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Suggested Books and Where to Get Them! In Association with

Archaeological Master Plan for St. Louis and St. Louis Co.: This is a data base for the professional and amatuer. It contains detailed information for the St. Louis area, a history of archaeology in Missouri and is a good source of general archaeological information from the Paleo period through the Historical Mississippian Period.
Some popular myths about Amerindians. What they didn't tell you in school. Romantic History and the Mound Builders. Why the inaccurate information became popular.
Soap Box: Let's get it right! The Paleo, Archaic, Woodland and Mississippian Temple Culture Periods.
The Adena/Hopewell Culture. The paleoindians hunted the mastodon and other giant Megatherms!
Amerindian Mound Builder Civilizations and their Mysteries, including Woodhenge and the mystery of their dissappearance. Amerindian Philosophy Page!
American Indian History. Bibliography
Early Explorations and Other American History Topics Including Original Sources. LINKS: Amerindian Mound Builder Archaeology, Anthropology, Native American Sites and Other Links.
Native American Culture. Catalog of Mound and Other Earthwork types.
A little about me. The "Dark and Bloody Ground" Myth.
Tips on writing the research paper. Pictures of Mound Culture Figurines and Other Artifacts
Amerindian Literature The truth about Amerindian women.
The Olmec The Mysterious Mandan
Comprehensive Listing of Amerindian Culture Groups and Tribes. Position Papers on Noted Anthropologists
What Amerindians really look like. Suggestion for this slot?

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