GCJR Software
 WinAPI Library


I started this library because I wanted to speed up development.  There are a few type libraries like this on the Internet, but I wanted to create my own so that I would have total control.

This library contains the bulk of the User32, Kernel32, GDI32, OlePro32 and Shell32 functions, along with numerous types, enums and over 2500 constants.  I still need to add more, but spare time seems hard to find lately.

You can download and use it for free, but there is no guarantee that this library is bug free, so use it at your own risk.  These libraries were written to be used in Visual Basic and will most likely not function properly with any other language.

You have the following two download options:

WinAPI Type Library (Glenn's API Lib 1.3)

This is just the Windows functions, type, enums an constants.

WinAPI with ImgSource 2.2 (Glenn's WinAPI with ImgSource)

If you want to use my WinAPI type library and ImgSource 2.2 type library, you need to use this one.  The reason is because there are duplicate types in these libraries.

Which ever you choose, be sure to register is before trying to use it.  The easiest way is to open the Visual Basic references dialog and click the "Browse" button to locate it.  Visual Basic will register it for you.

Please send any errors you find to [email protected].

Copyright © 2002 Glenn Chittenden Jr.