September 1997, Newsletter # 13

Presented by:
Annwn Publications
P O Box 28 Malanda, QLD, Australia, 4885
Fax: 070 965 620
Email address: [email protected]

Internet Address:

Our Motto: Take it or Leave it!

Copyright 1997 (c) by J.S. Chiappalone


Every month sees more drastic changes in every aspect we would want to examine. Many people have stopped watching the news, reading the newspapers, etc., not wanting to hear of the deteriorating circumstances. Terminal Madness is becoming more obvious everywhere as is the separation of beings who are viable and those who are not. Evil beings cannot help exposing their essence and many as you may have noted, if you are still watching and reading, are openly declaring their worship of Evil, Satan, etc. What more proof do you need that demons and robots exist as humans?


Wisdom needed as never before.

It was Mark Twain who said he thought he knew it all as a teenager and thought his father was quite dumb and that by the time he had reached his twenties, he was surprised at how much his father had learned in such a short time. Who is more dangerous, the young (or old) fool who thinks he is wise or the wise man who thinks he may be a fool? Obviously it is the fool, for in his delusionary guise he will act as if he has wisdom. And he will endanger himself and others with his foolishness as history repeatedly reveals. The wise man, restrained by the possibility of his own inadequacies or lack of knowledge, hesitates, but only so that he can be more certain that what he does will not bear bitter or dangerous, destructive consequences. Paradoxically, it is a fact of life that as we acquire more and more knowledge on this level, we realize there is more than ever to acquire. And what a waste in past lives. Just when one had acquired the maximal amount of knowledge and was beginning to learn how not to repeat the foolish mistakes of life, one's biological computer failed, with disease, senility, atherosclerotic brain vessels, Alzheimer disease. other forms of dementia, etc., etc. The amount of knowledge one could attain in any one lifetime would be less, when compared to the vast knowledge in creation, than the volume of the one time droppings of one sparrow compared to the volume of Mt. Everest and all its sister mountains. An individual physical life is transient, ephemeral, fleeting, and often just as productive as a puff of smoke from the chimney of a factory producing discontent. Worse still, whatever knowledge was acquired could not be accessed on re-entry upon reincarnation. Hence, one began life as a fool all over again. You will never convince me that was a system created by a God who had our best interests in mind. It is not of course, it was created by the ghoul Yahweh (Jehovah in his last form) to maximally exploit the trapped True (non-evil) beings. But that is all in the past, for as the signs of the times are amply demonstrating, this is the Last Generation!



In the midst of so much rain and gross flooding due to increased moisture in the air needing to be dumped somewhere (as a consequence of the Global Warming some smarties are still denying) it is difficult to conceptualize the scenario of water shortage which is occurring and will occur far more acutely in the near future. The USA has had a taste of flooding in the Mississippi basin, Europe is experiencing it as I write this. Other places will not miss their turn. Britain is due for a major portion of the deluge, and so much flooding is to occur that the Highlands of Scotland will be like slippery stepping stones in the midst of algal swamps. Inspite of all this, the lack of potable water is looming very large on the horizons of all nations. It will be another reason to wage war, for without adequate water supplies, nothing can exist.

The massive floods are also causing the fertile topsoil to be washed away and the rapid salination of soils on which the water falls. Australian farmers are hastening the salination of the continent. All preventative measures have failed, as I reported in an earlier newsletter. Their excessive use of water from the Snowy River in particular, to grow rice crops for short-term gain, is ensuring that the soil in those regions will become unusable much faster than if left to the natural process alone. Who needs the Battle of Armageddon for an ending? Everything is happening at once. As food shortages occur, populations explode because the robots being produced are programmed to "multiply and destroy", like locust plagues. I will write about this apparent paradox, of the Earth and the dimension dying and yet the population of earth exploding in an unprecedented manner, at a later date. Those of you suspecting alien interference and programming to house counterfeit consciousnesses fleeing other collapsing dimensions, among other things, are very much on the right track. Whatever water is available will be not only unfit for human consumption and for agriculture, but it will also be the carrier of fatal diseases: Cholera, salmonella, Yellow fever, typhoid, HIV-AIDS, etc. And such water, sluggish with poisonous algae all over the globe, will be the nurseries of Anopheles, another winged handmaiden of "The Furies" who will be putting on their last performance for Zeus. No Prometheus will interfere this time, and no Hope will come from Pandora's box of tricks for she and the box rotted away long ago. No New Age Noah need apply, for no Ark will suffice, and that's no joke! Evil archons, represented by the mythical story of Noah, and serving the evil demigod Jehovah will not survive the corrective process.


Attacks: Many of you have written stating you are experiencing increased attacks in all aspects of your being. Increased attacks should be taken as a measure of effectiveness of those attacked and a measure of the deterioration of the dimension which, in turn, can be deduced from the erratic behaviour observed in all aspects of human and animal existence.

Email Correspondence. The venom, hatred and arrogant ignorance of the bigotry in respondents who object to the essay we placed on the website about the Holocaust (it appeared in newsletter # 11) have to be seen to be believed! A bigot is an indoctrinated fool who states "How dare you, or anyone else, have a differing view of this subject, thereby upsetting the ossified view I have already chosen to be the correct one for me and for everyone else? What right have you to express a view at all?" Indoctrinated bigotry manifests in the unprovoked abuse of others and arises from the stupidity of the bigot, for these, bigotry and stupidity, are inseparable partners of maliciousness, while all the time the evil and all its sequelae are poorly camouflaged in the arrogance of vicious ignorance, programmed by no less a being than the evil demiurge who has controlled this plane.

These things are just one more reason why this planet and all its evil must be destroyed, are being destroyed, totally. I hear many of you shout "Hooray, the sooner the better!" We all have the right to believe what we want. At the same time, no one has the right to abuse or insult others. Do not be put off by the insults of fools. Who are the fools? They are the people who judge in ignorance. They are ignorant fools, otherwise they would not abuse or fling insults as they do.


Hints on learning to cope

The Mental War

You will have noted there are many thoughts bombarding your mind, increasing at an ever-accelerating rate, especially as you awaken and see the illusion crumbling, see who and what others were and are, see the traps you had or have fallen into, and feel the physical, as well as the emotional, scars you have been left with. In your attempt to focus on the "Isles of the Blessed" your mind seems to want to torment you with thoughts of vengeance, anger, remorse, frustration, impatience, or evil guilt. Testosterone poisoning may try to program you to want to lash out in inappropriate ways, and this can occur regardless of your gender, and make you fall further into the traps set to exploit you even more. Take care, not all the thoughts in your head are yours.

Paradoxically, the very mind you want to protect seems to want to destroy you. Often it highlights supposed past failures on your part, present deficiencies, recurrent mistakes and functional inabilities due to age, geography, financial position, filial restraint, etc. And your mind seems to do this in order to belittle you and stimulate emotional responses not in your best interest. Those thoughts, if it is your mind creating them, or accepting them from elsewhere, are in the polluted lower mind of the body and its ego. It is more likely your mind is accepting implanted thoughts which serve, not Good, but Evil, for they harass you, destabilize you and drain you of energy, even if you do not act but just leave them in your head. You must eradicate them.

It is the Higher Mind you want to nurture, protect, live in. It is the Higher Mind which is to win the battle. The Battle of Essences is in two sections. It is outside of you on the Mental Plane generally, with your mind against all other evil-created minds which are in conflict. That is the General War. And, it is within you between your relatively useless lower mind and your unique, essential Higher Mind. That is the Personal War. You cannot be effective in the General War unless you win your Personal War. And from your correspondence I know many of you are in the midst of such a Personal Mental War. Stick in there. If you do not give in, you cannot lose! You are running a spiritual gauntlet, and if you lose sight of your goal you may hesitate and be cut down. You may be distracted and delayed, so as to miss the ship of evacuation. If you stop to deal with everyone who spits on you or lashes out at you, or scratches you, or insults you, or abuses you in the myriad of ways those of evil have invented, you will never make it to the finishing line. There may appear to be a personal component in their attacks, but really evil beings and those programmed by evil, even if they are not ontologically evil, attack whoever and whatever is near them. If it was not you they tried to exploit and destroy, it would be another. Look back and some of your experiences will confirm that this is so. If you evaded the schoolyard bully, he did not sulk, he just found another in your place. You were just one of many. If you have distanced yourself from a former so-called friend or spouse who was a louse, s/he is still a louse and will treat another partner accordingly.

Do not let it bother you. Unless they spiritually awaken, not many people change their nature which allows them to exploit others. And those of evil do not want to change because that is how they survive! Personal changes you undergo can also seem to want to attack and drive you crazy so that you will flounder in that Mental War raging just in your skull and no one else's, or so it seems. But do not fall for that old bogey trick. Realize that this Mental War is affecting all levels of consciousness, even animals. Some can mask it, most cannot. Why do you think society is crumbling? Why do you think so many suicide, especially young ones who have not the experience or support to cope, and who suffer testosterone poisoning maximally, but cannot adequately express the urges it forces upon them because of lack of knowledge, a lack created by the ghoul, Jehovah, in this mess he created?

Why do you think nations are collapsing, institutions are disappearing, and road rage rules? Those in power and in government are aware of this, that is why they are asking, and taking, more and more powers for themselves and their enforcers (police) all over the globe, while they try to minimize the power of individuals, even as they mockingly dribble on about the"Rights of the Individual and Democracy". As the world collapses you can throw out the thoughts of Endtime by shutting your mind for a little. But even your own body seems to want to drive you insane and if you do not strike a balance with its changes, especially as all around you corrupts and collapses, you may suffer the mental torture of the obvious decay of physicality to a degree greater than necessary. You could slip into the gloom of depression or even Terminal Madness, which I have said often enough can be fatal. If you do not focus adequately on your goal, which is to eventually get out of this dimension with as little spiritual damage as possible, you may be distracted by the physical deterioration you , I, all of us, are going to undergo as the physical corrupts absolutely.

On a personal level, if you do not balance the physical decay that you are going to undergo, with the thought of a healthy existence elsewhere, you may suffer more than you need to. Many, of course, suffer terribly, even apart from the spiritual perspective, as they perceive that which they thought was of upmost importance to them, namely their physical attributes, their looks, athletic prowess, sexual function, etc., wane. Many have perversely suicided as they thought they had lost their charms or abilities. Others do this with loss of wealth, prestige, social standing. These things are all useless tinsel ornaments for the evil-created ego, not only useless, but banal as well. Aging and becoming less well, less capable, less physically active and less attractive are not new, but each must fight the mental battle of dealing with these processes. That has always been the case. But now extra preparation is needed, by each of us, for the confusion caused by, among other things, the collapse of parameters we thought we could once rely on, is sending us into a tailspin when added to all the other considerations needed to be confronted in this Personal Mental War of the Endtime.

Do not allow reduced health or wealth blackmail you. As we become more menaced and restricted by a threatening society, do not react adversely. As the roads become killing fields rather than bitumen ribbons, lighten off, use them less if possible. Go by bus or train, if you can. Of course you realize doing that presents a new set of problems, unique to this wonderful world! As the biological breakdown proceeds and we become subjects of illness, do not lose sight of the fact that we are all in the same boat, and besides, when you die, regardless of the cause, it will mean your time to be evacuated will have come; you will have completed your mission if you were on one, and you will be out of the mess.

Poisonous water, soil and air are going to affect us all eventually. You and I can be poisoned by food as readily as anyone else. The excessive radiation from Ozone depletion does not discriminate. It may trigger mutation in your susceptible genes, which you have had since you were conceived, and cause fatal cancer just like it can in anyone else. You may suffer cataracts from excessive ultraviolet exposure just like any other biological entity on this doomed globe including any animals, birds, reptiles, etc.

Mentally prepare now to accept the fact that your body will deteriorate. And so will your mind deteriorate, unless you protect it. You cannot really do much about the physical but your mental preparation can help you greatly not to suffer the anguish of senility, or incapacity, or perceived loss of physical attributes. If you had been wise you would have resolved long ago the fact that time and gravity beat all of our bodies. But, all of us, being all too human, rarely focus and resolve unpleasantries unless we are forced to. If you have not done so, now is the time to resolve this aspect of physical perishability, lest your autumn of life turns prematurely into a harsh winter of discontent and self-pity. Do not allow yourself to become destructive or destroyed by the degenerating despondency, by desolation of depression, by the despair of demiurgal disillusionment.

The memory too can be a nuisance. Many are ashamed of the horrible things they had been programmed to do in the past and how much damage could have resulted from their actions. But that is water under the bridge. You know the evil programming, pollution and indoctrination we are all subjected to. If got into messes, honour social obligation and mend your ways, look for better ground- physical and mental. Forget the trauma of old, You are now mentally better and able to cope with this knowledge. You have to look into your own heart and see how sincere you really are about all this. We have all been kicked around by the system and some of us have traumatized others by our foolishness or inattention or whatever. And these episodes may play on your mind. Forgive yourself and move on. After all, you acted that way because of evil programming, pollution and indoctrination. Fully aware, you would not have done what you did. Yes, the Devil made you do it. He set you up to knock down others and then programmed, polluted and indoctrinated others to knock you down. That is how this vile system works. Look at child abusers. They were, in almost all cases, victims of that which they commit!

However, one of the traits of True (non-evil) Beings is the ability to rectify mistakes and give assistance whenever it is needed or asked of them. If you are asked for help, give it. If the recipients are demons, the help will not do them any good. If they are genuine, it can greatly assist them and ease, soothe or enhance your mental state even more.

The ever-increasing pollution of the plane, in all its forms, is going to have an ever-increasing deleterious effect on mental function. It would be wise therefore to take steps to reduce the pollution to which you are exposed. Dietary pollution is one form which can be lessened somewhat. Because animals are undergoing the same Mental War, and most of them are part of the Counterfeit Creation, they will be heavily polluted. The consumption of animals is therefore almost mental and spiritual suicide at this time, apart from the physical dangers which will see diners on the carcasses of dead animals rot with the diseases of food poisoning and such things as Mad Cow Disease as I have written about. If you think that is exaggeration, just wait and see! Milk and eggs are relatively safer but need to be cleansed. All these measures alert you to the importance of knowledge at this time, to the need for awareness, protection, cleansing and alertness. God only knows what they put in foods these days, and what is in the kitchens of fast food chains, on the hands of the unhygienic waiters and servers, on the table tops of preparation rooms, etc.

"Typhoid Mary" will be back with a vengeance and will have many more diseases to append to her name. I have added these comments because disease and physical strain can all increase the mental strain as one fights the good fight in the Mental War, so it is better to be prepared.

What do you want to settle, the score or the Mind? Which one of us does not at some time or other want to lash out and seek personal vengeance once we become aware of the abuse, the injustices, the humiliation and the exploitation we have suffered at the hands of the evil ones? Our emotional body reacts and we want to show our anger at the gross injustice of this plane. But that is not the way to go. How many can we attack before the evil system extracts even more energy from us with its greater acts of retaliatory injustice? We could "get" very few indeed. And what could we do to them? Is that what we want really? Of course not. All the evil beings need to be harnessed once and for all. The best solution is to play our individual roles to bring the final solution to the Problem of Evil as quickly as possible to this level. Then we will be free forever from the scourge called Evil. Until that time, grin and bear the suffering, humiliation and abuse.

Smile at them as they target you and tell them mentally they are doomed in a way they cannot even imagine, not because you want that fate for anybody, but because they have shown that is what they desire by refusing to change their evil nature. Live not in darkness and despair, turmoil, worry and sorrow. Those are things of this dimension. They are not part of your true nature, they never were. With this knowledge, step into the Light, Love and Wisdom of a truly serene Divine existence. Make your mind a heaven even as this hell crumbles around you. Cultivate in your mental plane the Peace, Joy, Harmony and Beauty you seek. No one else is going to do it for you. And if by chance you are caught up in the maelstrom of the Illusion, with all its pain, suffering, darkness, deception, exploitation and horror, detach and live in the Heaven you have created within. You know these evil things are going to be there. You know you may have to suffer degeneration and disease before you can drop the shell and leave this plane. OK, prepare for these eventualities and smile. You know you are going to be disappointed by the exposure of the ontological nature of many you thought were worth cherishing. Well, realize you had been fooled.

Move your mind to a higher plane. Drop all thoughts of sadness, vengeance, guilt, remorse and sorrow. Your future has none of these things. Your future has all the Light and Love you can ever wish for. Whatever price you have had to pay, whatever price you need to pay the evil "Charons" to let you out of here, is more than worth it. Change your attitude, change you views, see the increasing horror of this plane as an indication of its terminal deterioration. See the exposure of all Evil, of all evil ones, as a preparatory act for their final eternal eradication. See this as the answer to the supplications for the Superior Force to "Deliver us from Evil".

Take this advice and you will live happy and well, even as the cancer of Evil grows to engulf all the scenery around you. Ignore it and you will be in danger of being engulfed yourself in the Gloom of Doom affecting the evil ones who no longer have hope. You will be affected by the Terminal Madness of the plane and the despair of such madness is not a feeling one could wish on anyone. Remember, far superior minds to yours and mine are conducting the Corrective Process. We must believe they will perform better than we ever could and that the solution they reach will be the best possible one for all. To think less of them is simply egotistical madness!



What control do any of us have over the thoughts, utterances and deeds of others? Very little is the answer, hence we are often subjected to the most evil thoughts, words and deeds of which demons are capable. Are you really that surprised? This is a world of injustices, of physical, mental and emotional torture. Why should you be spared? The most co-operative evil one is abused by his/her own kind, so you can well imagine what the evil ones will do to someone who has woken a little to their mischief. Imagine if you can, what they try to do to Light bearers who work against them.

If you think calumny is a word you read somewhere once, you are sadly mistaken. It is what you, as a True Being, are subjected to every day whether you know it or not. It is the vituperous slander of you by the worst dregs of humanity dressed in their finery and labelling themselves with the most self-exalting titles possible. But they are worthless and demonstrate this amply by their thoughts, words and deeds. Give them not one moment of your time.

You know the vindictive nature of evil ones well. You know the unreasonableness of ex-spouses, ex-partners, ex-peers who see your spiritual journey as a direct confrontation to their worth. Why this is so has much to do with the process of energy exploitation, by them, from you. But they do not relate it to such esoteric and mystical notions; they are wounded in the ego or pocket, and so lash out in the most vile ways. Let them be. Where will it get them? Anyone with any sense sees them immediately for what they are. Only their own kind lend them an ear, and then it is to rejoice in the misfortunes they hear of the raconteur rather than truly lending support, even though they are great hypocrites and appear to be genuinely concerned. You would not want anything to do with such insincere ones, would you? Of course not. So, let them defame and bear false witness. They are spreading the germs of discontent which will consume them.

It is pointless trying to get your grievances addressed by the system for it is there to cause them in the first place. It breeds and thrives on them. It runs on unjust exploitation, so it is hardly going to put a stop to them just because you want it to, is it? The system runs on iniquities and the merciless, unrelenting exploitation of those who have the energy it wants. This is why no measure to change the system for the better has ever been effective and will never be effective. The system was designed this way. The only solution is its total, definitive destruction. Now, more than ever, beware evil hypocrites smiling falsely and whispering insincere platitudes. They will speak ill of you and plot to stab you the moment you turn your back. And remember, it is often better to keep your mouth shut and be thought a fool than to open it and remove all doubt! Never take the word of another as Truth. Always go within to see what your Higher Mind thinks.


Hell on Earth

It may appear a cynical thing to say, but in many ways, this level is worse than Hell. Why do I say that? Well, in Hell you would know where you are and what to expect. Demons there have no need to disguise themselves. You know your enemies and their antics; you know what they are doing, what they are after and how they propose to treat you. There is no need for pretence and hypocrisy. This level instead is all the worse because of the surreptitiously nefarious activities of the demons present on the plane who trick their victims by pretending they are something else. Hypocrisy is paramount as are exploitation and deception. In one sense this makes entrapment of the unwary even easier. Any being with a sense of trust and the need to love and share is putty in the hands of these deceitful scoundrels. Do not just take my word for it. Open your daily newspaper and read the reports of the scams and stings many people suffer. Such incidences are reported with nauseating regularity. The demons in the population are forever abusing, draining, exploiting the others relentlessly in a myriad of ways. The fact that many do not expect to be treated this way simply compounds their suffering and increases their energy loss. You see them often ask "Why?, why has this happened to me, to us? How can people do such terrible things?" The unexpectedness is planned by the exploitative demons and that is why in many ways this level is worse than Hell. There such things are expected and provided for mentally, even though the suffering still occurs, the expectation of it somehow lessens the trauma.

Of course none of this will make sense to you if you are still trapped in the illusion. But if you are really sick of the lies, scams, deception, hypocrisy and unrelenting exploitation and abuse of this plane, then you are probably ready to seek a viable explanation of why the things are the way they are and what the solution to this Problem of Evil is. One cannot accept such concepts unless one has reached the point of truly wanting to know the answers. And one needs to be ready for the answers regardless of the consequences.



1 The Criminal Justice Commission: (CJC - A sort of Paper tiger in a cardboard box.) Factional fighting among diverse groups of demons and robots (each group represents a clan of sorts, under various factional heads of departments in an ever-splintering evil system) has resulted in the investigation for illegality and criminality in the Criminal Justice Commission which was set up to investigate into illegality and criminality of all facets of Queensland's communities. Sort of makes you want to laugh does it not? But before your lungs get ahead of your brain, an abortive reflex is sent to your diaphragm as you realize how serious this all is. And then your brain wakes up long enough to pose the question "When will all this evil end?". Congratulations, with that question you are more awake than you think. Read on.

2 James No-Bonding: Shaking, stirring and traumatizing.

(It was for their eyes only!) A supposedly secret dossier prepared by Australian Government staff (or politicians, public servants, representatives, heads of departments, secretaries, other employees, information agents, security services and personnel, etc., call them what you want - actually it turned out to be none other than the Australian Government's supreme Intelligence-gathering body - no, I did not say intelligent body) for government members in preparation for a government function in Cairns was disowned when it was inadvertently picked up by a journalist and made public. Of course it reached those it maligned, demeaned, disparaged and defamed. Various members of the government have been in overtime damage control in Australia and overseas. While the Australian Government tries to downplay the significance of this gross and stupid event, it does really demonstrate the real depravity and hypocrisy of governments all over the world. The promise was that the little minion who made this public would be dealt with, not that the Intelligence gathering body is idiotic. The government representatives from the highest levels denied it was government policy. Sort of reminds you of US President Bill Clinton and his very (un)believable claim: "I smoked the stuff (till it came out of my ears and eyes) but I didn't inhale (for I did not breath in those days) does it not? What do I think this means, even though the government is quick to dismiss it as a non-event?

I think it is of great significance, to me at any rate, for in my mind it is a very public notice announcing the demise of Prime Minister Howard and his Coalition Government at the next Federal Election. Time will tell, but I am confident even at this early stage.

3 Police and drugs yet again: This scandal of police stealing and selling drugs will just not go away. Why should it? It's bigger than Ben Hur, as they say in the classics. What is even more disturbing is the fact that it is so rampant, and the demand for drugs is so great, the police have been found to be, not just the distributers, sellers and the Mr. Big's of the drug and crime scene, but also they have been the importers of these illegal drugs. Their distribution networking and efficiency puts the real Mafia to shame. A number of other very important points have arisen from the continual inquiries into police corruption and their well-entrenched drug-running habits.

* The population must be evil enough to sustain their activities and profits otherwise it would simply die out.

* Police act in groups and when one group raids another, they are not above stealing the drugs and money of the raided group and keeping them.

* The Code of Silence is serving them well. They simply perjure themselves as a matter of course.

* There will be no end to this criminality for these are evil rats who lie, cheat and deceive as naturally as they breathe.

* The States and Territories which do not appear to have scandals such as these of police corruption, brutality, etc., are just a lot better at covering up their evils. But, their time will come, believe me!

NAFTA (the North America Free Trade Agreement) has facilitated the importation of illicit drugs from South to North America. There has never been so much cocaine and crack, in particular, in all areas of the North due to the fact that the volume of transporters is such, across the USA-Mexican border, they are not policed, and anything comes and goes. Pretty nifty, hey? But, of course, every now and then you will see on the TV news, the arrest of some 15 year old seller or pusher, selling a few grams at a time. That is window dressing for the police to tell the citizenry "We are doing our job!" Have you ever wondered what happens when there are big busts? If the "Big Fish" are ever caught they invariably get off on a technicality or by CIA intervention as has actually happened, and the impounded drugs just seem to disappear as does any loot, into the police system of distribution and profiteering. And you thought they were just dumb cops.



1 Cultivated Bigotry: As you awaken, you will realize that more and more people you have known, are related to or meet, are closed-minded bigots who have cultivated their ignorance, intolerance and stupidity into an art form. They give real donkeys a bad name. The quickest route for such cultivation is via universities and various institutions. What institutions you ask? Why they are massive Cults called Organized Religions. They are based on distortions, Dogmas and brainwashing. An infamous Jesuit axiom goes something like this: "Give us a child before s/he reaches the age of reason (usually 7-9 years of age) and s/he will be ours for life". What other proof do you need that such simple minds are brainwashed into a rigid structure of fanaticism, intolerance, punishment and the concepts of hate and hell? Do you think sectarian violence is a New Age invention? Do you think those murdered by the Jesuits in the Inquisitions were eliminated for their sporting affiliations?

As the Endtime approaches, you will have noted that religions are waning, mainly because the power that drives them is waning and also, many are seeing for themselves that these institutions have no real answers. They never had them! But the robots move sideways, not forward. They become robots of other bigotries still involving ignorance, intolerance and stupidity. That is why friction and violence are never-ending on this doomed planet.

If it is not religion, they will argue and kill for drugs and sex, patriotism and nationalism, pride and possession, road rules and minor infringements, etc. They will demonstrate the anger and hate they have always had, even more acutely now as stress mounts in all stratas of all societies. Many will simply not cope at all. And it will not be long before Terminal Madness manifests in sport which is becoming increasingly more violent and dangerous everywhere, in all age groups. Monkey see, monkey do. Not only players, but spectators and entire clubs are demonstrating the malevolence, intolerance, hatred and violence of demons. If that is the case in the sporting arena, will the same traits between nations take long to manifest again in a WW III? I think not. A cursory glance at any daily newspaper reveals increasing international disputes, some minor, some major. But they all signify one thing. Cultivated bigotry is reaching an endpoint and can no longer be hidden with ease as in the past.

There are many reasons why this Endtime scenario is emerging and regular readers know them well.

* Stress is at an all time high everywhere.

* Unemployment, mental dissatisfaction, increasing poverty in the face of seemingly expanded consumerism, and the push for more and more profits are fostering unprecedented avariciousness and destructiveness.

* Globalization into an ever-shrinking world village with shrinking of distance (which also implies shrinking of time) has had destructive side-effects such as the loss of a "personal space" between individuals, societies, and nations. Everybody else's problems affect us all, whether we want them or not. There is no "buffer zone" in which one can relax, stretch out, be at ease without interference, and many cannot exist under such circumstances.

* "Big Brother" is not only watching, he is also tampering with you in every conceivable way. Do you think I am exaggerating? Well tell me then, what is in the water you are drinking, or in the soft drink you have given your kids? What is in the air you are breathing, or in the food you are consuming? You do not know, do you? You have no idea. If scientists do not know the nature and actions of all the chemicals they use, how are you going to know? For no apparent reasons, you do not feel as well some days as on others, do you? How do you know microwaves are not being used to bombard the ionosphere somewhere and are affecting your mental function? It has happened, and many times before. Why cannot it happen many times again in places as remote as the "Clever Country" (Australia) which, to its shame, is so clever, it stole children from one community to distribute to another group which it judged as superior, as pawns in a game of genocidal malediction? (It's OK, the Australian High Court recently decided that the practice was Constitutional. Hence, the suffering caused is all gone. Who will think any such thing?, Not I for one!).

* The infamy if the CIA using radiation, drugs such as LSD - lysergic acid diethylamide - (mixed in food, drink and legitimate medication) and other measures, including microwaves, is well documented and available for all to inspect. Such experimentation with LSD and other drugs also occurred in Australia. Many in the US will remember US comedian Dick Gregory having been arrested for blocking the CIA entrance in protest of CIA involvement in selling drugs in LA some 2 years ago.

* Increased competitiveness in ever-decreasing markets is about to cripple all nations. For example Europe now produces 20 million cars per annum for a market which buys 12 million. Saturation point has been reached obviously. Apart from the polluting effects of ever-increasing vehicles, it is obvious that many producers will either become redundant or savagely cut their workforce. This will lead to further unemployment, stress, dissatisfaction, etc., etc., problems with which we are all familiar. Emerging nations have the lust for consumerism which drives developed nations, but so far they do not have the means to feed such cravings. I do not say satisfy such lusts and cravings, for these or any other forms of cravings and lusts can never be satisfied as many who have fallen victims to any form of lust amply demonstrate. It is absurd to think that First World nations will be able to support their productivity or lifestyles for much longer. Already poverty is affecting the wealthiest nations at the "middle class" level. 40% of USA citizens are said to live below the poverty line. As I mentioned previously, in pursuit of profits, multinationals go on "search and destroy" missions all over the planet, seeking to exploit the cheapest labour. Too bad if it is child labour in their eyes. And the governments of such poverty-stricken hell-holes are paid off openly and continuously to turn a blind eye to the exploitation of their own people, for there are profits galore for all the crooks. This is the injustice of corruption and international cartels. Why did I say destroy? I said it because once these cancerous cartels enter simple societies to exploit them, they stimulate and nurture many of those societies with the same mentality of commercial exploitation, hatred and greed that drives all evil beings. Such a cycle assures self-destruction. No one should think for one moment I think that these poorer nations did not have evils within them, it is just that the presence of new wealth and the cartels empowers them to reach far greater heights of depravity with the faster ill-gotten gains of exploitation. Just as an example, consider the prostitution and paedophilia trades of certain poor Asian countries. These developed explosively to cater to the burgeoning demand from evil Western Businessmen.

* To paraphrase George Orwell, all are equal, some more than others. Could you imagine the pollution of Earth if 1.2 billion Chinese or over 800 million Indians had the lifestyle and consumerism of the USA? Deleterious side-effects would be occurring 600-800% faster at least. No need for wars. We would all die of pollution 6-8 times faster, run out of resources 6-8 times faster, etc. These people have stressed the right to have what the Western nations have. And they will develop them, by force if necessary. In fact, they are on track to do so. In their haste for greedy profits, every major automobile maker has begun negotiations and/or structural development in India and China. Why should this super-pollution phase not occur? It is occurring at an ever-accelerating pace! The inhabitants of those nations will then pay the same price. They will be subjected to the same stresses affecting Western populations. And Terminal Madness looms for all. Other effects of increased pollution cannot be ignored and I will discuss those elsewhere.


2 Road Rage update: The US admits 67% of the fatal motor accident deaths (about 28,000 per annum) are due to Roadrage! Did you think I was kidding when I mentioned this disease so long ago? By warned and be careful, the mechanism of Terminal Madness of the Endtime manifesting in many ways, especially as the very obvious mechanism of Road Rage, appears infective. Have you noted how many more motorists are cutting you and each other off, doing stupid things so that if you are not alert, you could have an accident any time you drive? Do not get caught up in the madness, ease off and let the mad demons and robots rush to their doom. You have work to do, to help yourself and others, otherwise you would not be here. Their aim is to involve others in their madness so they will be disadvantaged in a myriad of ways, all involving suffering, and ensuring, if it is you who are involved, that your work is delayed.


3 The Hanson Factor and Hansen's disease. More about the misadventures of the mindless puppet Pauline Hanson: Many of you have enquired why this destructive process of Hansonism has not abated inspite of all the opposition to it. By the way, Hansen's disease in medical terms is leprosy which eats away at flesh and corrupts and destroys. It disfigures. This is exactly what Hanson and her cronies are doing (OK, so the o is not an e, but close enough!). In previous newsletters I explained the metaphysical aspects and the controls of this phenomenon. It is time to reveal the down-to-earth mechanism behind her: It is Zionism, pure and simple. Zionists control the plane, and that is why she appears unstoppable. I cannot produce the facts and figures of the financial support, nor can I name names at this stage. But you are well aware from our books they control everything. What is the agenda on this level? It is to simply destroy Australia's economic base so that eventually the big boys can come in and buy it up at a few cents in the dollar. This has often been done in the past. If you think I am joking, many other politicians do not think so, for they are lamenting the destructiveness this political leprosy is causing our country. If you still doubt, and you may have your own reasons for doing so, you will not have to wait long to see that what I am saying is accurate. If Hanson is displaced from the scene, that evil alien consciousness which I described in previous newsletters and is driving her and her supporters will simply find another puppet for the stage.

By the way, Britain and Australia, are the only two First world Nations not to have a Bill of Rights. However, it appears Britain is about to adopt the European Union's declaration, which will leave the Clever country (Australia) looking quite dumb. Add to that the attacks by the United Nations of the poor Childrens' Rights and Womens' Rights records in the Clever Country, Aboriginal exposure of their genocidal treatment in their own country by government, and all of a sudden its title of clever appears damning and pejorative. But more is in store. At the Geneva Conference, Aboriginal Activists will present the true scenario of racism, past genocide and inappropriate government action and non-action in stopping racial supremacists. The Clever country will be exposed as Orwell's Animal Farm once again, where all are equal, but some are more equal than others. Revenue loss from such exposure is already being measured in the billions. Well done, Pauline Hanson and those who pull your strings!

I am sure such activities apply to all countries around the globe in their own characteristic fashion. I am merely highlighting Australia and the US because these are the countries with which I am most familiar. It is simply a matter of convenience, but all countries have their atrocities and evilness which can be highlighted. The point of this all is to awaken you to the evil and how it operates so that you will become more aware and prepare for Corrective changes. It is not in remembering the details which will vary from day to day, country to country. It is the evilness behind all these actions which needs to be exposed, for that is the reason why on this level, controlled up until now by Evil for Evil, the more things change, the more they stay the same.


4 Municipal Environmental Concern

i Luck of the Irish?:

A report in "Australian Doctor" would be humorous if it was not so damn serious. It seems a regular golfer in Ireland was found to be suffering jaundice (due to liver damage) - officially due to chemical hepatitis. Medical sleuthing on this occasion was uncharacteristically profitable and his disease was traced to "Agent Orange", which, as most of you know, was the poisonous curse for all participants in the Vietnam conflict, including the civilian population.It seems this luckless fellow had the habit of cleaning his golf ball by licking it, totally unaware of the fact that the municipal authorities were in the habit of preening their lawns and golf courses with this wonderful invention of our ever-safe and reassuring scientists and their technological wizardry. What should we address first, the fact that they still clandestinely use this poison even if it appears to be for civic horticultural pride, or the fact that those in control are so adept at hiding the fact that they use such fatally injurious chemicals without a second thought for the welfare of the citizens who pay for such deception, unknowingly of course, with their taxes and with their lives, as is being revealed more and more all over the globe? If they use that, what else are they using? Who needs the sectarian violence when they have the chemical cartels to do them in? And if they are using that sort of poison on the golf courses of Ireland, what are they using elsewhere, to grow food, cultivate pastures, disinfect animals, preen other areas? It looks like it's a case of "if the left don't yet ya, the right one will!

ii Sydney Olympics 2000.:

On July 23, 1997, Sydney's Olympic Co-ordination Authority was forced to recant and apologize for inaccurate claims made by its environmental director that the Homebush Bay site for the 2000 Olympics was clear of deadly 2378TCDD dioxin, buried at the site previously. The sites where the deadly poison was covered over were revealed by Greenpeace. Its campaigner, Dr Luscombe, said "All they are doing is making some small areas (where the deadly dioxin was found on analysis) safe for a couple of weeks in 2000". Surely what municipalities and archons in control do when not under scrutiny must be far worse. And that thought is disturbing and concern is warranted to some extent. Many documentaries have revealed that nuclear and chemical waste-dumping and the resultant toxic pollution in the USA and elsewhere, such as the North Sea, are a living nightmare.


5 Welfare concern

(A): Free board and lodgings; please note, conditions apply - conditions based on skin colour. Aboriginal Australians have 1800% more chance of being jailed than whites. The option of "dying in custody" has even far, far, greater chance. Inspite of many inquiries and hundreds of recommendations, these deaths occur unabated!

Welfare concern

(B): Less (stipend) for more (suckers)? The incumbent Australian Government is considering lowering wages. The average weekly wage at present is something like $585 on which a family of 4 is assured of a "below the poverty line existence" unless they do not eat or need shelter. By reducing wages, the idea is to distribute poorly paying jobs to more people, ensuring that those who receive this wage now will be further disadvantaged. But to counter this, it is cited that others will be employed (on a definite poverty wage). This would then have the desired effects of reducing the officially advertised unemployment figure of 8.5% (I am sure it is at least double that) and removing the need for the government to hand out welfare in the form of subsidies, the dole, pensions, etc. American basic pay is as low as $4.85 - $5 per hour. There a 40 hour week will be minimally paid at $200 or less. That explains in some way the fact that 40% of Americans live below the poverty line in the wealthiest Nation. Its wealth has been created by the sweat and tears of the underprivileged. No, I am not writing about bygone black slavery, but about exploitation and abuse of the masses at the lowest strata of society, be they black, hispanic, mixed, illegal alien, etc. The recent exposure of abuse of migrants and illegal aliens (by their own kind especially) should alert us to the cruelty of demons and robots, who are found in all levels of society. The exploitation and abuse do not decrease no matter how dire the circumstances. In fact, the poorer the neighbourhood, the more violent the existence, due to the very poverty that prevents escape from the vicious cycle poverty creates: stress, mal-contentment, crime, substance abuse, civil disorder, domestic and other violence, illegitimacy, illiteracy, malnutrition, disease, suicide, murder, hopelessness, despair, gangs, school violence, abuse of self and others, etc., etc.

O, What a Wonderful World!

Former President Ronald Reagan was wrong. The economic trickle effect is not downward, distributing wealth from the high echelons to the poor below. What is observed is a "Trickle Up Effect", where the greed of the exploiters is repaid by ever-increasing profits as they steal everything from the poor below them, not just their labour and time, but their dignity as well. And then of course, with their meagre rewards of less than $200 per week, these basic labourers are forced to pay massive prices for goods they manufactured to uphold the profits of the exploiters who charge exorbitantly and unreasonably. And we wonder why there are more and more "mal-contented workers" everywhere. As I mentioned in the last newsletter, at the first opportunity the exploiters seek 80 cents per hour rates and child labour in Third World countries to increase their profit margins even higher. They then try to sell the goods to the unemployed poor they created and abandoned in the first place. This causes one of 2 things immediately: people buy on credit which they cannot service and get into all sorts of difficulties, thereby increasing existential stress and reducing their quality of life further.Or else they resort to diverse forms of escapism such as substance abuse which leads to crime, prostitution, ghettos, and the scenarios we are all familiar with. If you think this is far fetched, observe critically the massive and expensive malls, in Australia and the US, and their ever-shrinking client base.

Some more facts for you to consider:

* Rich and Poor: In America in 1960 the average executive was paid 40 times what the average factory worker was paid. In 1995 that ratio was 143 to 1. The upper 1% has the same amount of total wealth as the lower 95%. (The split works out that one-third goes to the upper 1%, one-third to the next 4%, and one-third to the lower 95%.)

* Many believe that unemployment is a policy of political control -- to keep people frightened!

* Globally, over 1 billion live on less than $1 per day and over 1 billion don't have access to clean water.

* At least 25,000 adults die daily from polluted water according to the World Health Organization. Who is to say the figure is not 10 or even 100 times greater?

* Each year 900 Americans die and 1 million fall ill from contaminated tap water. This has been happening particularly since 1986.

* AIDS: There are now two strains spreading mainly through heterosexual contact 10 times faster than earlier strains. These two are not discernable from other strains in regular testing, so their degree of spread is not known accurately.

* The movie "Outbreak" has stirred some speculation and discussion of pandemics. One specialist said he expects an endemic flu virus to quickly spread globally and kill hundreds of millions. Another specialist said he didn't know why the AIDS virus has not already become air-borne. My contention is that it has. See this movie!

* Every year, 2 million US hospital inpatients develop infections caught from super-bugs of the hospitals.

* In America there are over 3000 persons on death row.

* TB has jumped 20% in San Francisco in a few months.


6 Victors' History: An interview on Australian television, with Justice Einfeld, the Australian Commissioner to the United Nations for Children's Rights, revealed that Australia is lagging behind in its protection of children and in safeguarding their welfare when compared to countries with similar cultures and economic structures. The judge ended the interview with a strident attack on the Nazi era and the child abuse by them, as if suggesting, to me as a viewer at any rate, that Nazism was the cause of all our ills, as if no other era was relevant. As far as I am aware, he has never pursued Zionist genocidal practices, in Palestine, which occurred at about the same time and a little later in the 1940s and in the early 1950s, by terrorist Jews on defenceless Palestinians in which whole villages were wiped out as the men, women and children were slaughtered. I am not sure how much his reluctance is due to the fact that he is a Zionist. Are we not supposed to know of such atrocities against the Palestinians by Jews, even though the treaty drawn up for the settlement of Jews in Palestine by Lord Balfour was supposed to protect all factions including the Palestinians? These facts are rarely, if ever referred to, or publicized, in the West at any rate! I am not taking sides, I am attempting to demonstrate to you, with these points of this so-called Wonderful World, the ruthlessness and evilness of the dimension and why it has to go. The factions of this world - including governments, religions, cartels, races, clans, and individuals - are not only myopic with tunnel vision, but monocular as well, and readily prepared to be absurdly mendacious when it suits their aims, for the majority are of an evil ontology.


7 Relativity: In Australia, according to revealed statistics, for every death due to illegal drugs, there are approximately 30 due to legal drugs - 25 due to the effects of tobacco and 5 due to the effects of alcohol. On this scale there is one suicide, 3 road deaths and 75 deaths (at least) due to medical mismanagement, maltreatment, negligence or hospital blunders. The danger and cost to the community of illegal drugs is not so much the deaths they cause, but the greed, crime and neglect of others they generate.

A recent trial of heroin clinics for addicts in the Australian Capital Territory has been terminated, thus ensuring the continuation of the drug trade and all its problems, most of which would be eliminated in 24 hours if the drugs were legalized, and decriminalized and supervised. The allure of the "forbidden fruit" would suddenly disappear for young people. There is talk of such clinics resuming. Deaths from overdose would probably decrease due to measured doses of clean drugs being dispensed. Sure the pushers would find something else with which to ruin the lives of others. That is what such types were created for. But, positive moves to ease the strain on the rest of the community is not what this realm is all about. That is why drug-running is out of control. The realm is all about making the most suffer as much as possible in minimum time in a maximum number of ways. And the drug problem with its associated parental concern for the young is just one of many ways. That is why the whole dimension has to go! It may appear superfluous to repeat this metaphysical perspective, again and again, but if you do not bear it in mind constantly, you will become even more confused and could slip into the early stages of the Terminal Madness of the Endtime from the inability to cope with the absurdity of what is happening. This is the fate of the majority as you are witnessing even now. I have given many examples.


8 "I did it my Way" as sung by the Pentagon.

We all know there are a number of ways of doing anything, the right way, the wrong way, the military way, the religious fanatic way, etc. This is an example of the Military Way. In late July the Pentagon admitted (was it sun-stroke?) that 100 thousand US Gulf War veterans were exposed to dangerously poisonous substances. A quick review of what it had said since 1991 shows that it said no one was exposed to anything, then a few, then 20 thousand, now 100 thousand. But it's OK, the Pentagon is quick to point out the doses were so small, no one could possibly get sick from them. Why, in Pentagon-speak, veterans who are seriously ill and dying, or reproducing progeny with unusual and higher rates of gross congenital defects must be faking their illnesses, and deaths!

This version sort of reminds one of another Gulf War whopper. Do you remember the story of the "Smart Bombs"? Well, we watched them on our TV screens during the War, and it was proudly announced they hit 98% of their intended targets. Only 2% were off target. Postwar independent scrutiny revealed other results. From 98% the figure went to 80, then 60, then 20, 10, 5. Eventually it settled on a 2 % success rate. Are you not amused by the effrontery of it all as those in charge keep expecting to fool all of us all of the time? After all they work on these principles:

i The bigger the lie, the greater the chance of belief.

ii The need to know basis. Those in charge consider that the people, who pay for it all, have no such basis.

iii The "Never be honest, admit nothing" commandment. If forced into admitting anything, admit only what others can prove and no more!

From my experience this applies to politics, lawyers, all aspects of the judiciary, in fact. Come to think of it, these are the very principles by which demons and robots of the Counterfeit Creation run this Evil Empire.


A View of Two Countries by J. Rudd

When I first came to Australia more than ten years ago, I was struck by the many differences in it compared to the U.S. It certainly did appear to be the "lucky" country. Anyone with the inclination and the aptitude was able to obtain a University education (as well as a primary and secondary education, of course) free of charge, along with a moderate living allowance. Not so in the U.S. There, one needs money and lots of it to obtain a comparable education. An inclusive Public Broadcasting System, including radio and television, providing non-commercial, high quality programming, was paid for by government funds, unlike those in America which had to scrounge from the private sector to keep going. There may have been unemployment but those looking for work were given an allowance, mockingly referred to as the "dole", but it permitted them to live, certainly not luxuriously, but at least reasonably well. To qualify, one did not have to have been employed previously and to have contributed towards potential unemployment benefits, and they were not abandoned once 16 weeks or so went by without obtaining work. (As happened to some I knew in the U.S.) In addition, when work was obtained, a guaranteed minimum wage was paid (about twice that in the U.S., which is now $4.75 per hour as opposed to the Australian $9.00 per hour). While not perfect, the system seemed to work well and one did not see lots of "homeless" outcasts seeking sleeping sites wherever they could manage. To an American who, on a recent visit, drove across America and again saw the homeless propped up here and there, the beggars, the boarded up "downtown" shops, the rundown buildings, the squalor everywhere and the pockets of poverty, desperation and degradation, Australia seemed almost too good to be true. But the present Prime Minister of Australia would change all that and borrow from the so-called "expertise" of Big Brother America which seems to be his idol. After a recent visit to the Land of Mammon, Mr. Howard returned to Australia eager to implement the "successful system" that President Clinton had bragged about. He was impressed with that country's alleged low unemployment figure which he somehow attributed to its low minimum wage. He now suggests that Australia follow suit. Of course in the ensuing discussions, important issues are never taken into account:

* The low unemployment figure in the U.S. is taken from those on the unemployment roles. Many are taken off those roles after a period, hence, low, unreal statistics. Some areas (New York City) have 10 % unemployment.

* 20% fulltime workers in the U.S. live in poverty line. This does not include the multitude without fulltime jobs.

* 40% of US citizens are below the poverty line.

* Employment for many is limited to fast food chains, restaurants and retail stores. Many in the U.S. are employed but living on an unlivable wage. Could this contribute to crime? It is said the USA is the most violent and criminal nation in the First World.

* The illiteracy level in the U.S. is amazingly high.

* Most employees (who are not in unions) can be fired for any reason at all, without cause. ("At will employment") These are not measured statistically.

* Between 6 and 7 percent of the U.S. population work multiple jobs, some just to survive, others are obsessed with the accumulation of money and material things.

* In order to stay alive, and with no government support, some will do anything (legal and illegal). Crime level in the U.S. is very high. It is estimated that 5% of the population are in prison or caught up in some other way in the criminal justice system (as opposed to Australia's 0.2%).

* It is also stated that 3% of the population are employed, but employed in criminal areas. It is unsafe to walk the streets at night, and in some areas even during the day.

* The U.K. has no minimum wage and yet has an official unemployment rate of 7.5%.

* Especially exploited in the U.S. are the illegal migrants, blacks and hispanics, women and rural people. As Doug Henwood, editor and publisher of "Left Business Observer" stated, "The U.S. is a country where one is expected to fend for oneself, there is not much of a safety net"... "When you fall in this society, there is no limit to how far you can fall."

* The U.S. has become a country of extremes with the rich getting richer and the poor getting poorer and the middle disintegrating. The little guy is being swallowed up. Some of the richest areas are next door to extremely poor areas.

* While Welfare payments are being limited and some General Assistance programs are actually being repealed, the corporations are getting wealthier by the minute and defense budgets and military expenses are ever increasing.

What about the "trickle-down effect"? one may ask. Galbraith has dubbed this the "horse and sparrow" theory of economic development -- meaning that "if you feed enough oats into the horse, enough will eventually fall on to the roadway for the sparrows". However, big corporations now have a digestion that is just about 100% "efficient". In other words, nothing comes through for the sparrows.

What has happened to government priorities when Defense Departments keep crying "poor" and insist on keeping up with the "Jones'" military acquisitions, and their budgets, and instead of getting cut along with government people-oriented departments, keep expanding to the tune of ten billion dollars? If we did not know better, it would appear that a "flat earth" philosophy has taken over in which we can close our eyes and eventually everything will sort itself out. But we know that it is evil demonstrating its presence in the U.S. and spreading to all parts of the world. Australia is not exempt.


Another American, Peter Daniles, of Orange County, writes:

"America seems to be like a spoiled child: selfish, ill-behaved, inconsiderate and unaware of its own short-comings. People are like this everywhere to some degree, but America seems to be the worst. Americans really have never had it hard compared to others but they seem to be always grabbing for more. This can be seen so clearly after being away from here for a while. Jerry Brown and other truth-telling talk hosts have been cancelled from more and more radio stations. No reason given, but it seems to be a move to stifle the truth".



Brotherhood? What Brotherhood?

I am going to discuss world trends as I see them developing over the next few, very few, years. Let me commence with the European Union (EU). Superficially the enlargement of this concept to include so many other nations, apart from the sponsoring 6 of years ago, seems a good idea to unite a feuding Europe, home of countless wars and revolutions. But all is not as it seems, for do you really think such a massive conglomerate can function harmoniously and effectively at a time when the smallest social unit, the biological family, has less than an even chance of remaining intact? I think not! But there are reasons, some very sinister as to why the push to unite is so forceful and consistent. To continue we must introduce some metaphysical aspects for they provide the explanations for the driving forces behind all human endeavours, all mass movements of cultures, minds and irrationality. The block of consciousness running the EU concept is being programmed by alien consciousnesses which are inimical to the US and the Asian Block. The latter is now in direct competition with both, but the main protagonists are the US and Asia. Who or what is Asia? It is the new Super-power, based in China and incorporating all other aspects of Asia. Hegemonic expansion of the European Union eastward has given Russia simply another excuse to reject the treacherous West and join China when it is time to fight the good and final fight, for it sees such expansion as objectionable pilfery. As the Star of the East ascends, that of the West will wane. We see that now from the reflections of economies. Where are the economic growth and jobs to be found today? In the East of course. As they race ahead with growth rates of 10% and more, the West is languishing in poverty, unemployment and unsustainable social schemes based on profits of exploitation.

But times have changed and the "Graces" smile towards the East. The wealth of a few countries in the West is becoming unsustainable, for the time of exploitation and competitive productiveness has passed, and with it the unsupportable expectations of a system which could only survive while it retained its immoral and unethical, certainly unspiritual, advantage over the disadvantaged. And so it is that the Wealth of the near future will be in the East. And with wealth comes power! But these are merely economic consequences of the shifting sands of time setting up an ultimate confrontation between the three blocks, the USA, the European Union, and Asia (China-Russia). Already we have the Pacific Area turning to China for assistance and guidance. Fiascos like the papers produced by Australian Government officials defaming many areas in the Pacific have only accelerated motion along a predestined, predetermined course. Old hatreds have never been forgotten between the three blocks which represent 3 alien clans in conflict and this is so whether you want to believe it or not! George Orwell in his book "1984" was spot on if you give him the latitude of being just one generation off.

The US should have taken more notice of the "Yankee go home" graffiti gracing the walls of many buildings around the world, not to go home perhaps but to change its bullying ways. "Why should it have done that?" you may ask. "After all, it was, and is, the most powerful nation on Earth, ruling all, dominating the United Nations." Europe was in poverty, in shambles and disunited for so long, it could hardly count, and Asia was poor, poor, poor. In reality, the Soviets were silent partners in a mockery called the Cold War which nonetheless damaged the smaller players but allowed the Big 2 to build arms galore and create stockpiles to reach the heavens. But that was not enough. The Zionists who controlled, and still do control, the US wanted more. Hence, by trickery, the USSR was destroyed in the false promise of prosperity. Now the Soviets see only the empty promises and the treachery of trusting the false belief of an economic Brotherhood of man. Their lessons were swift and harsh as their Empire crumbled into the hands of criminals and exploiters. Yeltsin was bribed to self destruct with a few bottles of vodka and a few billion dollars and now lives, in ever decreasing ability, to regret it. As the USA attacked from the Eastern front, the European Union has been seducing those whom Soviets have seen as theirs from the Western Front. Under such circumstances, a Sino-Russian pact is inevitable.

But now broken and stripped, like an old hag kicked when down, how is Russia going to do anything? It still has know-how and still has a friend in China who is ready and willing to join forces. Are they powerful enough to tackle the Mighty USA? Indeed they will be soon, especially as the USA will be reduced to rubble by the natural evil that is in store for it. Floods and fires, tornadoes and tempest, earthquakes and volcanoes, disease and civil strife will reduce the USA to a Russia-of-sorts where conditions are so bad, life expectancy has dropped from 75 to 58 years and is still falling.

And the hatred will stir and bear the fruit of what was sown, once Uncle Sam is at par with those it bullied so mercilessly and so effectively. Tides will turn quickly and those under the heel of the bully will rise to strike a blow. No matter how little that may be, it will have an accumulative effect and in time a knockout blow is inevitable. Iraq, Iran, Panama, Libya, Grenada, Nicaragua, Vietnam, Korea, the Philippines, Haiti, Guatemala, Cuba, Mexico, and others, will vent their anger. Call them all members of Club Mad, as an American cynic did a few short years ago, but they will see their actions as justified as will the ones that really count: China and Russia. Did you think China would suffer the insults forever? Did you think the genocide in Vietnam has been forgotten?

Names do not count, only actions do and these people are sick of the mistreatment and noxious side-effects Uncle Sam's superiority complex has had on them. And when it's time to square the ledger, all will see that the Brotherhood of Man was a myth. The cocktail of memories of past atrocities and insults mixed with the confusion of the times and the emerging Terminal Madness in all populations involved will prove fatally toxic to the planet. In the Madness, memories of the slightest insult will spring to mind and the accompanying irrationality will force action against the least one perceived as the insulter. The downtrodden will remember the barbs of long ago and will no longer simply talk of violent vengeance. They will act. And nuclear war will be inevitable.

Humanity is not known for its benevolence. Man's trademark in fact, is his inhumanity to his fellow man, to the Earth which he has raped, exploited and despoiled, so much so, that it is now dying, and to the animals which are now all but gone. In this evil realm, good deeds are soon taken for granted, expected and forgotten, or else taken as the indication of an exploitable weakness in the doer. But it is the evil deeds which predominate, and they plunge deep into the heart and soul, forming permanent scars in the psyche and emotional body. Only fools think they are forgotten. The evil nature bides its time and pays homage to "Nemesis", the Goddess of Vengeance, seeking revenge, as history repeatedly demonstrates. Do you really think the Chinese have forgotten the insults of being called "The Yellow Peril", or the poisoning of their people with opium by the British and Portuguese so their lands and goods could be stolen? Do you really think the Japanese psyche has forgotten the forced entry into their country by foreign powers which they very much resented? And do you think they have forgotten that they were forced into Imperialistic expansionism as a last resort, in order to survive, thus being blackmailed into wars to destroy them? And do you think they have forgotten the unnecessary atomic punishment of Hiroshima and Nagasaki?

Do you really think the Vietnamese have forgotten the burning of their villages with napalm, the poisoning of their forests and lands with Agent Orange? Do you really think the Palestinians have forgotten the holocaust forced upon them by Zionists with genocide in their hearts? Jews are not the only ones to remember such things. Do you really thing the German psyche is so stupid that it will forget the destruction and humiliation it suffered in and after WW 1 & 2? And what of places such as Afghanistan, Pakistan, India, Indonesia, Africa, held at bay by the controlling West as some species of infected and infective pest? They have been malevolently patronized and they know it. They know they have been considered good enough to be colonized and exploited maximally, good enough to sell goods to, and also arms, so that they can destroy themselves, but not good enough to be considered equal in any way, as the West's conduct and as such papers as the not-so-secret documents recently discovered which demeaned and defamed them, demonstrate. They will think their time will have come also when others move, for the fury of vengeance is contagious, and when hordes move, pack mentality rules, even in the sanest of times. When push comes to shove, all losers see themselves as victims, justifiably or otherwise. Just look at the looters in times of natural disasters. A Jacobin terrorism of sorts will grip all lands. Retrospectively, the fictitious Mad Max will have seemed a mischievous schoolboy in comparison.

And what of people of diverse culture, and minorities, within countries? Can we really say the Afro-Americans have lost the anger of slavery, of demonic abuse, of rejection and of murderous racism? Has any compensation cancelled thoughts of retribution? I fear not, for the black man in the USA is as angry today, for the abuse he has received at the hands of his so-called white brother, as he was when in chains, in cotton picking days. Occasional riots show us the poorly hidden fury, boiling just below the surface in many aspects of humanity who are just biding their time to explode.

Even the anger in Australian Aborigines, once an almost etherial race, gentle, serene and spiritual, is obvious, as they are still treated as outcasts, maligned in their own land, as they are jailed and murdered by the systems imposed on them. They too have been victims of genocide and holocausts, assassinated as unwanted feral pigs by invading bigots of all generations. Their anger is obvious. Forgiveness will not venture into their minds when Terminal Madness rules/ruins them. Repeatedly they have sought justice in the Justice systems, as have many other minorities around the world, only to be forced to drink from the cup of bitterness containing the gall of disappointment, time and again.

Already one can hear the rumblings of a stirring Russia wanting to settle the score of having been seduced by empty promises it now realizes the West never meant to keep and has not kept. Out of the ashes will arise a Phoenix of malevolence, for the irrationality of victimization knows no goodness and is not restrained by the pangs of forgiveness.

Humanity will self-destruct in its quest to settle old scores, all scores, when the time is appropriate, for the majority, making up the numbers, will be programmed by the pitch black Darkness. These will be the last days, of cannibalism, of brother against brother, father against son, mother against daughter, rich against poor, black against white, North against South and East against West, against a backdrop of unprecedented hopelessness and despair, for the feuding participants will have forgotten, and lost, the spiritual aspect of their make-up and existence. But there will be no winners in any physical sense. They are all losers. The only winners are those transported out of here to another dimension. The rest are doomed. Those transported out are the ones who have demonstrated the will, and ability, to live without evil, without hatred, without war, without lust and the evil domination of others.

That roar you hear is the rush of wealth and power to the East from the West and that rubbing sound is the sound of Gabriel polishing his trumpet in readiness to blow it, in announcement of the last battle for all! When the last Light particle has left, all that will be left will be overwhelming Darkness. And when all is done, the Silence of total Correction.

This is what I wrote about the Brotherhood of Man in "Death of an Evil God" : Like Jehovah's spurious assertion that he is the one and only God, the myth of the Brotherhood of Man is also false. There is ample evidence that demonstrates the existence and the mixing of two creations, a Divine creation and an evil creation, on all levels of consciousness in this dimension, including the human level. Many people do believe in a Good Essence and an Evil essence, but they cannot perceive the fact that those of an evil essence are also in human bodies. This inability to perceive or to admit the existence of ontologically evil beings in the human race has been a trap for which True (non-evil) Beings have paid dearly. The spurious religious doctrines have used this myth of the Oneness of the Brotherhood of Man just as they have used the Doctrine of Monotheism to ensnare the True Beings, to facilitate infiltration by the demiurge's counterfeit creation and allow exploitation by all the mechanisms that the evil demiurge has created on this plane.

This spurious decree of the Brotherhood of Man has set them an impossible task, namely, that of loving everyone on the plane. And True Beings know that it is impossible to do this, for the evil beings do not respond to True Divine Love as has been shown again and again by experiments in the past when the Divine Mother continued to pour down Her Divine Love on the evil beings created by the demiurge. In fact, it was at CAMELOT under the auspices of Merlin, King Arthur and Queen Gwenevere that those of an evil essence were actively and lovingly beseeched to embrace the Divine Light with one last chance. But the evil ones failed to respond. It was then that the decision was taken that not only was there need to liberate this plane, but also to destroy, by Transmutation, all those of an evil essence.

I have listed on numerous occasions the different consciousnesses which can reside in the physical bodies. There are 10 classes of consciousness which occupy human bodies at this present time. The majority are ontologically evil.

Briefly, these are the classes: The Ancients; The Ancients of Ancients; The True class 4 Divine Beings (approx. 1 billion); The Counterfeit beings (robots or Non-PA beings, approx. 3 billion); Kidnapped consciousnesses - about one billion beings from other planets, galaxies, etc.; Fallen class 5 (spiritual) beings; Incarnated class 5 beings of both essences (not fallen); Special creations of the Light; Incomplete demons and robots (termed soulless ones); The Rescuers.

The nature of Divine Beings has been severely exploited for a long, long time, and they have been tricked into giving their Divine Love to these evil beings who reject it vehemently, and only exist to destroy the Divine Beings. So strongly has the race, particularly in the Western hemisphere, been indoctrinated by this spurious assertion of the Brotherhood of Man, that even the thought that others may be evil has given rise to much guilt and feeling of unworthiness in True Beings who nonetheless find that what they experience and what they are told are two different things. Of course Jesus never said to love all equally. He did not come here to bring Peace and Harmony. He came to expose the evil elements and He brought the "sword" with which to fight the war against the evil essence, even in human bodies. And it was this attempted exposure that cost Him his life, as it did the lives of many of the other Messengers of God who have descended onto this plane with the same message. It is not a judgement that is being made when one perceives the ontological essence of other beings. It is merely perception of the Truth at a level which spurious religious doctrines have tried to destroy. No progress on this spiritual path can ever be made unless this fact, that the Brotherhood of Man does not exist, is acknowledged and seen for what it truly is - an evil trap to ensnare True Beings. It is only with perception of this false doctrine that one can isolate sufficiently from those evil mechanisms of exploitation, protect satisfactorily and join one's own essence within, to fight in the war which is about to be resolved on this plane. The evil beings of the hierarchies of the institutionalized religions do not believe their own doctrine of the Brotherhood of Man, otherwise they would not be so violent and adamant in destroying all others for their own personal gain. They know what it is all about and they know their true ontological essence, although they will never admit that it is evil.

The reason why this plane has always been plagued by violence, disharmony and wars is because of the war of the two essences manifesting on this plane. If there were no evil beings in the human race, if it was a pure, Divine creation, this disharmony, conflict and violence would not even exist.

But the Truth of the matter is that these evil beings do exist in human bodies and they are spurred on by many of the mechanisms including the religious philosophies. Their aim is to continue exploitation of the Divine creation, which they have overrun temporarily, by whatever means are supplied to them by the evil demiurge.

The Light has given these evil beings innumerable opportunities to embrace It, but all to no avail. The only answer is their total Transmutation and this is what the Final Judgement on this plane is all about. No one should be foolish enough to think that I am pointing at the Oneness of Man and calling it false because of the variation in colour of skin, or tongues, or geographical location, or other distortions of myths and creeds. That is not so. I am talking about the essence within beings.

To mask the existence of these two creations and the celestial war between them, many have reverted to the spurious belief of the non-existence of Evil, while others, like the spurious religious doctrines, claim that evil is a product of man's mind, springing from his separation from God. But of course that is an impossibility, for man cannot create evil that exists in levels much higher than his own level of consciousness. And besides, the manifestation of evil on this plane is so well organized, so well orchestrated that it obviously takes a superior evil consciousness to be able to manifest it in the way it has been manifested. Yes, there are devils in existence, and apart from the demiurge and his archons and minions in the subtle levels, they are present in human bodies, in this very time, on this planet. In fact, the counterfeit beings and the demonic consciousnesses make up over 70% of the population of the human race.

No True Divine philosopher has ever talked about the Brotherhood of Man. What are presented as the doctrines of the Brotherhood of Man are the distorted reports of the True message which have sometimes needed to be delivered in esoteric terms. The True message has always been about the Celestial War, the entrapment of True Beings, the need for Liberation and the Judgement of all consciousnesses with Transmutation of the counterfeit and evil ones. And that is the Truthful doctrine which the spurious churches could not afford to have revealed. That is why they have perverted and distorted their messages of the True, Divine, Supra-mental Visitors. The war between the two creations on this level and the presence of the evil consciousnesses in the human race explain the reason why there is so much suffering and disharmony on this globe. If there truly was a Brotherhood of Man, this plane would have long ago been united in the peace and harmony that all True Beings long for, and cherish. But the fact of the matter is that the evil beings cannot exist unless they are nurtured by the energy which they actively exploit from the True Beings whom they have trapped.

In other words, they depend for their very survival on the energy which they can extract from the True Beings on this plane. And that is why there would forever be violence, pain, suffering, emotional and physical exploitation on this plane if it were not for the fact that the Light is ready to totally Liberate the plane and destroy the evil essence.

The falsehood of Oneness: Reading so-called New Age Literature, one is overwhelmed by the articles which stress the oneness of human beings, the oneness of man and nature, the oneness of the universe, and the single purpose of it all. And even those who admit that massive physical changes are to occur stress the oneness of the movement to new heights of consciousness and awareness. This sort of oneness is utter rubbish. In fact, anyone with any sense of reality would realize that the continual need to stress these points is in reality a pointer to their untruthfulness. If these points were true no one would need to have then repeatedly presented and rammed down their throats. What is happening is that the evil essence, via its various modes of operations, is trying to program, pollute, and indoctrinate beings into believing these false statements which deny basic truths essential to the understanding of what is really going on. They deny the two basic ontological races: Divine and evil; the existence of the demiurge; the existence of the war; the resolution of the war; the Finality of this plane; the Judgment; the Transmutation and the gross exploitation of the Divine beings by the evil beings and the spiritual assassination.

If all these things can be denied and True Beings made to forget, then the exploitation can continue unabated. Hence, the aim is the very opposite to that of the Light which is to awaken beings to what is really going on. Next time you see the oneness being stressed ask yourself these questions, if you still need convincing: "Where does all the evil come from? Where does all the pain and suffering come from? Why are people less and less aware? Why are there more and more degenerates inspite of this assertion that we are all improving?" These claims of oneness, of elevation of consciousness, of earthly emotional love, of peace, of joy and contentment are in marked contrast to the reality this plane is experiencing and will experience. There is fear, pain, punishment, exploitation, hunger, degeneration, regression, repression and death in greater amounts than ever before. Every day the place comes closer to the brink of self-extermination. Another false evil claim states that if one perceives evil, and its effects, it is because the perceiver has created evil within him/herself. This is also nonsense. Blind and evil is the fool who cannot perceive the evil essence. One cannot create the external evil. By stating this the evil ones are trying to mock those with true perception. Do not be fooled and do not fall into this obvious trap. Attain true perspective. As you look around this miserable planet and witness the gross injustices, the severe exploitation, the inhumane way many are treated, the massive suffering and the emotional burdens many have to endure, you will, if you have grasped the significance of what is going on, grow impatient for correction of this aberration, this cancerous growth on the face of creation. Curb the impatience, for an army of Light warriors is hard at work to do just that in the shortest possible time. You can help by becoming more aware, by becoming aware of the evil traps, of the evil energy patterns which constrain and exploit. Even a mental attack on them will help destabilize those patterns which need to fracture in order for liberation to occur. One of the greatest programming factors which forces most on this plane to toe the evil line is the instinct for physical survival. The fear of death is a very strong one for most people and it is used to foster many of the other mechanisms of entrapment on this plane. The churches have exploited this fear forcefully and persistently to oppress, rule and cheat people out of their money. They have fooled people into thinking they have a monopoly on the "next life" and can control who survives and who does not. The fear is increased by the programmed wants and needs of the physical body and by the loss of awareness most consciousnesses suffer. When one sees oneself as the physical body only, naturally the fear will be greatest for one thinks loss of that physical body and its environment is the end for it. But that is not so. When one sees that the physical body is simply a disposable mechanism of expression then not only does its significance diminish to its proper level, but also the fear of losing physical life is destroyed. Many would realize what a cruel joke existence on this evil plane really is if they realized that even in "normal" so-called everyday settings and in unaware people, the physical bodies accommodate differing consciousnesses at differing times.

Often, without even the closest relatives realizing the switch that occurs, one consciousness leaves and another enters a particular body. This often occurs with use of drugs, with alcohol, after a major assault on the body as occurs in an accident (motor car accident with loss of consciousness, shock, etc.) and in surgery. Often subtle changes of personality are detected by those close to the person but the significance of these is usually missed. The reason why there are usually no early dramatic changes, although there can be, is the fact that the new consciousness has very little of its traits permeating through the vital (lower) being and expressing. In other words, what one sees in most cases is the expression of the physical shell and its programming, its pollution and its indoctrination and not the expression of the consciousness which occupies that shell. Where does all this leave the Doctrine of Resurrection of the body? Absolutely nowhere. And that is exactly where it belongs.

If people lost the fear of physical death, their whole way of life would change dramatically and for the better. This has been extensively documented to be so in those who suffer what are called "Near Death Syndromes", that is, people who experience the astral dimension, but are called back to this physical life and can recall the episode. The certainty they attain of the continuation of the consciousness places things into perspective and they realize that the physical existence is a transient phase. Those of you with the true Gnostic "Nous", that is, the true Gnostic Knowledge, should be able to go a lot further in your understanding. You should see that not only is the physical existence transient, but also that it is an evil trap for the consciousnesses of Light and that one is made to come back again and again and again. And that is because the dimension has been closed off. More than that, you should see that the emotional traps of religions, spouses, parents, siblings, etc. are just that - traps. The bodies and their forces change from life to life. As an example, one can be an Australian male aboriginal in one life and a German or French female in the next, etc. The bodies have no significance whatsoever. It is the consciousness within those physical bodies and behind those faces which is important. But alas, awareness has fallen so low that most do not recognize friend from foe in ontological terms.

The evil mechanism of Reincarnation makes a mockery of family ties, racial superiority, nationalism, one's religion, prestige of personal wealth, gender, social status, and so on, things which are extremely highly valued in the unaware state. These are the things which have caused all the feuds, revolutions, wars, and suffering since time immemorial. The reason they are nonsensical is because, one changes family, race, nation, social position, etc, from life to life.

Still the outer physical, polluted mind long enough and the answers you need will be given. People fall into traps because of unawareness. Many however, voluntarily race into them because of ambition and greed. Awakening is not enough. One must become an active participant in this war. Those unaware, including scientists, know something is terribly wrong with the earth and it is almost amusing to see the diverse illogical rationalizations and so-called scientific explanations they concoct to explain away that which is occurring. One cannot really totally prevent the pain and humiliation which are inflicted on the workers of Light in this dimension, hence be patient and be courageous. Patient endurance is godlike.

Do not judge people with your physical mind and physical senses. Rather see them as expressions of an essence - either of the Divine essence (and these are few indeed) or of the evil essence. Dispel forever the falsehood of the Brotherhood of Man. Most people are grossly coated with the evil programming, pollution and indoctrination of this place. But nonetheless, if your perception grows you will be able to identify who each is in spiritual terms and the role each plays. People are either for or against the Divine Energy. This is true for all manifestations on this plane including animals, vegetables, minerals, etc., etc.

Everything on this level has a price. All interactions on this plane cost us something. The price may be monetary, physical, social, emotional or energetic. Nonetheless the interactions, like all foods, drugs, chemicals, etc, which are used by the body will have a spiritual effect. And that spiritual effect will either enhance a True Being or retard him. Do not be fooled and above all, do not be lazy. Learn to assess each interaction and its cost to you as a Divine True Being in your quest to become a perfect instrument for the Divine Being of Purity. As I stated earlier, any compromise with the evil essence, no matter how small or apparently insignificant, is detrimental to your spiritual well-being. Remember this the next time you are presented with a programming or polluting interaction. And then use your freewill to choose. Become aware of the little traps, the little episodes of pollution for they are the ones which accumulate surreptitiously. The large traps are obvious and not missed, but the little ones can be and as they accumulate in their effect, they can be just as destructive as the large ones. By now if you have not stopped smoking or drinking alcohol or stopped taking non-prescription drugs (of addiction) you need to question your sincerity and your desire to serve the Light. If you are not careful with your diet, if you are promiscuous, or are still attached to material possessions, you are probably not going to make the grade. You can find out exactly where you are on the spiritual path and judge your degree of surrender by simply examining yourself and your habits, your friends, your thoughts, your sincerity, your attachments and your willingness to serve the Light without provisos. Evil beings and those totally programmed, polluted and indoctrinated by the evil essence are no match for honest, sincere True Beings. However, to combat evil beings one needs a profound working knowledge of Evil as well as all the Divine attributes and Divine qualities. Only when True Beings are aware of the evil essences, of evil beings in human bodies, their filthy tricks, oppressions, traps and exploitations can they fight back and destroy the evil energy patterns which try to bind them and oppress them. Full realization of what is happening, of what is to happen and who various beings are and represent on this plane can be so overwhelming that the Higher Consciousnesses often purposely prevent ALL the knowledge from descending at once. It is a matter of protection of the lower being for such knowledge could simply overtax it! But the time for full revelation and knowledge with total realization is fast approaching. When that time comes for each individual, the prophecy of transformation to an awareness of the "Life Divine", as given by Shri Aurobindo, will have been fulfilled for that individual and he/she can look forward to leaving the physical shortly thereafter.

The process of realization and purification is painful, for the barbs of programming, pollution and indoctrination are stuck deep into the flesh. The emotional body will not give in without a fight and often the ego's stubbornness hurts the most. But if one surrenders as much as possible to the Divine Being of Purity with each passing day, the process will be completed in the time allotted.

No one said it would be easy! Attachments to anything of this realm make the process that much harder. Hence, detach and surrender. When one surrenders, what are lost are the things of this evil realm which are valueless in spiritual terms. But what are gained are gifts from the Divine Being of Purity and these are invaluable. Remember, any one who defines reality simply within the boundaries of his physical senses is a fool. Even the father of modern science, Albert Einstein, admitted this. True Sceptics will only accept that which they can see, hear, measure or weigh. Things must be proved to them to the satisfaction of their physical (and grossly limited) senses. Hence, sceptics are not only, as I have defined in the past, programmed, evil liars, they are also fools.

Why do some people object to hearing about the end of the Brotherhood of Man and the end of the planet? Because they are evil and this is their home. This is their house of luxury. This is their heaven. They are filled with fear and dread at the thought of the True Divine essence dealing with them in the manner they deserve. Many try to hide their fear and guilt. But do not be fooled. They know who they are, what they have done to the True Beings and what is truly in store for them. And no matter how often or how vehemently they deny the end of this realm, deep down they know that this message is true. And this knowledge burns deep within them. Yet they do not admit it for this would be an admission of their evilness. They will remain mendacious to the very last moment even after they are totally exposed. But they, like Jehovah, will be fooling no one but themselves.


From the Mailbag

A letter from Jerry Attrick

Dear Dr Chap'alone

I have just re-read you book "Death of an Evil God" and again I missed your explanation of why Jesus went down into Hell for 2 days after dying. That prompted me to write you this epistle. I am an excellent typist but my glasses are not what they should be, 'cause I can't see the screen too well. But my dear, sweet wife Beryl will correct the meanings and spelling during my writing or after I am done, I hope.

"When I was younger, a roaming Catholic Jew, a sardonic Theo Loggia, who I think was Greek, (Beryl says I mean a Roman Catholic Jesuit, a sacerdotal theologian) caught me, by my proverbs, (Beryl refuses to correct that into what I mean) in a discussion about his speciality and when we climbed the heights of what he had to scale, he said he was going to try and introduce me to be nice'n greedy. I thought that was funny coming from a church man at the time and asked him "Why?" Well he said it was the basis of their belief system. I could understand that for I know churches were a greedy lot and that the Catholic Church especially was and is the wealthiest Institution on earth. Why, it had made a mint out of its wars, crusades, conquests and Inquisitions over the ages and owned more real-estate than anyone else. (Beryl who was with me at the time said he meant the Nicene Creed.) Anyways, after it was all explained and he gave me a written copy, I asked him, there and then, on the spot, without hesitating, immediately, not waiting, "Why would Jesus go to Hell like the greed err ... Creed says".

He mumbled something like Jesus was God and could go anywhere he wanted. I said "Don't you think that having suffered so much at the hands of those non-pork eating butchers he would find a place slightly better than Hell in which to recuperate?". He said that was a dumb question, but I told him I did not think so and that I was deaf, due to an accident in the war, not dumb! He then said he suddenly remembered an anointment, or appointment, somewhere else, but I am sure he was just disappointed, not that he had to leave, but because I asked him something that stumped him. Being a tree-o-logian he should have been used to such stumps.

Anyways, later I thought more about it and as time passed, and I witnessed, and read, about all the shenanigans the popes, priests, ministers, rabbis, monks, nuns, and other controllers of Religious Orders get into, I began to suspect that Jesus, being a Superior Being who could transcend the barriers of space and time, probably did go to Hell to make sure all those Popes, Fathers and Princes of the Church, priests, nun, rabbis, monks, etc., etc., who surely ended up there, even after his time, were securely locked in!!

Later on still, I read where Marko the Pole, you know, the venetian blind maker, (Beryl says it was Marco Polo from Venice) confirmed this would be so. He would have known, he travelled so much trying to sell his wares, spaghetti, paper, fireworks, and so on. He must have known, just like Nick, Nola and Marcie Vallee, who I think were Rudy Vallee's brother and sisters (Beryl: it was Niccolo Machiavelli). Anyway, they said that in Hell, one would be in the company of all those Leaders of Church and State, dictators, popes, Princes, and the like, whom we think here are the best of company!

All this simply confirmed my reasoning and belief as to why Jesus, with that greedy niece (sorry, ... Creed Nicene) would have visited Hell until He rose to heaven.

Well, Dr Champignon, time to go. Bye!

Jerry Attrick, 76 Senility Blvd, Gerontophilia

PS: Hello Doctor, Beryl here. I was going to phone you for an appointment to discuss the psychic significance of Sassanian Syzygonism from a Persian or Parthian perspective for Mesopetamian Manichees, but I see you have discussed Manichaeism, Gnosticism and its nemesis, Neophytic Anti-Nestorian Nihilism elsewhere, so I'll read that first. Best regards from us both, Beryl.

Florida, USA .

(Jerry, and his charming wife Beryl, are totally a figment of my, often overactive imagination, resulting from either a Catholic comic-book-filled childhood education, or else from the need to escape into humour once the illusion of this plane is fully broken and the ridiculousness of it all becomes painfully obvious. I tried to blame the computer, but computer programmers tell me I would never get away with it. Nonetheless, you will meet Jerry occasionally in these pages. Take that as a threat or promise, depending on your mood. He has almost completed a book which may or may not be published. Regarding the comic-books, I am not going to indicate whether I mean the Catholic schoolbooks or the newsagent comics, for the contents have long since merged in my mind, and in the light of real knowledge I have acquired and understood since, they seem to have been of equally useless spiritual benefit or merit. In retrospect, both varieties were, and are, risible.)


And now for something completely different: A scam of scams. You have come across it before this, nonetheless, let me tell you about it for evil beings never give up trying to exploit. I received a circular inside a hand-addressed letter from Nigeria, from a Dr. Ojadi Otomewo, purporting to be the Deputy Director of the Nigerian National Petroleum Corporation, Lagos, Nigeria. The writer of the letter, whoever he is, seeks personal information and access to private bank account details so that the addressee can be involved in smuggling money out of Nigeria and receive a huge percentage for her/his trouble. Anyway, you know how they present their scam, with the need for secrecy, confidentiality, etc., etc. I think they get names and addresses from international phone/fax books as do Dutch, Irish, German, English, Canadian lotteries, etc. Here is what I wrote back: Dear Ojadi Otomewo, meow all you want. I refuse to believe the moon is green cheese. That notion has as much credibility as your letter/circular, slightly more in fact. If your scam was genuine, it would simply reveal what a desperate thief you must be to have to resort to such shenanigans with total strangers in order to steal money and smuggle it out from your country whose people need assistance so badly. But I know it is a scam by which you are trying to access and remove funds from the accounts of gullible victims who fall into your scheme, for you pander to their greed. Again that makes you a thief. I know Nigeria is a hot place, both climatically and politically right now, but it is nowhere near as hot as the place you will be going to very soon, for a long, long, time!



Two examples of their dangers and brainwashing.

I have repeatedly warned about the dangers of both organized religions and sects, cults, etc. The danger is not the shared path by like-minded people towards a goal but rather, the control of genuine seekers who are reduced to a sheep-like mentality (and a lot of real demons and robots of the Counterfeit Creation) by evil archons in these rigid, dogmatic, destructive institutions which are there to prevent any sort of spiritual freedom. They are there simply to harness True (non-evil) beings and minimize their chances of awakening while at the same time they are stripped of as much anergy as possible in all sorts of both nefariously surreptitious ways and brazenly obvious, overt, unscrupulous ways, as these short essays below about one such cult by Justin, in which he had been caught for a time, and by Sarah, who had almost been, amply demonstrate.


Essay One: Justin McFadyen, of Victoria, Australia, writes:

"Dear Dr Chiappalone

It is with great interest that I read what you and others of Annwn Publications wrote about Elizabeth Clare Prophet and her organization. As a former member of that organization, I agree with everything you have published. Further to that, I have written the following in the hope that it may be of some assistance to others.

ELIZABETH CLARE PROPHET: The ultimate bluff. The following has been written in hindsight of my experiences within Elizabeth Clare Prophet's Spiritual New Age organization originally founded as The Summit Lighthouse then later christened the Church Universal and Triumphant. It should be noted that what is written is not intended in any way to be in support of or empathy with the Teachings and beliefs of the Organization and its followers. I am in full support of the right that each of us has to choose that which we believe and the right to act according to our beliefs. However I believe that if we are seeking the Truth, with sincerity and good intentions, that the organizations we are involved with should not separate us and our common search for the Truth. I know that those within this organization from which I escaped may not find this pleasant reading within their current mind-set, they may be called to give worldwide decree, prayer and mantra vigils against myself or others who speak out against such deceit and injustice. These decree, prayer and mantra vigils, I know to be a very real, vicious and destructive energy, when directed at one personally is no less than a form of intense black magic, hellbent on the destruction of the ones it is targeted at. My hope is that those truly sincere people who are still involved and committed to this organization will start to think for themselves and question all that is taught them. That they will not blindly swallow each and everything that is fed them. That they will remember the promise of Jesus that the Kingdom of God is within them. That they truly analyze and scrutinize the effects and impact of the Teachings and their practices upon themselves and their lives. I had always believed, that I had a reasonably strong will and self-determination, yet I wasn't prepared for what lay ahead. I spent three of the most intense years of my life deeply buried in a New Age organization known as The Summit Lighthouse, aka The Church Universal and Triumphant, led by Elizabeth Clare Prophet and based in Montana, U.S.A.

I was exploited and conned out of many thousands of dollars, exploited emotionally, mentally and physically, and gave incredible amounts of energy and time to what I now realize was a lost cause. I eventually escaped from my imminent self-destruction under the guise of spiritual salvation. It was one of the most difficult and exhausting experiences of my life. I believe I escaped due to my desire to push everything to the limit, to apply all that was taught to the extreme, to sincerely and truly make it all work and of course I acknowledge the help that was given me, known and unknown. With a truly honest and determined approach I was eventually able to see that all that I had striven to achieve within this organization and in my life was coming to naught; worse still, everything was going backwards at a rapidly increasing rate. All the promises, hopes and dreams that were given me were eventually seen for the illusions and lies that they were. However it brings me no peace to know that there are many others who may be still trapped within these vulturous lairs, where they are nothing more than a meal ticket of extraordinary proportions. They, like I was, are exploited and milked in every conceivable way. What's more, they applaud, cheer and fawn over their Leader, Elizabeth Clare Prophet and the so-called Ascended Masters, the spiritual benefactors of this organization, all the while they are being chewed up and spat out incessantly. I was from early on overwhelmed by the seemingly large proportion of insincere people in this organization who initially seemed welcoming and friendly. But very soon all this changes when you become a committed part of the organization. I remember saying out loud on several occasions that I do not want to end up like them after 10 years in this organization. I could never really understand why those who have listened and followed the teachings for over a decade did not seem to follow the fundamental spiritual principles which they, above all others, are supposed to know so well. There are, of course, those who are genuinely committed to doing what they believe is the right thing.

One of the main problems is that you are always made to focus on yourself and your own shortcomings as the traditional and well-known religious adages go, you have to "turn the other cheek" and also you are not to judge others, lest ye be judged. However these very principles are what keep you bound and trapped within such an organization. For you are forever excusing away the unexcusable, forever overlooking that which should necessitate closer scrutiny, and ultimately looking upon your own weaknesses and lack of spirituality as the cause. Elizabeth Clare Prophet speaks and commands with such authority that none dare to question or doubt even the slightest thing that she says. She gives weekly dictations which are similar but, according to her, not channellings of the Ascended Masters, the Angels, The Elohim, the Archangels. It is proclaimed that she is the highest representative of God upon this planet and the beings that talk through her confirm this to be so.

ECP condemns clairvoyance, psychic powers and the like to be of the lower astral realms and dangerous for anyone to engage in. All the while it appears that she manifests these same phenomena which, of course, are supposed to have no relationship to the psychic or clairvoyant, that her followers are forever warned against engaging in.

She has such command and control over her followers that it has to be seen to be believed. Looking back, it is very easy to see the incredible bluff by which people are held captive. People are kept in bondage and slavery through mainly subtle threats of damnation and failure if any leave the teachings, although none of her brainwashed followers see her as anything other than an Un-ascended Master, holding the highest office of God on earth. These are not exaggerations but exact statements of the true situation. If anything, they are understatements. A genuine, objective, honest researcher into this organization will prove this to be so. I spent three full years in this organization, read several thousands of pages of the literature and listened to several hundred dictations and videotape recordings. I witnessed personally the behaviour and development of the people associated with the organization throughout my time there. The following points indicate the fear and threat tactics that ECP uses, along with the so-called representatives of God that speak through her:

* This path is the Highest Path to God;

* Those who leave the Teachings may not be granted another opportunity (by God) for possibly 100,000 years;

* Those who do not Ascend are not immortal beings;

* You cannot ascend until you have balanced almost 100% of your Karma. And if you are allowed to Ascend before full balance, completion occurs in the Ascended state.

* Those who do not use the Violet Flame cannot ascend.

* You cannot Ascend without attending a certain portion of the weekly services held by the organization.

* You cannot Ascend without the daily use of the decrees provided by this organization.

* Those who have left the teachings are considered to have taken the Left Handed Path, by many of the followers of ECP. Theirs is, of course, or so they claim, the right handed path to God, so it does not leave much to the imagination to determine what the left handed path is.

Note: The Ascension is the ultimate goal of the followers of ECP and The Ascended Masters. It is said to be the process whereby once we have balanced all our karma and fulfilled our service to God, we are reunited with that immortal part of our being and again become one with God, from whom we were separated in our fall from grace and rebellion against him, as is supposed to have occurred in the Biblical documented fall of Lucifer. It should be known that ECP herself has claimed to have balanced her karma twice over!

So from all of the above points it can be seen that any person who was sufficiently brainwashed would suffer great anxiety and fear if ever confronted with the possibility of leaving or having to leave the organization. I know this to be true for I experienced it personally.

I would like to give an example of the most amazing control that Elizabeth Clare Prophet has over her followers. In 1993 she gave a lecture entitled "Nine Cats, Nine Lives", in which she herself proclaimed that she had been a prostitute in a past life and that it was God's will for her to be a prostitute to balance her karma! [Why God would want someone to commit Evil for Good is not understandable in the first place, especially as in the ECP teachings God is not responsible for Evil.] (This is a great way to validate our lives. It means one can say that being an evil exploitative prostitute, etc., in a life may be God's Will used to balance one's karma!) I remember being approached by a long time follower (15 years +) who was so joyful at hearing this explanation, that she was literally bubbling with joy at the prospect of her exalted spiritual Guru being a prostitute.

The only way I could later rationalize this was that it helped her equate with her own lowliness and insignificance that most people are conditioned to feel. Of course there is always the odd pep talk and encouragement to make you feel as if you are one of the chosen of God. This pep talk encourages you when you are at your lowest to get up and give your all again, body, mind and soul for the cause. But mostly all that comes through the books, tapes, lectures, dictations (channellings) is just a constant form of subtle and not-so-subtle put-down. One dictation by the Ascended Master Morya even suggested that everyone wear badges saying that "I want to be pummelled!". This was a serious statement, not an intended pun, meaning that they wanted to be chastised and punished by the so-called Masters and leaders of the organization for their own good, benefit and discipline. Thank God, I left just before I got my badge! After all, I couldn't take any more pummelling than I already had. The above mentioned audio tapes are still available through the organization.

Elizabeth Prophet in one lecture that I was listening to was discussing a past experience when a number of people left the organization. She was explaining how this had caused her great sadness and that she didn't understand why, until, of course, one of the Ascended Masters came to her and explained that those who left did not have enough love within them. In my opinion, such a ploy was a very powerful one which could play on the emotions and fears of the followers if, and when, they were to ever contemplate leaving.

Another one of the main teachings of this organization was that of the "Threefold Flame" - a small flame that was said to be burning within our hearts at a spiritual level. This flame consists of three plumes each one representing Love, Wisdom and Power - pink, blue and yellow respectively.

Another one of our enormous tasks was to balance this flame within our hearts, through the application of the teachings, decrees, services, karma balancing, etc. It was taught that this flame could be extinguished through one outburst of temper or anger! This meant that our Divine spark once extinguished is like a loss of one's Divinity, literally like a spiritual death of our being. (If this was true, Jesus would have lost His when He had an angry outburst whipping the money-lenders who despoiled God's temple.)

Another very popular teaching of ECP and the Masters was that of what they termed "Mechanized Man" - a robotic, totally godless creation that had no divinity within it. (This teaching had great appeal for me as I had independently observed that there were many people in life who by their behaviour and attitude, fitted this description. This godless creation was supposedly created by the fallen ones, those who rebelled against God, as typified in the Biblical fall of Lucifer and his angels.)

Due to the great burdens, responsibilities and stress that one feels within this organization it is very easy to have outbursts of anger on occasions and it is a common thing for many of ECP's followers to let out their pent-up repression, anxiety and stress. Then they would suffer the fear, anxiety and mental torment that they had extinguished their Divine spark (Threefold Flame), which would make them no different than the "Mechanized Man" or godless creation.

After leaving The Summit Lighthouse or Church Universal & Triumphant, I managed to obtain a copy of a book entitled "Lambs to Slaughter" by John Pietrangelo who was in the organization for 14 years. This book would never be read or believed by the loyal supporters of ECP. It is an insider's behind-the-scenes look at ECP, her ex-husband and founder of the Organization, Mark Prophet, who is now, supposedly, an Ascended Master. ECP is currently married to husband #4. An ex-husband of ECP's, Randall King, features prominently. This book is almost incredible reading, by any standards and yet it is truthful, for I can verify much of what is written through my own experiences. Elizabeth Clare Prophet's ex husband Randall King confesses that for years he would secretly meet at night with ECP while she was still married to Mark Prophet to fulfil her sexual demands.

The rules in this organization are very strict. It would be closer to the truth to say that this organization is run like a dictatorship, where you must do everything that you are told or else suffer the consequences of your karma. One example I can give is where Lord Maitreya, states that his Chelas (disciples of a religious teacher) are not allowed to eat sugar in any form, including, honey, rice malt, barley malt, raw sugar and refined sugars. It was likely that you would not ascend if you ate sugar in any form also. I could never find a valid reason or explanation for this though. At the time, I was already practising a strict fanatical organic vegetarian diet that excluded most refined products. However, I could not understand why we could not use a little natural sweeteners. From my studies and experiences I failed to see the harm that this would cause to our spiritual wellbeing. Years later, after leaving the organization, I had a strong feeling that, in some way, the total exclusion of sugars in our diet may allow for greater brainwashing and control. The Church Universal and Triumphant is said to be Lord Maitreya's mystery school.

In the organization run by ECP, the degree of how much sex married couples are allowed to have on a weekly basis is prescribed. The total was to be no more than half an hour per week. I know this to be true as I was elected to the Board of Directors for the regional branch of the Organization that I attended and was made to sign papers that vowed to the above requests. A further point to the above: The week after I escaped from the organization, I had in my possession two videos of ECP, one when she was on the Oprah Winfrey show, in which she categorically and vehemently (and mendaciously) denied that the married members of the organization were only allowed to have 30 minutes of sex per week. This was, and is, utter hypocrisy, I had personally signed the papers as part of my election to the board of directors that stated exactly this time specification! These same papers stated that only married couples were allowed to have sexual relations.

GIVE and you shall receive!: Prophet is always in one way or another trying to milk her followers of money. There is always the requests for regular tithing to the organization and fund raising events. The promise of receiving tenfold what you give is perceived as a 10 to 1 bet that cannot lose. However, in reality, most of the followers are on the poverty line. I have not seen anyone receive anything in return for their constant giving and sacrifice. The problem is that everything can be rationalized. For example, you are said to have received many blessings of the Light of God in your life, the privilege of walking this Path, the gift of more and more opportunities to be of service to God, the books, teachings, protection of the Angels, balancing of your karma, etc... etc.. ad nauseam.

One well-known statement of the Ascended Masters and ECP was that our reward was the opportunity for more service and giving to the Ascended Masters and the organization, and there was unlimited opportunities for that!

Here is another example of one of the most cunning and deceitful manipulations of her followers to gain money: ECP announced that the Ascended Master, El Morya, was calling for each of his Chela's to send in $1000 to the organization. After all, who would dare refuse such a request from an exalted being of God? I certainly didn't, and I was twice a fool because I sent the equivalent of US dollars which totalled at that time $1,500 Australian, for I felt that it would not be $1000 if it arrived as say $US 650. With the request was the much promoted promise that we would receive tenfold in return that which we gave to God. Well here is what happened to me: At the time, I had a total of $3000 dollars in the bank which I had just managed to put together in the last three months. Prior to this I had been in debt for three years paying off loans for various things and for specialized education. I finally had saved a little collateral, a little slice of financial freedom. Well, I enthusiastically made the decision to send off the $US 1,000 ($AU 1,500) and believed that my Masters would be well pleased, and that I would be looked after in the future if I needed help. Later that same week the engine in my car blew up and I was forced to cough up not only the remaining $1500 dollars in my bank but quite a bit more. As if that wasn't enough, my little old car was never the same again. The mechanics did an appalling job. I was soon forced to take out another loan for yet another car which bound me to debt for another 3 years.

I was so pre-occupied with trying to serve and please those whom I believed to be my benevolent Spiritual Masters and benefactors, that I forgot to check the oil in my car. I was attending 3-4 services a week at a distance of one hour's drive, holding personal decree, prayer and mantra vigils for 2-4 hours daily, and on weekends for 4-10 hours. At this time I was also tithing 10% of my net wages to the local branch in Melbourne "The Summit Lighthouse Study Group of Melbourne", and giving regularly at each of the services, as well as to the regular fund-raising programs. I estimate that the net loss to me for my involvement with the organization would be $20,000, at least. That is not to mention all the additional work I gave up to attend services and fulfil my spiritual obligations, the travelling costs over 3 years, and most importantly, all the time and energy I gave with such goodwill and intentions. Fortunately, I had left several months before making the trip to Montana I had planned.

Other people wasted over 10-15 years of their time in the organization, spent up to, or over, $100,000 dollars, in their devotion and commitment to the Organization. This included several trips to the organization's headquarters in Montana, U.S.A., the purchase of bomb shelters, the purchase of emergency food supplies - in the event of world cataclysm which ECP and the Ascended Masters were so fond of predicting - tithing, constant giving to all the fund-raising events, "Love Offerings" (as they were called at each of the regional services where, at the end, a bowl was passed around for contributions) attending the Summit University Courses in Montana and so on.

The Summit University courses are exalted to such a degree that a member of the Organization is made to feel as if she/he must attend, otherwise they will not Ascend. Many gave up their jobs to attend these courses as they run for 2-3 months each and there are several levels known as SU 1 & SU 2, etc. A member of the local organization who held such lightly concealed enmity, jealousy and hatred towards me, lorded it over me on occasions, citing how he had attended two levels and that he had etheric stripes on his spiritual bodies to show for it. He stated that I should do everything possible to attend Summit University and that I should pray very hard that I may be able to do it. It was reported to me by a friend, and long-time member of the organization, that at one time ECP requested that everyone should sell their house and give 10% of it to her. One particular little old lady who was quite sincere but naive and innocent had to be reassured that she should not do this.

I believe it was in 1987 when ECP announced that earth changes and major cataclysms were about to occur. At this time many members of the organization sold, homes, businesses, quit jobs, moved families, nationally and internationally. Then when nothing happened ECP, of course, was adept at saying in lectures that she never said such and such, etc., etc. One member of the Organization whom I knew, related to me how ECP had personally called for them to go from Australia to Montana because of these predictions.

John Pietrangelo, in his book of exposès of Elizabeth Clare Prophet jokingly but accurately called her Elizabeth Clear Profit! When one understands that she owns literally everything including the 33,000 acres of land that is The Church Universal and Triumphant, and the minds of all her followers, and yet claims to just take for herself a modest wage, each week, which is quite a ridiculous concept to the objective observer who would see Prophet forever parading in the most expensive, new designer clothes on many frequent occasions. The staff of the organization are no more than underpaid (if paid at all), overworked servants and slaves.

I have first hand information and experience from those who lived and worked at the Montana headquarters, who worked fulltime (rather all the time), for tiny quarters and meals and a small allowance per month of sometimes no more the $US 64. Non-permanent staff had to pay for the privilege of working for the Organization. The staff worked extremely long hours and then in their spare time they had to attend all the services, lectures, dictations. They were expected to be up at 5 a.m. to commence daily decree and prayer vigils, lunchtime decree sessions and evening decree sessions. On top of this, you were expected to read all the literature produced by the organization, study the lectures, listen repeatedly to the taped dictations that were given through ECP. One was expected to read material, not once, but 3 times. The harder you worked, the more energy, money, time and effort you contributed, the more you were led to believe you were truly on the way, when, in truth, everyone was going nowhere, but was being conned and milked of every last ounce of energy, sanity, money and time. I was elected to the Board of Directors of the Melbourne Group and I know first hand what one is expected to do.

Prophet raised, in one fund-raising event only, over 1 million dollars, which was for the "Save Our Church" fund. This fund-raising was for the defense of the Church's tax exempt status which was reported by ECP and the organization to be under threat from the IRS. I was a member of this Church at the time and well remember the countless requests for donations or "Love Offerings" as they called them, as well as the large number of prayer and decree vigils we dedicated to this cause.

The Church announced that it had retained its tax exempt status and members were congratulated for their efforts. But how the money raised by this fund was really used is anyone's guess. Any money left over was certainly not sent back. There is no doubt about that.

The "Pearls Of Wisdom" are the transcribed weekly dictations of (supposedly) exalted beings as Archangel Michael, Gabriel, Raphael, Jesus, Mother Mary, Buddha, Zoroaster, Hercules, The Elohim, Saint Germaine, El Morya, Kuthumi, etc., etc. One quote that sticks in my mind vividly is that one of these exalted beings admonished us to "give that we may receive brownie points in heaven"! Of course I had left when I read this and could see the clear ridiculousness of such a statement.

Note: C.U.T (Church Universal and Triumphant) was taken right out of the Book of Revelations and purported to be a necessary undertaking that Prophet took to ensure tax evasion. After all, The Summit Lighthouse, the founding name of the organization, did not sound legitimate enough to achieve tax exemption.

Note: Chela is literally interpreted there to mean "slave"! The Book entitled "The Chela and the Path" by the Ascended Master, El Morya, in no uncertain terms makes this clear. What level of control and manipulation does it take to literally call the followers and disciples of the Ascended Masters slaves and for those followers to applaud, cheer, fawn and throw their life literally at the feet of these beings?

Strange & Contradicting Experiences: I had many experiences that were very contradictory to the whole teachings and promises of the organization. Most would not even believe them to be true. Countless nights I awoke from my sleep with the very real physical feeling of being suffocated and strangled in my sleep. At other times I actually had clear perceptions of some monstrous type of entities sucking the life force out of me. All this occurred after saying hours of prayers for protection and appeal to the so-called higher powers of the Ascended Masters. I could not understand how the billions of Angels that were claimed to be protecting the loyal followers could not protect one person from attacks by forces of evil intent that manifested themselves more and more in my life as I was striving to achieve a level of spirituality and truth.

Who, What & Where is Evil? One of the trickier aspects of this organization is that a great part of the Teachings were focused on the great Evil being perpetrated in the world. Elizabeth and her spiritual overseers were so busy pointing and directing our attention to the Evils of this world, that it is almost impossible to look back upon their source as being of evil intent itself. Our attention was constantly directed 7 days per week to giving hours of long prayer & decree vigils, to calling for the judgement of evil, by the powers of God. On top of this we had to seek our own salvation through the many supposedly necessary practices which had to be enacted on a daily basis. I ended up spending 40 hours at work and close to that tending to what I believed were all my spiritual obligations, which, at the time, I willingly and enthusiastically carried out.

Just Another Religion: Elizabeth Prophet teaches and lectures upon all of the world's Religions, which becomes all the more confusing for the poor spiritual seekers who are within her organization. It is enough for one to try and understand and assimilate the Christian Bible as it is today, let alone all the world's major Religions. I know I could never really stomach much of the Bible, except for a few passages of the New Testament. I was genuinely attracted to this ECP organization initially because I was able to make the logical conclusion based upon my observations that Religion was the source of many wars, racism, hatred and violence that occur every day on this planet. Yet I had no idea how I would be embedded in these very things within the ECP organization.

After I had escaped from this organization, I came to realize fully that this was just another cleverly disguised organization that was not much different to any of the world's Religions and used much of the same tactics upon its followers.

ECP and all the supposedly high spiritual beings and agents of God which speak through her, use all of the fear tactics to keep the followers bound and trapped by fear, such as the fear of damnation, the fear of leaving the organization, the fear of not being reunited with God, the fear of loss of Divinity, the fear of failing to balance one's karma and having to reincarnate countless lifetimes, the fear of karmic retribution for every thought, word, and deed outside the will of God, etc., etc. Her followers were led to believe that this was the True organization or Church of God on this planet and that eventually all those who are to be reunited with, or Ascend to, God must eventually find this path to do so. She does mention a few exceptions to this, but they are rare.

Brainwashing and control, en masse: I never believed it possible for myself to be so brainwashed, so controlled and so much at the mercy of one such as Elizabeth Clare Prophet. Everyone in the organization is so controlled and brainwashed, it has to be seen to be believed, yet not one would admit it. I must have had some semblance of independent thinking left within me, for I was never able to rationalize one of the main thrusts of the Teachings, that of the Law of Karma. As I looked around me, within my family, and in the world, all those not-so-nice people seemed to be having the best time of it. Later I was able to realize that, if Karma was true and fair, all the Good people would be running this planet. Most, if not all, of the followers whom I personally interacted with, did not think with their own minds, they did not question anything, but accepted everything that was given them at face value. When they spoke, often it was "The Mother said this", or "The Masters said that", or "By the Grace of God", etc. This now is a sure sign to me that indicates such people are candidates for easy brainwashing and control. Note: It should be known that ECP is known as and called by her followers as Mother. As in the "Divine Mother", not the earthly-type mother. This is really scary stuff when I think about it now. This would indicate total submission and laying of one's self at the feet of ECP and to the Masters, to that which they will, and believe me they will and want an extraordinary amount!!!

SUFFERING in this organization was seen as an essential part of balancing our karma and achieving a better Resurrection, as Jesus suffered and died upon the Cross, and was resurrected. The Ascended Master El Morya stated that "Suffering is the spice of life!". This was a hard concept for me to understand. We were all taught to believe that suffering was/is, not only good for us, but that we should welcome our returning bad Karma as an opportunity to repay our debts and progress towards a higher level of spirituality and eventual liberation.

Rationalization: Everything was always rationalized to our own disadvantage by ECP and the Ascended Masters, and the self-proclaimed exalted beings, Angels, Archangels, Elohim, etc., etc., who dictated through Prophet. For example, if one was to suffer an injury or accident, even after giving hours of prayers, decrees, and mantras for the purpose of protection, purity, karma-balancing and judgement of evil, it was still taught that it was our karma and that it was not only God's will, but that it was necessary to experience the return of what we originally sent out, and ultimately we were just receiving the return of the evil that we ourselves were said to be responsible for. A member of the organization who died in an automobile accident was said by ECP and the Masters to have been speeding and that we cannot be protected by the prayers, decrees, mantras, and Angels of God if we are simultaneously breaking the laws of this world which we must obey at all times. I myself cut my finger on one occasion to the point of probably needing stitches, (which I did not get), after a 4 hour prayer, decree & mantra vigil. I do remember pondering this deeply as to how and why this could possibly happen after what I had done. Eventually I just rationalized it away as my karma, the will of God, and the balancing of a portion of something wrong or evil I committed in some time past which I had no possible way of ever knowing what the heck it was.

TRUE GNOSTICISM - The Writings of Dr J.S. Chiappalone & Annwn Publications: I can now put all of the above experiences into perspective through my understanding of Gnosticism. I was fortunate to find understanding of my situation and experiences in life through a study of the books written by Dr J.S. Chiappalone on Gnosticism, which have become my greatest source of understanding of my experiences and of life as we know it. These writings and teachings have also provided me with a liberation that I never dreamed possible. The first book I read, that was lent me, upon leaving the organization, was a book entitled "Revelation of the Truth". This book totally validated and confirmed not only my experiences in life but also my experiences in the ECP organization. For example, one chapter in this book alone, Chapter 29 - The Law of Reward and Punishment (Karma), which was only 5 pages in length, made me understand my entire predicament with ECP and her organization. If Karma is a creation of Evil, which observation of this world would indicate is correct, for there is little, if any, justice, then the foundation of this entire ECP organization falls to pieces. I truly felt and was treated in this organization as the bad guy, as the one who needed to be punished, who needed to suffer, who needed to experience the return of my evil deeds committed over many lifetimes that I could not even remember.

While I was within this ECP organization I always felt disappointed that we were not allowed to remember our past lives, for I believed that it would be more useful if I could remember all that I had learnt in past lives.

Dr Chiappalone's writings also state that Reincarnation is an evil-created system that is designed for us to forget purposely. This was like a huge bell ringing in my head! Of course, that explains it all. I somehow knew this to be true without a doubt. And so, many of my answers and questions were found in these Gnostic writings.

Energy Loss and Suppression - real experiences: Many of my experiences were not only defined but also confirmed by my study of the books of Dr J.S. Chiappalone, and Annwn Publications. One of the most significant day to day experiences was my inability to function in the presence of certain people. These certain people had the ability to drain me of energy, to make me feel extremely suppressed, depleted of energy, totally at a loss and dejected within my work environment. To make things worse, I felt this way with many I worked with. Dr Chiappalone explains that the purpose of the entire evil-created system that we live in at present is set up for the extraction of energy from those of the True Creation. He describes energy suckers that certain beings have on the energy level which attach to you and drain you of your energy. Well I could certainly relate to this for this experience was common to me, even though at the time I didn't understand it. I erroneously believed it to be a problem of my own make-up, and a daily occurrence at work. Wherever I would go, I could not escape this very real feeling of energy depletion. The writings of Dr J. Chiappalone not only helped me to recognise specific instances of this, but they also helped me so that I was soon able to deal with it to such a degree that I could prevent it to a large degree. I do not doubt I have managed the problem, because those same people, and there were many who previously drained me, no longer have this effect on me. My mind is clearer, I can now function within my work environment, and I am instantly able to recognize those who are depleting my energies. This was perhaps my greatest obtained liberation and freedom.

Now I can recognize that the ECP organization was all about how much energy they could obtain from you. All the surface things, all the small truths, all the glamour, books, teachings, lectures, smiling so-called spiritual do-gooders, and structures were irrelevant. After all, why else would we sit and give incredibly intense prayer decree and mantra vigils for hours upon hours, day after day, sometimes shouting, yelling, jumping, clapping, but always with all of our energy from body, mind and soul, so that we would go home literally feeling washed out and exhausted, only to have to come back again and again and do the same thing. Why did God need our energy we were giving? Did He not have enough of His own? After all, He created everything in the known and unknown universes didn't he? Gnosticism again answers these questions through the understanding that there are two creations and the false creation which came about as a result of what is termed the Celestial Error, needs the energy of the True creation to survive and it obtains it by stealing it, for the false creation should never have existed. I realize these are difficult points to understand, and I urge any who want greater understanding to read the books."

Justin McFadyen, Victoria, Australia.


Essay Two

Sarah Lang of California writes:

Dear Dr. Chiappalone, I have just finished reading what you have to say about the dangers of cults in your book Making Sense of the Madness, Volume One, and it brought back to me some of the traps I almost got caught in during my lengthy search for answers to the meaning of life. One in particular comes to mind. It operates as a church, although I believe that it is more as a tax dodge than as a genuine church. During the time when I almost became involved with it, it was known as "The Summit Lighthouse" although I believe it is now called "The Church Triumphant" or something like that. It was founded by a Mark Prophet who took over a group called "I am". After Mark Prophet's death, his wife, Elizabeth Clare Prophet, took charge and has been running the show ever since. When I say she has been running the show, that is exactly what she puts on -- a show. In fact, when I first experienced her performance, it was under a Big Top circus tent at Mount Shasta sometime in the 1980s, I believe, although it could have been earlier. I had never been to Mount Shasta and I thought this might be a good opportunity to visit the area as well. I remember that there was an unseasonal snowfall while we were there.

As we were all seated under the tent waiting for the arrival of the one who was referred to as the Mother, one would have thought we were waiting for the Messiah, so great was the build-up and anticipation in the crowd. As I think back on this woman in the very fancy floor-length gown, I can remember pushing back the thought that she had a very ostentatious and arrogant air about her when she finally arrived at the front of the make-shift "temple". I could not help but wonder at the very obvious obsequious fawning that was going on around her.

My memory of specific points of the event is a bit hazy at this point in my life but I recollect a lot of chanting, or what was referred to as "decreeing", until my voice was hoarse. It seemed like a huge energy warm-up in preparation for the main event -- direct "dictation" by some of the Ascended Masters. I remember St. Germaine was one, Jesus was another and I believe Kootoomi was included. There were others as well. The interesting thing was, they all sounded exactly the same -- voice-wise, content-wise, energy-wise -- and nothing very startling or unexpected was said. In fact, after a while, I found it all quite boring.

I continued to doubt the authenticity when one of the so-called Ascended Masters talked about abortion and how it was against God's law and a great sin; how all children were a blessing and it seemed the more the better; that a pregnant woman was special and I believe it was also stated that contraception is also against the will of God. As I understand Elizabeth Prophet changes her "facts" and doctrines to suit the time, this may not be what comes "through" her now, but it definitely was on that crisp, snowy day at Mt. Shasta. The only other thing that vividly comes to mind about the production is how the woman stressed the need for everyone to decree constantly as an aid to certain "trouble spots" in the world. She insisted that it was everyone's duty to assist in this way.

During my week-end stay I met a woman who with great effort spoke in a very husky voice. She said that the doctor had told her she must not use her voice for a time or she was in danger of permanently losing her ability to speak. She very proudly stated that it did not matter to her, that it was too important for her to continue doing as Elizabeth Prophet commanded and decree and decree and decree, even if it might mean permanent loss, that nothing was too great a sacrifice. It seemed that tithing was an important part of the doctrine of the so-called church. One should give at LEAST 10% of one's gross income. However, tithing involved more than money; it involved giving 10% of one's time (or 2 hours, 40 minutes each day) to the sacred act of decreeing (affirming out loud special decrees from the book of decrees or special ones added by Prophet), etc. The violet flame of St. Germaine was always emphasized. I also learned from some of the followers that it was important to dress in a particular color for each day of the week. I no longer remember which color goes with what day.

Although it was claimed that vegetarianism was the order of the day, the daughter of Elizabeth Clare Prophet was later to expose various practices of her mother which were in variance from those she preached. These included her charge that while the underlings were not to eat meat, she and her family often did. It is also difficult to reconcile E. C. Prophet's belief that blacks are intrinsically inferior, in view of her expressed belief in reincarnation. Although Prophet had nothing good to say about the organized religions, she borrowed a great deal from them, especially Catholicism with its saints and rosary beads. One has to wonder why this person has devoted so much energy and money in building an underground city to ward off anticipated nuclear fallout if she really believes in the immortality of the spirit and that life is better on the other side. Is it that she fears what awaits her when death finally overtakes her? Is this pain-filled world of suffering so appealing to her that she will go to such extreme lengths to maintain her control here?

I later made the acquaintance of a young woman who was getting ready to sell her home in order to send the money to Elizabeth Prophet and nothing could talk her out of doing that. All her money went in that direction and all her time went into the many, many activities that were carried on in Prophet's name. She ended up leaving her husband who did not share her enthusiasm. I soon lost all contact with this otherwise very personable and intelligent person. As her goal was to join E.C. Prophet wherever her headquarters were at the moment, I suspect this is where she ended up.

As I read your books, I become ever more grateful that I did not also end up there, prey to this particular cult. I do not know how the present day Prophet presents herself or her dogma. However, thanks to your writings, I can see clearly the insidious evilness that comes forth from her direction and can recognize E. C. Prophet as the Evil IMPOSTER she is.

With many thanks, From a grateful reader in Pleasanton, CA. Sarah Lang

For further reading on the dangers of cults and ossified, dogmatic, institutionalized structures such as the religions of the West, please read our publications, especially the series "Making Sense of the Madness, I, II and III."



Time is our enemy. Some have said that "Between time and ourselves, it is a struggle as to which shall kill the other". Of course it is an abstract concept of beingness and time should be no such thing. Animals have this sense of time and many of you who have lived on a farm or have had pets, know this to be true. Many a horse will train itself to be at a gate, at a particular time which it learns is the appropriate time you show up for it. It has no watch and it does not matter if it is day or night, daylight saving or not. It just knows the time. But animals do not fight time as we do. Time should never have been our enemy, but alas, it is. It is a great teacher which kills all the pupils who submit to it and identify solely with it. We allow it to dictate to us at every level of existence. We divide our days, our weeks, our years in fractions of time and this limits our behaviour, our thinking, our existence. Hence, we have turned time, a marker of beingness, into an enemy, an anxiety-producing reminder of mortality rather than a friend of shared beingness. It brings with this fragmentation we give it both a frustration of never-to-be-completed burdens and a finality of other things, including our physical lives, which we would rather forget. But these, like fragmented time, are illusions which we must dispel if we are to be free, for they pander to the weakness in us and promote the fear of mortality.

If you are theomorphic, and the majority are not, you are not mortal, you are an infinite expansion of consciousness. It is the fragments of time which are finite. But a malicious deception and evil programming have turned that about, making you forget your true essence and making you think that time is eternal while you have a very short existence.

We create this illusion for ourselves and make the fragments of time, into which we compartmentalize our lives, our enemies to be fought against, rather than being used as segments of beingness. From the day of conception, the interest in time appears to be the date and time at which things used to mark progress are due. We cannot wait for a baby to walk, to talk, to start school, to graduate, etc. In adult life we cannot wait to pay off the car, the house, be married, see the children off our hands, etc., etc...

These anticipations force us to rush the moments, to shorten the fragments of time in which we find ourselves and live in the future, pushed by anxiety for it and burdened by the tardiness of the "now" moment. As we mature and reluctantly discard the visions we held from childhood, of accomplishments, of unfulfilled hopes, dreams and aspirations we always dreamed about, we rue the lack of opportunities, or missed ones, and the time that has slipped away. And as we see our bodies decay, we begin to reminisce about the time we have lost. But wait, a change is happening here!

Are we now upset at the expiration of something we treated as an enemy for many years. Is this fair? What has changed? Are we using the time we fought as an enemy as an excuse for our own deficiencies in an illusion? Of course we are. The young person looks at her/himself and sees infinity. S/he looks forward still. The middle age person knows not whether to look forward or back, and a crisis develops sustained by the ticking of the biological clock within telling it the countdown has started. In senility one looks at oneself and sees the finite point of a hardly enjoyed existence, made all the worse of course if the person has identified with the decaying body only. And my, to what futile lengths many with deficient understanding go in order to attempt to hold onto the fragmented illusion of youth!

Time in our lives is an illusion; it plays tricks on us. It is the programming which allows youth to squander time and the aged to regret its passing. Rise above it and see that time was an illusion. The real you is above and beyond all this. Sure you have this body today which is dictated to by the fragments of time, but you are not that body. You are using that body, as one would a suit, and that is all. You are the being of interconnectedness which transcends the fragments of time and can see through the illusion.

You buy a suit and use it constantly knowing it will wear out. Then you buy another. The process of incarnating is the same. While trapped in the physical, we do the same. But the time of the consciousness can be joined into a continuum which transcends the fragmented time of the body and all its stages through physical life. Your body was that of an infant, then a child, a young person, an adult, then it became a decaying, senile body awaiting death. Throughout all this you were still you, as you were a million years ago, as you are now reading this, as you will be when this fragmentary time will be no more. Who does it serve to have time as an enemy? Certainly not us, we have enemies enough. It must be the instigator of the system who can then keep us anxious, fearful and unstable. See beyond the confines of time; awaken to the trick and expand your mind to beingness beyond time. You can do it if you are a theomorphic being created outside of the time of fragmentation. Evil beings are another matter entirely. They are plagued by the time of their end. They are people of the Evil Lie and no matter how convincingly they appear to play the game of being unconcerned, they know they will eventually be caught and brought to order, which for them means annihilation. By dissecting the time and by living fragmentations, they create the illusion of infinite segments. This deludes them into not having to think about the end point. They do this for they are incapable of thinking ad infinitum; they are not infinite.

As the Demiurgal Mind which spawned them and sustained them has been captured and dealt with, and as the computer-like mechanisms it had in place to program them run out of energy, this thought of the finality of time will impinge on the most unaware of evil minds and drive them crazy. It is another aspect of the Terminal Madness. In their madness they seek such follies as animal products to keep themselves young. Poor animals are butchered to sustain the vanity of demons. They uselessly seek cryogenics and gene therapy to capture infinity, but they cannot, for they are of a finite stuff, like their creator. Even if they claim they are children of the Universe, made of star-stuff, for indeed the stars and the universe themselves are all but finite, they will perish as these structures will perish. All evil beings, who desperately seek the Elixir of Youth, cannot live outside time.

Eternal beings have no need of time. They certainly can contain any segment to create time but they are beyond time and do not need it. They are not threatened and certainly not "killed" by it in any sense. It is when such eternal beings forget this and allow segmentation of their consciousness to occur that they are dictated to by the demands of time. And the more they succumb, the more they lose the perspective of the infinity which they occupy and which is their birthright.

When such a timeless being sees through the evil charade of time, whether it is personal, biological, solar or universal, s/he extends the boundaries of her/his consciousness to become that unlimited being, free of the woes imposed by time. Then that being can gain its true identity and through the inter-connectedness that results can exult in the knowledge of being an eternal, indestructible consciousness. Such a being cannot be threatened or blackmailed by time and its antics such as aging of the body or physical death, or entrapment in a temporary dimension such as this one, for the being knows, that when it connects to its totality, it transcends all these. And no matter how long it takes, that being will witness the end of the body, the end of the dimension, the end of time itself. Hence, with its truthful realization, such a being is able to kill the threat and the animosity of time in its mind, at will, forever! True (non-evil) Beings can use time as a tool, and when time is no longer of useful service, these beings can discard the concept of time and meld into the consciousness of the infinite, even while trapped in the segments of the incarcerating illusion and fragmentary time sequences of the finite dimension.



Doctors are warning that cases of cancer are soaring and the community will simply not cope. It will be overburdened by this scourge set to strike the biological units of this dying planet. You know most of the reasons for the massive increases: chemical, radioactive, ultraviolet poisoning in paints, fumes, materials, soil, water, air, food, drink, etc;, excessive stress; eating polluted products, animal as well as vegetable; substance abuse - drugs, alcohol, tobacco, etc. One which is difficult to quantify but is a very valid cause is vaccination. Unknown viruses have been introduced into human bodies through vaccines which were manufactured in tissues whose viral inhabitants were (and still are) unknown. Viruses interfere with the DNA, RNA and chromosomes of cells. Under appropriate conditions, for them, the chance that they can act as mutating triggers for genetic material cannot be denied. And so, it appears that like the HIV-AIDS virus, most of us who were vaccinated as children have been carrying the carcinogenicity of the unknown viruses within the vaccines within our cells. The added burden of the factors I mentioned above, and the suppression of immunological defence mechanisms due to them, and specifically the increased ultraviolet radiation reaching us, due to ozone depletion, has ensured the rapid rise in cancer rates, and the age at which it occurs in individuals is decreasing.

On the 23 July, 1997, I watched a telecast of Petrea King, the author of a book called "Quest for Life: Living well with cancer and other life-threatening illnesses" giving a talk to the National Press Club in Canberra. Her talk, about breast cancer, was to a predominantly female audience, most of which, as far as I could judge on the TV, seemed rather anxious and a little frightened by the seriousness of the topic.

Breast cancer, as all cancer is very much on the increase. Statistics (which can be lies in the hands of psychologists, accountants, tax agents, profiteers, etc - but you did not need me to remind you of that did you?) reveal that breast cancer is increasing at the rate of 1.8 to 2% per annum. Those of you with good memories will remember this is the figure by which male sterility is increasing. Is there a common causal factor? Indeed there are many, such as pollution of all types including chemical, antibiotic, radioactive, biological, genetic, etc., creeping into the food and drink we all consume. Just by the way, men are prone to this disease also - about 1-2% of cases when I last checked the figures. In them it is efficiently fatal for there is no breast tissue to delay the metastasizing process and its fatal consequences. The increase cannot be blamed on false positive diagnosis for the rates of breast cancer mortality are usually taken from death certificates, not from initial biopsies of living tissue. The biggest single factor is the rise in radiation reaching the surface of the globe and frying us all. The excessive radiation, combines with other pollution which reaches susceptible cells such as the breast cells, causing genetic mutation by which all cancer is generated. To circumvent arguments I will need to digress just a moment and explain why, if this is the major reason, there are racial disparities. For example, women in Asia have only one fifth the rate of breast cancer in Western women. The reasons for this are genetic, cultural, nutritional, environmental, and statistical. Obviously the genetic profile must have something to do with it, just as it is relevant in Westerners who are prone to disease, to mutation, etc.

Culturally, Asian women tend to see breasts as functional milk-producing organs with which to feed their babies. Western culture has it that they are advertising signs of or for desirability, as if we did not have enough perversity in the world. It does not stop there of course, for in the quest to keep such desirability, profane or otherwise, women mutilate themselves readily and pay for the experience by having any and every foreign substance unscrupulous doctors can think of, injected into them and make them breastly enhanced, or should that be beastly enhanced? These robots and demons cannot hide the fact they want to be plastic robots, not biological ones, and the lengths some go to improve on their maker's design are unbelievable, as you probably are well aware. The list includes face lifts, tummy tucks, bum lifts, thigh shaping, operation to eyes, ears, nose, sheesh - go to an anatomy book for other areas and save me space in this essay.

Westerners have been hoodwinked by the cartels to forgo the natural and highly preferred function of breast-feeding, and instead, knowingly or unknowingly, many jeopardize the health of their neonates by bottle feeding them with the far less satisfactory cows' milk, made by cows for cows, or even by using artificial formulae. There is a lesson here. The ever-profit-hungry drug cartels were able to convince the mothers that bottle feeding was better for a number of reasons, not the least of which pandered to the greed and ego of mothers, promising them their breast shape would remain more desirable if they did not breast feed. The greed factor operated when women could liberate themselves from rearing and breast feeding to return to work and make money for luxuries. Who else but demons could conceive a scheme to deny infants their own mothers' milk for the sake of profits? As circumstances would have it, blessed by a lack of the presence of these profit-hungry cartels, Asian mothers were forced to breast-feed and in still unclear ways, it is known that breast-feeding protects or at least postpones the onset of breast cancer. Hence this natural protection applies.

Nutritionally, Asian women have not been chemically poisoned to the extent western women have been, and that includes the hormone-based pills to stop ovulation, reschedule cycles, postpone, regulate, reduce menopause, osteoporosis, etc., etc. Asiatic diets have generally been simpler and less polluted by the chemicals made so essential by drug and chemical manufacturers. Besides, if not by religious belief, many poorer Asian countries have been forced into vegetarianism by lack. The consumption of infected, fatted, polluted animals as in the West is not an inconsiderable risk when the aetiology of cancer is considered.

Environmentally, Asians are more aware of sun damage than most Westerners. They do not expose themselves to its rays, lying on beaches like light-seeking and heat-soaking lizards as Westerners still do inspite of the advertised dangers of ultraviolet radiation. They may not have, or had, the time or need to sunbake, but that may be a factor protecting them. (If you summized that some of these sun-worshippers may be harbouring demonic consciousnesses within their bodies of the alien reptilians I have previously written about, go to the top of the class, for you are not far wrong at all.) Asians usually are not exhibitionists and do not reveal their mammaries to the glare of sun and other primates including humans, both male and female, who are "on heat with lust" or whom they want to tease in order to show their desirability and power over others! So, even decent dressing has its virtue and is a protection for some.

Statistically, one may state that the Asian rate is so low because many die there without ever being diagnosed. That is true. Many rely still on traditional medicines and herbalists, and postmortems are not done as they are in the West. Hence, accurate causes of death are not gathered and analyzed. This applies to other diseases and many die in poor places without the cause ever being known. Hence, the rate of breast cancer may be much more than statistics reveal for the statistics used are really no measure of the reality of the disease. There are places in the world where millions do not have access to modern allopathic medicine, not that that should be any disadvantage really for one's spiritual progress. However, many still do live in the knowledge and perhaps innocence and ignorance of bygone days such as those of Rembrandt in the seventeenth century. This indubitably highly talented Dutch Master painted exactly what he saw, not recognizing the evil nature of what was present in his life. The delicate painting of his bare-breasted wife, Saskia, reveals he portrayed, in meticulous detail, the unmistakeable skin changes of a massive, invasive malignant cancer in her breast which killed her shortly after the portrait was finished. The evilness of disease has always existed and was known by the few, but the knowledge of its nature and pathology often as then, in Rembrandt's life, was not. Many such places still exist on earth. But let me return to the telecast, for it has points of interest for students of metaphysics. If you are not seeking truthful spiritual answers, why the heck are you reading this information? It will be of no other use to you whatsoever. Simple curiosity will serve your foolishness least of all.

Ms King was, and is, an obvious energy sucker, an energy collector whose talk was glazed with massive doses of hypocritical banality and laced with New Age-ish, evil-inspired enchantment to create an air of authenticity for the illusion of this plane and its many falsifications, including diseases, which as I explained in detail in our publications, are evil mechanisms for the extraction of energy from True (non-evil) Beings via the inevitable misery and suffering that accompany all diseases. The point of the talk was to encourage those with this disease to accept their lot and accept it as part of life in this wonderful world. She wants more support groups for cancer sufferers, stating those in such groups statistically live up to 12 months more than those who are not members of such groups. This is supposed to be statistically significant and a show of what positivity can do. But, I ask, positivity towards what aim? To live a little longer in this hell hole?

What really struck me was her very clear and forceful remark that, in the groups she has set up, people do better if they focus on living and getting on with life, rather than ask such questions as "Why did this happen? Why do we suffer so? Why should life be like this? Why did it happen to me?"

These are the very questions which lead a seeker to find the true answers about suffering, misery and death in this world. And yet here was this woman who, in her own words, said she told people with such questions to shut up and that if they did shut up, they could/would be rewarded, not with true knowledge, but with the false hope of living in a spiritual death-like state another twelve months or so in their rotting bodies. What does it mean to live another 2, 5, 8 years? The talk reminded me of the idiotic concept that came in a book 15-20 years ago entitled something like "How to love your disease (that was going to kill you.)"

This woman was applauded after her talk. But what she is really doing is spiritually closing down people so that they will focus on the false hope of physical wellbeingness and not on spiritual awakening and progress into the next phase. Sure she mentioned how meditators did better, were calmer, etc., with less anxiety after 12 months in the support groups. But that may have been a false picture, even one of superficiality which is really not measurable now. Meditation is not about living longer at all, although some energy can be gained during the process. When a process of physical demise is involved, would one not rather focus on the next phase and prepare for that? In which case one's prayer, when true knowledge is gained, would be to hasten the exit time, not postpone it. Postponing the inevitable simply gives the evil system more time to engage in its pilfery of energy from a suffering, weakened individual. Alas, that is what it was created for in the first place. But trying to awaken the demons and robots is an impossible task. They find all ways to keep the unawakened True Beings in a coma of ignorance. That is why this whole spiritually destructive show must end. And the sooner the better for those who still remain viable.

I remember reading many years ago, the wonderful anecdote of Edgar Cayce, who, suffering terribly in a period which, in retrospect, turned out to be near the end of his physical life, is reputed to have said that the God of Love would soon heal him completely. He died exactly at the time he said would be the time when he would be properly healed, returning to the realm of Light for a short time, thus not remaining in this cesspool a moment longer than necessary, avoiding further energy drainage in order to feed the demiurgal ghoul, Jehovah, and his pusillanimous counterfeits.


If you are not on the web, you can read our site from any public library. If you do not know how, ask the librarians to connect you. Take our website address with you to the library. You should receive some free time on the web simply by being a member of the library and should be able to have access via one of their computers.


News from the world

* California now has had 22 major disasters in 4 years, including riots, earthquakes, fires and floods; total cost has been estimated at $26 billion.

* Exposures continue to happen. eg.: Huge pay packages are given to university basketball coaches, many receiving $500,000 to $1 million p.a. At the same universities good professors are paid very meagrely with salaries frozen.

* CIA: The US government says that the CIA is monitoring all international Internet traffic.

* T.M.: (no, not Transcendental Meditation, Terminal Madness). An 81-year-old woman has been jailed for beating her husband to death; so many postal workers massacred fellow employees jokes are being made about it.

* New World Order-conspiracy has had a lot of exposure.

* You will remember that the so-called Waco investigation by the US Congress was a farce. Very few hard questions were asked. The "Justice" system got off with excuses and lies. It was a whitewash of the blunders of Waco. Few people have been fooled by all this and many since have been getting more fed up with the Congress and politics and all forms of government. Many people from both "conservative" and "liberal" camps now mention the possibility of revolution and revolt.

* One Waco survivor said publicly that the Oklahoma blast would not have occurred if the government had been open and above board about the Waco incident. In an apparent attempt to quash suspicion about the government's role in Waco and the apparent whitewash of all actions, U.S. Attorney General Janet Reno has given unsatisfactory answers. President Clinton had promoted the FBI man who had been in charge of the Waco debacle to the number two position in the FBI. Many people are upset about that.

* Killer bees have again been found in southern California.

* There have been many UFO sightings (some associated cattle mutilations) in Idaho, Washington (state), and Florida. And the U.S. media continues to ignore all the mass sightings in Mexico, where even the pilots and air controllers are going public with what they are seeing.

* World-wide there are 750 active volcanos.

* In southern California: fertility clinics have been transplanting embryos to other couples, without permission or knowledge of the parents who produced the embryos.

* Old KGB records, recently released, show new UFO pictures and report 40 major UFO incidents in the USSR. The files released are large and come from reports collected for ten years from the 15 million member Soviet military. One UFO type was triangular shaped and another -- with hundreds of witnesses -- was shaped like a jellyfish. There were two incidents where UFOs took over control of Soviet nuclear missiles, in 1982 and in 1988. In one instance the military radar tracking showed that a UFO instantly moved away at 2000 miles per hour -- from a dead stop.

* Mountain lions and bears in the forests of the US are becoming more erratic in their behaviour. They too are prone to Terminal Madness.

* An FBI agent named Whitehead testified in the World Trade Centre bombing trial that "the FBI was biased in preparing evidence".

* One estimate stated that American businesses have lost $28 billion due to lost productivity caused by people watching the initial O.J. Simpson trial.

* A pesticide that was banned 20 years ago, and was used in the vineyards has shown up in 4000 wells in the northern California area.

* Cattle mutilations are maximal in Nevada and Alabama.

* Senseless and random type violence increases daily.

* Squirrels have been found with the Plague in California's national forests.

* The erratic weather takes a great toll of animals and birds but this fact is rarely mentioned.

* There has been more recent exposures of the high rate of medical injuries due to medical errors: doctors ordering the wrong dosages, nurses mixing up drugs, etc. There have been cases of fatal overdoses of chemotherapy.


A very brief look at the Oklahoma City Bombing. You will know by now that medical files of the Gulf War were stored in the building that Timothy McVeigh is supposed to have bombed. You have also probably heard there is seismic evidence that it was a 2-part military bomb which did the damage, a bomb he could not have possibly possessed. Suppressed expert evidence states that it would have been virtually impossible to get enough manure to the sight to cause anywhere near the damage that resulted from the blast. Government personnel of any worth had been removed from the building for that day. To cover its tracks the government bulldozed the building with illegal haste so no evidence could be found by others. Why did the Government bomb its own building? To destroy the incriminating medical records and to push through anti-terrorist legislation which was being strongly opposed. My information is that Tim Mcveigh was seduced into playing this role. He was to be relocated with a new identity in due course. But like Lee Harvey Oswald, he became the real "patsy". They have double crossed him and presented false evidence to really fry him! If they did not do this, they ran the risk he could talk someway, someday. What evil hypocrites! Now do you see why there is absolutely no hope for this level and these evil beings?

This scenario is no different to the Pan Am plane explosion over Lockerbie. There is conclusive evidence the CIA was behind the bombing, not Libya or Iran. There had been 8 warnings of that particular plane being bombed. All "VIPs" had cancelled their seats on this flight, except one US government official who was to be eliminated, for he threatened to expose the CIA's Middle East drug-running schemes. What is more infuriating than ever about this is how relatives of victims are quipped up into a frenzy demanding blood and monetary compensation from people like the Libyans. Yes indeed, truth is stranger than fiction, a lot more sinister and a lot more damning. But the US is not alone in such duplicity. The Sydney Hilton Hotel bombing of years ago was an ASIO (Australia's equivalent to a Security and Spy Service) operation to prevent its dismantling, as the government had threatened to do after a series of hilarious and costly bungles.


When a relationship is based on emotionalism, its output will be hormones-based, mental and physical, strife.


The Mailbag

Remi DuBois from Suffolk, VA, USA wrote (sic): Gnosticism has long been revealed to be heresy by the Roman Catholic Church. Have you tried reading The Confessions of Saint Augustine? He was very much a Manichaean ALL of his life and saw through it by its own errors. I was a Gnostic for many years starting in high school, read everything I could, but it brought me nowhere. My life has now improved 1000 fold. I remember a book I read in college called The Hidden Gnosticism in the Christian Scriptures, by some named Kingsley I believe. It had a big effect on me. I went on to study the Western traditions of Cabala, Mysticism, Hermetical and Essene teachings after spending a long time on far eastern religions. I was always misguidedly looking for enlightenment. I do commend you on your scholarship, and web content, it's very comprehensive ...

My reply: Hi Remi. It's Sunday here and I have a little time so I will answer you in detail, just in case you are still searching and are more than a "knocker". The Catholic church labelled anything outside of its dogmas (which it plagiarized mostly from Mithraism) as heretical. And it used its brand of "Brotherly love" to assassinate any who had a differing view, as you will find if you read our book "Death of an Evil God", and many other non-Catholic books. Of Course I have read "Confessions" of Augustine of Hippo. Obviously you have not, otherwise you would know he was a liar and plagiarizer who continually contradicts himself even in his own book! He was never a Manichee. He was a "hearer" for 9 years. A hearer was a "wanna-be", a student, but he never made it, because he could not beat his lust, ego, avarice, etc., etc. Ontologically, he is a demon from hell. He was not admitted into the Rites of Gnosticism and what he wrote was polemic distortion, just like all the other "Fathers of the Church" wrote against Gnosticism, which they perceived as their greatest threat to seize control of people. That is what organized religion is all about, except for Judaism which rules the world via Zionism, as you will see if you read our books, particularly "Death of an Evil God" and "The Kingdom of Zion"! The documents they presented to the world, such as the Acta Archelai, purporting to give Gnostic beliefs, after they slaughtered all the Gnostics, were fraudulent, as the Gnostics throughout the ages have insisted. The recent findings this century, in Egypt and China, of Gnostic documents which the church did NOT get its hands on and burn, support what the Gnostics have been saying all along. And they do show the Acta, etc., were purposeful distortions, spurious works! We have all had bad experiences or indoctrinations of one form or another when attending school. I cannot see how you can claim to have been a Gnostic, for a Gnostic is one who has a connection to his Higher Self and obviously you have not otherwise, you would know what is going on in the world. (No offence intended). Remember that nearly everything one reads is distorted in one way or another. Your conclusion about looking for "enlightenment out there" and being misguided, and probably disappointed, actually supports, and proves, the Gnostic view that enlightenment, the NOUS for each individual, can only come from the Bubble of Light from within her/himself! No Light means no Nous and no Enlightenment, and without these, how are you, or anyone, going to explain the earth changes, the ozone depletion, global warming, death of the planet, the evil alien invasions, parapsychological experiences, alien abductions, regressions into past lives, multiple dimensions, time acceleration, etc., etc., using the nonsense of the Catholic church and the liar Augustine? The beings of Darkness are without such enlightenment, and in the ensuing days they will be consumed by that Darkness, for they chose it. But those with Light still within them will glow with the light of a thousand Suns, for they are Children of Light! And their joy will be indelible.

Until next time ... J S Chiappalone.

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J S Chiappalone, Editor

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