Warning: This script may contain scenes of a mature nature.  Reader discretion is advised.
Season VIII-Episode I-Aftermath
Projected Air date: Saturday, September 6, 1997
Projected Runtime: 13.78 mins.
[Insert shot of Captain N, older and more bedraggled than the man who first entered VideoLand.  At his side is his faithful dog Duke, hair graying, a lean junkyard-type dog.  In the background, a circular portal in a wall of carved stone corners on a wall of static which draws slowly closer.] 
Captain N and Duke at the portal
Captain N (voice-over): It's been... what, eight years now?  I suppose.  It's so hard to keep track nowadays.  No days, no nights, no seasons even.  But at least in the beginning there was the war.  That was something to do...
[Fade to: scene of Palace of Power, general commotion, Mega Man runs in and shouts something, everyone dashes out to battle.  Close up on each character as they are mentioned.]  Mega Man sounding the alarum
Captain N (voice-over): I remember them all so clearly: Princess Lana, always so kind and giving... 
Kid Icarus, always so damned eager to help... 
Mega Man, more devoted to the cause more than any of us... 
Simon Belmont, a more narcissistic bastard you'll never meet... 
And even Game Boy, that nervous jerk...
[Fade back to: Captain N.  The Static now fills the entire background.]
Captain N (voice-over): 
Captain N bangs the portal 

Two squashed henchmen

But then, at long last, the war ended.  We thought we had them trapped in the baseball land dungeon, I should have known better.  Only took Mother Brain a couple of months to blast out, and then... I don't know.  Or, well, I didn't at first.  But it soon became pretty apparent.  First, just the regulars: Mario, Luigi, Princess Toadstool and her retainer, Link, Zelda, Bowser even, passed right through this accursed PORTAL! [Bangs portal with fist.  Takes a moment to calm down, then continues.]  Soon, there were only a few of us left: Mother Brain left King Hippo and the Eggplant Wizard to work things out, Mega Man and Simon left too... Without Mother Brain to separate the henchmen, they destroyed each other in their fight for power... in the end, Donkey Kong just stepped on them on his way out, neither one saw it coming... where once stood our entire opposition, now there was only static... the same static that took Lana...
[Fade to: Palace of Power, scenes follow Captain N's narration]
Captain N (voice-over): 
Captain N v. Joe Hibachi 

The static closing in around the portal 

Kid Icarus gets staticked

Leaderless, the forces of evil could not stand.  It only took a year or two before we owned VideoLand, and all those who stood against us were thrown into the static... 
After that, we started fighting amongst ourselves almost immediately.  Of course, Princess Lana was the logical sucessor to the throne, but others challenged her authority, they actually blamed her for the war.  They were our enemies, and so they too met there end in the static... so many, the Hibachi Brothers, Lyle and the entire population of puzzle-land, most of the guys from Final Fantasy... by the end of year seven, it was just the N Team, and by that time we had bigger problems: we were running out of land.  All that time, for the past three years, the static had been silently taking the border colonies, closing in slowly but surely... 
Just the five of us: Kid Ic, Lana, Game Boy, Duke and me.  Kid Ic tried to get the Super-Warp online, take me home now that the war was over... he though he could fix it, his hands were so small... It overloaded, the resulting charge staticked him and half the palace... all my gear was there, save my blaster, control pad and what I have on now... and the power glove.  Let's not forget the power glove, locked up for safekeeping in the tower.  We decided if I couldn't get home, we'd have to use the power glove to blast open the portal... our only hope, the static kept closing in on us... so me and Duke set off to the portal via Chocobo... like I said, hard to keep track of the time, must have been a couple of months we were gone... when I came back, they were all... Game Boy was linked to the charger, his circuits fried... I found one of Lana's shoes on the balcony over the static... I can only guess she tripped and... [breaks down]
[Fade back to: Captain N.  The Static now is almost upon them.]  Captain N and Duke about to get staticked
Captain N (voice-over): So now it's just me, and Duke, and the static.  And this tiny little piece of VideoLand.
[Pan up to show only about a meter of floor remaining] 
Captain N and Duke about to get staticked, top view
Captain N (voice-over): And soon, it'll just be the static.
End Episode I