Warning: This script may contain scenes of a mature nature.  Reader discretion is advised.
Season VIII-Episode III-CONT
Projected Air date: Saturday, September 20, 1997
Projected Runtime:  57.9 Minutes
[Fade from Black to: Simon and Cid in the hallway.  Cid resolutely marches along, Simon frantically trails.  Simon defends his case
Simon: That's impossible Cid!  I'm telling you, this IS Captain N!
Cid: And what makes you so sure of that?  Huh?  All we know is, he looks a little bit like him, he has his gear, and a wildly improbable story.
Simon: [Trips, Cid yanks tray away just in time, banging it into the wall, spilling contents all over again.  Bends to help pick them up again.]  Yeah, but what about Duke?  If it was an impostor, wouldn't Duke, like, I dunno, resist or something?
Cid: How do we know it's really Duke?  Not like we have his thumbprint on file or something....
Simon: But...Well, I just know it's Kevinicus.  I would know if it was an impostor.  Trust me.  Now can we drop it?
Cid: Just trust you?  Some guy, who may or MAY NOT be the dead GameMaster returned from the grave, comes waltzing in with a dog that claims to be Duke and some gear he claims to be authentic, and you're ready to just hand over protection of the princess to him on a HUNCH?  Simon, we're dealing with a very dangerous...
Simon gets cheesed
[Jacks Cid up against the wall, upsetting the tray yet again.]  Now you listen to me, you hopeless gutless little worm of a man!  Kevinicus has saved my skin more times than you've screwed up one of our formerly fine gizmos with your special little improvements.  Now I don't know who the hades you think you are, but you have NO PLACE spitting on The GameMaster.  He has more guts than you have screws, you bucktoothed freak!  [Sets Cid down]
Cid: [Straightens collar.]  Unless he's an impostor from the other side, one who killed your Kevinicus.
Simon: He's not.  [Exits, scattering the screws as he leaves.]
Cid: [Aside]  Well, we see where his loyalty lies.  Excellent....
[Cut to: Super Palace of Power, throne room.  At the sound of harsh barking, Warlord S steps out from behind the tapestry to the door.  A slightly disheveled Chun-Li nonchalantly takes a seat on the steps to the dais. Another interruption.
Chun-Li: Why is it every time we get some privacy, some..."distraction" has to show up and ruin it all.
Warlord S: I'll only be a moment m'love.  [Opens door, shouts something unintelligible, but obviously angry.]
Chun-Li: [Stretches back seductively.]  Now who was that?
Warlord S: Just the outworlder's mutt.  He shouldn't be bothering us for a while.
Chun-Li: I told you he was going to be trouble.
Warlord S: [Moves to sit next to her.]  Only a temporary distraction.  And now he's gone.  Now where were we?  [Hears a subtle scratching on the door, freezes in place, charges Super Scope]
Chun-Li: Not this time, monkey-man.  I'll handle it.  [grins goofily]  Kioken!  Kioken!  [giggles]
Warlord S: [Sits on the throne, as if to test the fit]  Don't be long....
Chun-Li: [Glances back over her shoulder and arches one eyebrow]  Oh, I won't.  [Giggles, opens door, throws out a giant Fireball]  KAI-YO-KEN!!![Duke dodges between her legs and grabs the hem of her dress pulling her back to land unceremoniously on her butt.  Warlord S laughs in spite of himself.]  NOT FUNNY!  [sighs, gets up with a split-kick]  C'mon boy, lets' see what's bothering you.  [Exeunt.]
[Cut to: the hallway.  At an intersection, Warlord S, Duke, Chun-Li, Mog, Simon, and Cid run into one another and land in a jumbled pile.]
Simon: [Mutters.]  Well, this is cozy.
Chun-Li: [Pulls her leg out from behind her neck.]  What's that?  [Duke barks, wriggles free, starts throwing Mog around like a rag doll.]
Mog: Aaaaa!  Watch the hair, watch the hair!!!
Cid: (Groan)  Not again...I have GOT to get a toolbox...[starts collecting screws, this time placing them in his pockets.]
Simon: [Rights himself, pulls Mog roughly out of Duke's jaws.]  Right.  What's all the commotion?
Mog: The Princess!  She's been...
Simon: If you say the princess has been kidnapped, so help me, I'll...
Warlord S: Simon!  Let the moogle speak.
Mog: Well...[looks at Simon]...she was...well, she's just a bit mislaiden, you see...
Cyan: [Enters]  Predictably enough, the Princess has been kidnapped.  Again.  And this time, [glares meaningfully at The Warlord,] I'm going to lead the rescue effort.  Perhaps THIS time we'll be a bit more successful.
Captain N: [Enters]  I go as well.
Warlord S: YOU!?!  For all WE know, YOU're the one who kidnapped her in the first place!!!
Captain N: [Extremely sarcastically] Why yes, she's right here in my coat pocket...
Simon: Captain N. has successfully executed hundreds, maybe thousands of Princess rescues.  And OUR Lana never suffered a fatal wound in the CROSSFIRE!
Chun-Li BOYS!  ENOUGH!!!  Captain N, you and Cyan can go in search of the princess.  Warlord S, you and I will return to the throneroom and..."complete our conference."  The rest of you, return to your posts, we mustn't alert the populous.  Now, Samus, you...Gul'dan it, first Mega Man, then Camille, and now Samus?  What's going on here?
[Cut to: Rainbow Road.  Mega Man scoots by an intersection on Mario's rustic cart, long since fallen into disuse.  Expertly dodging a flurry of glowing thwomps, he is unaware of Samus clinging to the road beneath him, silently shadowing him.  He hits a hidden jump at top speed and veers hard to the left, carrying him out of KartLand and into Mario World I, Star Road.  He leaps from the cart at the apex and onto Rush, who carries him to a gentle landing in the bonus worlds.  Samus removes her helmet, scratches her head, and follows with several successive jumps to land silently in the bushes behind him.] One killer jump.
 [Cut to: Cyan's room.  Cyan works busily at laying out maps and sketches, while a still-dizzy Captain N tries to identify his assailant.] Cyan's Room
Captain N: Well, it kinda looked like this guy [points at a sketch of Blanka]...but then, it kinda looked like this guy too [points to a sketch of the second little pig]...oh, this is hopeless.
Cyan: Maybe not.  I think I know where this one's headed.  [Walks over to a chest at the foot of his bed, rifles through more files than could possibly fit, finally finds one to his liking.]  Ha!  I thought as much.  We haven't heard from this guy since Link disappeared...
Captain N: Waiwaiwaihangonasecond, I know what you're thinking, it's not [Cyan hands him a sketch of GannonDorf] Gannon?
Cyan: Changed a little, no?
Captain N: This is the same guy?  I mean, this is definitely the guy who took Camille, but...
Cyan: Excellent.  The warp to Hyrule is this way.  [exits.]
Captain N: Cyan!  Wait!!!  Ohhh... Duke, you stay here and keep an eye on things.  [exits]
[Cut to: the throne room.  Warlord S sits eagerly on the throne, while Chun-Li stands in front of him, legs spread, and begins working at her blouse.  Suddenly the doors burst open and Cid enters.] The traitors' conference
Warlord S: DAMN!  [Springs to his feet and charges the Super Scope.  Chun-Li shrieks and cowers behind him, holding her blouse closed with both hands]
Cid: Waaaaah!  Don't shoot!
Chun-Li: Cid!  What bri...S!  Lower your weapon.  [to Cid]What brings you here?
Cid:  Well, I was going to do the monthly maintenance check on the throne room's security system...[grins wickedly] but if I'm interrupting anything, I could come back later...
Warlord S: Why no Cid, the Chancellor was just leaving...[whispers something in her ear, she grins and skips off]  Now Cid, I was wondering if you might be able to serve me a favour...
 [Cut to: Gannon's Pyramid.  Cyan and Captain N each fly in by duck and land just behind the gaping hole in the floor.  They peer intently into the darkness below.]
Cyan: You see anything?
Captain N: Nothing.  You?
Cyan: [Shakes head]  Sadly no.  Very well, here's the plan: I'll jump in first, and keep the foes distracted.  If I remember Gannon correctly, my sword will be far more effective than your blaster.  While I draw their fire, you unpause the princess, then blast your way out.
Captain N: But how are you going to get out?
Cyan: Oh, don't worry about me.  I've got myself covered, you just worry about the princess.  Right! [Jumps in, Captain N. reluctantly follows.]
[Cut to: the pyramid interior.  Cyan jumps in with sword drawn, Captain N. tumbles down behind him, silently rolling to a halt at a mechanical coffin-looking thing.  He bashes at the lock with his bare hands, while Cyan and Gannon circle each other, weapons drawn.] Duke makes himself at home
Gannon: You should not have come, Domachien!
Cyan: And you would have been better off leaving our princess free.  Really, what is it with you guys and kidnapping princesses?
Captain N: Cyan!  It won't open!
Cyan: Use something bigger!  [Gannon rushes Captain N]  DISPATCH!  [Charges Gannon, toppling him]
Gannon: Well done, but can you break through my secret Shadow Technique?  [goes invisible]
Captain N: YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!  [Blasts lock, it statics and falls off.]  Whoa, cool!
Cyan: Great.  Duck kid!  [Chants to himself, Captain N takes cover behind a lamp, Gannon's shadow stands confidently in place]   Tritoch!!!  [Fireballs strike the lamps, Gannon is struck by lightning and trapped in a column of ice, no longer invisible]
Captain N: Good call.
Cyan: Yeah, after such a time of playing that magic arrow game, you kinda get bored....  It won't hold him for long.  Let's just get her and go!
Captain N: Right.  [Opens case.]  Hey, it's empty!  [Gannon's fire bats start to thaw him out.
Cyan: Hoo boy.  Alright, when I say three, jump.  [starts chanting]  ONE...[Gannon frees his staff arm]...TWO...[Gannon starts to twirl the staff, summoning more fire bats]...THREE!!! [Captain N hits the A button and leaps to the ceiling, Cyan hops over a nearby bat and puts on a Cherub Down (float ring)]  QUAKE!  {The pyramid starts shaking itself apart, dropping the perimeter floor tiles and knocking a semifrozen Gannon onto his back.  Cyan and Captain N. jump down through the new hole in the floor just as the structure begins to fail.] 
[Cut to: Pyramid lower level.  Cyan and Captain N. land lightly by the doorway, Cyan pushes Captain N. through as the top floor of the pyramid comes crashing down.  Gannon untangles himself from the rubble, battered but basically uninjured.]
Cyan: Go kid!  Oh, and you'll need this!  [gives him a time bomb, pushes him through the doorway as it collapses.]
Gannon: It was foolish of you to dispose of your only ally.
Cyan: Was it?  [Produces a gemstone from the chain around his neck.]  Pallidor!  [Gannon ducks as the legendary Roc swoops down to carry Cyan off.]
[Cut to: A dark passageway.  Captain N crawls through a maze of rubble, only to find the other end cracked but nonetheless impassible.]
Captain N: Great.  This is just...[time bomb falls out of his pocket and starts ticking]  Oh spoony bard!  [Ducks behind some rubble.  The bomb goes off, opening a hole in the wall but causing the ceiling to shake ominously.  Captain N. leaps through the gap, rolling to a halt in a torchlit chamber.
[Cut to: the torchlit chamber.  Natural light filters in through a crack in the wall stage right, opposite Camille.  She's chained to a wall above a pool, with ridiculous contraptions connecting her head and right arm to the hoses coming from a diabolical-looking machine.  The Koopa Wizard turns at the intrusion. A dark figure melts into the shadows and disappears.]
WizzaKoopa: Trespasser!  Errant!  How did you get past GannonDorf?
Captain N: [Draws]  I have my ways.  Now, if I were you, I'd set about freeing the princess RIGHT NOW!
WizzaKoopa: [Eyes start twirling]  NEVER!  [Fires wand.  Captain N ducks, and the beam hits the wall, turning it into a Yellow Koopa Troopa.  Captain N. returns fire, but the WizzaKoopa disappears, causing the blast to static the machinery.  Camille falls limply into the pool, Captain N. kicks the Koopa and dives in after her.
[Fade to: Cid's workshop.  A super warp flickers uncertainly in the background, occasionally gobbling up stray pieces of junk, some of which Cid manages to catch.  Cid tightens the last few screws as a faint cawing sounds in the background, accompanied by a shadow in the window and a far-away thump.  Cid walks distractedly to seek the source, when his semi-blockaded door flies open under the considerable weight of Warlord S.] Cid's workshop
Warlord S: I do not recall asking you to gaze out the window, tinkerer.  I am entirely capable of doing so myself.
Cid: [turns] Yes, and without me your precious weaponry would be useless.  Hold your tongue.
Warlord S: [scoops up Super Scope] Care to test that theory?  [charges it]
Cid: Try me.  [Warlord S fires.  The shot is deflected and sucked into the Super Warp, a explosion rocks the room and a hubcap rolls out of the Warp and into the room, stopping at Warlord S's feet.  Cid doesn't even flinch.]
Warlord S: M..mm...my jeep!  YOU BLEW UP MY JEEP!
Cid: [Snatches Blaster away, tweaks it.]  I did no such thing.  You blew up your own smoldering jeep.  Now your pad [slaps it into the warlord's waiting palm] is fully functional, but SloMo's been disabled.  This doubles your charge, plus it eliminates the trouble you've been having with instant restarts.  [Warlord S grumbles, Cid returns the blaster]  This is a bit more accurate, and I managed to almost halve the reload time.  Now be careful with this!  Someone might get hurt!
Warlord S: [Holds blaster to Cid's head]  That's the plan, worm.  [Pulls the trigger, no effect]
Cid: [Rolls eyes] I said I HALVED the reload time, not eliminated.  Now if you keep this up I'm gonna hafta take it away from you.  Now it doesn't recharge as fast as Captain N's.  In truth, I have no idea how he managed to miniaturize an entire recharge cell...
Warlord S: I didn't ask you for excuses, little man, I asked you for results.  Now you have about 76 hours to figure it out, before I...
Cyan: [Enters]  Warlord!  Cid!  There you are.  Have either one of you seen Captain N? 
Warlord S: [Sarcastic]  Well, he was with you....
Cyan: We...got separated.
Captain N: [Enters on Chocobo, behind an unanimated Cammy.  He ducks at the threshold, pulling Cammy's cell with him, dismounts, and carries her under one arm, setting her 2-dimensional form against the wall.  Chun-Li trails, wringing her hands and generally being useless, while Duke does his best to be underfoot]  Somebody give me a hand, will ya?
Cid: [Brushes past Warlord S. and Cyan]  One side one side!  [examines her breathing and idling, but otherwise motionless form.]
Warlord S: She's dead.  She's dead, and Captain N. killed her.  You all know what THAT means.
Cid: Oh stop being so melodramatic.  [turns to Captain N.]  Somebody used a Ripper on her.  From the looks of things, someone was trying to rip out her AI, and replace it with a slightly altered version...
Chun-Li: Again.
Cid: [glares]  Yes, yes, AGAIN.  She does seem rather prone to this sort of thing...
Simon: [Enters]  You should have seen how often Lana got kidnapped.  Or I got amnesia, or Kid Icarus enchanted the wrong guy, or...
Cid: REGARDLESS.  Her AI was removed, you just have to find out where it is, and bring it here.
Warlord S: [rather too hopefully]  But, wouldn't they have just deleted it?  [Chun-Li elbows him]
Cid: No, no, AIs are frightfully difficult to catch. I believe I have...[rummages through a box, finds a pear-shaped gizmo] AHA!  Yes, this ought to help you catch it.  [tosses it to Captain N.]  Press the red button on the top when you're within 5 feet of it, that'll trap it in the containment chambre.  Once you've caught it, place this needle here at the base of the skull, and press the blue button on the bottom.  That returns the AI to the cell, and she'll return to the third dimension.  [notices Cyan making for the door] Hey!  Where are you off to?
Cyan: I have a lead to trace.  [Draws the Sky Render]  And a rematch to attend.
[Cut to: Thamasa's courtyard.  Gannon walks cautiously to the tree in the center of the courtyard, and suddenly stiffens.] Cid's workshop
Gannon: [turns]  How long have you been there.
Cyan: Long enough.  Where's the AI?
Gannon: Direct, aren't you?  Well, the knowledge will avail you little where you're headed.  Her AI is under lock and key in Mother Brain's chamber.  Fat lot of good It'll do YOU!  [throws staff, slices cleanly through Cyan's cloak of invisibility and with it his stomach.  He falls to his knees and begins to fade blue.]  Ha.  Stealth.  Against me.  I INVENTED stealth, you little spoon.  Well, you've paid for your insolence.
Cyan: A...and...n-n-now...y-you...p-p-pay fohor...yours....[An aura of magic surrounds him, he stumbles to his feet.]  M-M-MERTON!!!  [Gannon freezes for an instant and turns back, helpless before the storm of fire that rips into him, leaving only fire in its wake.  Cyan and Gannon are reduced to faint blue blobs that quickly fade away.]
Strago Magus: [enters from the door of a burning building, turns to appraise the devastation.]  Oh, this is just...[raises his arms]  FLAMES BE GONE!!!
[Fade to black.]
End Episode III