Warning: This script may contain scenes of a mature nature.  Reader discretion is advised.
Season VIII-Episode IV-Stay tuned...
Projected Air date: Saturday, October 4, 1997
Projected Runtime:  47.2 Minutes
[Fade from Black to: the throne room.  Camille continues to idle against the back wall, while Warlord S occupies her throne.  Chun-Li waits nearby with an armload of scrolls, while Captain N, Cid, Simon and Strago wait impatiently for their turn to speak. [Image unknown]
Warlord S: Next order of business?
Chun-Li: M'lord, Simon requests audience regarding  the recent Vampire problems.
Simon: Thank you.  Ever since I was so unceremoniously retired, Count Dracula's forces have run rampant.  Without a Vampire Hunter, nobody holds them in check!  One of them has already taken residence in MarioLand's haunted house, we've got six reaking havoc in DisneyLand, it's chaos!  Your supreme stupbornness, your subjects simply do not have the knowledge necessary to repel such an affront!
Warlord S: Lord Belmont, really, be rational!  You're far too old to stand against these forces, why don't you just leave such matters in the capable hands of others....
Simon: What others?  There are no others!  All the other Belmonts have either been blued or have mysteriously disappeared.  What we need is...
Cid: Listen, before you two start throwing things, there are more serious things we should be worried about.  The blue is closing in on us, just as our illustrious GameMaster claims happened to his realm.  Unless we act, we too shall all slowly be devoured by the blue.
Warlord S:  [yawns]  wait your turn, little man, the world is hardly going to collapse for want of common courtesy.
Cid: BUT THAT'S EXACTLY IT!  Unless we do something, and I mean NOW, we're going to be looking at total destruction of the realm in under a week.
Warlord S: Well, when you're doomed you're doomed.
Cid: What?!?  You're gonna give up just like that?
Warlord S: Why not?  You got a better idea?
Cid: I've been working on a theory, with a little tweaking I may be able to build a device to stop, and eventually reverse the blue.  It'll take a little time, of course...
Warlord S: Time we don't have.  Chances are good that the enemy is having every bit as much trouble with The Blue as we are.  I say, we let them worry about it, and while they look elsewhere we strike.  Besides Cid, your talents are needed elsewhere.
Cid: But...but...[Chun-Li elbows Warlord S and whispers something in his ear.]
Warlord S: [nods] On second thought, Cid, we'll go with your plan.  Just mind you don't let it interfere with your other tasks.
Simon: But what about...
Warlord S: Council is adjourned, Chun-Li, meet me in my chambres.  Now.
[Cut to: Warlord S' spartan chamber.  A cot sits under the small window, a weight-set by the far wall.  Chun-Li enters with hands folded, follwed immediately by Warlord S. [Image unknown]
Chun-Li: [turns]  Why are you so reluctant to admit that The Blue is a threat?
Warlord S: [grips her shoulder and kisses her.]  Fret not, m'love.  I have my reasons.
Chun-Li: [turns away]  Yes, yes....I mean, I know, it's just....
Warlord S: You fear your own destruction.
Chun-Li: [turns back]  It's just that after all we've been through, to be THIS CLOSE...
Warlord S: [Embraces her]  Ssh, ssh.  Don't worry, I'll take care of it.  Cid's working on our salvation even as we speak.  Then, we "Accidentally" kill Camille, and the kingdom will be m-ours.
Chun-Li: [looks up]  Really?
Warlord S: [Kisses her on the forehead]  I promise.  [looks out the window at the sunset, as if envisioning it...]
[Fade to: the window in Cid's workshop, the next day.  The kid from Robotech is sticking together a series of blades, wires and domes into a complicated-looking monolith.  Sparks fly out from behind it, followed by Cid, who lands in a smoldering heap in front of it.]
Cid: Yaaaah!  Dammit kid, how many times do I have to tell you: deactivate the main power cell before attempting to enhance the field capacitor!
Kid: [shrugs]  Sorry.
Cid: [picks himself up.]  Oh, that's alright, no serious harm done.  That ought to finish the power converter, how's the quantum rack-and-pinion field emitter coming along?
Kid: It's just about...[plugs it in, it sparks and starts glowing.]  there!
Cid: Great!  [walks to the window.]  Okay, power it up!
Kid: Right!  [pushes the big red button.  It sparks a little, then an arc of lightning flashes from one top corner to the other, then to the orb at the top.  It glows ominously, then flashes.  The kid crowds up to the window.]  Is it working, is it working?
[Cut to: a view of The Blue over Puzzle Land.  The Blue continues to advance, and is suddenly struck by an semi-transparent green wall.  The Blue recoils, and slams into The Green, shattering it.] Image Unknown
Cid [off screen]: Transfer 15 amps from the shield regeneration subprocessor to the emitter coils.
Kid [off screen]: But that'll...
Cid [off screen]: JUST DO IT!  [charging sound, The Green flares back to life and slams into The Blue, forcing it back.  The two forces grapple, finally merging into one static.  The static begins to take shape, flickering between images of Andy Griffiths, I Dream of Jeannie and Letterman reruns, increasing in speed until the whole thing flares white and vanishes in a huge explosion.  Slowly, the blue begins to take shape again.]
Cid [off screen]: NOOOO!  Kid, can we recharge?  ... Kid?  Kid, are you listening?
Kid [off screen]: Uhm...Cid?  I think you should take a look at this...
 [Cut to: Cid's workshop.  Where the monolith used to be now stands a collapsing framework and pile of rubble.  The Kid tries unsuccesfully to lift an inert form, clothed entirely in black.] [Image Unknown]
Kid: What is it?
Cid: It appears to be...it appears to be a human!  [Pulls back the hood, gasps]  A female!
Kid: A girl?
Simon: [enters]  Not just any girl.  I recognize her mark:  This is a slayer.
Cid: A slayer?  What do you mean?
Simon: She's a Vampire Hunter, like myself, only more so.  Unto every generation there is made only one slayer, a girl with the unique abilities necessary to do battle with the forces of evil.  What I want to know is, how did she get here?
Cid: [Eyes Simon suspiciously.]  How do you know so much about her.  Have you been tinkering with my machinery?
Simon: No, no, nothing like that.  We had a Slayer in original Video Land, and for a while in Super Video Land.  But she got sucked into this bizarre super-warp while fighting Dracula, and we never saw her since.  Until now.
Cid: Well, the Blue-reverser brought her here.  It's totalled, but I might be able to...witaminute, you're saying you, personally, Simon Belmont, you know this girl?
Simon: Indeed I do.  More than that, for a span of time I was her watcher.  She is Buffy, The Vampire Slayer.
[Fade to: Star Road.  Mega Man X takes a star down to choco island, and Samus silently glides down after him on a grappling beam.  As she lands, the lime-green bushes part to reveal Ultros, who watches them leave with mild amusement before sneaking after them as carefully as an octopus can.] [Image unknown]
[Cut to: the Throne Room.  Captain N. is saying something or other about Cyan's absense whil Warlord S ignores him, when Simon kicks the door open, bearing Buffy's unconcious form in his arms.] [Image unknown]
Warlord S: Excuse me, I don't recall giving you permission to barge in whenever you feel like it.  That reminds me, Chun-Li, see about getting locks for these doors...
Cid: Your General Crabbiness, I have good news and bad news.  Bad news is, I couldn't stop The Blue, nor slow it by much.
Chun-Li: And the good news?
Simon:  I belive our Vampire problems are over.  M'lord, I present Buffy the Vampire Slayer.
Warlord S: What, are we to become a haven for unconcious blondes?
Buffy: [stirs]  You're going to eat those words, Spike...[opens her eyes, jumps to her feet]  Simon?  [Draws her stake]  But, you're dead...
Simon: My dear, I thought the same of you!  You have no idea how worried I was when you were sucked into the unstable superwarp...
Buffy: No...NO!  The real Simon taught me better than to fall for this, this...
Simon: Buffy, I AM the real Simon.  Watch: [he produces a silver knife, slits his hand, and lets the blood pool on the freshly washed tile.]  Could a Vampire do that?
Buffy: S-S-S-Simon?  But...but how did you escape...
Simon: I didn't.  Fortunately I still had a couple of lives left.  Back when that sort of thing counted...
Warlord S: Aw, you know, I'm real touched and all, but I fail to see how this is supposed to help us fight the forces of Dracula...
Buffy: No!  The Master lives?
Simon: In a way, yes. You have to remember Buffy, the rules have changed here.  They've chaged a LOT.
Buffy: Doesn't matter.  [sheathes stake]  He exists.  Let's get him.
 [Cut to: Castlevania Cab #666, a rustic horsedrawn buggy.  Buffy and Simon glare dangerously out the window at the eternal midnight that surrounds Count Dracula's stronghold.]
Buffy: Okay, refresh my memory.  Stake through the heart, beheading, holy water and sunlight, stil all fatal?
Simon: Yes and no.  Beheading is still pretty nasty, and I think the way to go, but none of these alone will take down Dracula.  It's not enough to stake him once, you have to KEEP staking him untill he's dead.  Then remove the head and burn the body.  The head must be tied to a pike and sent out to sea.
Buffy: [Shakes head]  Brutal.  How do you put up with it?
Simon: Well, around here, anything will do damage.  I just stick by the fire-whip and silver knife, an' that sees me through nine times out of ten.  Ah!  This is our stop.  You ready?
Buffy: You really want me to answer that?
[Cut to: the castle interior.  Simon and buffy enter back to back, each with weapons drawn.  A few skeletons charge Simon, he whips all of them to dust in one fluid swipe.] [Image unknown]
Buffy: It sure didn't say anything about skeletons in the brochures.  [Throws a stake cleanly through the skull of a  Skull comander]
Simon: Sorry, thought you knew.  [Double jumps off a bat to the banister.  Buffy follows in one concerted leap.]  Not bad.
Buffy: I've been practicing.  [Blurs a little, turns green, return to normal]  Uhm, what was that?
Simon: I'm sure it's only temporary, it'll go away in time.  [kicks down a door, throws a barrage of knives through the necks of about twenty minion vampires, more enter to fill the gap.]
Buffy: Well, that was pretty se[stretches out of shape, snaps back]vere?
Simon: Okay, that concerns me.  [whips the heads off of a dozen zombies.]
Buffy: [Roundhouses the Son Of Dracula, sending him backwards over the railing onto a spike.]  Naw, I'll be fine, you know how us outworlders can be.  [Kicks out a trapdoor, jumps over the Grave Hand, dropkicks a couple of swamp creatures.
Simon: That's why I'm worried.  [Breaks open a fire jug, clearing the area, then rushes forward to the end of the hall with Buffy in tow.]
Buffy: Yeah, I think I see your logic.  [Flips through the window, down the roof and into the graveyard.]
Simon: Maybe you should [flamewhips a stone monster from FFII] go back...
Buffy: Funny Simon.  Really funny.  [lobs a vial of Holy Water at a Fire Daemon, roll-throws her stake into a Master Vampire's crotch.] 
Simon: You [flamewhips the wounded Vampire's head off] still need to work on your [side-kicks a skeleton] aim!  [whips Dracula's coffin open.]
Buffy: [Throws a skeleton over her shoulder, only to get pinned by two more ghouls.  She bashes their skulls together, only to get swarmed by 80 more.] A little hel...[one of the ghouls holds her mouth closed.]
Simon: NO!  [Starts pulling the Ghouls off of her, unaware of Count Dracula silently rising behind him.  Dracula quietly sneaks up behind and breaks Simon's arm, sucking out his lifeblood while Buffy futilely tries to kick the Ghouls off.]  Aw....b-b-bard...[dies]
Buffy: [Statics, staticing the Ghouls which turn to dust] NOOOO!  [Roundhouses Dracula half a dozen times, stakes him]  You spoony bard!  Die!
Dracula: Vla ha ha ha ha!  Just like all dhe rest.  Jou don't know vhat jour doink, do jou?
Buffy: Don't I?  [Turns for a roundhouse, lets it go past, swings out with both feet on the second pass, sending Dracula out, over the gate, past Castlevania, and into the veldt in FinalFantasy III, where the sun never sets.  Dracula is instantly turned to dust, his bones scatered by the wandering tribes of monsters.  Buffy watches with mild satisfaction, then starts staticing again, this time so severely she disappears, leaving only scortched earth to mark her passing.  A nearby crow sees this, then flies off to the Super Palace of Power.]
[Cut to: Palace of Power, Warlord S' chamber.  He scratches his head, then rises to answer the tapping at his window.]
Warlord S: Greetings!  What tidings do you bring Crow?
Crow: The Hunter and Slayer have failed, but not before destroying the Dracula.  Methinks you will see no more of his kind.
Warlord S: So, it goes, and so it goes.  A mixed bag.  Does anyone else know?
Crow: Not of yet.
Warlord S: Keep it so.  Noone is to know of Dracula's fall.  Pass word that this Slayer was a ghoul in disguise, and that she slew the Hunter by her own hand.  This may yet prove to our advantage....
[Cut to: Cid's workshop.  A reproduction of the Monolith stands ready, as Cid makes a few final adjustments.  Warlord S enters.]
Warlord S: You may dismiss all thought of sending the girl back.  We now know she was a traitor.
Cid: What?  Preposterous, my insturmentation shows that not only was she actually from TVLand, but also that she returned there of her own volition at exactly....
Warlord S: Perhaps you were mistaken.  [Opens coat to reveal the Super Scope, fully charged.]  Go now, I have a message to recieve.  {Cid exits, grumbling.  Warlord S. walks over to the viewscreen and enters an access code.]
[Cut to: the viewscreen.  It flickers uncertainly at first, then gradually takes on more definition until Mario's face can be clearly seen in all three dimensions.] [Image unknown]
Warlord S: M'lord, it is good to see you in all three dimensions again.  You have no idea how maddening it is to deal with these sprites...
Mario: [icily, but still smiling]  Hold your tongue.  I spent most of my life as a sprite, and for the first part I only had 4 cels.  Now!  How goes the plan?
Warlord S: Excellently, m'lord.  Cammy is decommisioned, just as you predicted, and I hold the throne.  Simon was killed, and the two you were worried about, MMX and Samus?  They disappeared.  Captain N showed up a while back to try and foil our plans...
Mario: [Still smiling]  You fool!  they haven't just disappeared, they've caught on!  They're probably hunting down the portal even as we speak!  *sigh* very well, what of GannonDorf? 
Warlord S: He was killed by Cyan, one of the realm's knights.  Would you have me see to MMX and Samus?
Mario: No, no, it's much more important you not alert the general public.  For the time being, continue to hold down the fort.  If anybody tries to make it public, execute them.  Understood?
Warlord S: All too well.  What shall I do about the princess' AI?
Mario: I've got Wedge and Vicks watching it in Mother Brain's old digs.  it's intact, for now, so if this Captain N gives you any more problems....
Warlord S: Bait and crush.  M'lord, you are truly inspired.
Mario: Enough!  Continue along your present course.  If I have need of you, one of your "enemies" will contact you.  Mario out.  [The viewscreen flickers and goes blank.  Warlord S. stands, looks about and leaves, unaware of the kid from Robotech silently peering out through a gap in the monolith....
End Episode IV