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Welcome to my page!

Hello, my name is Risa, originally from Tokyo, Japan. Currently, I live in San Jose California. This is my fourth years in San Jose State University at California. I am glad to spend time with those who have different cultural value and speak different languages.

I like to watch movies. I watch at least one movie in every week. I like to challenge all kinds of sports. I would like to do a jet skiing, sailing, and diving in this summer. Besides sports, I like to read Japanese comics. Sometimes I cook. (I hope I will not get food poisoning by my dishes. :)) I am a night owl, which is not good for my skin and health. I am happy that I have a few friends who are also night owls.

WHO IS RISA? (Quotes from my friends)

Allen: "Risa is funny with a good sense of humor, has good conduct, is a good mediator, is friendly, is kind, and is dependable when she works. She is an empathic listener who first seeks to understand then to be understood."

Claire: "When she is working serious on something, she is Responsible. When you ask her for some ideas, she will use her Intelligence. When she starts talking, you would like to shout 'Shut UP.'" When you ask her for meals, you could see her Appetite. This is the R I S A that I know."

Hisako: "Risa is great! She is tractable and is a single-minded person with a simple heart. Sometimes she likes to make BAD jokes. :)"

John: "Risa is a really wonderful person. When I first met her, she was really quiet and seldom talked to each other. But through the semester I got to know her better and I consider her one of my good friends now. She is really easy to talk to and whenever something is bothering me I know I can turn to you for comfort and guidance. All in all Risa is a great person whom I hope to stay in touch with for years to come."

Rina: "Risa is someone who seems very quiet and shy, but after you get to know her a little better, then she talks!"

Vickie: "Risa is a girl who only likes to eat CRACKERS and SNACKS. Risa is a girl who only likes to drink TAPIOCA MILK TEA. Risa is an attractive girl who only likes to watch drama in a room instead of going out. Risa is a talkative girl whom I have never met before. I like this friend because of these characteristics that she has."

Yuki: "It's surprising how I met her first time. We could talk as if we have known each other for so long. We even made bad jokes on the first day we met. Our mutual friends were disgusted with our jokes! Now I recall it, it's too crazy! Both of us came from the girls' school though we've (or we'd?) never acted like 'girls' in general. I miss to pat her forehead because her forehead makes very good sound!!"  


---Thanks for those who gave me GOOD (?) words about who Risa is.


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This site was last updated 04/30/03