
Table Of Contents

1. General Hints


2. Walkthrough

A. Chapter 1 - From the beginning until you find Tori in Outlaw Canyon.

B. Chapter 2 - Getting into Wind City Cathedral. Going down to Shell 5.

C. Chapter 3 - Finding your allies. Trying to stop the Doomsday Device at Research Lab.

D. Chapter 4 - Freeing Araym/Getting to Shell 7. Getting Badu and Chosen's mining operations.

E. Chapter 5 - Stopping the artificial conjunction/lenses.

F. Chapter 6 - Finding a way off Shell 6. Freeing Lobo's crew.

G. Chapter 7 - Going to the Chosen Palace and getting the core key.

H. Chapter 8 - Gas mask for Mold Forest. Going into the core to kill Hell God.

I. Chapter 9 - Freeing Wind City.

J. Chapter 10 - Trying to stop Doskias from using the DDD(Doomsday Device).

K. Chapter 11 - Reviving Layla. The Factory. Lens Jungle.

L. Chapter 12 - The Curse of Draxx. Jinam Laboratory again to try to stop the DDD.

M. Chapter 13 - Try to use secret weapon to save people from the DDD.

N. Chapter 14 - The Lost City of Marduk.

O. Chapter 15- Stop Doskias and save Septerra Core.

P. Selina/Corgan Sub-Quest

Q. Led/Grubb Sub-Quest

R. Led/Lobo Sub-Quest

S. Bird Tower Sub-Quest

T. 5 Stone Sub-Quest

U. Ghost Farm Sub-Quest

V. Misc. Ignorable Sub-Quests

X. 10 Bird Locations

Y. The 22 Fate Card Locations


General Hints:

Use the bed in Uncle's house to rest for free.

Use first level attacks on Armored Crabs. Place your cursor over everything to find special items or places.

Use the automap to find special items or places.

Talk to everyone about everything and with all party members.

Always get the best armor and weapons and items you can afford.

Save often because you can.

Those with the best Core Energy do the most damage with magic.

Shortcut keys can be useful if you are having problems, though the only ones I used were shift: Q - Select Player 1 in Combat A - Select player 2 in combat Z - Select player 3 in combat W - Select skills in combat E - Select fate cards in combat R - Select inventory in combat U - Exit back to real time Shift - Run as long as you hold it down Escape - Exits out of menus/conversations/cut-scenes Spacebar - Enter or exit subscreens X - Enter options screen F5 - Quicksave game F8 - Load the quicksave game

Use these Shell maps to get around in the game


(1) Introduction: The opening movie starts, giving you a very brief description of the plot, hints of Septerra's unusual continental makeup, and knowledge of the two keys that could unlock the computer core to save the world from devastation. The time has come, and it's obvious that you are the one who is going to have to do it. Lord Doskias is too impatient to wait for the continents to align to allow access to the core, and you are given a glimpse of the start of the next Chosen civil war - with Gunnar coming to the Emperor's aide. Lord Doskias is looking to gain power, rather than to save the world, and that can only mean trouble - and guess who gets to stop him.

You start in Uncle's house (2) telling him about the ships you saw overhead, and soon you find out that someone has been smuggling weapons to world shell 3. The Mayor always blames the junkers for anything bad that happens, and is quick to lay the blame on them. Tori, after showing a lot of attitude, leaves and Uncle tells you that you had better get off to class at Azziz's Temple so that you won't be late.

What To Do: Before leaving Uncle's house (2) go to the northeast and grab the loaf of bread from the refrigerator (3), and notice that there is a bed (2) in the southwest room of the house that you can sleep on to recover HP and Core Energy. There are three shops in Oasis: The Stockpile (weapons) (3), JunkMail (Armor) (4), and SKS (items) (5). After talking to everyone and buying what you want, leave Oasis completely to view the shell 2 map. Right now there is nothing to do in the SW part of Oasis called the Junk Heap. Once the shell 2 map opens, you can go to five different places from your current location: Back to Oasis; To the north is The Factory; South and slightly west is Grubb's workshop; Southeast is The Pumping Station; and the place that you want to head to next - The Badlands to the west.

The Badlands: There isn't much to this place, just head directly west. If you get too low on HP, use a loaf of bread. Don't worry about leveling up now, wait until you get Grubb and Runner. Experience received from battle is made available to all characters, even when they're not yet in your party. After reaching the west edge of the Badlands, you'll appear back on the shell 2 map but on the other side. From here you can only go back the way you came, or head west to Azziz's Temple (3). This ought to give those parents that say "the uphills both ways" thing something to think about.

Azziz's Temple (3) What to Do: When arriving, the younger children will get up and leave, and you notice that Tori is not among them. Azziz complains about you being late but quickly forgives you, then starts into the lesson about core energy, and the fate cards and the gods they represent. After a long-winded talk, he will give you the water fate card. The lesson is over. After taking a look at the fate card, head back outside. There is nothing else to do here. Being concerned about Tori's absence, you decide to head back to Uncle's house to see if he is there.

Badlands (2) What to Do: Head east with as little fighting as possible. I have actually done this without getting in a fight when going from the west to the east.

Oasis (1) What to Do: After entering Uncle's house (2),Tori asks you not to tell Uncle about his skipping class. But why should you cover for the stuck-up brat? When he leaves and Uncle walks in, snitch on him. Uncle will then tell you that Tori hangs around the pumping station (5) and to check there for him. Having nothing better to do than run around looking for an arrogant child, you leave Oasis. (Don't forget to rest up and buy bread if you need to.)

The Pumping Station (5) What to Do: On entering, you'll see Dugan and Tori talking about smuggling items down to shell 3, and Dugan will bolt when he notices you. Confronting Tori helps little since some guards interrupt you; and before you can do anything, Tori will run and the guards attack. Even with Maya at level 1 they're no match for her. Just build up to level 2 by concentrating on the guards and hitting them twice. Then take on the Guard Sergeant (the one in the middle). After defeating them, you feel a sudden urge to hang Tori with a rusty metal rope or to just give him a really good scolding. But, you have gained a heal fate card out of the ordeal. With really nowhere else safe to hide, the only place he could have gone is back to Uncle's house(2).

Oasis (1) What to Do: You're now an outlaw and the Mayor knows it. After he leaves, talk to the workbots about the Mayor and they'll go on strike, letting you enter Oasis. Go talk to Uncle at his house. Tori has run off past the pumping station to Outlaw Canyon. You need to get Grubb, who is working avidly in his workshop to the south-southwest of Oasis.

Grubb's Workshop (4) What to Do: After talking to Grubb about Tori, he and Runner will join you. Before you leave, pick up the power generator (2) in the east side of the room. Now would be a good time to go back to the Badlands (2) to level up and earn money for better equipment. But first, head back to Oasis and enter the southwest area - AKA: The Junk Heap.

Junk Heap (3) What to Do: In the northwest corner is a wrecked airplane (2) in poor condition. Have Grubb take a look at it and he'll find the turbo engine - it's good for a few bucks but nothing else. Now level up in the Badlands, buy equipment, and then head to the Pumping Station. Make sure you buy some wards to get rid of the armored crab's berserk spell attack (it occurs a lot less frequently than in the demo).

The Pumping Station (5) What to Do: Instead of heading up the ramp, walk around to the east of it and then north. Lying in a neat coil on the ground are the wire conduits (3). Pick them up and then head up the ramp until you reach the fan. To the left of the fan is a box (4). Have Grubb look at it twice, and then use the wire conduits and power generator on it. After the small explosion, head past the now unmoving fan and exit the pumping station via the NE exit. Hoping that Maya and Grubb aren't afraid of heights, walk carefully along those pipes (don't worry, you can't fall). At the end you'll find yourself entering the hardest part of Chapter 1 - the Desert Pipes.

Desert Pipes (6) What to Do: This place is not only a maze, but it has the deadliest creature in the demo - the armored crab. It only takes 10 HPs of damage, but until you attain higher levels you will have to hit it 10 times. After walking down the entrance ramp, head south along the western wall, then follow it west to the large crab, good luck on your first encounter with the menace. After killing it, head up the ramp it was guarding and take the west fork. (The right leads to a chest.) At the end is another ramp - head down the ramp and hug the east wall until there is a break in it. Go east through the break and then south to face another crab guarding a ramp. After killing the thing, head up the ramp and exit the desert pipes area. I suggest heading to Galdon before going to Outlaw Canyon to heal up and buy supplies.

Galdon (7) What to Do: After stealing the roots (don't worry, you'll meet the owners soon enough) head to the Saloon(2) and talk to the ruffians with Maya and then Grubb. Grubb will get pissed at their sexual harassment and anger them into attacking you. After killing them, the bartender will let you sleep - for a fee of course - and buy items to keep you from destroying his place (previously, he wouldn't because you were a "junker").

Outlaw Canyon (8) What to Do: Upon entering the place, Gus will yell at you and then attack. After kicking his butt, take the east fork until it ends. There is a chest (3) to the south, but it has a locked door to keep you from getting to it right now. Go up onto the second level (2). This path will take you all the way to Tori (4), with several fights along the way. Make sure you search the body after the Chosen leave, and then click on the Helgak to the west.

Walkthrough Chapter 2 Shell 3 What to Do: After all the story sequences are over, you are placed on the surface of shell 3, with the thought of Wind City in your mind. Ignore the tower to the north, and the forest to the SE, and head south-southwest until you see the three areas crowded together. Enter the one that is uppermost in your thoughts.

Wind City (1) What to Do: You enter the city and first thing you'll notice is that the buildings aren't labeled, and your quest is to find the Cathedral. The Cathedral is on the very NE side of town (2), but when you get there the door is locked, and the guard won't let you in because they are mourning the loss of their dead soldiers lost in battle. With nothing else to do, roam the city until you reach the Capitol Building (7), and enter its Library (2). Along the right-hand path you'll find two books and a large stone head that is strapped down securely (5). The books will give you a clue as to how to get the head, and state that the graveyard has catacombs leading directly to the building you want to enter. Leave Wind City and head to South Farm.

South Farm (2) What to Do: You can't carry acid in your backpack or hands, so look around the shops here until you find the one selling the acid vial (2). Buy it, and talk to the woman feeding the birds (5) with Grubb. Now you should go get the acid!

Graveyard (3) What to Do: You can feel the eirenesss of this place, and right now there is only one enemy here, look at the glowing green spot to kill it. Use the acid vial on the zombie blood (3). Before leaving, scout the area and notice the large statue blocking the entrance to the Catacombs (5), and the path to the east that leads to a chest and your first bird. Use bird seed on the bird (4). The statue is missing something so you better go get it.

Wind City (1) What to Do: Head back to the Capitol Building's (7) library (2) and use the filled acid vial on the bonds holding the Draxx head (5). Go back to the graveyard.

Graveyard/Catacombs (3) What to Do: Use the head on the statue (5), and then kill the beast it lets loose. It is really easy to kill the beast if you use healing items on it, and after you kill it you'll gain an earth fate card. After it is gone, you can enter the crypt. There is no current way out other than where you came in, but head to the east and you'll find a switch (2) to open a door (4). Follow that path and soon you'll find yourself in the Cathedral. After running back out in panicked flight, Corgan will join you but you'll lose Runner (for a very short time). Now go back the way you came to encounter Araym and Duke. When you leave the catacombs Corgan will open the gates to the other part of the graveyard (2). To the NE is a gate leading out (5), but it is shut and the switch to open it is to the SE (3). Before leaving the graveyard, Araym and Duke will attack you again.

Mountain Pass (7) What to Do: In the Mountain Pass, you'll be told your next mission, but before heading off notice that the tent to the west can be used to heal your party. Then follow the winding mountain trail around until you reach its exit.

Shell 3 What to Do: The other places have nothing to offer right now so head to Armstrong.

Armstrong (5) What to Do: Upon Entering you are attacked by Selina and when she leaves she drops a barrier fate card. The place is in ruins but you still need the supplies, so go look for them down the left branch. If you want, explore the right one as well. After getting the supply cache from the chest (2), leave Armstrong and head back to Layla.

Mountain Pass (7) What to Do: Use the supply cache on Layla, and she'll say that you better hurry to catch the Chosen. When Maya talks to her, she'll add that you can get to shell 5 via the Helgak Port. Go out the exit, through the graveyard and out to the world map. The Helgak Port is to the west, so head south to the end of the mountains and then west.

Helgak Port (6) What to Do: The ticket seller is rather uppity and won't let you on without a passport. Make sure you talk to her about the passport. Getting back to Wind City, you find out that you can't enter so head to South Farm instead.

South Farm (2) What to Do: Talking to people will reveal that one of the men in the shops is actually a monk, so go to the SE shop (3) and have Corgan talk to the fat guy next to the shopkeeper. Corgan will recognize him as a monk, and he'll say that the monks in the library might be able to help you. He'll open a secret passage to the library in Wind City.

Wind City/Library What to Do: Talk to the only monk that hasn't taken a vow of silence (3) and he'll give you a passport if you ask him for it (click on the passport picture). Now you have all you need, so leave the library the way you came in, and head back to the Helgak Port.

Helgak Port (6) What to Do: Use the passport on the ticket seller (talking to her about it will do nothing), then you'll be swept away into a nice ride down to shell 5, sort of. When you crash, Maya will be knocked unconscious and you'll wake up in someone's house.

Walkthrough Chapter 3 Gregor (1) What to Do: First thing, head out of the house after talking to the owners, and then head SE to your second bird (6). You must find your friends, and are told that one is here in prison. After heading down the steps, head NW and talk to Malcolm (4) about Corgan. Malcolm will give you Corgan's sword. Follow the fence down to the south end and talk to Corgan(5). Give him his sword then go back up to talk to the Jinam soldiers. Now you have to find your other friends. Head to Mesa Canyons.

Mesa Canyons (2) What to Do: Head up the ramp (2) and then out the SE exit (3). You have to get to the SE exit (3) of this area as well, but make sure to head to the northern part before exiting to get your third bird (2). After you exit you'll find yourself in the third area. Again, head to the SE exit (2).

Jinam Battle Ship (5) What to Do: This place isn't too hard to figure out this time through, you'll be back a few times later. There are two switches (2) (3) that'll open your way to the area where Grubb is (4). Go to him and after he gives you the holodisk leave the ship.

Ankaran Base (4) What to Do: Use your new holodisk on the round pad (2) to the right of Led. Before heading back to the Jinam ship, talk to the Ankaran soldier (3) with Maya and you'll get some dogtags. After he move go get the chest he was blocking containing the Air Fate Card.

Jinam Battle Ship (5) What to Do: Go to the door you previously couldn't open (5) and use the dogtags on the podium near it. Then go to the north-most part to get the power converter (3) via flipping switch (2).

Ankaran Base (4) What to Do: Use the converter on Led, then look at her ship. She'll fly you to the Ankaran Capitol to talk to her father. Ankaran Capitol (6) What to Do: Have her talk to the guard in front of the headquarters (2). But as you get inside you find that General Campbell has already left for the Research Lab. You'll be taken to a secret back way out of the capitol.

Ankaran Secret Entrance What to Do: The only place you can go now is where you were told to go, so enter the underground path and exit the south side (2) into the second area of the secret passage. Head SE and up the stairs to exit this area (2).

Old Mountain Highway (7) What to Do: Exit to the east (2) and head to the Research Lab.

General Campbell's Ship What to Do: Head to the NE exit.

Walkthrough Chapter 4 World Bazaar (1) What to Do: You start off in the Red Light District (1) in the brothel (Ill Repute), and are greeted by Gunnar who gives you a summon fate card. Put Led in your party and have her look at the chain to the explosive crate right outside the building (2). A visit to the Shipping District captain (2) will tell you to free Araym. Go back to the Ill Repute (3) and head upstairs to talk to the bounty hunter (2) there. He'll attack you outside while standing right in front of the crate, so shoot it for an easy battle to get his key. Take the key to the Bounty Hunter District and use it on the drain pipe's wheel (4). Then go inside, make your way to the other exit via the path, and enter the second area. Flip the switch at (2) and go free Araym (3). After returning to the brothel, put him in your party and go back to talk to the captain with him in order to head down to shell 7. Before you leave, though, you might want to get the fourth bird waiting in the Bounty Hunter District in the building next to their headquarters (3).

Shell 7 What to Do: Make your way through the caverns (3), out the western exit, and head to the mining ruins (6). Pick up the explosives (2) and the lantern (3) from the two chests, then head to the dark lake (7). Go north until you get to lake's edge. Use the explosive on the lake to open the way to the north. Go that way to get to the Helgak Graveyard. Pick up the bone (2), and make sure you get your 5th bird (2) as you cross the dark lake. Now make your way back to your ship.

Shell 3 What to Do: You need to go to South Farm to have the carver make a helgak flute out of the bone you picked up, and get 3 earplugs while there. Then head all the way back to the Mold Forest.

Shell 7 / Mold Forest What to Do: You need to head east and take the middle exit out of the maze (2). Then head east again until you see a red plant (2). Use the flute and then the lantern on it, and go back to the caverns. I hope you have a lot of healing items and a good party selected because when you head down the south ramp, you exit (3) into an area and again take the southern exit (2) to encounter a boss creature that is very tough. After killing the creature you'll receive a fire fate card. Go to Bone Circle Village, and when the Underlost prevent you from entering the village, use the lantern on the pole nearby (2). Go talk to their leader (3) about the Chosen ships, and he'll give you a cure fate card and have Badu join you. (Note: There is a bug here, if you haven't installed the software patch, you must leave the village and then reenter it to get him to join you.) Return to the Mold Forest and have Badu look at the door on the northern wall (3). Follow the maze until you get to the northern exit. Now you are in the mining area; go to the NW exit at (2) to enter another such area. Go to the NE exit at (2) and you'll fight the mining helgak. Eventually, you'll be able to get on the Chosen Ship.

Walkthrough Chapter 5

Chosen Ship What to Do: You'll start in a small room (1) and need to go to the exit leading to the bridge (2), but you'll have to flip the switch (6) to go through the door (7).

Walkthrough Chapter 6 Shell 6

What to Do: Pick up the lens shard and head to Pirate Base West and take the eastern exit. Enter Pranno and meet up with your friends and if Araym is not in your party put him in it. The 6th bird(4) is here and you'll need the antidote herb(3)! Now head back through the Pirate Base and out the western exit. Go to Scumm Town (2). Pick up the drill (2) and the shipping manifest (talk to the manager with Araym) (3) at the shipping docks, then show the manifest to the guy guarding the door in the hallway. Next talk to Lobo in the Green Mire Swamp(South Marsh (1) ) until he tells you about getting a tattoo, and notice the other names of the area you can go to. Head back to the Tattoo Parlor (4), buy some meat, and talk to the girl about getting a tattoo. Go to the Pirate Base West and go out to the snow-covered mountain area via the south eastern exit on level 2 (3) to get the Helgak Egg (2) from a guarded nest. Now head back to the East Marsh and use the meat on the leeches (3) there, then pick them up. The 7th bird(2) can also be found here. Head to the West Swamp and find the Sleep Plant (2) which is guarded by three helgak, and take it. Head up and then west and you'll find the Swamp Helgak (3). Use the drill on the egg, the sleep plant on the egg, the egg on the Helgak, and then the leeches on the Helgak. Now head back to the tattoo parlor in Scumm Town and give the leeches to the girl, and she'll tattoo Maya. Afterwards, go to the South Marsh and talk to Lobo with Maya, and he'll give you a dock key that opens the door in Scumm Town's shipping area and a flare.

Pirate Base What to Do: Head out the south exit (2), and then the south exit (2) again. Make your way down the hallway to flip the switch opening the way to the eastern exit (8) . Go through it and use the flare on the sky. Going back in, and given only one possible route to take, flip the nearby switch to open the way back in. Make sure to get the Blue Key from the chest (6). Go out the north exit and then find the Blue Podium (4) to use the blue key on it. Get the Red Key from the chest inside that area and head out the south exit by flipping switch (3). Use the key on the Red Podium (7). Head to the exit (9). This is where you fight Connor(shoot the guns three times and they'll spin around and fire on him instead of you). When he leaves, you'll get the cell keys and the bless fate card. Go back to the cell area where you started and open both of the doors (3)(4). Finally head back out to where you signaled the ship (8).

Walkthrough Chapter 7

Shell 1 What to Do: Go to the chosen city and enter the west district to get the red capitol key(2), then go and use it on the door in the eastern district(2). Get the tank engine(3) and before heading into final district make sure you have plenty of healing items. I had 99 bread 23 roots and more, but almost ran out. Then head into the central district and use the engine on the tank blocking your path(2), flip the switch(4), and then make your way to talk to Gunnar(3).

Chosen Palace What to Do: This place has switches and keys/podiums up the wazoo, so use the tab often here, take the first left and head into the library area(2), also note this is where you'll have to come back later to use the red key. Flip the switches at (2) and (3) and then get the Blue Palace key from chest(6). Head Back out the main area and use key on the blue podium(7) and leave via that exit. OK now try to follow me here, Flip switch(2), Flip Switch(5), Flip Switch(2) again, then flip switch(6), and finally head to where you'll face your first Magi(8), The magi will drop a red place key and the law fate card(shoot his own balls into him) , take it to where you got the blue key earlier and use it on that door, and face the second magi and he'll drop a yellow palace key (he is weak against water) and a slow fate card. Now head back to the main area and use the yellow key on the yellow podium and take that exit. In this area you'll need to flip the switches at (2) and (3) then (4) and (5) and then go to (9) to face your third magi and he'll drop the green palace key (weak against fire). Now head back to main floor use your green key and head out that exit(6). You'll meet all three magi now, but this time they are a breeze remember what each are weak against, and note that they hurt each other. Upon killing them you are given half of the core key.

Walkthrough Chapter 8

Shell 5 What to Do: Remember that the underlost mentioned the Hellgod? Before you can face him, you need to get his claw - and while on shell 7 might as well get the shard made into a lens. So, head to the Ankaran Capital and fight the bounty hunter there to get a research lab key(4). Inside the research lab are 3 breather masks(2)(3)(4) (if you intend to put Runner, Badu, or Lobo in your party, they don't need one masks) and a diamond cutter(3). After getting them, head to the Mold Forest.

Shell 7 What to Do: Leave the Mold Forest via the southernmost eastern exit(5) wearing the breather masks, go down the ramp at (2) and then head east to the exit(4) and get the red village key(2) then make your way to the western exits and take the right one(3), and get the blue village key(3) and then go back down and take the other exit(2) and make sure you get the Hellgod claw(3). Use it on the core key. On the way to the cavern, stop off and give the mining ruins hermit the cutter and shard and he'll give you a corite lens. Head back to the caverns where you killed the lava pit creature, and dip the core key/hellgod claw combo into the lava. Now go to shell 2 and show the result to Azziz. Come back down to enter the Mold Forest again. This is going to be a long trip, so I hope you're prepared. Follow the same route to the Chosen Mines as you did before - through the north door that Badu had opened for you and go all the way until you enter the last mining area and use the new exit on the first level of that area(3). Follow the hallway all the way down and at then end you'll find a switch(2) flip it to open the lower left door(3). Walk up the new path until it Ts and turn right and you'll find another switch(4) that opens the way to the eastern area exit(6). Now you must head to the north and pick up the red core key(2) which closes the door you came through and opens a new path to the east. Do not go back to the entrance area until you have all four keys! At the eastern alcove you'll find the yellow core key(6) and a new path will be opened up. At this alcove you'll find the green core key(10) and at the next on a blue core key(12). The follow it back around to the beginning and head back up to the first area. Head north then west past the switch you flipped earlier and out the western exit(7). In this Area You need to flip the switches at (6,9,11) In any order you want I did yellow, green, then red. Then Exit the area via the corridor behind the blue door to the exit(13). To get past this area you must first flip the switches at the end of each path(2) and then walk across the bridge it creates(3). Now the Hellgod will attack you and when you defeat him you'll receive the mirror fate card, Instead of leaving this area you need to confront Doskias first but you'll find the way to the northeast blocked. Take the West and East paths from the hellgod to flip the two switches(5) to open the way. Confront Doskias and then you'll find yourself back in the mining area leave this place once and for all. Before heading off on the next mission, It is now a good time to finish some side quests and get one bird we had seen much earlier in the game and after doing those head to shell 3.

Walkthrough Chapter 9

Shell 3 What to Do: Now, let's resolve another puzzle that you currently know about. Walk through the graveyard to get to the mountain pass and talk to Layla about the Holy Guard and Gunnar She'll tell you to head to the Northern Forest, and gives you the reservoir key.

Shell 2 What to Do: You'll need a boat to cross the reservoir, and you remember seeing one in the helgak graveyard, but you must find a way to hull it around. Enter the Junk Heap and walk up the ramp to fight Mayor's war-bots, to pick up the grappling hook and pipe link(3).

Shell 7 What to Do: Go the the Helgak Graveyard and use the grappling hook on the large shell(3).

Shell 3 What to Do: Go to the reservoir with Lobo and use the shell on the ocean. You'll be taken to the Northern Forest. The way to the west is blocked so fight your way north, and flip the switch(2) to open a gate(3). Go back the way you came and head through the previously closed western path, and make your way to the NW corner to exit this area(5). Head N towards the NE exit(2), and you'll be stopped by two Holy Guardsmen, talk to them with Lobo. Go out the exit and use the lens on the cable, and Lobo will blast through it. After talking to the guards again leave the cable area and head out the western exit(4). There are two switches(2) that you need to flip to open the two doors(3) blocking your escape. After you get back to the world map, go see Layla(go through graveyard) and talk to her again about Wind City.

Shell 3 What to Do: Return to South Farm with Corgan in your party and use the secret passage to the library. Talk to the only speaking monk there about the Holy Guard, and you're off into another long maze. The previously closed door opens the way to the west after entering this hallway head to the NE to the switch(3) that'll open the door(4) leading further west. Now go through that door the head NE to the room with a switch(5) that opens the other door(6) and head out the western exit(7). Upon entering this area the exit is again blocked by the two doors the SW, and a hallway leads off to the NW and SE forming a square around the central area. The central area can be avoided completely, instead there are three rooms on the outer walls with switches in them. Head up the NW hallway and enter the second doorway you find on the northwestern wall to flip the switch(4) inside. Now go back out into the hallway and head NE then SE and enter the next room to flip the switch(3) inside it. OK now that both of the doors(5,6) are open go through them and take the NW exit(7). Again the exit is blocked by two doors but this time it is a little trickier to get to the switches. Turning to the NE to walk down the long hallway you'll notice two shut doors to your left and right, these will open for you later, but for now head all the way down till it T's and turn to the NW. Enter the western area and make your way down to the room with the door I mentioned earlier and flip the switch(4) to open both those doors and one of the exit doors(5). Now head through the newly opened doors to enter the eastern area and in the NW room of this part is another switch(3) flip it to open the other exit door(6) and head out the exit they were blocking(2). You are now on the roof and by heading east will enter the chosen ship, the ship has the same style but different graphic than the capitol building. Two doors block the NE exit and two switch in the side passage ways to open them(2,3) so just flips them and then head out the NE exit(6). Balcaam will attack you and after defeating him enjoy the FMV and the two items: All Fate Card and Achilles Heel Fate Card.

Walkthrough Chapter 10

Shell 2 What to Do: With nothing else to do, go talk to the wise Azziz, and meet Alisa. They'll give you the key to the Chosen Sewer Ducts, and a mission to get the plans for the doomsday device.

Shell 1 What to Do: Use the key on the sewer ducts(3) and enter the waste-filled sewers of the Chosen. Hold your nose as you make your way through the straight passageway here, and then enter the Chosen Capital Area 3. Remember the greenish/blue podium and door you couldn't enter the last time here? Well, you might be familiar to this area but in order to get in you have to flip the switch in the nearby room(10). Then follow the right wall, without going into the dead-end room of course, all the way to the NE switch(12). Now that your path is clear head down to the main floor via the SW Exit(1) and into that now-available area via NW most exit(5). You'll Have to flip two switches(8,10), to the SW and SE of you starting location, before you get to the Green Palace Key(12). OK head back to the main floor and head north to use the key on the green podium. Face Kaleb and you'll receive the doomsday blueprints, and then leave the way you came in.

Shell 2 What to Do: Take the plans back to Azziz, and you will be ready to stop the doomsday weapon from killing shell 6.

Shell 6 What to Do: You'll find the doomsday rift to the south(6), so enter it. Now head SW to the entrance to the rift, this maze has many of its paths blocked off, and in order to open them you have to kill parts of the doomsday tendrils that you find in the maze. The next area consists of organic tendrils blocking your path but these have pumping chambers every so often along them that can be destroyed. After entering this area head South East the only way you can really go. Killing the darker colored pump(3) will open the way out but in order to get there you have to go back NW and then work your way around to the East then SE to the exit(6). This area is more complex but same concept kill the main pump to go out exit. Upon entering there is only one path to take until after you destroyed your second pump. When the path Ts head to the SE and around the corner you'll be at an intersection. To the NE is the exit(5) remember this for later. You can either head to the NW or the SW they both lead to the same area. If you take the upper path you'll face less pumps but just remember to take the SE ramp down and then head NW to get to the main pump. If staying on the lower level just follow the path around ignore the ramps and you'll end up at the main pump(3). After Destroying it go back the way you came to the intersection and head NE. The next area is pretty straight forward walk kill walk kill walk exit(3). Seems that the doomsday weapon is actually a life form, and in order to disable it you have to make your way to the creature's brain and destroy it. You'll receive the chaos fate card after fighting it of course, to no avail as you find that it was just faking being dead until it is too late.

Walkthrough Chapter 11

Shell 2 What to Do: You'll want to tell Azziz all that is going on, and ask him about Tori. Then go to Oasis and ask Uncle about Tori. Leave Oasis and put Corgan in your party, and head to the Factory. After talking to Tori, have Corgan look at the factory door and after talking to your elders you'll receive a reformatting disk. Now return to Oasis and enter the Smelting Complex. Use the reformat disk on the Mayor's computer(2). After Getting the canal key you're off to Shell 4.

Shell 4 What to Do: Go to the shipping district and use the canal key on the large round sewer door(3). Enter the canals and walk through the first two areas from point a to b. Now that you made it to the lens forest you'll find little of it explorable right now. Before leaving this place, make sure to get both the healing plant(2) the Watchers wanted, and the optic vine(3), then head back out the way you came in.

Shell 6 What to Do: Enter the Chosen Ruins and use the vine on the door(3), or the panel beside it(2). Go upstairs, and to your right will be the 9th bird(4). There isn't much to the first area, don't flip any switches this time through. Head down the staris and then follow this around to the next set of down stairs. Going down these and then to the norwest will lead you to the chest(11) containing the Speed Fate Card after getting it go back up the stairs and make your way to the NE exit(5). Going NE down the hallway will lead you to a switch(2) flip it to open three doors on the E side of the hallway. Go through the middle doorway and make your way up NE to another switch(4) that also opens three doors. Head back the way you came and go through the western door from the main hallway(5). Follow the corridor to the chest(6) containing the Red Temple Key. Leave this area back to the first one you was in, and head down the nearest ramp and use the key on the podium(6). Head through the door and flip the switch, OK did enough things change on you? :) OK use your tab and head south west of here to the newly available exit(10). Again you have only one set path so follow it to the switch(2) that opens the western area then head into that area. Head SW and go up onto the middle platform and flip the switch(5) the encloses this area. At the very SW end of the upper level is a chest containing the Chosen Talisman and the Cloak Fate Card. Now head back along the opposite path you took to get here and reflip the switch on the center platform to make your way back into the first area. Remember that switch you flipped near the red podium(7) flip it again and then get the heck outta here.

Shell 2 What to Do: Enter the Factory and use the talisman and the healing plant on the Watchers.

Walkthrough Chapter 12

Shell 3 What to Do: Enter Wind City and go to the Cathedral On your way you might as well grab the spray can(8). Have Corgan talk to the crowd blocking your path and go talk to the Watcher inside (Layla). Then head to South Farm and talk to General Campbell and he'll give you 1 explosive. But, before heading off to the graveyard, you need to make a trip to shells 4 and 7.

Shell 4 What to Do: If you don't have one already, go to the Red Light District and buy a mixing bowl. Get the terrarium as well. Use the Helgak Flute on the mixing bowl and then use the antidote herb you found in Pranno.

Shell 7 What to Do: Talk to the mining ruins hermit about explosives and he'll tell you he's too sick to help you. Give him the mold cure and ask him again, he'll give you 2 explosives and a pickax.

Shell 3 What to Do: Make sure Araym is in your party and enter the catacombs in the graveyard. Head north to use the explosive on the door blocking your path(6) but also notice the new chest on the way that has the resurrect fate card in it. There are two more doors like this in the maze, so keep Araym with you. After The second door go up the nearby ramp and make your way back to the East until you find the switch(7) that'll close the way out but open the way to the Southern Exit(9). In the SE Room of this area is a chest with a Red Catacomb Key get it then head back to the main area. Now head all the way back towards the begging until you go down the ramp near the doors you exploded and flip the nearby switch(12). Now the way is clear to the Eastern exit make your way to it and enter the third and final catacomb area. Well now this area takes allot of switch flipping to get through first head down the stairs and go NE to your first switch(2). Now head back to that first ramp and make your way along the second level to the second switch(4). Well it doesn't matter which order you do the next in but I'll do the SE path first. Go down to the SE and after going down the ramp flip the switch(10) to the north and then head back to the intersection and take the other path. In this small area is two switches(5,7) one opens the nearby door and the other opens the exit door. After flipping both head into the NW area and get the chest(9) containing the Curse Fate Card and the Vampyre Fate Card, then head back to the intersection and reflip that switch(4). Before heading through those two doors you opened go reflip the very first switch and then after heading through the new doors use the last of your explosives on the last door blocking your way to the labs(13). This main area allows you to enter the three parts of the labs, do this in order from left to right. First enter the Jinam Control Lab and follow the right wall until you find a door and entering that room flip the switch(2). Notice all the dead bodies it shows you head to that area and flip the next switch(4). Then head through the first door you seen open and take the Red Jinam Lab Key(6) and exit back to the main area. Enter the middle area and head straight down the main corridor until you see the podium(2), use that key to enter this room and find the switch(3). Now Western most side and flip the other switch(5) and then head to the are the opened for you and you'll find a Blue Jinam Lab Key inside here(7). Now leave this area and enter the final lab. After going through the blue door the corridor splits in two directions both of which leads to a switch(3,5). After Using them head through the doors they opened. Follow the right wall until you find a podium and us the Jinam security card you got from Jinam Battleship (you did explore the battleship with Lobo, right?) and after killing Draxx, you'll need to open the nearby chest to get the secret weapon. Curious of what it is, make your way back out the way you came (you have to flip some switches to get all the way back out), and take it to Layla on shell 3.

Walkthrough Chapter 13 Shell 6 What to Do: She'll ask you to choose a second team for Corgan here. Both teams will have a hefty fight but Maya's will be much harder (so make sure that everyone is fully equipped). After deciding that, head to the shipping docks in Scumm Town and talk to the manager about transport, and he'll give you the treasure lair key. Enter the Mountain Pirate Base West and take the second level's south exit, the one you went through to get the helgak egg. Use the key to open your way here, and you'll see a glowing light(3). Do not look at it or approach it, but use your spray can (from Wind City) on it first. After you get the pump key from a nearby chest(4), head back out to the main area, and take the north exit this time(4). Use the pipe, and then the key, on the pump(2). Return to Scumm Town and talk to the transport manager again and he'll give you the dock key.

Shell 4 What to Do: Enter the World Bazaar and go to the Bounty Hunter District. Talk to the two bounty hunters guarding the HQ door(2). You'll now fight the two battles I was talking about (one with Maya and the other with Corgan), after which you'll get the other half of the Royal Seal, Put them together before leaving, and the Joker Fate Card.

Walkthrough Chapter 14

Shell 3 What to Do: Go to Wind City's Cathedral and talk to Layla. You'll now have to get the frame for Kyra's mirror.

Shell 5 What to Do: Head to Gregor and walk up the stairs. In front of the house you woke up in much earlier in the game will be a new NPC(7). Talk to Fergus to find out that he escaped from the prison just like you had, but he'd gotten the key when he left. He'll give the Ankaran subway key to you. Now head to the old mountain highway and take the northwestern exit(1) into the subway. Take the next right to head out the NE exit(1). Make your way to the door and use the key on it(3). You'll enter the main prison area, and from here you can go either east or west. To go west you have to flip a nearby switch first(4). In both the west and east areas you'll find a prison key lets take the western one first. The key is blocked by two doors hit the tab key and look at the room to the SE of your current location that has the ten red circular lines in it(2). This is the where you should go first, and after a flipping that switch head into the adjacent room and flip the switch in it(6). Now that you opened the two door go through them and open the chest within(8) to receive Blue Prison Key. Now make your way back to the main area crossroads and take the southeastern exit(3). When you first enter this area is blocked off from the rest so follow the corridor around and in the NW room of this small area is a switch(2). After flipping it head through the door it opened, and hug the right wall on the way down the hallway you'll see a switch on the other side of the wall go to it(4) to open another door. Now you have access to the whole level, look at the automap again and notice the room furthest to the NW that look like a J that is where the chest is that contains the Red Prison Key(6). When you get both keys, return to the main prison area and use them on the podiums of the two doors blocking your path to the northeast. Yes, you'll fight Connor again, and he'll escape at the last moment again. After you kick his ass you'll get Kyra's Mirror Frame. Note that if you have Led or Grubb in the party, you can turn on the generator in the east area(7), then when you fight Connor, just concentrate on shooting the switch behind him.

Shell 7 What to Do: Go to the Western Cavern Entrance and use the pickax on the ore vein that Badu had revealed to you earlier, and you receive Doric Ore. Then head to the Bone Circle Village. Talk to the leader about the mirror and give him the frame the Doric ore the and the lens. He'll combine them into s lens with Doric ore, but he can't cut them into the proper shape. So, head to the mining ruins and talk to the hermit. Give him the lens and he'll carve it into the mirror surface. When he's done, use the mirror surface on the frame and you'll restore Kyra's Mirror.

Shell 4 What to Do: Head back to the Lens Forest (via the entrance in the Shipping District), and go to the tree that had a beam of light and the falling leaves(3). Look at the tree, then use the terrarium that you bought in the Red Light District on it, and you'll get a leaf. Place the terrarium into the hole in the wall and then use the mirror on the beam of light. Make your way to the SW exit(4) and you'll find yourself in front of Marduk's City. A visit to the main area will take you to a rock tablet with the path you should follow if you are devote. Anyway, it gives you the order from easiest to hardest of the areas here: Water, Earth, Air, and Fire. In each of these areas, after you figure out the maze, is a sentinel holding a temple key. The way I took these guys on is to cast a cloak/all, and then an element/barrier/all; of course use the appropriate element (fire if in fire temple etc). First up enter the Water Temple, the two switches in this area are pretty easy to find. To the SE is a platform that has on on it(2) and head west from it stairs and you'll find the other switch(4). Good luck on the first guardian(6). Getting back out is also easy just head up the ramp and then walk around to the furthest one from you and your home free :). Next enter the Earth Temple. Follow the only route you can go and you'll eventually wind up at a dead end with a switch(2) that operates the bridges. Head up the ramp and notice the Y shaped area to the SE on its left end is another switch that you'll also have to flip to get back out. After flipping that switch the bridges will move again, so make you way to the SE most area on the ground level via the north most ramp. In this area is yet another switch that maneuvers the bridges and again remember this spot as you'll need to reflip the switch on the way out. You'll now be able to head towards the double doors blocking you from the guardian, on both sides of these doors is a small area with the switches(4,6) that'll let you in to fight the Earth Guardian. Make your way back out reflipping the two switches I mentioned. Two down two to go, so enter the Air Temple. Follow the path around until you are in an anchor shaped area on automap and head to the east to find a switch(2). Now go through the door it opened, and head straight down until it Ts and to the southeast is a switch(4). Make your way back towards the doorway but instead of going through it head to the NE and then up the ramp and flip the switch(10) to the SE that you'll have to flip later to get back out. Now head to the NW all the way around and when you get there you'll find a switch(7) that opens the final door to the Air Guardian(9). After killing him head back out of this area and enter the fire temple. Head The only way you can to the SE and go up the ramp, and follow the platform around to its other ramp. After going down this ramp notice the 10th bird sitting just to the north(2). Follow this path around until it Ts and take the N and flip the switch in that area(3) and then take the other path from the T. Flip the switch(5) before heading SE to the ramp. Head through the door the first switch opened and after going up the ramp follow it back around to the switch(7) at the end(you'll have to switch this one again soon), and then head across the bridge this created and down the ramp it opened up for you. To the SE of the ramp is another switch(8) which will open the final door. Head to that door reflipping the said switch and go kick the Fire Guardians butt(10). After you've gotten all four keys, head back to the main temple section and use them on the four doors. Go up to the main door of Marduk's temple, and use your Chosen emblem on the door to open it. Connor will interrupt once again, but neither will you fight him, nor will he ever trouble you again, and you'll get 2 daemon swords. Now make the long trek back to the surface.

Walkthrough Chapter 15

Shell 3 What to Do: Equip the two swords on Corgan and Selina and then go back to the Wind City Cathedral and talk to Layla once again. You are about to embark on the final leg of the game, so now's a good time to buy as many items as you can, and give ALL of your characters the best armor and weapons you can find. If you like, re-explore all of the shells and hit all of the unexplored areas (those marked with "???").

Shell 2 What to Do: Enter the Doskias' Battleship NW of Oasis, Maya will split the characters into three groups, and each must succeed. First Group What to Do: There's no heading back now. You start out with Grubb, Runner and Badu, which makes the going slow, but with use of joker/all I didn't have too much trouble here - it's just a long, long maze. Do the only thing you can and take the second left(1). After entering the next area, follow the path NW and take the first right. Down this long hallway are four doors, the first one is blocked off so enter the last room. After flipping the switch(1) head back to the first room that was previously blocked off to find another switch(3). Now go through the door it opened(4). The last room on the left has the switch(5) that will open another door(6). Enter this room at at the very end is another switch(7) flip it and then head into the area it opens up. Walking down this area you'll find another switch(9) right near a blocked door. In the next room is a greenish colored mech dude he is holding the Red FS Key so kill him and then leave this area the way you came in(A). Use the key on the red podium(6) and then go into the next area(2). Upon entering this area notice the circular paths on the automaps a the end of each of these are switches(1,3) which will open the central room. The generator is in this area(5) and in order to defeat it first hit the four switches in the center then attack the brains. After defeating it you'll get the Blue FS Key.

Second Group What to Do: Use the Blue FS Key on the blue podium(7) and go to the exit(3). In this new area follow the corridor until it split to the NE and SE and a blocked door to the NW. Take the SE one all the way to its end where you'll find a switch(1). On going back the way you came enter the second room and at its end is another switch(3) that opens the door at the intersection. Make you way back and head through that door(4), the take the NE passage at the T and flip the switch(5) at its very end. This Will open the way to yet another switch so head to where the newly available are is and flip the switch(7) inside that room. Now head all the way back to the first intersection an go up the NE passage way to fight a blue mech holding the Yellow FS Key(9). After defeating him leave the way you came in(A) and then use the key on the Yellow podium and use that exit(4). Using the automap in this area will reveal 3 red squares. 2 are down one hallway with a door blocking one of them head to the other one that is by itself and this switch(1) will open that door. Now go to the other two switches(red squares) and flip them(3,5). Then head to the NW most red circle to find the second generator(7).

Third Group What to Do: Simply walk down the halway to the very end, and enjoy the final battle and the prophecy fullfilled.


Side Quests

None of the below quests need to be completed in order to finish the game. Some of them do nothing more than flesh out the story, while others give you goodies or special attacks. If you want, you can wait on tackling these until just before starting chapter 15.Although, the Led and Grubb sequence should be completed as soon as you get the chance.

Selina/Corgan Quest

Shell 1 What to Do: Put Selina in your party and head to Outlaw Canyon. Go to the locked door and have her look at it. She'll open it and there'll be a battle. Open the chest and pick up the Holy Guard's seal/crest. Keep going back to where you found Tori here in chapter 1, and you'll find your 8th bird. Only two left :). Go to Armstrong on shell 3 and take the crest back to where it belongs. (There's a big fight here. The creature can be killed a lot easier by healing it with a cornucopia.) Well now, Corgan and Selina will be pals. How about the romantic couple Led and Grubb? Put them in your party and let's go.

Walkthrough Led/Grubb Quest

Shell 5 What to Do: With both of them in your party, you can look in the main building in the Ankaran Capitol city, and choose to save her and not the gadget! :) If you save the gadget, you get a ForceBlitzer. If you save Led, you get two special attacks that only work when Led and Grubb are in the party together - Led's #8 technique: GrubbCombo; and Grubb's #6 Technique: LedCombo, which is really sweet.

Walkthrough Led/Lobo Quest

Shell 5 What to Do: Put Lobo in your group and head into the wrecked Jinam ship if you haven't already done so. Have him interface with the medical computer, then go to Gregor and have him talk to Malcom. With the Jinam plague cured, Led will run up to apologize to Lobo for her treatment of him (if she's not already in the party).

Walkthrough The Bird Tower

Shell 3 What to Do: When you have given the bird seed to all 10 birds, you can enter the "???" tower. The many special items inside the tower make the effort all worthwhile. Unfortunately, you can't get to them until just before starting Chapter 15.

Walkthrough The 5 Stones

Shell 3 What to Do: Go to the woods south of the bird tower where you'll find a "???" area. Inside is a pastoral setting, with a tree and 5 stones. Approaching the first stone on the left will summon a rock beast, which will attack you with lightning. After defeating it, you can inspect the next stone over, and engage in a battle with a stronger rock beast. If you succeed in besting all five groups of rock beasts, (which get progressively harder really fast) you'll get a goodie. Even if you can't beat them all right now, this is a good training ground for gaining experience.

Walkthrough Ghost Farm

Shell 2 What to Do: When you were in the library in Wind City, you did read all of the books, right? The closest book to the door is entitled "Favorite Ghost Stories", and it describes a young boy that drowned in a well long ago. Go to the floating island in the SW corner of shell 2, and look for the "???" marker. When you approach the farm, the boy will run up to you. If you get closer, he'll run off to fall down the well. If you hug the inside of the fence and make your way clockwise down to the well, you can try to put yourself between him and the well, which will allow Maya to break the spell. You'll get a Holy Water - Protection against Undead.

Walkthrough - You Can Ignore These

Shell 4 What to Do: To the left of the World Bazaar, about two inches from the left of the screen, there's an unmarked secret area that Lobo's ship can land on. Inside is a long hallway, with a chest bathed in white light. As long as that light is on, you can't open the chest. Around the walls is a row of lights, one of which is more yellow than the others. Clicking on the yellow light causes a different one to turn yellow. Keep clicking on the yellow lights until the chest is no longer spotlighted. In the chest is Enkidu Bell - A bonus to cast core spells (very useful when carried by Grubb).

Now, go to the top middle of the map. There's an island with some jungle on it. Try landing in the middle of the jungle (gives a chest with a Restore Ring - protection against all status changes).

Shell 1 What to Do: At the island in the NW part of the map, try landing near the small lake (gives a chest with a Luck Charm - increases the gold earned from battle. Can only be used by Maya).

Shell 6 What to Do: Near the southern tip of the main continent (east of Green Mire Swamp), try landing near the woods (gives a chest with a Touch Stone - increases the experience earned from battle. Can only be used by Maya).