1. The ARPANET was the project initiated by the U.S. Department of Defense, which set the groundwork for the modern Internet.
2. The original ARPANET was developed by connecting computers at the University of California at Los Angeles, the Stanford Research Institute, the University of California at Santa Barbara, and the University of Utah.
3. TCP/IP.
4. A backbone network is a connection to the Internet for regional networks.
5. The Commercial Internet Exchange (CIX).
6. The NSFNET was discontinued in 1995.
7. A service provider is a company that allows an individual to connect to the Internet through a telephone call.
8. The URL, www.netnitco.net, is used by a network organization.
9. The two parts of an Internet address are the login name and the machine name.
10. Telnet is the command used to access a remote computer in order to execute native commands on that computer.
11. The FTP program is used to transfer files between two computers.
12. In order to allow the transfer of binary files in FTP, the binary command is used.
13. A Gopher server is the program that runs on the host computer and provides a menu for the user logging onto the computer.
14. Archie.
15. Veronica.
16. Newsgroup.
17. Moderated list.
18. The hypertext markup language (HTML) is used to create a home page on the WWW.
19. WWW browsers include Netscape Communicator, Microsoft Internet Explorer,
and Mosaic.
Universal resource locator (URL).