January 1997, Newsletter # 5

Presented by:
Annwn Publications
P O Box 28 Malanda, QLD, Australia, 4885
Fax 070 965 620
Email address: [email protected]

Copyright 1997 (c) by J.S. Chiappalone


     Welcome again to the Annwn Newsletter. I wish to thank all those who have taken the time to write to me over the last few months. If you have not written, send a short note even to say "Hi!" and to let us know you are still there, and have not been whizzed off!
     Amitakh and I, and all our co-workers, are heartened by the fact that all of you who have written are thrilled to be part of the network. Almost to the "man" (and woman) you have all stated each Newsletter appears to have just what you need at the time. And many of you have confirmed what I wrote in the very first one of this new series: "You are permitted to print or photocopy this newsletter if you wish and give it to your friends, acquaintances, or any whom you think may be interested, but have no expectations. You probably know from experience that this information unmasks DEMONS faster than lightning can! It is amazing how publications such as our books and Newsletters can weed them out. If there was absolutely no other evidence that what we have been given, and reproduce, is so, this effect on various ones would be sufficient to tell us the information is spot on! The information is sometimes of assistance in low moments in one's life when such assistance is required. We all need help at some time or other.
     My friend Merl, whom many of you know, wishes to pass on these comments: "These are not just Newsletters giving facts about the mundane world. As many of you have already realized, and as many others are beginning to appreciate, these Newsletters are vehicles for the expressional use of certain functional energies, incomparable anywhere in the world. There are no other energies, I stress, no other energies, anywhere in the world that are of any benefit at all to any Beings of Light. Others may publish items that appear very interesting, very agreeable, very scientific, very academic, very articulate, very eloquent, and printed on the glossiest paper, with the best fonts, with the dearest covers, etc., but they count for nothing. Only that which is of Light is of value to the Beings of Light."
     Since the last Newsletter, the three most important events have been the explosion of racism, the re-election of President Clinton of the USA and the emergence of new diseases while old ones return. I will write about Bill Clinton and the diseases in the next Newsletter.

     Australia is witnessing ever-increasing xenophobia. Raging in the racism debate are hypocrisy, ignorance and dark emotionalism. What else would you expect from the robots and demons? Many ignorant people are concerned Australia will be swamped by "Asians". The fear of the "Yellow Peril" for a White Australia has never vanished. Just to place the "Peril" into perspective, realize that in November 1996, Asians and Middle Eastern migrants make up 4.5% of the population and it is forecast that they will make up just 7% by the year 2030. Hardly a swamping, is it?
     Racism will become far worse in the very near future as the intolerance of demonic factions gives vent to their hatred and bellicosity. Demons are warmongers, never satisfied, regardless of what they have. They know no peace. And now, as the pressure builds on all sides to fracture their illusion, they will lash out recklessly, demonstrating the traits of Terminal Madness I have spoken and written about so often.
     All lands will be affected and there will be no stopping the waves of animosity which will engulf all communities. The blacks and Jews, who have historically been the most hated of all the minor groups, and there are metaphysical reasons for this, will be the most vulnerable in this turmoil. And even though Jews control most of the aspects of the capitalist life on the planet, they will be dealt in accordance with a prophecy from olden times buried in their own culture and psyche which states that one day the world will rise against them and their end will have come. Please do not for one moment think that I am writing this out of any racial feelings against others and do not let this be construed as some sort of anti-semitic sentiment. It is not. It is simply stating empirical facts. My views of Jews was given in "Death of an Evil God", and will be expanded in a forth coming book called the "Kingdom of Zion". It is hoped to publish this book very early in the New Year. I will advise you in this Newsletter.

     People who condemn others for conceiving a better place and for anticipating the total permanent destruction of this dimension are really the evil hypocrites of the evil illusion. They will do anything at all to maintain the status quo. But really, who cannot conceive or hope for a brighter future? Who does not look forward to greater security and prosperity? Who does not dream of a life of productivity, abundance, peace and tranquility? Who does not dream of an existence free of disease, threats and fear? Only the evil hypocrites deny they hope for such things. They are suited by this hell because they prosper in it. They prosper through the suffering and exploitation of others. They too will be soon gone forever. Do you or they think I am joking?
     Let them mock and deride. Where will it get them? "No where" is the answer, for they are hateful, unloving, egotistical demons of the illusion which will shortly be no more. While secretly fearing, they openly and brazenly claim people such as myself are fools, deluded and weird. But I ask:
*    "Who are the fools, those who accept the foolery which traps, enslaves and exploits the innocent, or those, like me, who see through it and do everything in their power to destroy it?" The evil ones are the fools for they persist in believing they will never be brought to justice, made to account. They are fools for they think their evilness will pay off forever. But it cannot. Even now the place is falling apart at the seams, exposing every evil scheme in preparation for the total destruction. Only fools refuse to see that this is so. The evil ones fool themselves into a sense of false security that everything will be alright. But it is not! They only fool themselves.
*    "Who are deluded, those who deny evil, deny the horribleness of this place and the unbearable suffering that unnecessarily exists, or those, like me, who break the illusion and provide details of the ultimate solution?" In this group must be included the evil New Agers who have tried vainly to convince themselves and everyone else that they are "God"; that this is a soon-to-be Heaven-on-Earth; that this evil, exploitative, murderous globe is everyone's "Mother"; that evil is only in the eye of the beholder. They are evil, deluded, energy-sucking vampires.
*    "Who are weird, those who gain from all the injustices they commit, all the murders they commit, all the hypocrisy they commit, all the exploitations they commit, or those, like me, who call for exposure of all this evil, who call for an end to all this, who call for True justice, truth and the conditions where True Love can manifest?"
     The answer is obvious really, but it has to be highlighted in this way for the evil beings are cunning and deceitful to the very last. They claim they do not understand the call for the eradication of evil, for they know they are immutably evil themselves and the call is to eradicate them also.


     I know many have difficulty in accepting the concept of Judgement and Transmutation of consciousness. Hence I have thought of this simple, mechanistic view that a pragmatist could accept. "The Great Mind (Creator; God) had everything running smoothly with experimental sections (all creation experiments continuously) until, out of one of the experiments emerged a minor mind (the bellicose, selfish demiurge) which closed off the laboratory (a section of the true creation) and changed the conditions of existence (created matter and the counterfeit creation). This minor demigod then built beings in these changed conditions who could only exist in those specially changed conditions. The beings created by the Great Creator could exist under all conditions. A battle developed when the minor creator rejected all offers of being part of the team. It wanted the whole caboose to itself and wanted to destroy the Great Creator and take over all His realm. But the Great Creator could not have this for He saw the lesser one was destructive and antagonistic (evil). There was no doubt of who would win regardless of how long the struggle lasted. The big problem was what to do with all the counterfeit beings created in the changed conditions by the evil creator who could not exist when those conditions were dismantled (destruction of the physical dimension). They too were given a choice (freewill) to have modifications done to them (to make them Permanent Atoms) so that they could exist outside the physical dimension. But most refused. They chose to remain evil. Hence, they are judged unfit to continue outside this dimension. When the conditions are reverted to normal they will suffocate, by choice. They will cease to exist. Their matter will be transmuted.
     Those beings created by the Great Creator who were trapped in the changed conditions will continue, provided they have not been damaged beyond viability and provided they have not been treacherous enough to modify themselves to exist better in the changed, evil, temporary conditions. If they have done this, they will also perish by choice, for they will be unable to exist in the pristine conditions of the Greater Creator's realm. Detaching the evil modifications they have accepted is a fatal process. Many of the (theomorphic) beings who were initially trapped by the brutal demigod were slaughtered (spiritually assassinated) for their energy. There is nothing that can be done about that. The battle and race now is to liberate as many of these hostages as possible (evacuate true consciousnesses out of the dimension via the Space Command) before the dimension is destroyed. In its viciousness the doomed demigod has vowed to blow itself and all the dimension up thus killing as many of the True Consciousnesses as possible, just out of spite. And we know it is capable of this. Just review how vicious Jehovah is in the Bible.
      The Inadequacy of WORDS. Words are man-made and are often ascribed meanings and significances which are deficient. For example, what does Divine mean? Is it not something of Goodness, of God, closer to that which protects and nurtures and further from evil which harms? And what of Purity? Is it not the meaning of that which is less selfish, less egotistical, more idealistic? Perfection too conjures thoughts of purity and Divinity, of God, and attributes which are not evil. But are these concepts of absolute or relative values? My contention is that all things are relative. There is nothing absolute that we can conceive for our minds are relative creations and unstable to say the least. "God" the Gnostics said, " is perfect but unknowable to us." Augustine of Hippo (known as St. Augustine, a cruel, evil joke) who was a very evil fool (and demon) thought he knew better and said Jehovah, his God, was perfect and knowable. You only have to read a little of the Bible to realize Jehovah was, and is, not a perfect God but a perfect ghoul! This creation of Jehovah's is certainly not perfect for it contains a great deal of evil. Once this Celestial Error, which spawned evil, is corrected, the creational process of experimentation will be ongoing. We have been assured that the Celestial Error will not be allowed to repeat itself because safeguards will be in place and evil will not reappear. If such a negative energy tries to express it will self-destruct via the measures set to act as safeguards. Indeed the price of freedom, anywhere in creation, is eternal vigilance and these safeguards we have been promised are the permanent vigilantes. It is easy to get lost in words at this point. As Nietzsche said "Language falsifies reality".

From my book "Thoughts of a Gnostic": Demons and Evil.

     I believe in demons and evil, not because I want to believe in them but because they are a reality. If I deny their existence, then I am denying part of reality and I would be condemning myself to live an illusion, a lie like the evil ones. That I cannot do. I believe the demons will suffer in hell, a place that is part of the reality they have created for themselves and any they can trap. And I believe they will suffer in this hell of their own making, not because others are not good enough to love them or forgive them but because these demons of Darkness choose to be in their hell. They have chosen the Darkness and Evil of Hell rather than be in the Light. They have rejected transmutation of all those qualities which make them evil.
     I believe they could grasp the Light and be transformed, but they have refused countless chances. I believe these demons and their hell exist because many times they have tried to disadvantage me with their evil ways, their illusions, their exploitation, their injustices, their meanness and their greed. But I do not linger to hate them. I move on, ever forward to the Light. I leave them my peace and let them sort themselves out as best they can. Knowing their outcome and the fact that they have chosen to suffer in the hell of their own creation does not make me responsible for their fate. They are totally and solely responsible for their fate, just like every other being in existence is responsible for its fate. They cannot blackmail me in any way. I have always extended love and kindness to them. But they have always responded with hate and venom for that is their nature.
     I believe in ultimate Divine Justice, and look forward to witnessing it. I believe in the principle of reaping that which one sows. And I believe in the ultimate mercy of the Great Creator. But His mercy needs to be accepted with truth and honesty. These demons are not truthful. They are not honest. They deal in deception and hypocrisy. Hence, I believe that the offer of Justice and Mercy has been continuously rejected by them. They refuse to be of the Light. Hence, they will remain demons, locked in their hell for as long as they think they exist. I believe they exist to the detriment of the Beings of Light and I believe that all who claim that evil or demons do not exist are either evil demons themselves pushing the illusion and deceit on any they can trap and fool, or else they are fooled Beings of Light who are in grave danger repeating such folly. I believe that the Light and Goodness of the Great Creator will overcome forever the Evil of Darkness and ignorance, and banish the memory of iniquities from the face of Creation so that there will come a time free of evil. I believe that time will come very soon. And the demons will be trapped in the suffering Hell of their own creation.

     When we first started public lecturing in 1985 and publishing in 1986, I stated and wrote that sceptics should keep a list of the prophecies that we made and tick them off as they eventuated. After a few months I was ridiculed on public television by Terry Willesee because few of them had come to fruition. But of course he was rather premature as were other criticising robots and demons. He had no understanding and was not prepared to want to understand. Be that as it may, where are we in the prophecy stakes? Well, early 1997 is a good time to review, for we are about to enter The Final 7 year Cycle. Here is an alphabetical list others have compiled from all our publications. If you wish, tick them off as the need arises:

Prophecies made by Dr J. S Chiappalone and/or published
by Annwn Publications since 1986.
*Accidents of all types will increase.
*Anti-semitism will escalate world-wide.
*AIDS will spread uncontrolled especially in Africa and Asia; be spread by crustaceans, polluted water, mosquitoes.
*Air to be more polluted; poisoning from plant respiration.
*Barriers of all types break down.
*Blindness will increase in humans and animals due to cataracts resulting from increased UV .
*Books of the Centre will be distributed worldwide.
*British Royals finished; will crumble from within.
*Bush not to be re-elected President of the USA.
*Bushfires will increase in frequency and intensity especially in Australia and the USA.
*Capitalism will collapse.
*Cancer of all types to increase, especially skin cancer, melanoma, lung and breast cancer, due to increased radiation and pollution.
*Cartels will be exposed as very evil.
*Catastrophes globally will intensify in number and severity.
*Christ Energy will return but will not be recognized.
*CIA exposed for drug running.
*Climate: worldwide gross changes for the worse.
*Cover-ups exposed everywhere: industry, politics, religions, medicine, law, government, etc.
*Collapse of islands, of geological faults, of world finances, of major and minor governments, old institutions, traditions, customs, national friendship, communities, individuals.
*Colours, lights and UFOs will be seen frequently in the skies.
*Communication with ET life will occur scientifically/overtly.
*Corruption exposure in politics, industry and religion, etc.
*Crime rate will increase everywhere.
*Crops Will fail inexplicably everywhere.
*Death Bed Visitations will become more frequent; accepted.
*Disasters of all types will increase in frequency and severity.
*Divine intervention in human affairs will become obvious in this generation.
*Divorce rate will soar.
*Destruction of the old ways will occur with destructive new ways implemented in all facets of life.
*Diseases: old ones will increase; new ones will emerge; Unprecedented trans-species migration of pathogens will occur. Terminal Mental Madness will affect whole populations near the end.
*Difference between True Beings, robots to become obvious.
*Drug Houses will be exposed for their evil practices.
*Drug use will spread. Microbes and pathogens will become more resistant to pharmaceuticals; Illegal drug trafficking and misuse will increase.
*Earthquakes increase in frequency and severity, especially the pacific rim of fire (California, Japan, Philippines, Indonesia, New Guinea) and around the Mediterranean.
*End of the Planet will be accepted as a real possibility.
*Entrepreneurs exposed.
*Eschatology Doctrine will become pertinent.
*Euthanasia will become more discussed and accepted. Governments will practice mass euthanasia in due course.
*Evil exposed everywhere, in politics; its essence will be obvious and totally destroyed.
*Humanity will express its evilness more.
*Evangelists exposed as frauds, especially in the USA.
*Falsehood in spiritual matters exposed everywhere.
*Fabric of society torn to shreds.
*Famines to occur everywhere, especially Africa and Asia.
*Fauna to disappear in greater numbers.
*Fear of the future will increase; leads to desperation.
*Financial collapse of countries including Australia.
*Fish population to decrease.
*Flooding increases in frequency and severity.
*Food shortage worldwide
*Food poisoning from grains, meat, milk, seafood.
*Flora species to become extinct more quickly.
*God awareness will increase.
*Gnostic Knowledge will be revived.
*Greenhouse effect to intensify with increased world temperature and increased radiation poisoning.
*Gorbachev will be forced to resign.
*Ghosts reported more frequently.
*Hatred and interracial tensions will increase world-wide.
*Hawke will be forced to resign as Leader of the Australian Labour Party and PM.
*Hell created by evil will become a reality.
*Ideologies, including capitalism, will collapse everywhere.
*Inexplicable phenomena to occur with increased frequency.
*Intolerance will increase leading to riots, violence, wars.
*Invisible matter: its existence in space demonstrated.
*Israel to be totally destroyed by war.
*Japan will be totally destroyed by earthquakes.
*Judgment, as in the Bible, will occur on the energy levels.
*Koalas to become extinct.
*Legal System will be exposed as grossly unjust, forced to modernize; Courts suffer more problems, especially the Family Court.
*Meat eaters exposed to more diseases including Mad Cows Disease.
*Media will become more erratic; will destroy itself.
*Mental Illness' aetiological basis will alter.
*Metaphysical Science: its value will be accepted.
*Middle East: a huge bloodbath to occur there; the site for commencement of World War III.
*Near Death Experiences will become very common.
*Nuclear War and nuclear winter before 1998.
*Opposites of all forms will wage war: black against white, male against female, young against old, rich against poor, illiterate against the erudite.
*Ozone depletion to occur at an accelerated rate in both hemispheres; radiation damage to increase.
*Plagues to occur even in First World countries.
*Planet to be destroyed.
*Polar Icecaps will begin to melt.
*Pope will make many enemies.
*Pornography will greatly increase.
*Prostitution will increase and spread AIDS even faster.
*Racism to increase everywhere.
*Religions to lose their power; cause more racial violence.
*Respiratory problems increase due to air pollution.
*Riots to increase everywhere.
*Sectarian unrest to increase everywhere.
*Shortages of water, food, clean air to occur everywhere.
*Suicides to increase, especially among the young.
*Social disasters to increase in frequency and severity.
*Starvation will affect all nations.
*Strikes in industry to cripple nations.
*Separation of the 2 creations to become obvious.
*Spiritual awakening to occur world-wide.
*Thanatology will be discussed increasingly.
*Thatcher will be forced to resign.
*UFO reports to increase.
*United nations will prove inadequate.
*USA: totally destroyed geographically, socially, morally, financially; attacked more by other nations; friendship with Australia will decrease due to economic factors.
*USSR will self destruct; Yeltsin to be hounded out of office.
*Violence to escalate world-wide.
*Volcanoes to erupt more frequently and severely.
*Wars to increase in frequency and severity.
*Water shortage and pollution world-wide.
*Waterways to be clogged by algae.
*Xenophobia to become wide-spread.

     So where are we now in this War of essences? Well, the physical is all but finished. It is a foregone conclusion that this is so. The real battle is in the Mental Plane. Watch your mind. It can make or break you. Understanding what is going on will certainly help you avoid the traps of the crumbling evil empire. But that is not enough. You must learn to protect and cleanse as vigorously as possible and avoid ALL the factors which could programme, pollute and indoctrinate you in such a way that you would slide into the Terminal Madness which most, if not all, those who will be viewed as failures will suffer. There is a thin line between genius and madness. And now in this Endtime, the evil demiurge and all its mechanisms will do their utmost to make these lines merge, for as they go down they will try to take as many down with them as possible; that is the nature of evil. It has no regard for the welfare of others. It never has had and it is not about to change its nature now.
Guard your mind, watch your thoughts, reject implanted nonsense, even if you have to be the strictest you have ever been in your life. And remember the axiom: Discipline and obedience are the mother and companion of success.
>From this moment on culinary indiscretions, relational and sexual indiscretion, acceptance of false knowledge, failure to cleanse past negative energy accumulation, etc., will all have maximally deleterious effects on the minds and bodies of partakers.

      This is part of what I wrote on prophecy in Volume One of "Journey into the World Of Metaphysics": The mechanism of clairvoyance and prophecy and psychic phenomenology in general can be summarized as thus:
1.    Thoughts can be picked up from the general negativity pool. They can be random thoughts, our own thoughts, or those of others. Some may be those directed at us maliciously. Others are creations of evil minds which can attack us causing emotional changes in us, or psychic attacks upon us.
2    Positive thoughts can be fed to us via pathways from the higher astral realms by spiritual guides whom we have in these realms.
3.    The immediate (programmed and fixed) future dimension can be contacted and information which is freely available to all can be brought back to this level. Animals do this better than most humans because their physical minds are less polluted. That is why they can "sense" an impending disaster readily. They pick up clairvoyantly when and where major disaster are to occur.
4.    Programmable future possibilities can be revealed by Beings in other dimensions. Possible future events can be seen.
     This is the mechanism of PROPHECY. Failure to understand that many items given are not fixed events leads to much inaccuracy and disappointment. People must realize that in these situations they are receiving information of POSSIBILITIES and not certainties. Unfortunately many are not aware enough to realize that this is the case, and they become despondent, disappointed and often lose faith in themselves or others including their guides (the true positive ones) when events do not turn out the way they picked up clairvoyantly that they would turn out, or the way they were told by other clairvoyant instruments that they would turn out.
     In the undetermined future dimension, the energy patterns may be altered by many factors so that ultimate manifestation on this dimension will vary. The factors ultimately relate to factors which control progress of this war we are in. Note that even the fixed programmed future is only one of many which ultimately was chosen to manifest, just as the past events were one energy pattern out of many which was chosen to manifest on this plane. The other patterns still exist in dimensions of past and future when related to our own, and have manifestations in dimensions other than this one in which we feel we are fully conscious and in which we are restricted. Consciousness has a multidimensional existence. We only remember one dimension at any one time with our outer physical mind. Similar experiences from other dimensions may give rise to a fleeting moment of cognizance which has been labelled "deja vu."

     Each needs to ask: "What is of value in my life now?"
     Avoid as best as possible the emotionalism of tragedies that are going to occur. Just a glance at Bosnia and Rwanda is heartbreaking. In the midst of this suffering and anarchy, you have to decipher for yourself what is of true value to you.
1    Is it your spouse? Most get divorced and that is it. They say they love you and the next minute they are elsewhere.
2    Is it your wealth? You can lose that quickly.
3    Is it your health? With time you will lose that too.
4    Is it your possessions? They can be stolen or lost.
5    Is it Mother Earth? Mother Earth is dying herself.
6    Is it the love that people say they give you? That is often not love but merely lust or possessiveness.
     So what is of value to you? The only thing that is of value to you has to be the consciousness within you, for that is the only thing that is going to continue. And you ought to refocus your life to see it as the value in your life!
     Therefore, you should learn as much as you can about your consciousness, connect it to whatever it belongs and nurture it. Forget about materialism, physicalism, possessions, wealth. These are spiritually valueless. Your ego is valueless, evil, self-destructive. Labels of social standing, bank balance, etc., are spiritually useless although the robots value them greatly. The only thing of significance is your consciousness.
      Consciousness is the only thing that is going to survive.


     Even without knowing anything about Gnosticism, philosophy, metaphysics or any of the other epistemological branches of man's illusional knowledge, a person could come to the conclusion that existence on this plane is indeed a sorrowful mess which deserves utter condemnation of both the existence and the mind which thought of it. Why do I say that? Because it is only programming of illusional appeasement and the fear of speaking out which makes people accept their lot as it is metered out in this unjust, irrational hell.
     Let us meander through the years of someone who reaches a ripe age in the setting of "This is your life". Most people have learned something by the time they reach adulthood, as they resign themselves to the inevitable transition that looms through the darkness of physical death. It is unlikely that the average being on this globe will have answers which bring anything but further uncertainty of what it was all about.
     What conclusions could a True Being honestly draw from having lived a full life on this earth? I say "True Being and honestly" because I do not consider the evil beings honest in any way. They are programmed to be anything but honest. And they will never change. As certain psychiatrists have said and are saying, "they are immutably evil".
     Throughout one's life, one witnesses death and misery, war, violence, anarchy and corruption. Instrumentalities of organized religions, of municipalities and of governments seem to be there to set the stage for such atrocities, to finance them and, finally, if questioned about their existence, to give excuses and to plead their acceptance. Their hubris is poorly disguised hypocrisy. Victors glorify war, the vanquished forever plot revenge.
     On the personal level, it appears that nearly all friendships one makes are tainted by sensual overtones, or jealousy, or vindictiveness, or insincerity, or unscrupulousness, or the fading whims of a transient fashion mode. Review your experiences and ask yourself this: "How many people in my life, including family, have proved to be genuine through thick and thin?" Now count how many have stabbed you in the back or taken advantage of you just when you needed their assistance most? Which group has the greater number? Ask yourself why this is so and you will conclude the basis of this hypocritical existence is false and delusional.
     Just as a person learns enough to stop making simple mistakes, it is time to leave the scene, to die! What chance has anyone got to progress? You have struggled past the accidents and the injuries and the diseases. But why did you have to be burdened with them in the first place? As a child you saw many of your peers die. What chance did they have?
     And now you are older, seeing even older ones suffering the effects of planned incompetence and obsolescence in the physical vehicle you have been given, called the marvellous human body. What is so marvellous about it? It starts to rot the moment you step into it. It loses its teeth, its sight, its hearing, its brain function, its locomotion, its cardiovascular ability, its aerobic ability and its continence in many cases. What is great about that? Do you not think a being who is worthy of the name "God" could do a better job?
     And where has the "Mollock-god" who developed this putrefying carcass placed you? In a confined space where the spawns of his other bright ideas personally and impersonally try to injury you and kill you at every moment. If that fails, it succeeds in exploiting you mercilessly from the womb to the tomb. The only ones who can enjoy the mess have to be the exploiters, and there are plenty of those.
     Do you think I am exaggerating when I speak of the hostility of this plane? Well, just think of all those toddlers who drown, all those who succumb to abuse, poverty, starvation and neglect. (2 children are said to die every 3 seconds as estimated by the United Nations, and this figure could well be very conservative). Think of all the young people who die in accidents, in wars, due to diseases such as leukaemia, AIDS, etc. You walk through a park built for peace and recreation and, in many hostile cities around the world, you are lucky to escape violence. Many are mugged, some killed. A walk through a forest or jungle may have wild beasts and venomous creatures waiting for you. A trip on water threatens with drowning and the possibility of being eaten by sharks. You are not in the secure bosom of your Earth Mother at all. You are in the crushing grasp of the Mollock. As the years pass you become anxious and frustrated at the naked meanness, hypocrisy, lust and avarice of the majority. They are unrelenting and the stench is nauseating.
You decide to avoid dangers as much as possible, isolate and stay on your own back yard, soaking up the sun and drinking aerated waters. Do you think skin cancers and melanomas only happen to strangers? Do you really think you have an immunity to all E. coli that exist, all poisons that exist, all noxious maladies and mechanisms? You are as vulnerable as anyone else on this decaying blue prison.
     But, you try to object to all this and reminisce about the good times. Well, what were the good times? The times you met your so-called friends and drank a little too much; the times you laughed and joked and decided to do business with them? What happened? What became of the fruit of these salad green days so long ago? Ha, it was not as rosy as you would like to remember was it? The schemes you hatched fell flat did they not? And was it not Harry, (or Bill, or Jack, or whoever) the one all of you trusted the most, who ran away with the loot? Which one of the readers, has not been swindled in some way or other, major or minor, by those who were trusted? Money, emotions, time, effort, etc., are all payments you made in bad investments.
     You married what you thought was the love of your life. Well, now you are a lot wiser are you not? And you now know that very few really meet a true love. Half of all who marry divorce; 67% of those who say "Yes" a second time are divorced for the second time. You have resigned yourself to the fact that faithfulness is a word most of humanity will never understand. You loved, you lost; you are worse for wear and so you move on. But deep within you have this nagging thought that the system was designed to be this way -- faulty from the beginning, for you see it repeating itself ad nauseam wherever you look. And now that the gonadal fires are merely memories of long ago, and the embers of emotionalism are all but spent, you become saddened by the ease with which others of lesser age, lesser experience and lesser insight can allow themselves to be programmed, trapped and fooled as you were. Thus, they allow the system to perpetuate itself in its own exploitative evilness. They will not listen; they are programmed not to learn and hence all mistakes of life, in history, are repeated. It is a cycle of absurdity, planned this way for perpetuation, for relentless exploitation, without which the whole thing would collapse. Each established generation captures, by emotional blackmail, the very heart and energy of the next one, very much to its evil benefit. The new generation learns it needs to exploit to survive and so the scheme continues, and all think evil. The Akkadian Golden Rule in this very evil system is no longer "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you".
     It becomes "Do unto others before they do unto you". Some develop a ruthlessness which demands that they "Do unto others as they have done unto you and then some, in the same vein and worse". And that in a nutshell is why we are never free from wars and revenge, from man's inhumanity to man, from suffering and misery. It is ungodliness planned this way by the Mollock-demigod. And he laughs and grows fat as he drinks the blood and energy of the innocent True Beings who are destroyed by it all. And those who are not yet destroyed burden under the yoke of desperation, consumed somewhat by the gloom of the presence of such evil. It is only the news of Liberation that restores hope, restores the thoughts and the wisdom to Make sense of the Madness!
     Let us continue the life journey: It is more than likely that the children you spawned and fawned over so much turned out to be rotters. (With hindsight you now truly believe or at least find it very easy to accept that over 70% of beings are evil to start with and 15% are totally demonic.) You realize now you were foolish to waste your efforts on them. And yet, you now realize perhaps a little too late, that you were blackmailed by the programmed emotionalism of the evil biological mechanism, developed, as it was, to propagate itself and not nurture your physical wellbeing. In this system the thought of spiritual wellbeing counts for nought.
     Now with the wisdom of the years in your eyes, you tolerate the unwanted glaucoma, the strabismus and the cataracts, and you can see better than ever. You can see them instantly for what they are. And you recognize the rotters before they can emotionally exploit you as in days gone by.
     Alas, now they publicize the fact that many use the mating game and marriage to enrich themselves, discarding marriage partners when it suits them, but keeping the loot, which was the aim anyway! Evil ones abuse the systems of marriage and divorce to get their cut, to grow rich and to exploit sincere ones to the marrow. It is easy to see this now, but when the fiery hormones ruled the heart and the head, who could think straight? Whoever set it up to be so unfair deserves condemnation. Its true, its true, only the exploiters prosper in this system. And the older you get the more their numbers seem to grow. Some of them cannot wait for you to die to grab what is not theirs. Where there is a will there is greed.
     Ah, but the joys of life! What control has anyone got over that which flows from their endocrine glands to their brain to cause ruination? Can you not see that whoever designed such a system was there to destroy from the beginning?
     If you have lived a few generations, you will have witnessed many major and minor wars. And their futility does not escape you. You have seen patterns which call for war as men, whom you would not trust to run a defunct stable, are placed in charge of nations and millions of lives. And with the stroke of a pen they defend their ego with, and to, the last man they control, even as they stay in polished wooden offices to count the casualties. Its true, you now begin to realize, that there would be no wars if the politicians were forced to lead the field troops to battle from the front!
     You worked hard in your life only to realize you were merely a pawn feeding the insatiable hunger of the taxation systems and of those around you whom you now realize saw you simply as an exploitable sod. And when you retired, the system wanted you to live on a quarter of what it considered was the minimum anyone could live on. You looked around and realized those who became wealthy did so by using the system of dishonesty and corruption. But you had scruples and principles and so you failed, relatively speaking, for the system is not designed to reward hard work and honesty. You have witnessed in your life that not only did the iniquitous ones line their pockets, but that they also bought themselves apparent justice and peace. The honest ones could not afford such luxuries. Sure, the world has many wonderful things. Many of these are the result of the efforts of the trapped True Beings. Many others are part of the Divine Mother's trapped creation.
     As you grow old, your bones become brittle with the passing of time, but your mind becomes saddened with the resignation of futility. You hunger for righteousness, honesty and truth but are repaid by the system and its archons with scorn and derision, even abuse. You recall the profanity of old age and abuse of power by archons as you remember former Australian Prime Minister Bob Hawke calling a justified complainer of the iniquitous system a "silly old bugger". Hawke apparently did not know this was being recorded. Do you dare dream the end of it all? Can there really be a place that is just? You are almost at the verge of despair for you have seen those who peddle a religious hope are nothing but hypocrites with their hands in everybody's pockets. Many are lustful demons with more than money on their minds.
     You try to think of some grace for this place but there is none. You remember Psalm 130: "Out of the depths I have cried to thee O Lord; Lord, hear my voice! Let Your ears be attentive to the voice of my supplications.... " But there is no answer. Perhaps Nietzsche was right. Perhaps God is dead after all. But no; you sense with a half-hearted hope that deep within you burns a small Light, a flame, that says all is not lost. Is there something there? At times you think you can feel It! You can sense it! What is it? Is it real? Or is it the final illusion of a disillusioned mortal? I'll tell you. It is the peace of your own mind, the tranquillity of your own inner thoughts. It is the calm of your own essence. Nearing your end you realize it does not matter that those things happened. They were not you. You were never part of them. You are part of something you cannot explain. All you know is that what you belong to is not evil. It is not demeaning and abusive and exploitative like life has been. It is not deceptive and illusional, it is not emotionally draining or threatening in any way. "Yes", you think, "that is the real life I have not had in these years which have been a charade. They were not about me at all, about life at all, they were of time stolen from me. They were part of a prison sentence trying to make me give up. But now I know better. What I have lived is a cruel joke. There is not one moment in this life that I truly cherish, for which I could borrow Goethe's thoughts and say: Abide, moment - and if you cannot abide, at least return. My life is yet to begin in earnest. Indeed, I have yet not begun to live."
     If you see this as a cynical description of life, you are right, that is what was intended. But if you cannot accept it as being accurate, even though I have written it in a jocular vein, then in my opinion, you still have a lot to learn or else you have allowed yourself to remain deluded, intoxicated by the ignorance and falsehood of the Mollock and his mechanisms which will shortly be no more. And if you cling to him, his evil system, his evil robots and demons, you too will shortly be no more. There is no other solution for evil. It must be totally destroyed forever, given no chance to ever return.
     Of course these are my views, and my views only, I am presenting in MY articles. You have to examine your own lives and make up your own minds. You have to see how happy you have been, how successful, in a meaningful way. Were all your desires and dreams fulfilled as you wanted them? Were all your fears and anxieties dispelled or were they compounded by the passing years. Were all those noble hopes and aspirations of childhood fulfilled in a cacophonic kaleidoscope of mirth and happiness, or were they dashed by an unsuspected realism of pain and sorrow? Have you been able to pass on a heritage of abundance, peace, prosperity and contentment to your offspring? Or are they subjected to ever-increasing forces of social destructiveness? One view of the suicidal recklessness of the young and their expressed hopelessness for an uncertain future makes such a question very rhetorical indeed in my view.
     But, you must make up your own mind. Have you been feted like a king or queen by the childhood emotional love of your live or have you been shattered on the rocky, icy, lonely shores of the divorce courts? Has the better half turned into a bitter half? You are the only valid judge of what is in your heart. Only you know how wonderful your life has been. Only you know if you have been scarred by the evil around you or been elevated to the heights of ever-increasing bliss and beauty by the passing of the years. It cannot be a physical beauty you contemplate, for time and gravity beat us all. The blossom of youth is lost by all. Only the memory remains. The in-built degeneration of body and mind is a reminder of the inadequacy of the trap the spirit has to unjustly endure.
     Only you can tell how wonderful your life has been. How many friends can you truly count on when the chips are down? Be honest! If so-called "loved ones" are forever cherished, why are so many old, ill, incompetent, incontinent elderly abandoned so readily in nursing homes to rot and perish? The speed with which they are dumped is inversely proportional to their personal wealth and cerebration.
     Only you can tell how sincere you are in assessing your life and whether you conclude that it is a wonderful world, a wonderful life, or whether you agree with many youths who say "Life sucks!". I wonder what answer we would get from the 4.5 billion people who will go to bed hungry tonight, or the 50, 000 children and infants who will die today due to abuse, neglect or starvation?
     Of course everyone's life is punctuated by little episodes of laughter and fleeting happiness. But we need to ask: "Are these moments of real happiness or are they illusional phases in which we are deluded by the toxins of this system to forget the hardship and misery just a little and be blinded to the ferocious, unrelenting exploitation?" In other words, are these temporary episodes enough to counterbalance the meanness of the rest of the time or are they times in which we allow the programming to blind us just a little more than usual? Only you can answer that in your own life. Many indicate by their self-destructive behaviour, of course, that the balance is non-existent, hence they seek solace in drugs or other poisons such as alcohol and tobacco, in illicit sex, in crime, in glue-sniffing, in the vain glory of war, etc., etc. If the highs of life were genuine and truly counterbalancing such escapism would not be sought by so many, so vigorously.
     Let me conclude this segment by paying a visit to the theme of the movie Groundhog Day written in a Friedrich Nietzsche Way: I have said that the mind can make a heaven out of hell or a hell out of heaven, depending on how it is used and abused, depending on the thoughts one accepts and the thoughts one creates and works with. For support I turn to an extract from the writings and thoughts of Friedrich Nietzsche: "What if a demon were to creep after you one night, in your loneliest loneness, and say `This life which you live must be lived by you once again and innumerable times more; and every pain and joy and thought and sigh must come again to you, all in the same sequence. The eternal hourglass will again and again be turned - and you with it, dust of the dust!' Would you throw yourself down and gnash your teeth and curse that demon? Or would you answer: `Never have I heard anything more divine'?"

     After reflections as urged by the essay above one needs to answer for oneself the persistent questions: Can there be a better way? Can I dare to conceive of a better system? Do I dare to do so? The possibilities are these:
1     The Rhyme of Fools: This is the way things are because this is the way they are. The Universe is a cyclic exploiter and knows no Good or Evil. It will simply go on like this ad nauseam. This is the god-consciousness of the New Agers. They see no evil. They see the suffering and exploitation as part of the god whom they claim to be. These claim mendaciously that those who suffer want to experience thus for their own good. Can you think of anything more ridiculous? If this was the case, I think I would want out, for there is no point to such an existence.
2     The Delusion of Organized, Institutionalized Evil: Pick any religion you like and follow its spurious paths to nowhere. They are all false renditions of number 3.
3     The Gnostic Knowledge: Liberation from this abomination is at hand and this system will be totally destroyed with restoration of sanity.
Having used the word cynical above, let me add that Cynics were philosophers in a school (sect) founded by Antisthenes of Athens to develop, it is said, the teachings of Socrates. The Chief Doctrines of the Cynics were:
1    Virtue is the only good.
2    The essence of virtue is self-control.
3    Surrender to any external influence is beneath the dignity of "man".
At some later date I will expand on these doctrines and show they are simplified Gnostic axioms.


1    Upstairs Horticulture
     Your mind is like a garden. You have to tend it carefully to maximize its beauty, effectiveness and production. You are responsible for what grows in it. Any polluting, traumatic, destabilizing, or false thought, is like a weedy seed entering the garden. It must be eradicated before it takes hold and interferes with the growth of the healthy inhabitants of the mind-garden. If the weeds take, you are responsible for their removal. You cannot totally control what floats into the garden from the external, but you can clean the garden and reject that which is not wanted. You are not responsible for what others grow in theirs, but you can stop reacting to what they grow and can reject any of their ill-effects entering your garden by protecting your garden.
     The faster you weed out unwanted material the less work you need to do to keep your garden healthy and productive. The longer you allow weeds to grow, the harder it is to bring the garden back to its pristine beauty. Hence, act swiftly when you see an ill wind blowing, when you see unwanted weeds coming. Remove them even before they take hold in the soil. If they take hold, nip them in the bud. Plant the best in your mind garden. Use the best ingredients for best results. "Water it" regularly. Do not give any who do not respect it the chance to enter it and interfere with your implantations. Do not leave it unguarded as many may enter and destroy part of it. Do not give it "nutrients" of unknown origin for they may poison it. Illuminate your garden with the true salubrious Light, not the artificial light which could further damage it.
     Whenever you suffer attacks on the mental plane, use this simple analogy to get back on track. Go back to basics and clean out your mind like you would a garden after a storm. Throw out the debris, examine the structures you value for damage and set about restoring order. Do things methodically. Deal with one problem at a time. If you are tired, rest. If you are hungry, eat. Deal with difficulties when you are at your best. Reassess your views and understanding periodically.
     Unlike a normal garden do not throw fertilizer about with reckless abandon. Treat your mind with respect and feed it only the best "nutrients" available. You would be wise to establish a permanent connection to the Mind of the Higher Consciousness within you so that your outer mind garden will be constantly watered by the Divine Essence within you, automatically.
     Avoid those stimuli that you know throw your mind off track. You are not stupid. You know what those stimuli are and how damaging they can be. Do not entertain anything which compromises you. You have done so in the past and you know how difficult it is to eradicate the damage done and the time wasted to regain lost ground. In dealing with anything in your life, material or spiritual, always remember the axiom: An ounce of prevention is worth a ton of cure.

2    Discipline
     Many find discipline very difficult. Well, let us take a cue from the comedy movie "What About Bob?" that many people have seen. Take baby steps; do a little bit at a time. Try yourself on something small and build up your confidence and strength as you go. Develop your confidence and self-esteem as you take these steps. Then with discipline, re-dedicate yourself. If you do that, you will not lose focus. But if you do not improve, assess yourself and make an effort to improve, or else you will lose focus.
     Now as you are extracting yourself from the traps, often you may be hit with another programming which is called the loneliness programming. If you remember, in one of the books I wrote a whole chapter about this programming of loneliness and how it gets people into traps like alcoholism, gambling, pornography, exploitative sex, bad partners and so on. They feel this need. It is a programmed method by which the evil demiurge makes sure that you mingle with the robots and demons. So if you have developed a proper link you will know, you may be alone but you are never lonely.
     Place into the correct spiritual perspective, all your friends, your relationships, your children, your parents, your spouse, your sex partners and so on. They can either be for or against you, as the old saying goes. They can either be of benefit to you and help you on your spiritual path or they can be demons, hypocrites, robots, hindering you. You know what they are and you will mask it only to protect your ego or your weakness, so you must examine them carefully.
     And you are the only one who can decide, because you are the only one who can accept the answer you get. No one else can tell you. You may ask others and they may tell you, but they could be wrong or they may not want to offend you and will give you an answer that you will want to hear. So you have to go within; destroy that hypocrisy and be courageous and honest. Get the correct answer you want. Decide what is best for you and move from there.
     Which brings me to another point -- stop worrying about what other people think about you. You may appear extraordinary, unusual, even eccentric in their eyes because you have shunned the worthless things of society. But who cares what others think? They do not understand what is going on. They are totally immersed in the illusion and you are not. So do not worry about what they think. You will only waste energy if you do so.
     Now at times as you are improving and establishing this wonderful link and developing this great inner strength you will be cut off, you may feel cut off. You have to ask yourself, "How am I cut off? When did I get cut off? Why am I cut off?" If it is due to factors that you have allowed to creep in, that should not be there -- in other words, the evil programming, pollution and indoctrination -- rectify the situation as quickly as possible. If you have been eating the wrong types of food, you know your awareness wavers. If you have been affected by peers in the wrong way, been pressured into the wrong thing, you know -- wake up and discipline further.

      Murphy's Law is not just a timely reminder of the complexity and diversity of this creation. It is an indication of the bloody-minded evilness of this set-up. Murphy's Law has many ways of being expressed. The simplest are such sayings as this: "If anything can go wrong, it will. And it will do so at the most inconvenient time." The occurrences under Murphy's Law make sure that people are frustrated as much as possible, that they need to expend as much energy as possible solving the simplest of problems, that they are exposed to as much suffering, danger and exploitation as possible with the least cost to the system and so forth. Let me give an example. Have you ever noticed that when you are driving on a deserted highway, you and another vehicle coming in the opposite direction will reach the same one-lane bridge at exactly the same time, creating danger and necessitating extreme caution and care? Chances are you will not encounter another vehicle for many kilometres thereafter. There are many other examples. Murphy's Law is a manifestation of the tendency of this system to decay, corrupt and sustain evil. It is a Law of the relentless exploitation, abusiveness and iniquity. Evil ones play the system according to this Law knowing that they can get away with evil in an evil system, for it is built to allow evil exploitation of those who try to live honestly. This is just one other reason why the whole system has to go.

     There are so many things for a True Being to overcome in order to awaken and become an effective warrior that many become discouraged and tend to give up. Fears due to various programming factors and prejudicial indoctrination from schooling, religion, nationalism, etc., all need to be overcome. The opposition cannot beat you unless you give in!!

     The FEAR OF DEATH traumatizes some people so much that paradoxically they suicide. The trauma of the fear of injury, disease, loss of loved ones (who are really seen as possessions by unaware ones) cannot be exaggerated. I can tell you from my doctoring days, as can most doctors around the world, that most people attend doctors out of fear of disease and death, not out of the need for treatment. But the fear is an artificial installation by evil via all sorts of programming mechanisms, including thought implantation to make people emotionally suffer. By this suffering they lose energy to the system. You have all heard the saying "The coward dies a thousand deaths, the valiant but one". Reject fear of physical death implanted in you and be courageous. Get on with your awakening and preparation for the next phase of your existence. You have suffered many physical deaths and your consciousness has survived. You are still here are you not? OK, you may be a little worse for wear, but you are still "alive" and struggle against the evil tide, inspite of all those deaths. So where would it get you to waste energy on worrying about your physical death? It will not do you any good. It can only weaken you and exploit you. Be ready for when it comes, but in the meantime get on with the role you have been given on this level.

DEMOCRACY superficially appears to be a great idea. But it fails because of the presence of evil. It panders to the lowest common denominator which is evil, hence democracy in this system serves the evil purpose.

From the Correspondence file

Dear Dr Chiappalone
     I just listened to a few of your tapes. They are excellent. I enjoyed them very much. They definitely put the listener on one side or the other -- no dilly-dallying. You present the world picture very clearly: the evilness of the various institutions including religion, science and the media; how things are and what the inevitable result will be -- total destruction. You have pointed out how all things of this world are tainted and of little value and how all worldly information is not true inner knowledge. You invite the listener to see things as they really are. You have suggested the listener evaluate his life and what is important to him, put aside the past, and make a decision as to what part he wants to play in the work at hand or if he even wants to take part in any way. You present the inevitable attacks and SEEMING temporary disadvantages that come with making a commitment as well as the benefit of connecting to that Godforce within which is the only thing of any value. You make it very clear just what one is getting into when he/she wakes up and makes a commitment. You ask if one is up to it. You also prepare people for reactions from family, friends, etc. You make it clear there is only one voice to listen to and the importance of making that connection within to hear it clearly. You point out how important it is to stand on one's own feet and rely on no one else but the Higher Consciousness. You point out how easily one can be fooled by those pretending to be of the Light and how to discern them. All in all it seems that you have set the stage for the listener to wake up and make a decision on how he/she will proceed with his/her life. Do they wish to be awakened or not? There can be no fence sitters after hearing these tapes.
J.R., Sarina, Qld, Australia.

Dear Drs. Joseph and Amitakh Chiappalone,
     I want to thank you and tell you that Annwn Publications has been the beacon of Light, Truth and Love I have been looking for all my life. Without it, I am sure I would have remained lost - adrift on the surface of life without a rudder or direction. Although I tried to understand life's deeper questions and make sense of the world around me, as well as understand myself, I must confess that I was mostly playing mind games, exchanging one set of erroneous philosophies or theories for another.
     I was going in circles and not truly getting anywhere, despite years of mediation and study. Once I had the "key," read the books of the Centre, and gained the proper approach and understanding of meditation with the help of your books, The Meditation Booklet and New Information on the Centres of Consciousness, I was finally feeling like I was getting somewhere. Everything was beginning to make sense, and over time, I was able to begin to put together the pieces of the puzzle of life. I can't say that it makes a pretty picture, but knowing the truth of things and having the peace and certainty of that truth, is in itself a profound and beautiful thing. In fact, it is the foundation upon which I can base my life and from which I can derive some true sense of purpose. I never had that type of contentment before. Another thing I witnessed and experienced was True Love, and I am attached to this love like a moth to the flame (even though I am not always loving myself). Most people, myself included, look for that special someone - "the one" - who they feel is the right person for them to spend their lives with.
     They seek relationships with others to fulfil this need - this longing - for this special one. Or perhaps they find it in a career or in a family setting. What I realized is that who/what we are looking for is the Divine Mother - the True Love, the Best Friend, the "Everything" you could ever want, the fulfilment of all dreams. As your very special book, The True Divine Mother, says, everything we could ever want or need is contained in this Love. I was trapped by my own attachments, my false emotional ideas about and definition of love, and the illusions about "relationships" as they exist in this false and deluding world. It was a hard and painful lesson, but I am glad to be free/freer of it. It is an unnecessary and draining burden which actually decreases love and a sense of well-being, not the other way around.
     In true love we come together, even though we may be physically apart. In emotional "love", though we may be physically together, we never feel close enough, and contentment or peace does not last. In my case, my problems were complicated by a pernicious ego, activated emotions, a worldly definition of "good" as opposed to true Divine goodness, and a lower physical mind that gave me more troubles than I care to call up to memory. Negativity and fear gripped me.
     It was so much easier to see the problems and evil of the world, as well as the programming and pollution of others, than it was to see my own weaknesses and how I might begin to wage my own personal war with the evil personally affecting me.
     It is still hard to break with the negative energies, to be free to connect with love, and experience the Divine more fully. But, it is worth every effort, as one small connection with the Divine reveals. All evil drops off, and only true love, peace, joy, and the true reality floods the awareness and calms the being. The books and the love and energy given out by the Centre are beyond what one would hope for. Beyond the words and printed pages is the VERY REAL source of the Divine, reaching out to help all who sincerely wish assistance, guidance, and nurturing.
     I am sure that what we see at the physical level is just the tip of the iceberg, a tiny representation of all the Light is. The books assist us in preparing ourselves and taking our steps towards the Light within. We are being helped to connect to our lifeline - our spiritual lifeline - without which we will suffer greatly in the times ahead. For I know without a doubt that this world must end, and will end; the evil pollution is far too great, and there will never be any peace, love, truth, harmony, justice, or balance, living with any evil or negativity. It cannot be "fixed"; it must be destroyed. I have benefited greatly from the new revised volume set of Making Sense of the Madness. Despite reading the earlier versions, I feel these books have helped me immensely. I intend to re-read them as each time I re-read any of your books, I get even more and more out of them. This may sound funny, but I have always felt that your books are "alive."
     Thank you for coming into my life. If there is anything I can ever do to help in any way, at any time, please feel free to call on me. I can think of no better way to spend my time and energy than to be of service to the Divine Light, who is working to truly rectify all the problems for all beings on this miserable planet, and who IS this glorious and wondrous Love.
Sincerely, Lynn Saffian.
     Lynn runs the Sub-centre in Washington State, USA.

MY AWAKENING by Norman Pappas

     It is only when we wake up that we realise that we were asleep. When looking back over our lives we can see how unaware we were at different stages - however if anyone had asked us at any time if we were aware or enlightened we would most likely have said yes. Enlightenment can be sudden or gradual. Here's how it happened to me. Up to about the age of seventeen life was interesting and the future was full of promise. I was top of my class, good at sport, head prefect and was looking forward to studying Medicine at university in a year's time. However at the end of my fifth year of high school I lost interest in my schoolwork - there seemed to be a big void in me - I no longer knew what I really wanted. Sure, I went through the motions of studying and did well enough to enter Medicine but from then on I only studied enough to pass the exams - I no longer had any desire to compete with others and achieve high marks. University was a huge disappointment - I had been looking forward to intellectual discussions etc but the most common topics were football and last night's party. Nobody questioned what we were taught - we just wrote down every word we were told and tried to memorise all the "facts" we were given.
     In this state of emptiness and lack of direction I became interested in a fundamentalist religious radio broadcast - Herbert W Armstrong and The World Tomorrow. They seemed to have a lot of answers about the meaning of life, the state of the world etc. Before too long I joined their church and felt that at last I had real purpose in my life. After graduating in Medicine, I went to England and attended one of the church's Colleges. On the surface this was supposed to be a great place to be - most of the students enjoyed it immensely - but for me it was to be the worst three years of my life. I felt an unexplained heaviness, unease and turmoil inside me. I believed what I was taught but this conflicted with what I saw happening about me. The energy drain was heavy. It was a relief to get back home. After trying a couple of different jobs I finally decided to get back into Medicine. I obtained a hospital position in a country city hundreds of miles from home and church. I was amazed how much better I felt - I was able to be myself again. In 1976 I went to South Africa for a seven month working holiday - there I met my wife. During that time the church was having a lot of internal problems and I decided to cut off all involvement with it. It seemed like a great load was removed off my back. I wanted to have nothing to do with any religion again. Back in Melbourne I began a medical practice and for the next ten years tried very hard to make enough money to get out of Medicine - I did not enjoy Medicine. For some reason this seemed to be very much uphill. Even investments seemed to always lose. In 1986 a "friend" offered me a position in a new company he was forming - however this promising opportunity turned out to be empty. In 1987 while being where I was not scheduled to be I "happened" to meet Dr Joseph Chiappalone. We knew each other - we were in the same Medical class at University and we practised within a couple of kilometres of each other. We occasionally had chatted but were unaware of each other's interest in philosophy etc. I had been somewhat surprised in the previous year when I had heard that he had left Medicine. He gave me one of the books he had written and that was the beginning of my true awakening.
     Looking back now I can see that at the age of seventeen I was given a gentle shake on the shoulder - but not enough to awake - and since then had been looking for the real meaning of my life. I went through a variety of experiences but always felt that whatever I did was not the "real thing". However I learnt a lot and now I can see how I was often guided to do certain things and prevented from going through some doors which at that time looked desirable. I am glad to be where I am.
Norman Pappas

(Norman, a registered medical practitioner, runs the Toowoomba sub-centre, in Southern Queensland, Australia, with his wife Pujarin.)

*     If you were to believe scientists who say that they have the answer to everything, you would be greatly fooled. In fact, science has no answers. Each apparent solution to the problems it tackles creates far more problems than it resolves.
*     The fear of financial deficiency is one of the meanest and cruellest of all the programming factors. It is not just abject poverty which wrecks lives. The daily grind to meet commitments can be just as punishing and exploitative. Make life a little easier for yourselves: separate needs from wants. Unburden yourselves of all unnecessary pressures in your lives. See the wants as programmed thoughts and desires to keep you locked into cycles of exploitation pandering to the ego. Seek only the needs to fulfil your role.


     When you are unhappy, examine yourself and see why you are unhappy. When you are constantly plagued by this disease called unhappiness, examine your thoughts honestly and deeply. Then ask yourself why you are not happy.

*        Are you unhappy because no one took any special notice of you?
*        Is it because you are still upset over how people in your life had treated you in the past?
*        Are you dissatisfied with life because you feel you are a nobody?
*        Are you frustrated and worried because you have very little money and no worldly prestige?
*        Are you annoyed with yourself for having been a fool, blinded by those who were insincere and dishonest in their dealings with you?
*        Are you depressed and angered each time you recalled how you were suppressed, used, abused, manipulated and rejected by those around you?
*        Do you feel the need to get back at those who had done you wrong?
*        And as long as such a desire is not fulfilled, do you tell yourself that you will never be satisfied and happy?

     I can go on asking you many questions as to why you are unhappy. You might choose to answer that you do not know why you are so unhappy. But everyone knows why they are not happy if only they would look deep into their problem sincerely. If you can answer "yes" to any of the questions I have just put to you, then you can be certain that your ego is smarting.

     Your ego is refusing to grow up so to speak. It refuses to let go of the old in order to accommodate the new. It refuses to empty the putrefied water in order that you can refill your cup with clean, wholesome, refreshing water.

     Your ego does not want you to be happy. Your ego is preventing you from appreciating what is truly good for you.

     Your ego wants you to continue to be enslaved by it for it is part of the polluted, evil creation of the evil master.

     It is all up to you to make the choice -
i        to be controlled as a slave by your ego and continue to do its evil will until it destroys you

ii        to decide right now that you will control it so that it can be guided by your Higher Mind for your Highest Good.

     To do this you must want to let go of the past and start anew and follow it through. Your effort must be constant and sustained. Your have to be patient and persevere till you succeed in controlling your ego. If you give up easily, you will not succeed in being master of your ego.


All sorts of evil influences, evil programming and pollution can be such on this level, that the lower nature, and its limited physical mind, and ego can be one's worst enemies.

What is Evil? Evil is anything which knowingly interferes with one's attempt at spiritual progress towards the Highest Source.


The Light-Elements - by Amitakh.

     The five Light-Elements of Light, Fire, Water, Wind, and Air represent the Living Consciousness in its passive, suffering aspect. The thought of life are the Consciousness' instinct and Will to salvation, thus purifying trapped psyche to become awakened Nous. I shall refer to these five Light-Elements as Special High Devas of Light, Fire, Water, Wind and Air. These special spiritual creations are at the same time visible and invisible. Though they may be described as "masculine" or "feminine", these terms are used to denote the basic attributes of the Light-Elements. On the higher levels, the devas of Light are exquisitely beautiful and pure. On this physical level, the devas of Wind are amongst my favourite constant companions. The devas of Wind reveal themselves as free, active, uncluttered refreshing energy. They are the "unseen messengers". I admire and respect their wisdom and their uplifting, comforting, cool, feminine, healing energy. They are my good old friends. No matter where I am, they are never far away. Sometimes they bring special greetings and news from far away. Sometimes they stay around for awhile during their sojourn just so we can share each other's company. We exchange lively greetings, we exchange news and we embrace in pure delight. The meeting is always such a welcome, joyous occasion. Even as they express in a masculine way, as in the case of a cyclone, or in a beautiful tornado, you can see much beauty, and power of creativity in their "dance", if you know their true spirit. Next time when you are in the presence of the Wind devas, try letting yourself into their energy field and experience them. If you are comfortable with them, use the occasion for deep mental and emotional cleansing. It is worth the effort! All the trapped Light-Elements here are also awaiting liberation. They are also assisting in the process of Liberation.


     It is uncanny that those who attack our Gnosis are using exactly the same methods in their polemical speech and writings against us today as they had done to the true Gnostics of the past. The True Beings will not be put off by evil propaganda even if they are temporary weakened by the programming of fear and confusion. None of the evil ones who attacked the True Gnostics of the past and present had refuted the Gnostic teaching by logical and scientific arguments. The enemies of Manichaeism ridiculed the figurative details of Mani's cosmogony and denounced them categorically rather than refuting them by logical and scientific arguments.
     Keep well and flowing with giggling bubbles,

From this day on, I want you to be especially kind to your pets and more tolerant of all animals.
Bye for now,
J S Chiappalone, Editor
Copyright 1997 (c) by J.S. Chiappalone

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