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What is Intranet?

An intranet is a private computer network that uses the same technology as internet. An internal network based on the internet and world wide web technology standards.

Purpose of Intranet

First, the intranet is used for the improving the company's activities such as publishing reports, making charts and putting new ideas. Secondly, the intranet is using for having private network within a company. It enables easy communication, collaboration and coordination.

Details of Intranet

The difference between the internet and intranet is that intranets are using basic internet technology. Intranets have made internal communication easier, intranets use a TCP/IP connection. The documentation is an intranet are also HTML based, which is what allows them to be accessed using a web browsers.

Internet, Intranet, and Extranet

How intranets support E-commerce?

An intranet is inexpensive, scalable to expand your computer based business. Most enterprises need to control several computers. An intranet provides instant connectivity among multi-computers and integrate many different processes and systems throughout the company. An intranet enables to internal company transaction systems to take actions central to a company's operation. A principle use of intranets has been to create on-line repositories of information. Product catalogs, employee handbooks, telephone directories, or information can be revised every changes occur. This allows companies to respond more rapidly and get higher ROIs.

Intranet with SCM (Supply Chain Management) and collaboration

Intranets can be used to integrate businesses using internet technology. Companies use intranets to improve coordination among their internal supply chain processes to enhance instant communication, adjust purchasing, logistics, manufacturing, packing and scheduling.

Crysler Corporation: Supply Partner Information Network allows 12,000 suppliers to access through the intranet, where they can get invoice tracking information, orders, design changes, and packing information.

Intranets in Finance and Accounting

Many Companies have TPS that collect operational data on financial and accounting activities. However, some management reporting system such as general ledger systems and spreadsheets cannot bring this detailed information together for decision making.

Charles Schwab: Schwab's intranet delivers the FinWeb General Ledger reporting system on-line in an easy-to-digest format. Analysis application provides managers to access nine categories of risks.

Intranets in Human Resource

Human resource departments are in charge of keeping, recording or providing information to employee. Human resource can use intranet for publishing of corporate manuals, job posting internal job transfer, training classes on- line base.

E-Trade: The workforce software on the corporate intranet automate the entire job applicant tracking process. Sources of all application information is taken from the software automatically. Track all applicants from requisition through interviewing. The data re integrated with the corporation human recourse system. 

Intranets in Sales and Marketing

Intranet can be used for selling to individual customers and to other businesses. Corporate intranets can coordinate the activities of the sales such as update on pricing, promotions, rebates or obtaining competitors' information.

American Express: American express uses a web-based sales management system by Salesnet to qualify and track sales leads. E-mail marketing company set up a sales intranet for sharing tools and documents about contract, sales, and progresses to retain remote sales.

Intranets in Manufacturing and Production

In manufacturing field, management information plays an complex role. Intranet enables to handle inventories control, integrating real-time production data flows, changing relationships with suppliers, and volatile costs.

Sony Corporation: Intranet delivers financial information to manufacturing personals. Workers could monitor the production line's profits or losses. Intranet also provides data on quality measurements. Also, it handles to maintain quality and track employees' schedule.

Related Websites Online collaboration service through its unique combination of corporate intranet portal services. website with recourses that will help you to plan, design and implement intranets. Resources for intranet.



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This site was last updated 04/30/03