Note: In no way does this apply to all women, so don't go and hate me for this if you don't think this applies to you.
1. "Oh MY God"
Now I do say that, but not constantly and not like a dumb blond. Gets just a tad bit annoying.
2. "I heard that Claire heard from Julie that Peter said to his cousin who's best friends with Ann that my brother's best friend's mother's cousin twice removed thinks I'm ugly."
3. "I didn't get any sleep last night!"
Maybe if you didn't get up at 4 to do your hair and makeup you would.
4. Caring so much about what people say/think about them
Girls are so sensitive it's not even funny. It's not possible to be sarcastic with most girls because they take everything so seriously.
5. "Does this make me look fat?"
The question every man dreads. Let me clear this up: you lose either way. You say she looks fine, she doesn't believe you. On the other hand, if you say that she does indeed resemble very closely the elephant you just saw on the Discovery chanel, well... you're screwed. Or actually, you're not... for a long time.
6. Being so fake
Girls can be so obsessed about being 'popular' and accepted by their peers that they lose themselves in the process of climbing up the social ladder. I'd rather know someone hates me than have them pretend they like me while they secretly are waiting for the first opportunity to stab you in the back.
7. Being so afraid
Of spider. Of breaking a nail. Of being ugly. Of being rejected. Whatever, get some self confidence!
8. Thinking the Backstreet Boys and Leonardo DiCaprio are the finest men
Excuse me? That would be Kurt Cobain. Now, it's just a question of tastes to think one guy is cute or not. But hey, every girl out there can't have exactly the same tastes! What's going on? Anyway, they're not even men. Leo looks like he's 12.
9. Pink
I hate pink. Why can't we have red or something? Or orange? Yellow even... Anything but pink.
10. Being better looking than me
Well this is it (for now at least), I'm sure you don't agree with all I have written. Maybe some reasons appear weak to you, maybe you can relate very well to some others, or maybe you know of other reasons to put on this page. Whatever the case may be, please sign my guestbook below, or drop me a line.
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