The start
To all regulars of The Mallorean Tavern, the story is well known, but still a lovely ditty.
Korgor was a bad man. A thief. A kidnapper. A swindler of the good honest people of the tavern. One day, in the quiet halls of the Storytellers Corner, the robber Baron posted a story. A tell all information guide for anyone and everyone on how to obtain their own Barony. Princess Xera, as she has been known to do from time to time, was wandering about in the area, when she happened upon the story. She was intrigued. Immediately, she paid the money the Baron was demanding for the instructions and began to read them diligently.
Something went terribly wrong
Without warning, the instructions stopped. Xera posted diligently, asking the Baron to complete his instructions as promised, but she never received a response. As the Baron had stated that he had spent his lifetime completing these works, and then claimed they were not completed the Princess was entirely correct in her next move. With the help of the Nature Sorceress Icestar she began taking legal action against Korgor, intending to have his barony since she was incapable, with the incomplete instructions, to gain her own by underhanded means. Her quest was halted by the words of the Lady Adara, who informed the young dryad (well 75 is young for a dryad) that those were technically her properties and therefor not legally obtainable in a lawsuite. In an out of court compromise the two ladies decided that the Island of Gorgons Crown would be given to Princess Xera. In an effort to help Xera, the noble Blade entered unvited into the Barons tower rooms and forced him to sign legal ownership of Gorgons Crown over to the Lady Xera, who did after much thought and conversation rename the Island. Gorgons Crown was no more, the island is now OakHaven, island paradise for all to enjoy, for a price........
The plan
The majority of the tavern pitched in to help Princess Xera. There were cleaners, landscapers, floral artists, construction workers, you name it, they were willing to help. The scheduled completion of the transformation of the isle is planned for just before summer solstice. Perfect timing for the weddings of Lady Chantra, Xera's sister, to her beloved Floydy, Goddess Shara, Xera's personal Goddess, to her love Axel, and Nature Sorceress Icestar, one of Xera's closest companions, to her betrothed Falcon. The stage is set for the Grand Opening Celebration, and the multiple tavern weddings. Love lies heavily in the air, as does the slight feeling of suspicion....after all, Baron Korgor surely won't give up the fight so easily?