Warning: This script may contain scenes of a mature nature.  Reader discretion is advised.
Season VIII-Episode II-[RETURN]
Projected Air date: Saturday, September 13, 1997
Projected Runtime: 53.28 Minutes
[Insert shot, Top View of Captain N and Duke, leaning against the portal.  Just as the static begins to dissolve the toes of Kevin's shoes, the portal flies open behind them.  They tumble into a lush gallery at Owzer's feet as the portal snaps shut behind them and disappears.] 
Captain N and Duke at the portal
Owzer: Whaaa!!!  No more guests!!!
Captain N: Huh?  Wha-who are you?  Wh-Where am I?
[Duke chases after Ultros]
Owzer: Oh?  Well then, an outworlder.  Welcome to Jidoor, the westernmost town on the world map.  The world's changed a lot now...
Captain N: The colors...but, the portal was...[tries to stand, turns around, falls heavily.  Crawls to his knees, wobbles]
Owzer: Wow, you're one of them, aren't you?  From Regular-Video Land?
Captain N: Regular Video Land?  Wha...Whe...?  [passes out.  Duke flies in through a window, lands on his belly, licks Kevin's face]
Owzer [to Duke]: Well hound, it seems we ought to get him to the palace.
[Fade to: Super Palace of Power, inner doors.  The doors shudder, then burst open as Shadow glides confidently forward, bearing Captain N on a chocobo with Chun Li frantically trailing.  A powerful man, Warlord S, leaps to his feet and draws the Super Scope.  As he prepares to fire, he is stayed by the slender hand of Princess Camille, and reluctantly sheathes his weapon.]  The doors fly open
Princess Camille: What means this intrusion, Shadow Clyde of Thamasa?
Shadow: This man was found in Owzer's new wing.  He claims to be from that which came before.  [Captain N stirs]
Warlord S: He wakes, m'lady.
Captain N: Ugggh...
Warlord S: Well, he has the eloquence of an outlander.  [A graying Simon Belmont clears his throat and glares meaningfully from the shadows.  Warlord S looks away and whispers to Camille as Chun Li helps Captain N to his feet.]
Captain N: [Shakes head]  Where am I?  Who are you?  Where's Duke?  What's going on?
Princess Cammy?!?
All will be answered in good time, stranger.  [Steps forward into the light, revealing herself to be Cammy of Street Fighter fame.]  My name is Princess Camille, ruler of Super Video Land.  You are in the Super Palace of Power.  You, unless I miss my guess, are the legendary Captain N from Regular Video Land, in which case Duke would be your dog.  He is being given a bath in the north wing, I will take you there personally when the business at hand is concluded.  As to what's going on, that will take some explaining.
Simon Belmont: [Steps forward]  Perhaps I could be of some assistance.
Captain N: S-S-S-Simon?!?  Is that really you?  But I thought...
Simon: Look, unless Duke's changed his opinion of baths in the past five years, I think I better just explain along the way.

[Cut to: the hallway.  Captain N staggers between Simon and Camille, rubbing his temples in confusion.]
Simon: Basically, everyone that disappeared in Video Land came through the portal just as you did.  At least, all those that disappeared before the static..
Captain N: Right, right, but what about after the static?
Camille: Well, from what we've been able to figure, some of them made it through the portal.  However, Donkey Kong was among the last.
Captain N: [Stops]  You mean...
Simon: If the static got to 'em first, they aren't here.
Captain N: [Lowers head]
Camille: Kevin?  Are you gonna be okay?  [In the background, Duke yipes]
Simon Belmont: Kevinicus?
Captain N: Yeah.  Yeah, let's go.
[Cut to: the bathhouse.  Ariel the Little Mermaid, E. Honda, and Funky Kong all try desperately to restrain a fleeing Duke.  On the door being opened, Duke leaps directly into Captain N's waiting arms, Funky Kong slips on the soap and runs into E. Honda, and they all fall with a splash into the washbasin as Simon and Camille attempt to mask their laughter behind hands.]  The Washbasin Scene
Captain N: We-hell, hey there big fella.  [The help starts untangling themselves from the washbasin.]  Um, I don't...I don't know any of these people, do I?
Camille: [forces a straight face]  Ah, in that case introductions would be in order.  Captain N, this is Ariel Mermaid of DisneyLand, E. Honda from my hometown, FighterLand, and Funky Kong of KongoLand.
Captain N: Now, the first two I'm sure I've never heard of, but...did you say KongoLand?
Funky Kong: Whooooooooaaaaaaa, the original, in the pink.  Whatup, great one?
Captain N: You...would you be any relation to Donkey Kong?
Funky Kong: Well, uhhh, do you mean as in Senior or as in Junior?
Camille: You see, Kevinicus, the old Donkey Kong, the one from your world,  is ancient in this world.  His grandson now games on the side of righteousness.  [Duke barks, jumps down and starts sniffing at Camille's leg.]
Captain N: Uh-oh, someone's in the mood for supper.  You wouldn't happen to have any grubbage on you now, would you?  [Camille cocks one eyebrow, confused]
Simon: He means food, m'lady.  This way, Kevin, the dining hall's in the east wing.
[Cut to: the throne room.  Hidden behind a tapestry, Warlord S and Chun Li whisper in conspiratorial tones] The traitors' conference
Chun Li: This outlander could severely disrupt our plans for this war, m'lord.
Warlord S: Nonsense, nonsense.  That fool is from a weaker world, he will pose no danger, and we have been discreet enough he will never uncover my-OUR purpose, my love.
Chun Li: I-I suppose, m'lord, but my instincts misgive me.
Warlord S:
A spy escapes
Tarry not.  Soon our time will come.  The false queen, AND her new relic, will meet their unfortunate end.  Then I will rule this kingdom and its eternal war, and you shall be my queen.  [Ziegfried, spy for the New Brain Army, detaches from a fern and slips off into the shadows]
 [Cut to: the east wing hallway.  Simon leads, Camille and Kevin walk arm-in-arm, Duke trails]
Camille: Well, GameMaster, now that you're all caught up on the history, there are some present matters I wish to discuss with you.  I suppose you are familiar with the entity known as Mother Brain?
Captain N: Oh no, don't tell me she...
Camille: She was one of those who came through during the second wave.  She has repeatedly united the forces of darkness against us, but somehow...somehow now she is stronger, harder to find.  Her strategies often prove too much even for our Warlord.
Simon: [Turns, starts walking backwards] Your wonderfulness, I don't think he's been told the story.  [To Kevin]  You see, you were chosen practically at random.  The situation was desperate, we didn't have time to pick and choose our GameMaster.  In this world, they did.
Camille: You see Kevin, back when Mario was here he taught us about the world that came before, about how Mother Brain ruled the world for such a long time that the people suffered.  He said that to avoid it, he would choose a Warlord, one who knows how to fight.  So Mario chose Warlord S.
Simon explaining things
Exactly.  So once Mario settled on this guy, instead of just yoiking him through the SuperWarp like we did with you, He had Cid design a communications array.  Through this contraption he could contact the outside "real" world, so Warlord S could make up his own mind, get his supplies together, and get his affairs in order.  When that was done, Cid made a bigger, better SuperWarp, one that can take more than just the physical but the mind as well.  This way , he has a clear memory of everything that came before, and he'll have a clear memory if he ever leaves.
Captain N:
Enter Cid
You keep mentioning this Cid character.  I've never heard of him.  Who is...[as Simon passes a door, it flies open outwards, smacking him soundly in the head.  As Captain N and Camille help him to his feet Cid, a short bespectacled man in a yellow overcoat runs out into the hall, laden with a tray of tiny screws, bolts, etc.  In his haste he trips over Simon, and rolls to a stop in the corner.]
Camille: [Grunts as she helps Simon back to his feet, brushes back a stray lock of hair.]  THAT, is Cid.
An impromptu introduction
Pleased to meet you, how are you, who are you, doesn't matter, gotta run.  [Starts picking up his hardware, Duke jumps on him from behind, it all goes flying again.]  Dag-stupid dog!  Get off of... waitaminute, you're...[points to Duke.]  Which means that you're...[points to Captain N, who nods.]  But you can't... but, well, you've got the gear, and the d... but, but the portal, it's...it's...
Simon: [Pulls Cid to his feet by the back of his shirt]  Cid, walk with me, talk with me.
Cid: Bu-bu-bu-but...
[Cut to: the royal dining hall.  As the doors open, Duke rushes in, leaps on the table and starts eating out of the serving dishes as Samus, Cyan and Mog try in vain to get him off.  Simon and Cid enter next, followed by Camille and Captain N, still arm in arm] Duke makes himself at home
Simon: [entering]...and apparently Owzer just opened the portal on this side by accident.  And not a moment too soon, I might add!
Cid: Amazing.  Who would have thought, the legendary GameMaster himself would port after all.
Captain N: [entering]  Yeah Cid, that's just great, but can your great new...what's it called again?
Cid: Transaxle Warp-shift generator.
Captain N: Right, can it get me home?  [everyone stops, silence.  Even Duke has frozen in mid-bite, sensing the tension.]
Camille: [quietly]  But...we thought you would stay, help us win the battle against The New Brain Army.
Captain N: Well, no offense to your hospitality, but this...this isn't what I signed up for.  I really ought to be getting home now, it's been...
Cid: Eight years, 2 months, 27 days, 5 hours, 13 minutes, 12.453789...
Captain N: Right.  Too long.  Besides, Simon, you said it yourself, I was just picked at random.
Camille: Please Captain N, just until the battle's over...
Captain N: Right, I've heard that one before.

[Close up on Camille's face]
A heartfelt plea

[Cut back]
Captain N: Duke, how do I always get suckered into these things?
Camille: So you'll do it?
Captain N: So it seems.
Cid: Great, lovely meeting you, bye!  [exits]
Simon: Hey, wait up!  [exits]
Camille: [Notices the others, who have resumed eating.]  Oh!  More introductions then.  Everyone, this is Captain N, the GameMaster.  Captain N, I'd like you to meet Samus Aran, Cyan Garamonde, and Mog.
Samus: We meet again.  You seem well.
Cyan: [Mouth full]  Hey.
Mog: [Jumps and twirls]  Kupopo!
Camille: That should pretty much conclude the introductions so far as our army is concerned.  Except for...has anyone seen...

[Fade to: Wendy O. Koopa on the bridge from Mortal Kombat I, so that the voices blend.  She faces Mega Man X, wand at the ready.]
Wendy: Mega Man X?  You wished to see me?
MMX: Yes.  [Charges blaster]  I was told you know of the location of the new portal.  I would have this knowledge.
Wendy: Too bad for you, chrome-dome, because you're never gonna get it!  [Swings wand, the fireball grazes MMX.  He counters, the fireballs collide and cancel out.]
Sneak Attack!
I could keep at this for weeks.  But it so happens I'm in a bit of a hurry, so...RUSH!  NOW! [Rush jumps down from the gargoyle on which he is perched, charges Wendy O Koopa and knocks her over the edge.  MMX catches her with Samus' Grappling Beam, but Wendy still gets spiked through the belly and starts turning blue]
Wendy: AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!  [Coughs.]  Cheater!  You'll pay for your treachery!
MMX: The portal, horn-head.  WHERE IS IT?
Wendy: [Coughs, then cackles.]  Why...don't you ask...Mario?  [Laughs maniacally, then wriggles free of the spike and plunges to her doom.  Rush settles down beside MMX]
MMX: But Mario isn't here, he was one of the first...to...leave....

[Cut to: the east hallway.  Simon and Cid walk back to the site of the accident and once again pick up the nuts and bolts.]
Simon: So, Cid ol' boy, what do you make of the rumors?
Cid: Rumors?
Simon: [Stops]  You know, about there being a new portal, one that will take us all to a better land, one free of war and villainy... 
Cid: Keep up, are you here to help me or not?  [Simon continues to pick up the nuts and bolts.]  Actually, I hadn't heard any rumors of the sort.
Simon: Yes, but think about it!  Mario, Luigi and the rest of the regulars have already disappeared, Link's been missing for weeks now, do I have to spell it out for you?
Cid: And that would explain the mysterious appearance of your friend...Well, it certainly deserves some looking into.  I'll see what I can find out, you see what you can find out.  Who knows, it might even turn out to be true!  [Grabs the last handful, puts them on the tray.  He stands up quickly and strolls down the hall.]
Simon: [Follows.]  So which way you headed?
Cid: West Wing.  R&D.  Gotta teach the robot kid a thing or two about hacking into my databases.
Simon: Right, I'm headed for the throneroom for briefing, I'll go with you.  [Trips over something in the shadows, upsetting Cid's tray AGAIN.]  giambastiani, Clyde, how many times do I have to...[Pulls Ziegfried up.]  YOU!
Ziegfried: [Wriggles free.]  Ha  Ha  Ha  Ha  Ha.  Give up?
Simon: [Pulls a wicked looking dagger out of his coat, throws it and hits Ziegfried in the gut.]  Gee Ziggy, what do you think?
Ziegfried: [Draws sword, attacks four times and barely scratches the ancient jacket.  Coughs sickly, stumbles.]  I am Siegfried, the greatest swordfighter in the world.
Simon: [Punches Ziegfied unceremoniously in the nose, knocking him out.]
Yeah, I'll bet.  [Recovers knife, Ziegfried turns into a blue silhouette and is swallowed up by the floor.]
Cid: But the only way in here is through the throne room, which would mean...
Simon: No kidding, Cid.  There's a traitor in our midst. 
Cid: [Looks back down the hall to where Captain N and the Princess sit.]  And I've got a sneaking suspicion our outlander friend isn't who he claims to be.

End Episode II