Icon of St. George El Mozahem

St. George

The Mozahem

St. George The Mozahem


A Brief Biography Of St. George The Mozahem: 

In Berket Talka in 940 AD A Bedouin man called " El-Atway" married from a Christian lady called "Mariam", they had six children and one of them called " Mozahem".
Mariam, " Mozahem's mother " had a complete freedom to go to the church and be a real Christian, he used to go with her to the church and liked it very much.
Mozahem longed to receive the Holy sacraments, but his mother told him that he couldn't do that unless he is baptized and becomes a Christian.
Mozahem grew up and his longing to receive the sacraments grew with him. Once he fasted and waited for his mother until she returned from church and took from her the Eulogia. He ate it and its taste in his mouth was like the taste of honey, so he said if this is the taste of the Eulogia, how is the sacraments!!!
Mozahem tried to get baptized, but Satan caused a woman who was possessed by an impure spirit to shout saying that he isn't a Christian. The priest was afraid and got him out.
Mozahem didn't heed the angel's words. He went to the church and tried to baptize himself by immersing himself 3 times.
Mozahem married a Christian lady called Seyola. He told her his story, she told him that his baptism isn't perfect. After suffering a lot of persecutions, Mozahem and his wife went to city near Samanoud and there he was baptized by a priest called Fr. Abamon who called him by a Christian name George, because it was the Roman St. George's feast.
Mozahem and his wife lived together as a brother and a sister (not having any marital relationship). They went to Damiana village and stayed there for 3 years. The saint's holiness began to illuminate. He then thought of becoming a monk, but he heard a voice in a dream refrain him from going to the monastery and encouraging him to seek martyrdom.
After that the governor arrested him and persecuted him a lot, but the saint endured it by the power of Jesus Christ who appeared to him with the Archangel (Michael) and the virgin Mary. Lord Jesus told him that he would be martyred near the church of Archangel Michael.
The governor was very impressed because of the fire didn't have any effect on the martyr, and wanted to free him but the people were excited and wanted to kill the governor.
The saint's relics reached his wife. Some people tried to burn it but God didn't allow it to happen.
After that his wife took the relics, and lighted a lamp in front of it. His relics are now at (Basta El- Nasara) church - Domyat - Egypt.
Let us ask for his prayers so that we could be blessed. Amen.

St. George The Alexandrian

St. George The Roman


