Herman Littleton SelbySallie  Montgomery Selby

Dennis Littleton SelbyIrmgarde Bliss

Dennis Bliss Selby

Dennis Bliss Selby
  • Born: 7-28-1944, Cleveland, Ohio
  • Occupation: Custom Pool Table Fabricator

    Dennis Bliss Selby
    July 28, 1944 - Cleveland, Ohio
    Named after his father and his mother's maiden name.

    Dennis grew up in Kansas City, attended San Jose State, spent 2 years in the
    United States Navy, three more years of college, 2 years in the Merchant
    Marines, 3 or 4 years in construction, and now owns a custom pool table
    business. His family memories include:

    * the water cooler at Mary Jane's -- drinking so much cold water he had

    * the swamp cooler and how cold Mary Jane's house was

    * eating squirrel, greens, black-eyed peas, and cornbread at every meal
    in Okemah

    * how brown and flat Oklahoma was (now he says it is so pretty and green)

    * a trip to Durango to stay with Lois, Judy, & Terry

    * a trip to Hobbs to stay with Lazine

  • Generated by GenDesigner FreeWare made by Morten Salthe 1998