that you can rest a while. There is no such thing. You are either going forward or you are going backward! Do not let your EGO trick you into believing it when it says that you have made it, that you have all the knowledge for personal victory, that you are safe, that you know what is going on, that you no longer need help!! Entertaining such thoughts is a sure sign that you are not right in the head! Never, never forget that the EGO is an evil-created mechanism to kill your valuable spiritual aspect!

Some are deleteriously affected by this information and its energy content. That is a reflection on their state. No one is forcing anyone to agree with any of this; no one is forcing anyone to read this material; no one is forcing them to have the reactions they are having which are automatic responses to the energy content.

If YOUR reactions to what is written here are not pleasing to your mind and body, then perhaps you may have some evil programming, pollution and indoctrination which is less than spiritually satisfactory within you. Or else, this path is simply not for you, in which case you will see yourself as right and what is written here as not for you. I will make it easy for you to solve your dilemma if you are vacillating. You can go one of three ways:

1 Ignore everything and drown in hedonism. Or,

2 Take another path which you think suits you better. Or,

3 Eradicate the evil programming, pollution and indoctrination affecting you and step into the Light.


Babaji's Column

The human ego is trapped within a web of desires and agonies. Each desire is an attempt to escape an agony by fulfilling a vacuum. Each such fulfilment is temporary, unsatisfactory and disappointing, leading one back to the same lack that triggered it off!

Thus, on this level, life is a series of fulfilments of desires,

a series which is totally vain and pointless. Such lacks and desires in one's life reflect the ego and not the individual's true consciousness.



A recent conference with Space Command (from whom I acquire all my information) yielded the following facts:

1 The Effects of these Newsletters:

Henceforth you shall note that the effects of the Newsletter on readers will be diverse. Those sharing the Essence of these Newsletters will be buoyed by them, receiving them as a direct link to the Energy they seek, a direct link to the nourishment they require while trapped in this miserable hell-hole which is deteriorating daily. Those of differing ontology will find the Newsletters tiring, heavy, difficult to understand intellectually, threatening and burdensome, inspite of the exactness of the concepts and data they contain which such readers cannot refute. So be it! These Newsletters are a Sword of Separation and none can feign their response!


You will no doubt remember that I had published the World Health Organization's (WHO) claim that perhaps some 22 million people world-wide were infected with HIV-AIDS.I then suggested through a number of articles that the number was at best 1-2% of the real figure, and cited the scepticism of doctors such as Robert Strecker of California who challenged the 22 million figure. I had also predicted that the HIV-AIDS virus would be spread via mosquitoes, seafood such as oysters and other crustaceans, and also polluted stagnant water. Well, at this recent conference all these things were confirmed as occurring NOW! And, the number of humans affected by HIV-AIDS is claimed by Space Command to be in the region of 47%. We all will find this a little hard to believe but, no one is obliged to believe it. Disinformation is spread by both sides. Would Space Command not know better than the W.H.O. what the state of the planet is? The destitute people of many countries, such as Indonesia, China, India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, African ones, etc., are so poor they do not even have the 5-10 cents for a protective condom. How are they or their poor governments going to find the much larger amount of money needed to do screening tests for HIV-AIDS? They simply do not do them and so the numbers are unknown. Many of you have travelled to these poorer nations, like I have and seen the squalor, misery and bottom-line poverty that exists. No compassionate God would allow such soul-destroying existence. But that is another topic entirely. I have been to Indian country hospitals, for example, where the only equipment to go with the straw mats which pose as beds are rusty needles which are used as acupuncture instruments. I can still remember sending a crate of expired medicines and drug company samples from my surgery to a hospital outside Bangalore, in the Mysore state of Southern India, in response to the plea from one of the medical staff there. They could use anything, even those things we would throw out, for they had absolutely nothing. Beggars cannot afford to choose.

3 Food Poisoning and Water Pollution:

Food poisoning reasons include such things as mutant strains of previously symbiotic organisms, infected meat due to increased heat, reduced immunological defense in consumers due to ozone depletion and excessive radiation, etc. In Newsletter #9, I mentioned that no seafood is really safe to consume now. In early May a news item on Australian National Radio stated that poisonous algae is blooming in the coral reefs and there is a very real danger of CHOLERA from the water and fish! In early April 1997, scientists declared that none of the water in the Murray-Darling River systems (the largest fresh water systems in Australia) was fit for human consumption.

The greatest danger from polluted water is HIV. My Sources repeated this danger and the fact that almost half of the world's population is now infected with HIV-AIDS. Are any of us in a position to argue these points? No one is immune to any of these diseases, hence mental preparation for whatever can or will happen in the physical is paramount.



Australia, self-proclaimed as the "Clever Country", is also a shameful country. Even today it is making Aborigines weep. Its inequities are glossed over as if no one will notice.

1 A sub-teen aboriginal boy, alleged to have spat on the worst racist politician we have ever seen (Pauline Hanson), was kept in police detention away from his destitute family for weeks over Christmas! So much for the U. N. Charter for the Rights of children which Australia signed! The active genocide against Aborigines has not ceased. Ten year old aborigines are suiciding in despair. No other country has such shame. No other race is so downtrodden.

2 The adult son of a corrupt white politician (Mal Colston) assaults and bashes a photographer doing his job - not a whimper from police or civil agencies for justice! So much for the Civil Rights of those with no political clout!

3 On May 5, 1997, an anti-drug official admitted that Australia had lost the fight against drugs. No country has won this war against the evil beings who pander and distribute drugs to the detriments of any True Beings they trap! Are you really surprised at this admission of defeat when more and more police agencies are exposed as being the drug peddlers, pushers and protectors of the Mr Bigs and drug lords? Just who is kidding whom here?

And while on drugs, have you ever asked yourself why more and more of the Counterfeit creation are taking drugs and seeking other forms of escapism? Apart from trying to gain as much energy as possible to fight the Light, they are attempting to escape the Gloom of Doom they feel somewhere within their beings which results from their spiritual failure, even though they cannot express this.


A Call to Greed

While we are on political topics, let me say that after distilling Australian Politician Pauline Hanson's rhetoric, all that one finds is her call, not to unity and equality, but to greed and selfishness. Knowing that the majority of people are evil Demons and Robots in all societies, including Australia, with these evil, selfish traits, we can understand the attractiveness of this Oxley moron to the masses. Metaphysically she is emanating a microwave poison which compels the robots, with the appropriate implants, to comply and support. She herself is simply a stooge of the unseen evil archons who will dump her very abruptly and unceremoniously once they have had their way with her. Such dumping does not exclude violence to such individuals, even assassination. Her role is to incite civil war in Australia so that enough emotional energy is gained by the evil essence to postpone its defeat. But luckily, even if some civil war does occur, the Dark Side will inevitably fail.


As of January 1, 1995, there were 1300 new laws on the books in California, and there have been a lot of "three-strikes-and-you're-out" and mandatory jail sentence laws recently. The agenda is to fill the prisons which are factories for exploiting victims, not for correcting any of societies evils in a meaningful way.



Please realize if you are reading this website or these newsletters for the first time that they have been written mainly for students of metaphysics who have read most of our publications. If you are having difficulty assimilating concepts contained herein, my suggestion is that you read our publications for a fuller understanding of what is written.

1 Separating Wheat from Chaff: You may have noticed that there are people in your life who are forever deceptive in their nature. You may not have noticed this previously, but because of your awakening, you are starting to notice. Perhaps this short article will force you to review your past dealings and see the deception to which you have been subjected. No matter how many times they are caught out, certain ones (and they are the majority in all populations, as time is revealing) continue their attempts at deception. And they do deceive, on many, many occasions. They may play the roles of spouse, sibling, child, parent, business partner, employer, employee, etc., etc. We have been indoctrinated to tolerate them, forgive them, love them even, inspite of the fact that they always respond with intense episodes of occult, but sometimes overt, deception. What is going on here? These are evil demons and robots who have deception as their nature. They cannot be otherwise, they will never be otherwise. They are unscrupulous and dishonest, deceiving families, lovers, business partners, anyone they can find to dupe, in fact. We have all been victims of their deception. And yet what do the spurious so-called religious doctrines indoctrinate us with: "Love them! Always turn the other cheek! Forgive always!" Can you not see that these are commands to make you an even weaker, sycophantic target?

No Avatar has ever said that! The most famous One in Western Theology, Jesus Christ, came with a sword to separate the Two Creations forcefully. His words have been distorted and manipulated by Evil to serve Evil, to cause further mixing of the True and Counterfeit Creations. What did He mean when speaking of hating one's parents, of setting sons against fathers, daughters against mothers? (King James Bible, Luke 12:53). He was referring to the separation of those of a Theomorphic Essence from that of an Evil Essence. The fact that beings of these two essences exist, mixed together in this dimension, is the very crux of the matter causing all the Problems of Evil! But the words of Jesus, as of all Avatars, have been twisted, as evil knows how to twist, in order to serve nefarious purposes. Do not be fooled any longer! The Christ with His Sword is back, and separation is being performed as necessary.

2 Making Sense of it all:

Many of you have written indicating you are beginning to make more and more sense of the Madness. That is wonderful to hear. Almost all of you who do write also indicate that you are undergoing some form of personal crisis in your lives. That too is consistent with the times, for the wheat needs to be separated from the chaff. Simply and irrefutably said, the good, viable True Beings are inexorably being separated from the doomed evil ones. The energies each group contains are immiscible. The longer they remain together, the greater the friction. Persevere and have the courage to act in accordance with your convictions if you have to move physically, mentally, socially, emotionally, psychically, spiritually - you know what I mean! You can lose nothing but troubles and woes! Do not be blackmailed by emotions for then you will surely lose the personal battle and become, not a victor, but a casualty of war who may have to be left behind, for you may no longer be fit to continue.

3 The Big Picture: See the world picture, the evilness of the various institutions including religion, science and the media, how things are, and what the inevitable result will be -- total destruction. All things of this world are tainted and of little value and worldly information is not true inner knowledge. You are invited to see things as they really are.

I suggest you evaluate your life and see what is important; put aside the past if you want to be part of the future; accept the inevitable attacks and temporary disadvantages that come with making a commitment. They are overridden by the benefit of connecting to that Godforce within which is the only thing of any value. Are you up to making a true commitment? Are you prepared for the hostile reactions from (really unloving, uncaring) family, friends, etc.?

Stand on your own feet and rely on no one else but the Higher Consciousness. You can be easily fooled by those pretending to be of the Light if you are not careful. Be discerning. Wake up and make a decision on how you will proceed with your life. Do you wish to become an awakened warrior or not? There can no longer be fence-sitters!

4 A Warning: A seeker who is on the spiritual path would be foolish indeed to consider himself/herself less subjected to programming, pollution and indoctrination without taking proper protective steps. In fact, when one aligns with the Light, greater efforts are made by the opposition to block progress. You would be wise to remember also that many are extremely programmed, polluted and indoctrinated while they put on the airs and graces of being "in the Light". Such deceivers are more likely to be of the opposition waiting to trap, exploit, injure and block unwary genuine seekers.

5 The Meek: "Blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit the earth." (Matthew 5:5) My comment is "Yes, at least 6 feet of it!" If you believe Jesus, the Christ Light Bearer of that time, a warrior who came with a sword to separate the two creations, would say such a dumb thing, then you have been brainwashed, or fooled, or both, by the evil propaganda.

The reason why True Beings have been so easily trapped is because of their gentle, trusting nature, their friendliness, their willingness and wanting to share, to love, to find peace, to forgive, to believe in the goodness of others, etc. They do not think ill of others. But Evil beings always think ill of others. They have exploited this basic purity and gentleness of True Beings since the Celestial Error. In this evil environment, such meekness, lovingness and sincerity, such a trusting nature, are seen as naivety and weakness by the evil beings. That is how they have been able to so successfully trap and exploit the True Beings. Wake up! This evil propaganda is a way of getting you to surrender without a shot being fired. No evil being believes such garbage. They never turn the other cheek. They deceive and exploit. Any call on them to love, share, trust, forgive, live in peace, etc., is rejected. They often pretend, if it suits them to do so, in the hope of greater exploitation by them. Examine your life and be honest about what you see. How often have your kindness, meekness, caring, loving been repaid with pain and suffering? Talk to others. If they are honest they will tell you some horrendous stories also. If you are the rare exception, living in a loving world where your meekness is appreciated and rewarded, write to me and tell me about it. Surely Matthew 5:5 tends to refer to Post Final Judgement, when the evil ones will be removed and the meek will inherit the loot. But this is deception at its best. The evil ones know that if they can fool the True Beings to be meek they can be exploited of as much energy as is necessary to postpone Correction. They know what they are doing with this trick.



As many before have said, one of Evil's greatest deceptive accomplishments has been its ability to convince many genuine seekers of Truth that Evil does not exist. Don't be fooled. Realize Evil is the reason for all your woes and suffering, for all your sorrows and misery, the reason why you will have to undergo the horribleness of death, witness the death of all you love, witness the rape, assassination and spoilage that occurs on this level. What is so great about being horrified by the evil of this plane? What can one learn from such ugliness and exploitation? The only thing you should learn is that you want no part of such an evil system, no part of this exploitation and misery, no part of this ungodly abomination. Reject all evil and its pawns who try to convince you evil does not exist. You can see evil's effects with your own eyes. Your body, mind and soul are racked by evil's poisonous mechanisms. Hence, how can anyone then truly deny evil? Evil ones exploit as a matter of course and fool True Beings. If True Beings deny Evil, they must be hypnotized by the evil illusion to deny their own nature and accept the evil as nurturing milk. Wake up, do not fall for this trap now as we are getting to the end of it all.

Only an evil fool or demon, solely created to exploit, would not tire of the relentlessly deceptive, exploitative existence on this plane. In contrast, the plea on the lips of theomorphic beings is " Please God, when will all this suffering end?"



Unless you have been living in a vacuum or under a rock (don't laugh, many are so unaware they must be) you will know that US President Bill Clinton's peace of mind has been threatened by the disclosures of James McDougal, his former business partner in Arkansas, and that Binyamin Netenyahu's has been disrupted by Israeli Police wanting to charge him with career destroying offences.

Being a student of metaphysics, you already know that actions, reactions and results on this plane are based on the ripples of the Battle of Essences, hidden from our sensory vision. You know each individual represents one side or the other in the War of Essence. You have no doubt looked behind the scenes into the energy vortices to decipher what these threats to two very prominent world leaders mean. Allow me to give you my views.

Clinton and Netanyahu are not simply elected leaders of their respective nations. They are more than that. They are Zionist archons supported by the Bilderberg Group, which was founded in 1954 to promote a One World Government, supported by the collective Zionist power of this level and by the essence of Darkness engaged in the War against the Light which will result in fatal consequences for Darkness and all its progeny. For elaboration of these concepts, readers are referred to our books.

So, the imbroglios developing around these two jokers, who, like the late US President Nixon, maintain whenever challenged that they have done nothing wrong, with their best hypocritical faces showing, have much significance, more than one tends to give them superficially. They do not simply reflect the success of the democratic process of bipartisan politics correcting its self-spawned errors. First of all, there is no such thing as democracy really. Secondly, if history has taught us anything, it is that political processes create chaos and wrong doing, not methods of correcting them.

No, what these exposures mean are that there is a fracture in the evil dike wall! In other words, these almost minor incidences as far as the rest of the world is concerned, reveal to metaphysicians/conoscenti that the evil conglomeration which elects, supports and sustains such archons is fatally damaged! It is a reason for great rejoicing by those in the war who have sought such an outcome, who have fought so valiantly for such a victory. The eventual details, such as the dishonesty and sex-ploits of Clinton and the dishonesty, deception and hypocrisy of Natenyahu are not all that important. They are simply the mechanisms for execution of their dismissal. The important thing is that the infrastructure which supports them, gives them power to sustain control for evil, and to rule the masses with their irradiating evil energy, is collapsing. As they flounder, all other archons and minions, and supporting robots, will drown also. Hence, the stability of the evil infrastructure will deteriorate and the illusion will collapse further.

Although Clinton and Natenyahu appear not to see eye to eye on this level, ontologically they are in fact, twins of the same evil zygote. We have had many such archons exposed. We even had 4 others that were from the same evil zygote, but they were of lesser magnitude in the Hierarchy of the Black Brotherhood. Their names? US President Bush, USSR President M. Gorbachev, Australian Prime Minister R. Hawke and British Prime Minister M. Thatcher! They too were eliminated.

The weakening of such powerful archons as Clinton and Natenyahu augers well for the outcome of the war, signifying as it does that the End is very close. Many other archons have been exposed. As far as this scenario is concerned, the evil ones have no cards left to play. Although they may appear to repeatedly escape situations, their fate is sealed, their pathway is downward. And as pressure builds around them, they will lash out, making more and more irrational decisions which will harm more and more people. This will be a manifestation of the spitefulness of their nature, and such is the nature of all evil beings, regardless of where they are placed.

Fracture of the hitherto supportive infrastructure will result in economic, socio-political, religious, racial and intellectual strife in their countries and others all around the world. Bell's Law (Theorem) of non-local causality will apply even in these situations for there is an undeniable inter-connectedness of all the evil consciousnesses, and as one is affected others will fall.


Norad UFO Photo

The structure recently caught by a NORAD satellite is supposedly a hoax. It was one of 24 "ships" which have entered the dimension and have encircled the globe to force the reptiles out of their lairs. They will do this by causing earthquakes and other earth changes in the next few months which will force the evil ones hiding in subterranean passages to flee. The war will then be in the skies and many may witness it. The End is closer than most think! We have been expecting the entry of this special fleet into this dimension for months. In early April when we communicated with Space Command they said they were very close. How are the temporal governments going to hide all this any longer? Many people will simply die of shock with future changes which they cannot integrate. Ask yourself: Could the earthquakes which hit Iran on May 11, 1997, and Japan the next day, be due to the activity of these Elohim crafts? Are others coming?


I ask those of you who have direct access to the Newsletters on the Web and no longer require mailed copies to please write to me at Malanda, or email, and let me know.



This saga goes on and on. The mountains of disinformation and abuse released by the demons and robots are unbelievable. Do you not think that because the "Heaven's Gate" group demolished the fear of Death, the archons are most upset? After all, if such fear can be so easily removed, how are they going to constrain beings on this level? The question once again arises as to why the "Heaven's Gate" group were not picked up by a spacecraft in the Centre of LA, thus short-circuiting people's anxiety, curiosity, even maliciousness. Well, if that happened the show would be prematurely over without proper resolution. Let me explain. The whole point of the execution of the Endtime scenario is for each to be exposed in their ontological nakedness. If such a rescue occurred, many of the Demons and Robots would no doubt be greatly taken aback and feign compliance in the belief of Truth. They, in their hypocrisy, would do all things to deceive True Beings and hide their nature further. This would be even more perilous for the True Beings who would not know who is who. A bigger mess would therefore result and instead of separation of the two creations, we would have further mixing and utter confusion. Going as it is, people need to rely on their inner truths, hence the evil demons and robots are exposing themselves swiftly and unerringly as they try to prevent exposure of the truth and their ontological identities. In this way, we can see clearly who is who and the separation of the two creations becomes obvious. After they have totally exposed themselves, even on this level, a staging of some sort of final revelation may occur, if it is necessary to put the final moment into a time-freeze. Can you not see all the evil demons and robots posing even now as fundamentalists, as New Agers, and as Born-again Christians who would cause utter pandemonium if the aliens landed and they themselves have not been fully exposed?

You may ask why they have to expose themselves if the Higher Consciousnesses already know they are evil. The answer is that the evil demons and robots need to expose their nature to themselves so that they can then reach the realization that, being evil, they have no place in the New Dimension. This is a subtle point and must be thought through.



Whether you want to believe it or not, each one of us is involved in this War of Essences in this hell hole. SOme do not want to know this. Of course, for evil beings, this is a happy hunting ground where they merciless exploit trapped theomorphic beings. In this war, as in any war, there are warriors and civilians, front-liners and supply staff, secret agents and double agents, espionage agents and stooges. The scene is complex. The worst thing you can do is start to judge in ignorance. Many do! Unless you are privy to the most secret, and above top secret plans of the echelons of either side, you have no idea really of what is going on. Hence, why do you judge? You judge because you are ignorant of the facts, because your evil-created ego is dominating you and because your lower, stupid, monkey mind is controlling your mental processes. In True Beings this most often occurs when the Higher Consciousness is absent and they allow the ego to have its way, bathing and luxuriating, as it does, in the evil programming, pollution and indoctrination of this plane.

Hence, be warned, a little knowledge is dangerous. Usually it is those who cannot sort themselves out for a moment who judge others. It is the ones who cannot cope who turn their attention, not to themselves to correct their inadequacies, but to others, and they judge misconceptions and shortcomings they think they see. They are prone to inflexibility because they cannot integrate facts presented to them. Hence, they want to point the finger at those who do function better, who are more flexible and can cope with the situations. They call those who adjust and effectively fight the battles as changing hypocrites whereas, in reality, it is they who are unable to adjust and are hypocritical, for they misrepresent themselves and the situations around them. They are in danger of being easily targeted. They are in danger of divulging information to the enemy. It is the ones who are flexible and can play their roles in ever-changing conditions who are true warriors. And they do not judge or divulge for they know, through bitter experience that "loose lips sink ships!".

You know this information is correct, for many of you who are sincere know you have experienced these situations of warfare, of hypocrites, of ignorant judges, many times.

Take this as a very accurate and timely warning sign: When your mind starts to judge situations and beings, especially your peers and those who may be your superiors in this battle sense, you are offside; you are not right; you are being influenced by the opposition; you are in danger of being taken over! I cannot be more forceful than that to alert you to the danger you are entertaining if you do not restrain your ego and your stupid monkey mind.

I do not know anyone who has entertained this monkey mind, engaged in unjustifiable judging, and who has not gotten her/himself into a heap of trouble. Do not be one of them. Complete or even partial recovery from such destructive episodes cannot be guaranteed.



It is my opinion that the British will continue to pay for past sins at an accelerated rate under the leadership of their newly elected Prime Minister, Tony Blair, who is a first class liar and manipulator. His ability to wreck lives with deception and cunning will make the likes of Australia's John Howard, Bob Hawke, and US Bill Clinton and George Bush look like amateurs. His inexperience will allow him to maximize the harm he brings to those Isles. Indeed, people of the UK, the majority of whom are so xenophobic they still call people in the rest of the world "foreigners", have chosen the leader they deserve to lead them into Darkness and Despair as the end of the Millennium approaches. Do not be fooled by their apparent change of heart towards the European Union.

If you disagree with this assessment, you have to ask yourself "How often has the information of these newsletters been wrong?" In all modesty, I can say "Not once, for I can see the beings behind the smiling faces of these leaders". And they are not beings of love, kindness, benevolence, wisdom, compassion and Light. They are Archons and Demons of the darkest recesses of Hell! Another point: Tony Blair appears so young, energetic, "vital". From whence is he attaining energy? Who is feeding him this near-limitless supply, and why? It is certainly not coming form Our Side. Pundits have called him Bill Clinton's "soul-mate". No prizes for guessing his Ontological source. Let's keep an eye on developments in the UK. I would like to be wrong for the sake of sparing True Beings there the suffering that is in store. But alas, to increase suffering and emotional energy yield is why such leaders are placed in position by the absurdity of the so-called "democratic" process.


"When the tail takes control and wags the dog,

its time to get a new tail or new dog."


A money-making minion of Reptilian proportions .

This woman is a prime example of the hypocrisy and greed of the evil ones. She has used, abused and exploited untruths to enrich herself at the expense of others to whom she brings great suffering, while she mouths enticing half-truths. Just in case you have not heard about her: She is a female from the USA who spuriously claims to have spent time crossing the deserts of Australia with a mythical, secret (and non-existent) Aboriginal tribe which, she dishonestly claims, gave her exclusively great truths. She has been exposed by a contingent of Aboriginal representatives as having made the whole thing up, but that has not stopped her. She is on lecture tours earning up to $30,000 per lecture just from the entry tickets.

As a prudent student of metaphysics, the questions in your mind should be these: Why does society tolerate such a scam when she had been totally exposed? What is she really doing? Why are people in their thousands flocking to her lectures to hear her nonsense? Why are they reading her book, making it a best seller and enriching her? You want to look beyond her facade to find the answers.

Lo! and behold! it's Ramtha (an evil Reptilian consciousness, an archon of the demiurge) at his old trick of beguiling people again. You will remember he is the one, channelled by J. Z. Knight a few years ago, who stated he was one of the greatest bastards that ever lived. He still is! Knight was the female who enriched herself selling useless Arabian horses to gullible fools at x+y+z amounts over their real value and then kept them tied up the rest of their lives (both the horses and the followers it seems). There is no end to their hypocrisy, deceitfulness and evil.

Morgan has not backed down when exposed and confronted by the Aborigines she has hurt so much. She has continued abusing and exploiting them. Would you not think that she would share some profit with them if she was genuine? If she really had truths from this mythical, mystical, spiritual tribe which everyone else knows does not exist, to share with humanity, do you not think she would abandon all worldliness and get on with her job? She is a fraud. She is not interested in the welfare of others, she is interested in only one thing: How much money she makes out of it. It reminds me of a Sondra Ray who years ago exploited the name of Babaji to enrich herself. The likes of Morgan and Ray are doomed demons. These thoughts were prompted by a news report on Australian radio on Saturday April 19, 1997, when they broadcast the exchange between Aboriginal representatives who were protesting her fraudulent presentation in Tokyo, and Morgan, who wanted to "love them and live in peace". The hypocrisy in her voice was unmistakeable.

But wait, there is more. What was striking about the voice was the monotonous, metallic, hypnotic undertones. She was actually transmitting hypnotic microwave irradiation to affect the minds of the listeners. The Evil ones will do this more and more now. For the use of her body to do this broadcasting, Morgan was getting some monetary pay-off.

She was lecturing about the same thing again: "We are one, we live in love and peace, in caring and sharing ." And yet the protesters had travelled, at great expense, to expose her and to show she was not loving or caring or sharing. She was, and is, exploiting and deceiving, abusing and hurting. The majority of the audience could not see this for they had paid $30 each to be hypnotized and thus have their mental function deleteriously distorted.

In other words, cunning, evil and very deceitful speakers such as Morgan are being used to program demons and robots of various communities, en masse, to carry out the will of the evil Archons such as Ramtha, even as the speakers abuse the use of the words such as caring and sharing, peace and love. Post-lecture effects will be to enhance behaviour which will yield energy to the evil system which they know is near collapse. It is interesting to note that Morgan was "doing" Japan whose people are the most racist people in the world, second only to the Jews. In general, the Japanese, just like the Jews and Zionists, are infamous for their racism and elitism. This aspect will increase as speakers such as Morgan activate the programming within these counterfeit demons and robots. Hence, expect all hell to break loose sooner rather than later. Militarism will definitely return to the Japanese Islands and such irradiating procedures via people such as Morgan are the esoteric evil mechanisms used. I had described this concept in our book "Making Sense of the Madness" Volume One. I am highlighting it here for more and more of these episodes will occur and you should know what is going on. If you have summized that Pauline Hanson is another such evil energy broadcaster, you are right. If you listen to her voice carefully, you will note it is a shrill, staccato and monotonic, almost metallic, in a halftone above normal speech. It sounds as if a tape is being played in her head and like a poorly functioning robot (that explains the stop start staccato-ness) she spurts it out in little packets. She is activating the greed and selfishness in demons and robots who are there to respond. They respond because of 3 things: Their ontological nature; their evil programming, pollution and indoctrination, and thirdly, the implants they have had inserted while abducted by the Grey alien clones in recent times! Sure it's a complicated matter. But as you awaken to these truths, you will be able to understand why so many react like drugged zombies to the likes of Morgan, Sondra Ray, Pauline Hanson, and many, many others, etc., etc. This is how in part, deceitful, dishonest con-men (and morons, I might add) like Bush and Clinton in the US, Hawke, Keating and Howard in Australia, Natenyahu in Israel, Thatcher in the UK, etc., can become leaders of nations and get away with the greatest lies and moral corrupting imaginable, "Read my lips" notwithstanding! The side-effects of these evil mechanisms is ultimate destruction for the users of the mechanisms, the responding demons and robots, and the infrastructure of evil they are trying to prop up. This is because evil is always ultimately destructive, even of itself. If you have followed the course of any of these beings, you will have noted they destroy other evil beings in the field with them, expose hypocrisy, corruption and evil intent, even as they embark on their own corrupt, hypocritical, mendacious agendas. The end result of evil is total evil decay and destruction. That is why a timely end must be called to it.


Compensation Cheats Jailed

Recently two workers cheating on their Workers Compensation claims were jailed in Queensland. From my medical experience, I know there are many, many cheats because the system lends itself readily to gross exploitation. Some doctors make a little money out of it, but lawyers make a lot, rubbing their hands in glee whenever a cheat walks into their office. The worst part of this scenario is the fact that the cheats conceitedly hold their heads high and hypocritically judge others around them when it is they who are the worst offenders. While I practised I could never understand clearly why lawyers and governments resisted attempts to clean up this affair. Now I know. They gain much from the dishonesty.

The evil system feeds on its evil unscrupulousness.



A recent exposé on American television clearly showed the US military command did give experimental drugs to its Gulf War soldiers, without their knowledge and/or consent, thus breaking International Law. Among the drugs administered was pyridostigmine bromide (PB), a known toxin, potentiated by exposure to certain other neuro-toxins which, guess what, were present in the Gulf when Saddam's stockpiles were blown up. Evidence is mounting that the US High Command knew of the presence of these neurotoxins there, knew PB was a toxin and knew the combination would/could prove very destructive if not deadly. Thousands upon thousands of soldiers have been affected by this as well as by the vaccines I mentioned previously, but for many years the High Command simply covered up this lunacy. The presenter of the 60 Minutes TV program called "The Pill", produced by Liza McGuirk, concluded actions during the war and more recent actions by US High Command easily exceed the evils supposedly committed by the Nazis. At least 80,000 are quite ill from this pill alone. But the US government just keeps on lying. When officials were interviewed they kept giving contradictory reasons for what had happened, what is happening and what will happen. They are liars and murderers, just like the Great Avatar JC said they were, 2000 years ago. They can never change. They will not change, for that is the nature of evil. They are immutably evil. Are we to give them another 18 billion years to see if they can change? On a legal level, the menacing Archons cannot be taken to the World Court because none of the other nations are powerful enough to confront them, and besides, the US simply thumbs its nose at any decisions the World Court makes which it does not like. So, they make the rules and then change them retrospectively if the play goes against them. Pay attention here! Who am I writing about? I am writing about the self-proclaimed champions of Human Rights and Civil Liberties here. Champions my foot!

Guess what else is on the menu? The US Government is seeking to pass laws to never have to tell what drugs, vaccines, experimental poisons, etc., they give their soldiers, anywhere, anytime. Indeed, these archons do get away with murder. The worst part of the TV segment in my view was the near end when various sick returned soldiers, both male and female, were asked would they go again. Both the programming of patriotic foolishness and the fear of being seen as individuals who could think differently came to the fore. After condemning what the High Command had done to them without their knowledge, against their will, these robots said all is forgiven, and they would do the same thing again! With such putty to play with, the demons in control never stop. This is just another example of the power of evil propaganda.



There is a retired Army Colonel by the name of Bo Grites (a Delta Force Commander who was in charge of security at one time in Area 51 to deal with aliens and their crafts - ed.) who was a commander of a Green Beret unit in Vietnam and received 62 medals and citations for his service there. After the Vietnam War he spent seven years in Vietnam searching for POWs, and during this time he says that he discovered that the CIA was part of the international drug trade, dealing in narcotics to finance secret operations. When he tried to report this to Washington he says that he was told to forget what he learned. Now he heads a "survivalist" group, called SPIKE, consisting of several families living together in northern Idaho. They are outspokenly critical of the government and are sworn to defend themselves from any federal interference. He allows another man, Richard Flowers, to travel with him when he speaks and to sell books and pamphlets about the conspiracies, etc. The above information about Bo Grites and Spike came from a program which painted him as a Neo-Nazi and anti-Semite. The purpose of the show may have been to soften up the public for a Waco type invasion in the future, but still a lot of information got through. One question Bo asked the reporter, but was never answered, was "Who brought the slaves to America?" By the way, more books have been coming out about Waco, calling for a complete investigation, and a new one claims it was a contrived distraction from some other events just coming into notice in Washington at that time. 

Pauline Hanson (a mindless, ignorant bigot whom I described as a female David Duke of Australian politics in a previous newsletter) is using similar evil propaganda sentiments in Australia to brew a Civil War! There are enough robots programmed to respond to the lunacy she puts out to cause plenty of trouble for the rest.

Why do I keep writing about such exposures? Because:

* They demonstrate the extent of corruption in our societies, in our institutions, in those whom we elect to lead us, care for us, have our best interests at heart.

* They reveal the extent of hypocrisy in these deceivers.

* They demonstrate the ease with which any genuine people in our societies can be treated as utter fools.

* They demonstrate the extreme lengths the Archons will go, using surreptitious means, in order to get their way.

* They demonstrate conclusively that the basis of culture, of humanity is evil, and it must be destroyed totally.

* They demonstrate the mendacious nature of archons.

* They demonstrate the power of programming, be it religious, social, nationalistic, monetary, etc.

I have given mainly American examples. That is because the bulk of the readers are American. But in reality every country has committed similar crimes against those beings who form its humanity. Even in their sinister, insipid, colonial ways, Australian Archons have demonstrated the cruelty of demons. Were they not responsible for exploding nuclear devices and allowing the Aboriginal communities to continue unaware so that they could gather data on the atmospheric radioactive effects of nuclear explosions on the indigenous? These are the very same archons who, as magistrates, judges, etc., are part of our judiciary, wrecking lives day in and day out. They are the same archons who act as politicians to make sure the most number of people suffer, in the most number of ways, most of the time! Do you think I am being cynical or am exaggerating a little? Indeed not! One can open any newspaper in any country on this doomed globe and read the daily litany of scandals being exposed which demonstrate these cursed natures. They simply confirm to truly awakened beings the fact that there is no other solution to the huge problems of Evil apart from the one being implemented. There is no need for cynicism or exaggeration. The bottom line is this: If the status quo was not as disastrous as I am describing, there would have been no need to take the drastic measures I said will be taken/are being taken. And of that fact there can be no dispute. The measures have been activated. They cannot be stopped! Look around you. Read the writings of the Endtime everywhere, especially in these exposures, which I said had to come before the end. See the inexorable changes in nature. 



While in Mexico we visited Adrian Lino Reyes, a lawyer, and his daughter Adriana, of Atlixco. They have been visited frequently by alien crafts (of both ontologies) which left still visible markings on their lawns. We inspected this corroborative evidence for their stories of aliens. The markings on their lawns are circular. The grass at the periphery does not grow. From the location of the site-markings, it would be near impossible to land a man-made flying vehicle due to lack of space. Besides, how many near-circular flying vehicles are man-made? For sceptics, an alternative explanation would have to be that Adrian or someone with his consent went out when no one was around and marked the area, pouring some grass killer at the periphery to get these effects. The things against such a malicious rejection of the veracity of the story are:

1 The effects on the grass are uniform. Weed killer or such would have an irregular effect.

2 There seems to be no motive for Adrian, a well-respected lawyer, to want or need to do this.

3 He had not divulged his alien information to the many visitors/guests/interviewers previously. His daughter was even surprised. One would think that if he did it as a stunt for money, publicity, fame, etc., he would have taken the very first opportunity to perform his deception.

4 If he used some noxious compound he would be risking the health of his pets. He does not seem to be that type.

5 If we postulate fraud, we are at a loss to explain the evidence of the neighbours who saw the crafts coming and going. One may argue that he could well collude with his immediate family, but how, why, would he pay off the neighbours to support a fraud? Besides, his daughter Adriana was even more surprised at what he had to say to us than we were. People can feign surprise, etc., but to me and the other witnesses, her reaction appeared genuine.

6 The initial apprehension to relate their story lends credence. Mockers and deceivers usually have a rehearsed plan and show false confidence. The relief on being accepted was an automatic response and very genuine.

7 They actually tried to hide their information from us and only revealed the true message when we demonstrated clearly we were fully understanding of their dilemma of whether to divulge or not.

8 Their story is fascinating. Each member of the family, and neighbours, were given snippets of information which we noted made a shared mosaic around the world.

Artifacts of the alien presence are not confined to landing marks as most of you well know. Foreign matter has been excised from contactees/abductees by surgeons. But there is so much dispute at this stage, the whole issue has been clouded over, very much on purpose. However, Eloisa Garcia of Amatlan who runs the Hotel de Quetzalcoatl in Central Mexico has tangible evidence of another kind. She possesses samples of "angel hair", a byproduct of alien crafts entering this dimension. She bottled a sample immediately on its production by crafts which were flying about the valley around her premises. The whole area was covered in this angel hair. She was quick and alert enough to pick some up and store it in a bottle, for it denatures and vanishes in a short time if it remains exposed to air. Perhaps some oxygenation process causes the deterioration, just as we know can occur with various organic compounds. She gave some 50 % of what she had to an American film crew who promised to analyze the sample and give her the results. Guess what? She has not heard from them since. Are you really surprised?



One of the many SIGNS of terminal madness: A man got off a bus, poured petrol on a 6-year old child and set him alight in a schoolyard. Those who invoke the Law of Karma to explain what happened have certain problems confronting them. If the victim suffered as a result of the karma he had to pay, does this not make the assailant an instrument of the Divine? Is that not a ridiculous assertion? Even if this is accepted, why should all those related to the victim and all those who are involved in the incident be traumatized? They suffer EMOTIONALLY. Why should they suffer so? Is it justice that an act, even if it is deemed to be one of Divine retribution, should make so many others suffer? Is it not more likely to be an evil mechanism? And if you state that all those closely connected with the victim who were affected adversely were also paying karma, what about those who read about the incident as a news item and became distressed? Where does it all end? It appears everyone is involved in forever paying karma which really is a mechanism of suffering and exploitation. What about the Love and Forgiveness a Heavenly Father should show? Would that not bring an end to our suffering and exploitation? He expects us to love and forgive. Where are they in His management of our lives?

If a murderer is a Divine instrument used to dispense justice, why is he then punished? Why does not the "god" in control intervene to prevent this punishment and reward him instead? It all seems absurd, unless you accept that such incidences are purposely sponsored by the evil demigod in control to cause pain, suffering and emotional exploitation. Under these circumstances, the Law of Karma is an unjust tool of Evil.

Just by the way, the worldwide increase in violence, especially by children, women and animals is explicable from 2 metaphysical perspectives: Terminal madness of the Endtime and increased frequency and severity of possession of various ones, regardless of the class of consciousness. Incidences and degrees of violence will not decrease. They will increase as the infrastructure of the illusion fractures towards total collapse. It will not be long before demonic consciousness and behaviour will be epi- and pandemic.

The Madness of Nature: Every few days there is another earthquake in the western U.S. -- it has been acknowledged that they are more frequent. Many places in America have had 65 degrees fahrenheit in the middle of winter. Tornados have been hitting many places - out of season - in areas where tornados are "not supposed to happen". People are now asking why California has had two "100 year floods" since 1986 -- in just 9 years.

The Madness of Justice: The O.J. Simpson trial which dominated the media in the US for quite a while was "... not about O.J., but the American Justice System." Even "well-informed" folks have had their eyes opened as to how much it is based on lies, subterfuge, and who has the big bucks.


Good True Beings can become evil, but

evil beings cannot become Good!



* "I used to be a lawyer, but now I am a reformed character." -- Woodrow Wilson

* "A man who dies without a will has lawyers for his heirs."

* "A good lawyer is a great liar." -- Edward Ward

* One juror overheard saying to another "Notice that neither the prosecutor or defense attorney swore to tell the truth?"




The beings of Light must remember that although they are in the world, they are not of the world. When you walk the path of Light, this world of evil will not respect you or like you. If you dare step out of line with the system, you would probably be labelled crazy or bizarre. The evil beings will try to put you down and discredit you. They will call you a cult member if you do not believe in mainstream religion. They will ridicule you and call you dangerous. They will lie about anything in order to destroy your credibility. This is what they did to the Heaven's Gate people. I had never met the Heaven's Gate group, although I knew of their existence on the energy level. However, I feel very strongly about speaking up for this small group of people. The Heaven's Gate people did not do anything wrong or bad which deserved the ridicule and persecution they received. They had achieved what most others could not. They had succeeded in renouncing the evil system without resorting to violence or crime or any wrong doing to others or to themselves.

The fact is, they had a job to do, designated to them by the Divine. Their private lives did not truly reflect their lives. In order to accomplish their roles, the Divine Will had to be put first above everything else - family, relationships, careers, etc. Did not Jesus say that if anyone was to follow Him, they must leave their family, etc? What he meant was the main focus had to be in the right place above all things, otherwise, one cannot be an effective worker for the Light. Since these of Heaven's Gate were frontline workers, they had given their lives to do the right thing.

While I do not advocate suicide, I respect their decision. Suicide amongst the young people particularly is a cry for help. But the Heaven's Gate group was different. They wanted to die to get back home. They had chosen to end their physical lives and let the world know what they were on about. They did not want to leave their physical shells behind to be taken over by other entities including the evil aliens. They did not expect the world at large to truly understand them. Neither did they need it. Let us not make light of their efforts and understanding. They did not need the so-called experts (who are really evil, ignorant fools and cowards) to analyze their motives and their predicament.

They were not interested in recruiting members. They were only wanting to find their own. This intention can only be understood by those who have been awakened to their true nature and responsibilities. Even here on earth, there are many weird cultures - they are weird only because they do not fit into our programmed concept of what should be considered "normal" and what is considered weird.

They had the right to make their own choices and those choices did not affect anyone but themselves. They did not need the approval of this world or anyone else's. They are only accountable to the Divine. To say that they killed themselves because they believed that they would be taken to eternal peace on a UFO trailing the Hale-Bopp comet is really pernicious, malicious and misleading. It undermines their efforts and the work they represented. With or without the appearance of Hale-Bopp comet they had planned to leave anyway.

The world calls their death a mass suicide. I see it as their choice in choosing their mode of exit. As regards the weird chirping noises supposedly emitted by them, it is more likely that the noises, if they did in fact occur, had to do with the listener himself rather than those members. They were not the Grey aliens as they thought they were at one stage due to confusion.

When I watched the video of them saying farewell, my inner mind perceived them as "clean", and ready to take on their next role elsewhere. This cannot be said of the majority of the people in this world. Yet the media and the various magazines deliberately portrayed them as bizarre and evil, and filled pages with untruths and lies, ridiculing them as fanatics who avoided such things as sex, alcohol, drugs, caffeine, junk food, and who kept themselves from the worldly pursuits. How many people could discipline themselves as successfully as the true Heaven's Gate members did ? I doubt we can find too many. The media are biased and evil. They made sure that the picture of Applewhite (the leader) looked as detesting and as deranged as possible to con the public into believing that he must be bad and mad, and that the rest of the group had been brainwashed and conned by him. Clearly, the majority of the people are threatened by their action. Those 39 people who "suicided" in California and who believed that this world is a hologram were right. This world, as I said, is a virtual reality. I received information from "Space Patrol" in September, 1996 that the first batch of frontline workers were scheduled to go "home" in Feb/March 1997. I was usually put-off by mass suicide of any kind. Yet when the news of "Heaven's Gate" first broke out, my heart was filled with joy for them - a joy different from things of the world. It was a distinctive joy. It was a joy recognisably as that of the Light. I was so happy that their suffering, their confusion and their fears throughout their days of awakening are gone forever. They have succeeded in their mission and they had succeeded in renouncing evil for themselves and on behalf of parts of themselves who are not in the position to do so, due to their individual predicament or the role they play. I was so joyous that they stood strong against this evil world till the very end. Blessed are those of you who are able to feel sympathy towards those Heaven's Gate members. You are obviously able to bypass the physical mind's "rationalism" and allow the inner mind to evaluate the truth, and allow your heart to open up to them.

When the "Heaven's Gate" event was made known to the public, Mahayata, the being responsible for their "pick-up" confirmed that they were the Mayakas. Their work was finished and they were allowed to go home. He also confirmed that they had made a safe and successful transition. Their transition period was almost instantaneous for them but it would be about 30 days of our earth time for them to resume their original form and nature. Thus, at the time of writing this, they have already resumed their normal existence. I was also informed that they were still waiting for one to be picked up. When Wayne Cooke (aka Nick Cooke) appeared on T.V. to defend the group, it was very clear to me that he was filled with love for them and full of courage against the evil society. He was strong, articulate, confident and calm. Even though he gave the impression that he was supportive of the group but did not go as far as they did, I knew that he did this in order to avoid suspicion of his own standing and his personal plan. There was so much light around him as he spoke bravely against those who attempted to rubbish his "family". Yet, there was no hate in him. Whatever that others might have perceived as hate to the evil ones was merely his disgust at evil. I suspected he was the one Mahayata was referring to as the last to be picked up.

On 6.5.97, Wayne Cooke committed suicide, the same way the other members of his group did. I was picking him up constantly two days before this occurred. Then on the early morning of 6.5.97, I sent him my love and good wishes. The same morning we received a very nice letter from one of our readers telling us how his heart went out for those H.G. members and was happy for them. I was very thankful for his kind sentiment. It was no coincidence that his letter arrived at the right moment.

Two more groups of frontline workers will be withdrawn from planet earth soon. Some will be picked up by spacecrafts, some will die off due to diseases, etc. To my knowledge no future groups will be exiting here via suicide. Special permission was granted under the circumstances for the "Heaven's Gate" group to exit in that mode. Though thousands of people die each day in war-torn countries and due to crimes committed everywhere in societies, the majority of people are numb to these horrifying events. It is not uncommon that individual teams do not often get to know or meet their own kind physically on earth. Their individual roles may even appear to be unrelated to that of others in the mission. Let us not be quick to judge them with our physical minds. They could be our dearest brothers and sisters in Christ as this H.G. group were.




Let me elaborate a little on some stubborn traits of some members of humanity. If opportunities existed, the majority of humans would become famous for their stupidity! As marvellous as the human brain and its functions are, they are still part of a computer system, run on electro-magnetism, based on biological structures which depend on input-output circuitry. Just like man-made computers they function on the axiom: Rubbish in, rubbish out. Unlike simple man-made computers however, the human brain and all other brains based on biological phenomenology have the ability to retain bias and prejudices. It is a form of corruption. Once thus contaminated, a brain is difficult to re-educate. Nowhere is this more clearly seen than in the area of epistemology dealing with multiple dimensions, Ufology, religio-philosophical and metaphysical concepts. For this area we carry the useless garbage of ignorance, prejudice and indoctrination.

Allow me to illustrate this with some examples: A patient suffering diplopia and headaches consults a doctor who, after the proper investigations, informs the patient he has a life-threatening brain tumour which requires immediate surgery. The patient does not yell "Bulldust. You doctor, Sir, are an idiot!" No, in fact, the patient respects the doctor's opinion and, because of the seriousness of the situation, may ask for a second, even a third opinion. That is wise. If he is a patient of above average intelligence, he may ask the doctor to show him the data on which the diagnosis was based. The doctor may divulge the x-rays, Cat and/or Pet scans, etc., photos of his swollen optic nerves, etc., etc., whatever the data was. The patient would be very foolish to reject the advice and do nothing. He believes the diagnosis to be correct, and will undergo dangerous intra-cranial surgery, because these professionals have training, experience and data. In fact, an experienced doctor would make the diagnosis simply from the history and a simple ophthalmological examination of the optic fundi, all other investigations being ancillary and of assistance to discover the location, size, nature, invasiveness of the tumour, etc.

Here is another example: In a routine inspection, a metallurgist tells an airline company their $500 million dollar jet is showing signs of metal fatigue and must be grounded immediately. Again the officers of the company would be very foolish to yell "Nuts to you man, this baby flies whether you like it or not!" No, they would take the professional engineer's diagnosis very seriously and take appropriate steps to resolve the situation. Again they might ask for other opinions, more exact x-rays of the metal, or whatever they do to confirm the diagnosis, etc., etc. I could give you any number of examples to demonstrate this point that people are taught to trust professionals and their conclusions to a point which at least leads them to further investigation. But in this field of Ufology, because of antecedent bias, prejudice and wilful destructive indoctrination, many appear unable to use their same power of reasoning. Thus, when an investigator who may have spent 20 - 30 years in the field, collecting all sorts of stories and data says "I have evidence which strongly suggests the existence of other levels of consciousness, other life forms, other crafts of unknown origin, manipulation of minds by beings of other dimensions, etc., etc.", just as we are divulging here, the unreasonable response from ignorant humans is "Nonsense! You must be crazy!" They are programmed to dismiss the training, the investigation, the data collected, the expertise of the metaphysician/Ufologist, and so on. This is very much on purpose as we shall see. Instead of saying "Let me see the evidence that you have discovered", instead of asking "What do others in your field think?", most are happy to ignore all data and condemn. The reason why this occurs is the key to understanding the Battle of Essences in which we are all involved. The majority, because of their ontological nature and function, are there to uphold the illusion of this Plane of Ignorance, so-called by the Gnostics of the Ancient Wisdom. Having said that, let me say that you will be best served, for the moment, if you turn all the so-called knowledge from human sources of a religious, theological, philosophical and metaphysical nature (which is really indoctrination) a full 180 degrees in your mind and accept that the very opposite of what you were taught is, in fact, closer to the truth. Indeed, falsehood has been presented as the truth on this plane and the truth buried in the slime of this place, very much on purpose as we shall see.

Read on therefore and realize that if your false indoctrination, set like concrete within your psyche, is now confronted by what is written here in our newsletters and books, you have a valid conflict in your head. And it is up to you to separate truth from the false reality. Your quest is facilitated by empiricism of this generation for we are indeed blessed in this final generation. All proof is being provided, and will be provided, by Those of the Greater Reality, in preparation for the destruction of all falsehood and evil. You need to decipher not only who you now are in ontological terms, but where you reside in the scenario we are about to unfold. To do that you will need to awaken quickly to many other facts. And having done that, you will need to find the role you are to fulfil which, among other things, will assist your spiritual survival after the death of planet earth.


Excessive assistance to anyone can be counter-productive for the recipient can become overly dependent and unappreciative. Hence, if you feel like helping someone, realize that the best thing you can do for her/him is to offer the opportunities in which each can help itself. If any do not take those opportunities, they have only themselves to blame. You cannot be held responsible for the failure of another in such circumstances. Be detached and unaffected when others refuse your help, your guidance, your true love. Seek True Beings who do value who you are and what you have to offer.

Farewell until the next newsletter.

J S Chiappalone. Copyright, 1997 .



From the Mailbag

Moya Cahill of Malanda writes "Your books have changed my life".

Dayna Jean Rice of Denver, Colorado writes: "Dear Dr Chiappalone, I'm writing to let you know that I have just read your books which venture deeply into evils of society and government that I was not aware of or that I had glossed over, accepting that I should stay focused on problems in my own backyard. Little did I know how big that backyard was. Your books, especially Death of An Evil God, hit me like a bolt of lightning. Your writings make it obvious that no matter how one turns, we are caught in a cesspool of evil and this place is a big, smelly sewer. I thank God for directing me to this knowledge, giving me the answers I had longed for, for so long. Thank you Doctor.

Mrs A Tunnicliffe of Balga, Perth, WA, asks: "When do beings who reincarnate as animals come back into human bodies?" Simply put the answer is: "Never. If they have lost the energy to remain human, they need to await until the end of all this to be given energy again to restart the cycle of evolution. That is the tragedy of this evil empire. If they have been kidnapped and forced into animal bodies, they sometimes reincarnate into other classes later, even the human class."

Adam Kulka of Cairns, Queensland, writes: "I have enjoyed reading your original insights and updates on the world situation in the newsletters. All other literature on the subject is very superficial and irrelevant when put under the spotlight of the knowledge revealed in your writings."

Ben Norgbedzie of Mitcham, Australia writes: "Dear Dr Chiappalone, your books, are so good, they should all be in every library of every country!"

Glenton Hutton of Innesfail, Queensland, writes: "Thank you for the unique service you provide for us. I am amazed upon realizing some of the work you do each day, utilizing perceptions for both animal care and from the inter-planetary ... I appreciate deeply the ideas put with such precision on such a wide range of interrelated topics in service of the one goal. I have not found such sensible clarity anywhere or heard anything expressed with such precision. Thank you, Yours respectfully, Glen.

Kris Murrell of Tasmania writes: "Dear Dr. Chiappalone, Just a quick note to say thank you so much for writing such wonderful books. What you describe seems so straightforward once it's written down, but trying to reach these conclusions without such information being available in your books would, I think, be an impossible struggle. While one may suspect all is certainly not as it should be with the various social and other systems here, your books enable a far more complete picture of the situation to be seen. What you write makes so much sense."

Paul Gill reports from NZ that "Racial tension is increasing daily here in NZ. We now have many Maori Members of Parliament in the new coalition Government who call themselves Warriors and performing the Haka (Maori War Dance) during parliamentary sessions. I have met people migrating over here expecting to find a safe haven and being disappointed to find it is not far behind the places they've left ... ".


J S Chiappalone, Editor

Copyright 1997

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