On this page you will find lots of cool stuff, including notes on mythology, beer and even a poem or two.
I have been getting complaints about "Cuchulain's Fight with the Sea", so I thought I would remove it for a while. Here is an original poem, let me know what you think. Especially you Snap!!!!
Yes, but it still rains And the trees continue to grow. The world turns at the same speed, and the moon will be full every 28 days.
Things that are true will always be. they can't be stopped by you or me.
Rain will fall and the sun will shine. Not just for you, but these things are mine.
The moon doesn't care if you love or hate, even when spring seems to come to late.
Dream of your life, then live your dreams, Love what is true, whether or not it can be seen.
Now for the Question of the week(or month depending on when I get aroud to changing it) Should Snappy stay with his current, freak girlfriend, or should he get back with his baby's mamma? Let me know I'll pass on your thoughts. You can reach me at [email protected]