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10th February, 2001

Bridge Over Yangtze River: Wet Road Surface. China Construction Engineering Project Achieved With Limited Resources

August, 1987
The bridge over the Yangtze River at Nanjing was well worth a visit, and having made diversions to '95 Tong Mu and '93 Ping Xiang, we have now rejoined the 1987 Group Tour at Nanjing arriving here from Wuxi

The bridge over the river at Nanjing, which used to be called Nanking, is on the banks of the great Yangtze, a formidable barrier to North/South travelling until the bridge we saw was completed in 1968. The bridge over the river spans nearly a mile of water but with the access roads on either side, the total length is nearly 4 miles, The bridge was to have been a gift from the Russian Government.carrying four lanes of traffic on the upper deck and two rail tracks on the lower deck. We were told that it takes about one hour to walk from one end to the other but didn't have time to test this theory. When construction started in 1960 it must have been a formidable project even to consider, for it was built by China when it did not have the resources it has at the present day. I would have liked to have seen this engineering achievement in sunshine or moonlight, but had to be satisfied with low murky clouds and the wet road surface drying up after rain. From the top of the observation tower we could see some of the river traffic, ships and barge-trains, dwarfed when compared to the structure, and there was a panoramic view of the surrounding area looking a trifle gloomy under an overcast sky.

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