AGAINST FORGETTING (poetry, music, philosophy, art, film, and dreaming)
"Here's to the few who forgive what you do, and to the fewer who don't even care." - Leonard Cohen I know why the bird is caged.
My name is Angelia. I am more than my name. If you are curious and brave, you will email me any questions you might have about the person behind these pages. My promise is this: if I answer, it will be an honest answer.

[email protected]
"I have a little. That's what gives me the chance to do what I want." W Somerset Maugham (from "The Razor's Edge")
Poets, Writers, Philosophers and all the rest that have the balls to go mad.
Anna Akhmatova
Kalera Ashley
Steven Jesse Berstein
Charles Bukowski
Consstantine Cavafy
Leonard Cohen
e.e. cummings
Jason Davidoff
John Fowles
Abby Hoffman
Edmond Jabes
Angelia Jones
Nikos Kazantzakis'
Federico Garcia Lorca
M Somerset Maugham
Pablo Neruda
Fernando Pessoa
Edgar Allan Poe
Percy Bysshe Shelley
Natasha Tinsley
Walt Whitman
Favorite Links

The Leonard Cohen Files
A brilliant site dedicated to the man who has gotten me through some of the most difficult nights.



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