Turning N animated GIF
As you may recall, Japan has always had a few thousand more games than we do: They have 7 Final Fantasy adventures to our 4, and last count they were on Super Mario Bros....
The same is true with Captain N. Until recently it was a cartoon segment in "Tamayauchi and Chin's Video Show", but funding was cut. A friend of mine found the script folded into tidy little paper airplanes, and bought the whole darn thing off some kid for $5 and a stick of gum.
According to Yoshiharu Kokamo, the artist who illustrated such cels as were left undamaged, this was supposed to be the grand finale, Season 8. They figured they weren't getting paid anyways, so they just decided to have a little fun. He also complained some of the best parts are missing. This is true: Fortunecity has some very strict rules about what can and cannot be on the server. As a result, these ten are the ten CLEAN epsiodes. I may eventually publish the in-between episodes, if I have the time, space and server...
Episode I:
Episode II:
Episode III:
Episode IV:
Episode V:
Episode VI:
Episode VII:
Episode VIII:
Episode IX:
Episode X:
Related pictures
Stay Tuned...
The Blue
**STALLED**, 88% complete
**STALLED**, 79% complete
**STALLED**, 65% complete
**STALLED**, 57% complete
Decoding, 53% complete
Decoding, 45% complete
Decoding, 27% complete
Decoding, 18% complete
Decoding, 8% complete
Decoding, 1% complete
All missing files still being retrieved. Updated occasionaly.
If you notice any discrepancies in the text, parts that may have been improperly translated, or if you happen to know how to translate a random-access hex dump into JPG format, please e-mail Gonad the Librarian.
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