
The poetry on this page was written by me and my friends. Please do not use it without permission. I hope you enjoy it!
"The World Today
To even think of taking the life I have given thee
Oh, how this knowledge saddens me.
I give them all life,
They use it for strife.
They don't even appreciate it.
No, they just destroy it bit by bit.
Even the love I give them they betray.
My vows, to them, are just words to say.
My love and generosity mean nothing to them.
I am now just someone found and left on a whim.
Now they don't believe in my love anymore,
Instead, on each other, they have declared war.
They now wonder why their future seems so dark...
How can they have one if not led by their hearts?
Why can't they comprehend that their future will never again be bright,
Unless they find and trust that only my love can again make things right....
A place supposed to be warm and safe
Somewhere that you belong; a loving place
But for me this is not the case
For my fear is rooted in this place
Called "Home"

A place where trust is no longer known
Always fearing of being with him alone
Ashamed for feeling this way about family
More ashamed of what he did to my body
At "Home"

No longer feeling safe here
For this is the place I fear
I feel no comfort coming "home" to here
Knowing that he might also be there
In my "Home"

Where I can not be protected from the pain
A place whose memories drive me insane
The nightmares, the screams
The memories that haunt my dreams
At "Home"

No, not my "home", not my safety
Just my reminder of my vulnerability
Each day having to remember that day
The scars and memories always stay
At "Home"

Where I awake shaken and drenched with sweat
Having to relive it all, every little bit
Unable to release myself from this prison
Unable to forget what has been done
In my "Home"

Where I was touched in a way that ashamed me
That stole myself and made me angry
Angry at my parents and at the world
How dare they let this happen to a little girl
At "Home"?

Where I'll never be safe again
And thanks to him
I'll never have a
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