Da Star Wars page of the century!!!
Hey, this is DaMaddog00 at it again I have already brought pokemon to the web and now Star Wars!!
Hey, I have already made a Pokemon Website, i have given the link at the bottom so visit it sometime, and keep checking back for more updates and more info. E mail me for tips and help with making a web page, getting through some ps, pc, or gameboy games and maybe I can help. also email me codes and cheats and i will put them on and credit will be given if okay with sender.
I have many codes and cheats these are just a sample!!
Cheat Mode: While in game play press Backspace, then type one of the codes below in the dialogue window. Function - Code [the 2 codes below can only be used 5 times and make the game harder] full health- heal it up Full health1 - give me life Play as Queen Amidala - iamqueen Play as Qui-Gon Jin - iamquigon One thing i dont understand is why put a limit on the codes , whats the use then and REMEMBER these are a sample visit my page I will be creating about coddes!! Play as Obi-Wan - iamobi Play as Panaka - iampanaka
Here is a SAMPLE of the walkthroughs page I will have this one is done by me and not as great has the ones a mother person has provided!!!
When you start of in the confrence room you will see gas emerging from two diffrent spots you must go inbetween the two spots and a door will open, go through the door and you will fight about 5 droids, after that go left and right to pick up equipment from the rooms for the level and later. keepgoing, you might fight droids along Then after that go forward from the door where you started from and the way, then theres a door go right to fight the droids and open the door, but do NOT enter the door go left and pick up a full health and then proceed. You will keep going and might fight more droids but when you get to a dark hallway where at one end there is a door and the other a droid, go to the door go right and fight and press the hand print, then go left to fight and press another hand print to open the door[always press all hand prints]. then more and better droids will come then follow Qui Gon you will fall, then go to a room that opens and press the hand print then run out go to another open room and press that hand print, then run out and go out the last door and you will fight droids at one way for a gun you will need it so do that, then go the other way andfight droids there are four doors one is red go next to one door at a time so you dont fight to many droids at once. then go uliminate the pawer source in a room with a old man. Then go threw the red door and fight, then go up from the left and fight then go to a tunnel were Qui gon tells you to sneek on a ship and then go up and right figit with the hand prints this is easu amd then go to a lift to go out and fight then go towards other lifts coming up filled with droids to fight and then go to a lift with a hand print and press it...............CONGRAGTULATIONS YOU BEET THE FIRST LEVEL!!!!