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July 14th and 15th   Chicago, Illinois

Congress Plaza Hotel & Convention Center
Benefiting Children's Craniofacial Association


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deco1.gif (2351 bytes) Event Schedules and Pricing

The events are lined up as follows. Please realize that things may need to be changed in the schedule as we go along. These prices do not include lodging or transportation. ALL proceeds go to The Children's Craniofacial Association (CCA).

deco3a.gif (2938 bytes) Friday Evening: The price of this event is $75.00.

On Arrival    Rendezvous     Check In - Get wrist stamped to re-enter.
               Room   -  Pre-registered guests please bring a drivers license or other valid photo id.

7:00PM      Gold Room     Welcoming with a cash bar.

8:00PM      Gold Room     Dinner - Dress Nice.

9:00PM      Gold Room   Cher Impersonator Show.
               If you would like to join our dinner guests for the show and dance, the admission is $40 to benefit CCA.

10PM-2AM      Gold Room     Dance to Cher music.  DJ: Kevin Bernal.
               If you would like to join our dinner guests for dance only, the admission is $20 to benefit CCA.

deco3a.gif (2938 bytes) Saturday: The price of this 9-5 event is $10.00 if paying in advance,  or $12.00 if paying at the door. If you are paying at the door and are wearing a Cher t-shirt you will get a $2.00 discount.

9AM-5PM      Great Hall     Convention
               Cher items and Cher Convention 2000 souvenirs for sale, plus and events entertainment, and mingling with a few hundred die hard Cher fans. Drinks and snacks will be available for purchase.

On Arrival      Rendezvous Room     Check In - Get wrist stamped to re-enter and to attend events. Pre-registered guests please bring a drivers license or other valid photo id.

9AM-5PM      Rendezvous Room     Fans are welcome to meet throughout the day to exchange Cher memorabilia. Convention Staff will not be responsible for items.

9AM-5PM      Great Hall     To learn more about The Children's Craniofacial Association please visit the CCA booth.

9AM-5PM      Great Hall     Petitions.

9AM-5PM      Great Hall     Autograph Book - Fans may sign a personal message to Cher. The Autograph Book will be given to Cher. $5 per line to benefit CCA will be appreciated.

9AM-5PM      Great Hall     Cher Video and Audio Montage.

9AM-5PM      Great Hall     Cher Museum.

9AM-5PM      Great Hall     Name that Cher Tune.

10:00AM     Frances I    Cher Fashion Seminar - Host: Wayne Smith.

10:40AM     Great Hall    "Starbabies" Booksigning by Children's author Wayne Smith. Wayne is assisting CCA in publishing a children's book. Donations to benefit CCA will be appreciated.

10:50AM      Great Hall     Amy Hohimer will sing as Cher.
               Main Stage     Donations to benefit CCA will be appreciated.

11AM-12PM      Great Hall     Amy Hohimer, as Cher, will pose with fans for pictures.  $8 per picture to benefit CCA will be appreciated.

11:00AM      Rendezvous     Cher Bingo - Host: Mary Ladd.
               Room      $5 per card to benefit CCA will be appreciated.

12:00PM      Frances I     Cher Movie Seminar

12:30-1:30PM      Great Hall     Silent Auction - Cher Memorabilia.

1:00PM      Great Hall     Presentation by Children's Craniofacial Association.     Main Stage

1:20PM      Great Hall     Wayne Smith will sing "I Got You Babe" as Cher.     Main Stage   Donations to benefit CCA will be appreciated.

1:30-2:30PM      Great Hall     Wayne Smith, as Cher, will pose with fans for pictures. $8 per picture to benefit CCA will be appreciated.

2:00PM      Frances I     Cher Music Seminar - Host: Ward Lamb.

2:30-3:30PM      Great Hall     Cher Karaoke

3:00PM      Frances I     Cher Trivia - Host: Mary Ladd.
               Contestants - a donation of $15-20 to benefit CCA.
               Audience - a donation of $2-5 to benefit CCA.

3:50PM      Great Hall     Jeffrey Thomas will perform a song as Cher.
               Main Stage    Donations to benefit CCA will be appreciated.

4:00-5:00PM      Great Hall     Jeffrey Thomas, as Cher, will pose with fans for pictures.  $8 per picture to benefit CCA will be appreciated.

4:00-5:00PM      Great Hall     Wayne Smith, as "Laverne", will pose with fans for pictures. $8 per picture to benefit CCA will be appreciated.

4:00PM      Frances I     Cher Career Seminar - Host: BostonQ.

Saturday Evening: The price of this event is $75.00.

On Arrival      Rendezvous     Check In - Get wrist stamped to re-enter.
               Room      Pre-registered guests please bring a drivers license or other valid photo id.

7:00PM      Gold Room     Pre-dinner gathering with a cash bar.

8:00PM      Gold Room     Dinner - Semi-formal. "Time for us to dress like adults, we can all apologize afterwards."

9:00PM      Gold Room     Auction and Silent Auction.
               Auctioneer: Wayne Smith

10:00PM      Gold Room     Awards & Closing Ceremonies.

10PM-2AM      Great Hall     Dance to Cher music. DJ: Kevin Bernal.
               If you would like to join our dinner guests for the dance only, the admission is $20 to benefit CCA.

Smile! - Photographer Stan Kotecki, will be wandering throughout the convention photographing for our Souvenir program.


The non- refundable registration fee is 15.00.

Anyone wanting to attend both banquets and the convention the price will be 150.00 plus the registration fee of 15.00.

Anyone wanting to attend only one dinner the price will be 75.00 plus the registration fee of 15.00.

Anyone only attending the Saturday convention will pay only 10.00 in advance and no registration fee.  On Convention day the price is 12.00 at the door, or 10.00 if wearing a Cher T- shirt.

No age restrictions, other than any laws or curfews of Chicago, Illinois.

We sincerely hope to make this a fantastic event. Giving Cher fans many nice memories to take back home with them along with perhaps a few new friendships.

Profits from the convention, and donations sent by those not attending will be given to Children's Craniofacial Association. This will be a "Thank you Cher" for five decades of entertainment.

On behalf of the entire convention staff we thank you and hope to see you there.

Jody, Judy and Kim


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Coffee, Tea (both hot or cold), Water
Garden Salad
Chicken Florentine, Broasted Potato Wedges, Carrots
Cheese Cake.

Coffee, Tea (both hot or cold), Water
Ceasar Salad
Twin Fillets (beef), Garlic Mashed Potatoes, Green Beans
German Chocolate Cake.


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  Movie Seminar
Tea With Mussolini — 1999
Faithful — 1996
The Player — 1992
Mermaids — 1990
Moonstruck — 1987
Suspect — 1987
The Witches of Eastwick — 1987
Mask — 1985
Silkwood — 1983
Come Back to the Five and Dime, Jimmy Dean, Jimmy Dean — 1982
Chastity — 1969
Good Times — 1967
Wild on the Beach — 1965


Steven distinctly remembers the first time he saw Cher on tv when he was just nine years old sitting on the floor at a family get together. While the rest of the extended family was socializing Steven was glued to the set as Sonny and Cher bantered on their variety show in 1971. Every thing else faded out and has continued to do so all these years later. His taste in all things pop-culture have changed over the years and he has moved from Ohio to New York City and back again. Fads have come and gone. The one and only thing that has remained constant is his admiration and respect for Cher in all her honesty, openness and trendsetting allure.

Steve currently works for a newspaper in Dayton, Ohio and continues to build upon his Cher, and Sonny and Cher memorabilia collection. He has seen every Cher movie on opening night, including "Mask" where he stood in line directly behind Chastity Bono in NYC (she walked over and called her Mom from a pay phone). He recently worked on bringing Chastity to a book signing in Dayton, where he introduced her.

Steven will present "Good Times: Cher at the Movies", a chronology and brief history of the film career of  "the multi-media Princess".


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Fashion Seminar
Host: Wayne Smith

We are very honored that Wayne will be hosting the Fashion Seminar. Wayne worked for Bob Mackie in the early eighties. While there, he shopped with Cher for material for her gowns.

Wayne is currently being interviewed for a book about mentors.
Bob Mackie has always been a huge inspiration in Wayne's life.

Wayne is very talented and artisic. He recently wrote and illustrated a children's book called 'Starbabies'. It is currently being marketed through all Neiman Marcus stores in the United States. Wayne will take time off from his book signing tour to help make Cher Convention 2000 a successful event

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Music Seminar
Host: Ward Lamb

Cher  Music and Rare collectibles.

We are pleased to have Ward Lamb present a seminar on Cher in Music,
and Rare Collectibles.

Ward is one of Cher's oldest fans! He has been a collector of Cher and an avid admirer from 1965. He is one of the few to actually have heard "Ringo I Love you" on the radio! It was love at first sight when he first saw Cher on "Shindig" singing "I got you Babe " with Sonny.

In 1979 Ward first met Cher on tour in Reno Nevada. He presented her with artwork that has been featured on "The Life Styles of the Rich and Famous".  Cher has since purchased original artwork from Ward (who is an artist and teacher). Ward has great memories of spending some exciting times with Cher, sister Georganne, and entourage. Ward has followed Cher with visual and aural interest for all four of her famed decades.

Ward has written liner notes for  Sonny and Cher reissues (three disc set on "sundazed", and supplied personal photos and graphics).  His vinyl and cd collection on Sonny and Cher are one of the most extensive on the planet.

Ward recently had a 7 page article in the Dec.'99  issue of Goldmine Magazine, documenting Cher's recording career.  His most recent work for cd was for the Rhino "internet only" Sonny Bono "Innerviews" cd.

Ward is currently working on putting together the most comprehensive booklet of Cher's long musical career, focusing on her many domestic and foreign collectibles. He is looking forward to giving a seminar at the convention on Cher's musical saga and her most rare collectibles


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Shell's World (Home) | Cher Biography | Cher Discography | Cher Filmography | Cher Convention
Cher Pictures | Cher 1999 Believe Tour | Cher Lyrics | Cher Interview
Poetry | World Events Surrounding My Birthday | Time Capsule | Recipes
Causes | Treasures | Links | Awards | Webrings


This set was made by a very special lady named Cindy of Violetskye's Gallery.
If you enjoy Cindy's work as much as I do, PLEASE visit her site.


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Last updated August 1, 2000
Moved in July 5, 2000
Website by D.K.G.

� Copyright 2000
By D.K.G. All Rights Reserved
No Part Of This Site Is To Be Reproduced Or Copied
Without Permission From The Author AND  The Graphic Artist whose works have been used.